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Putin to visit China after skipping US

The bond was always there except some minor disturbances in the 60s. China is the 2nd largest buyer of Russian arms after India and has been so since a ery long time. At present, Russia is facing NATO effort to encircle the country although it was pretty much averted by the Georgia war. The missile shield threat remains however. China is facing psy-ops by the US media and increasing presence of US in south china sea with island dispute. Perhaps china needs to do a georgia to draw red lines.

Our relationship with you with is a mixture of everything, you know. Overall it is still positive especially under the reign of Putin. So lets work towards another era of strong friendship. Thanks!
much more worthy???

Can China afford to lose russia's export? I think China can.

Can China afford to lose gulf states' export? Definitely no.

How often gulf states threats China about reducing exports and no export? Few or none.

How often russia threats China about its oil and gas exports? Well, many times.

Best strategic partner?

Both sleep in the same bed but have different dreams. I will think that is just a joke.

Sorry but Russia and Iran are much more worthy then the Gulf Arabs, we will remain buying RAW materials from. Russia has it's own interests but one of our best strategic partners.

I think russia need be clear on SCS issue and not try to mess up with China interest there. If russia keep thinking selling all types of weapons to vietnam, phillipines is really no concern of China and has no ill effect on bilateral relation between China and Russia, how about China keep doing business with Georgia including selling all types of weapons, as well as raise human right issues in Chechen???

China has so far been quite constrained in expressing her anger and displeasure. I hope russia understand China is way more important than the other two clowns.

The bond was always there except some minor disturbances in the 60s. China is the 2nd largest buyer of Russian arms after India and has been so since a ery long time. At present, Russia is facing NATO effort to encircle the country although it was pretty much averted by the Georgia war. The missile shield threat remains however. China is facing psy-ops by the US media and increasing presence of US in south china sea with island dispute. Perhaps china needs to do a georgia to draw red lines.
much more worthy???

Can China afford to lose russia's export? I think China can.

Can China afford to lose gulf states' export? Definitely no.

How often gulf states threats China about reducing exports and no export? Few or none.

How often russia threats China about its oil and gas exports? Well, many times.

Best strategic partner?

Both sleep in the same bed but have different dreams. I will think that is just a joke.

I think russia need be clear on SCS issue and not try to mess up with China interest there. If russia keep thinking selling all types of weapons to vietnam, phillipines is really no concern of China and has no ill effect on bilateral relation between China and Russia, how about China keep doing business with Georgia including selling all types of weapons, as well as raise human right issues in Chechen???

China has so far been quite constrained in expressing her anger and displeasure. I hope russia understand China is way more important than the other two clowns.

Of course in view of current strength of China, she can do that but SA is not a reliable supplier because of its close ties with the yankies. Why should we alienate Russia because our immediate and present threats are common and imminent?

You did not include india in the basket.

Forget about Ph, even if you sell them a nuke they dont know how to use it. it is semi true with india. Let the Russians milk them to abject poverty.

Vietcongs are different. They are insane bastards. But in view of current geopolitics, everything is relative.
much more worthy???

Can China afford to lose russia's export? I think China can.

Can China afford to lose gulf states' export? Definitely no.

How often gulf states threats China about reducing exports and no export? Few or none.

How often russia threats China about its oil and gas exports? Well, many times.

Best strategic partner?

Both sleep in the same bed but have different dreams. I will think that is just a joke.

I think russia need be clear on SCS issue and not try to mess up with China interest there. If russia keep thinking selling all types of weapons to vietnam, phillipines is really no concern of China and has no ill effect on bilateral relation between China and Russia, how about China keep doing business with Georgia including selling all types of weapons, as well as raise human right issues in Chechen???

China has so far been quite constrained in expressing her anger and displeasure. I hope russia understand China is way more important than the other two clowns.

i don't think we can import any more from Saudi. Saudi net exports peaked in 2007. If it comes down to US or us, they'll pick US to export to any day. Russia right now is pumping more than Saudi Arabia and is safer - the US cannot cut us off.

in fact, Russia is complaining that we aren't buying enough and wants us to buy more, not threatening to cut us off.

if we raise human rights in Chechen they can go right ahead and cause trouble in Xinjiang and escalate. If we arm Georgia that's just money down the toilet while if Russia could sell reliable rockets to South Korea instead of selling them fakes and then that'd be a problem.

in the end, both of us waste resources for nothing. Russia is only selling to Vietnam not Philippines, and I think we can raise this issue with them, but stupid retaliation would just get us surrounded and killed.
i don't think we can import any more from Saudi. Saudi net exports peaked in 2007. If it comes down to US or us, they'll pick US to export to any day. Russia right now is pumping more than Saudi Arabia and is safer - the US cannot cut us off.

in fact, Russia is complaining that we aren't buying enough and wants us to buy more, not threatening to cut us off.

I concur. The big word "SANCTION"!
much more worthy???

Can China afford to lose russia's export? I think China can.

Can China afford to lose gulf states' export? Definitely no.

How often gulf states threats China about reducing exports and no export? Few or none.

How often russia threats China about its oil and gas exports? Well, many times.

Best strategic partner?

Both sleep in the same bed but have different dreams. I will think that is just a joke.

I think russia need be clear on SCS issue and not try to mess up with China interest there. If russia keep thinking selling all types of weapons to vietnam, phillipines is really no concern of China and has no ill effect on bilateral relation between China and Russia, how about China keep doing business with Georgia including selling all types of weapons, as well as raise human right issues in Chechen???

China has so far been quite constrained in expressing her anger and displeasure. I hope russia understand China is way more important than the other two clowns.

PRC has had a steadier relationship (far, far...) with arabic states than with russia (soviet or post-soviet version). no one can deny that. so we still withhold the most sincere form of friendship from each other. but no big deal - because both countries have learned that even if we make bad friends, we make far worse enemies.

there is no absolute geographic imperative that says china and arabic states must be friends - or even enemies - forever. with russia, it is either friend or foe, no with room for strategic ambivalence in the long run, and we both know being each other's enemy is extremely costly to both of us. (same thing can be said of russia and germany - which is why russians must be convinced to make friends on both ends of eurasia - but not of china and india - which is why as a chinese i think we are going to screw india for the long haul, even if just for the fun of it, exactly because it is going to be pretty low-stake for it.)

in the end, trade relations with gulf states are fickle precisely because they lack such geopolitical determination. they are also fickle because i still believe the monarchists are in the pocket of anglo-american-jewish cabal, and sooner or later this cabal will come knock on china's door asking for rent for allowing sino-arabic relationship to go on. an honorable chinese will die before a pence is paid to the americans because he needs to trade with a few medieval saudi royalists.

i whole-heartedly welcome putin and wish the two sides can make the most out of this presidential visit.
Russia is never trusty. we should learn from the history. dont forget that what russians did to china. we lost 1/3 of lands because of them.

The Sino-Russian relationship is just use-me-use-you relationship. there is no so-called friendship between us.
Russia is never trusty. we should learn from the history. dont forget that what russians did to china. we lost 1/3 of lands because of them.

The Sino-Russian relationship is just use-me-use-you relationship. there is no so-called friendship between us.

We will not be enemies as long as US still exists. :coffee:
much more worthy???

Can China afford to lose russia's export? I think China can.

Can China afford to lose gulf states' export? Definitely no.

How often gulf states threats China about reducing exports and no export? Few or none.

How often russia threats China about its oil and gas exports? Well, many times.

Best strategic partner?

Both sleep in the same bed but have different dreams. I will think that is just a joke.

I think russia need be clear on SCS issue and not try to mess up with China interest there. If russia keep thinking selling all types of weapons to vietnam, phillipines is really no concern of China and has no ill effect on bilateral relation between China and Russia, how about China keep doing business with Georgia including selling all types of weapons, as well as raise human right issues in Chechen???

China has so far been quite constrained in expressing her anger and displeasure. I hope russia understand China is way more important than the other two clowns.

No it can't

China can make up from the gulf with Iran and Russia

the gulf is firmly within the US sphere of influence they have their own ambitition including funding separatist aka Saudi Arabia

never has fine with russia now

Of course you prefer the gulf arabs to russia that have noting to offer now and have their own agenda's ?

Don't be such an Idiot Russia is not going to mess with China many Issues, Russia and Vietnam have been doing weapons sales far longer then anything that traces back to soviet times, china is doing business with georgia, Georgia is a pro western ally why would we supply them ? lol human rights on the chechens when chechyna is russian you seriously live in a deluded world, We have solved our disputes with Russia and they are one of our most important partners the leadership we have certainly doesn't share your minority views. your free to have your own views but it's evident that China's leadership views russia as a strategic partner.

Russia is never trusty. we should learn from the history. dont forget that what russians did to china. we lost 1/3 of lands because of them.

The Sino-Russian relationship is just use-me-use-you relationship. there is no so-called friendship between us.

That's simply past history russia and us have gotten over it after the USSR fell it's more then use me use you it was true during the cold war but today different.
Russia is never trusty. we should learn from the history. dont forget that what russians did to china. we lost 1/3 of lands because of them.

The Sino-Russian relationship is just use-me-use-you relationship. there is no so-called friendship between us.

That was never our land. That was Manchu Emperor's land, literally, his personal fiefdom. Han weren't allowed on most of it. That's why he gave it away (yes, he was never defeated, he gave it away!) in the Treaty of Aigun in 1850.

On the other hand, KMT actually lost land that did belong to us - they sold Outer Mongolia to USSR in 1920 and Inner Mongolia (the "public" part of Northeast) to Japan in 1930 by telling Zhang Xueliang to not resist. That's why they were defeated first by Japan (until a close rescue) and then defeated again by PLA.
That was never our land. That was Manchu Emperor's land, literally, his personal fiefdom. Han weren't allowed on most of it. That's why he gave it away (yes, he was never defeated, he gave it away!) in the Treaty of Aigun in 1850.

On the other hand, KMT actually lost land that did belong to us - they sold Outer Mongolia to USSR in 1920 and Inner Mongolia (the "public" part of Northeast) to Japan in 1930 by telling Zhang Xueliang to not resist. That's why they were defeated first by Japan (until a close rescue) and then defeated again by PLA.

Correct the KMT made some of the biggest blunders that are costing us to this day.

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