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Questions on 9/11 remain unanswered

95% of world belive its true hmmm u know how many muslims lives in world ? i guess 70+% belives it was inside job. And more and more american belives too. Same here in Norway its same. And now in Libya case every one 90% ppl know the truth

i was referring to educated human beings.
let us for argument sake say it was a conspiracy . what are you going to do about it ? what the use when 95% of the world believes the truth as it is ?

95% of world belive its true hmmm u know how many muslims lives in world ? i guess 70+% belives it was inside job. And more and more american belives too. Same here in Norway its same. And now in Libya case every one 90% ppl know the truth
So what is acceptably "impartial" in this case?

Impartial commission would never consider a video as word of god.

Impartial commission would like to discuss why more than two buildings collapsed in reality, while (fake) video shows only two (fake) a/c.

Impartial commission should have at-least tried to address at least few of very many basic logical questions.

Impartial commission should look beyond the witnesses and should include, atleast some basic scientific facts.

fact is, 9-11 incident defy even the basics of logic's and yet you want scientist and engineers to believe it?

Any one who knows any thing about a/c structures will find it unbelievable that the weaker wings penetrated through thick iron steel structure.

Anyone who knows about concrete structures reinforced by thick iron bars built in double mesh structure finds the collapse ridiculous.

You can only confuse the people but cannot answer the logical questions.
So what is acceptably "impartial" in this case?
Something that clearly answers all the questions without leaving any ambiguity. At the moment there are more questions than answers.
Something that clearly answers all the questions without leaving any ambiguity. At the moment there are more questions than answers.

Are the questions you refer to more to do with WHAT happened, or more to do with WHY it happened, where 9/11 is concerned?
Mr 420

you've started another thread where you have clearly accused Israel for 9/11. And in this thread you came up with 'many questions unanswered'! don't you find it contradicting?

by the way, in that thread i provided with the sources like NYPOST, THE GUARDIAN, AL JAZEERA etc but you claimed that all these news papers are lying and they are not credible while you come up with the source like PRESS TV???
What is the matter with you my friend? are you alright?
There are at least 10,00 architects and engineers who are pressing for an impartial enquiry into 9/11. I would be the first one to say that it was a tragic event but at the same time if there are questions, then an impartial enquiry must be held. It is interesting that the US and Britain have both aciuously avoided an "impartial" enquiry into both 9/11 and 26/7. I say let the truth come out!!!
Where is the source of that 10,000 figure? Does that group include architects and builders with experience in designing buildings taller than 20 stories? Does that group include Leslie Robertson? Does that group include architects and builders of buildings taller and newer than the WTC towers?
There is an association called Architects and engineers for an impartial enquiry into 9/11. Its founding member is an American Architect called Richard Cage, whom I have had the pleasure of listening to, when he was in UK. The association has 10,000 signatories and members. Can be confirmed easily on the net.
Gambit , the point I have made all along is not the conspiracy aspect of it, but the purely technical aspects of it which are highly dubious and the so called enquiry was a very feeble attempt at answering these questions and it has failed miserably. The fact remains that this is the only instance of a steel structure of this nature collapsing in a highly atypical way after an Aircraft hit . This is also the first instance where 3 buildings have collapsed as a result of a strike by 2 planes. It is also interesting that 07 held the offices of the agency which was engaged in investigating Enron and some other big commercial frauds, which simply disappearred with the fire and subsequent collapse of 07. There are too many facts that need a clear and impartial enquiry to resolve. I wil not enter into a banter with you, just for the heck of it , but if you have a genuine enquiry, will be more than happy to answer it.
Are the questions you refer to more to do with WHAT happened, or more to do with WHY it happened, where 9/11 is concerned?
The purely technical aspects, the nature of the fall of the buildings ,which are typical of a planned demolition, and some other aspects of it which I have highlighted in my post to Gambit.

---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------

10,000 is a nice number to pull out of one's ***. It sounds good. Kind of like millions and millions killed.

As if there is an actual list of 10,000 architects on a document somewhere.

I gave you a reference . GO check it .
The purely technical aspects, the nature of the fall of the buildings ,which are typical of a planned demolition, and some other aspects of it which I have highlighted in my post to Gambit.

In all fairness Araz, the analysis of the technical aspects in an ongoing process, even after ten years. The lack of a precedent in modern times of a million tons worth of skyscrapers brought down by two widebody jets full of fuel means that all aspect will likely never be explained with 100% certainty for a long time to come, probably never. One can keep refining the science to come up with better answers.

Personally, I do think that the balance of the evidence so far available and analyzed would favor the simpler explanation.
In all fairness Araz, the analysis of the technical aspects in an ongoing process, even after ten years. The lack of a precedent in modern times of a million tons worth of skyscrapers brought down by two widebody jets full of fuel means that all aspect will likely never be explained with 100% certainty for a long time to come, probably never. One can keep refining the science to come up with better answers.

Personally, I do think that the balance of the evidence so far available and analyzed would favor the simpler explanation.

The problem is not mine but of US citizens who are experts at doing what they do, day in and out. If they say there is a problem and have raised genuine concerns, which the US Government fails to answer, then, I think there is a problem somewhere. Beyond this I am not a professional demolitions expert or indeed an engineer and have to rely on what I hear and have followed it for quite some time. It is indeed a question of to what extent you are willing to accept the explanations offered, and at the moment it does not satisfy me. So lets just leave it at that.
Cockpit voice transcript, flight 93. Many of these were transmitted on the radio by mistake, by the hijackers.

09:31:57 Ladies and gentlemen: Here the captain, please sit down keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit.

09:32:09 Er, uh ... Calling Cleveland center ... You're unreadable. Say again slowly.

09:32:10 Don't move. Shut up.

09:32:13 Come on, come.

09:32:16 Shut up.

09:32:17 Don't move.

09:32:18 Stop.

09:32:34 Sit, sit, sit down.


09:33:20 We just, we didn't get it clear ... Is that United 93 calling?

09:33:30 Jassim.

09:33:34 In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate.

09:33:41 Unintelligible.

09:33:43 Finish, no more. No more.


09:37:06 That's it. Go back.

09:37:06 That's it. Sit down.

09:37:36 Everthing is fine. I finished.

09:38:36 Yes.

09:39:11 Ah. Here's the captain. I would like to tell you all to remain seated. We have a bomb aboard, and we are going back to the airport, and we have our demands. So, please remain quiet.

09:39:21 Okay. That's 93 calling?

09:39:24 One moment.

09:39:34 United 93. I understand you have a bomb on board. Go ahead.

09:39:42 And center exec jet nine fifty-six. That was the transmission.

09:39:47 Okay. Ah. Who called Cleveland?


09:45:16 ... Seven thousand ...

09:45:19 How about we let them in? We let the guys in now.

09:45:23 Okay.

09:45:24 Should we let the guys in?

09:45:25 Inform them, and tell him to talk to the pilot. Bring the pilot back.

09:45:57 In the name of Allah. In the name of Allah. I bear witness that there is no other God, but Allah.


09:53:20 The best thing: The guys will go in, lift up the ... Unintelligible ... and they put the axe into it. So, everyone will be scared.

09:53:27 Yes.

09:53:28 The axe.


09:57:57 A fight?

09:54:59 Yeah?

09:58:33 Unintelligible. Let's go guys. Allah is greatest. Allah is greatest. Oh guys. Allah is greatest.

09:58:55 In the cockpit.

09:58:57 In the cockpit.

09:58:57 They want to get in here. Hold, hold from the inside. Hold from the inside. Hold.


10:00:22 Oh Allah. Oh Allah. Oh Gracious.

10:00:25 In the cockpit. If we don't, we'll die.

10:00:29 Up, down. Up, down, in the cockpit.

10:00:33 The cockpit.

10:00:37 Up, down. Saeed, up, down.

10:00:42 Roll it.

10:00:55 Unintelligible.

10:00:59 Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest.

10:01:01 Unintelligible.

10:01:08 Is that it? I mean, shall we pull it down?

10:01:09 Yes, put it in it, and pull it down.


10:03:04 Allah is the greatest.

10:03:06 Allah is the greatest.

10:03;06 Allah is the greatest.

10:03:07 No.

10:03:09 Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.

10:03:09 Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.

Flight 93 is obliterated in a field in Pennsylvania


Let me guess... this is all part of the conspiracy, right? Someone flew an airplane in Cleveland Center's airspace, and put on a little skit. All of the other airplanes heard much of this, and it was recorded by automated equipment at Cleveland center. At the same time, a cockpit voice recorder (black box) with a perfectly coordinated (time-stamped) dialogue, was planted in the rubble of a United Airlines 767.

There is an association called Architects and engineers for an impartial enquiry into 9/11. Its founding member is an American Architect called Richard Cage, whom I have had the pleasure of listening to, when he was in UK. The association has 10,000 signatories and members. Can be confirmed easily on the net.
Gambit , the point I have made all along is not the conspiracy aspect of it, but the purely technical aspects of it which are highly dubious and the so called enquiry was a very feeble attempt at answering these questions and it has failed miserably. The fact remains that this is the only instance of a steel structure of this nature collapsing in a highly atypical way after an Aircraft hit . This is also the first instance where 3 buildings have collapsed as a result of a strike by 2 planes. It is also interesting that 07 held the offices of the agency which was engaged in investigating Enron and some other big commercial frauds, which simply disappearred with the fire and subsequent collapse of 07. There are too many facts that need a clear and impartial enquiry to resolve. I wil not enter into a banter with you, just for the heck of it , but if you have a genuine enquiry, will be more than happy to answer it.
The questions I raised are legitimate:

1- Is Leslie Robertson, the WTC Towers' designer, a member of this group?

2- Are the experience of these 'architects' commensurate to Robertson's?

3- Does this group include architects and builders of buildings taller than 20 stories?

One would think that if there is genuinely suspicious about the collapse of the WTC towers, their original builders would be all over the issue, instead Robertson and crew made themselves as far away from these loony conspiracies as possible. This inconsistency must be explained.

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