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RAW: Destabilizing South Asia


Nov 3, 2008
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United States
Mamoona Ali Kazmi

THE Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) of India was created with a mission to use and exploit political dissent, ethnic divisions, economic backwardness and criminal elements within targeted states to foment subversion, terrorism and sabotage. Further defining the role and corking of RAW, Dr. Shastra Dutta Pant writes, "RAW is the creator Brahma, the Supreme Being, who creates the nation. It gave birth to Bangladesh. RAW is Yamaraj the God of death. It has already killed half a dozen countries including Goa, Daman and Diu, Hyderabad, Pondicherry, Jammu, Kashmir and Sikkim. RAW is found who takes care of politics_ economy, religion, water policy and people's policy of other countries". RAW is found to have been involved in promoting terrorise and destructive activities in neighbouring countries. RAW is indulged in creating instability and chasms in the polities of other countries and sowing the seeds of dissensions and hostility, in the realms of ethnicity, religion and gender. Thus, it contributes to disturbing communal harmony and ultimately disintegrating the country.
RAW was established at the end of 1950 to study international activities. Interestingly, RAW is not a regular organ of the state rather it is an unnatural organ hence it is non accountable before Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha of India. To the contrary, RAW enjoys the power to supervise all levels throughout India. RAW creates huge pressure in framing India's external policies, especially relating to its neighbouring countries. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs does nothing more than implementing the policies worked out by RAW so in a way RAW makes the foreign policy of India.
The absolute power enjoyed by RAW makes her more fearsome agency than its superior KGB, CIA, Mi-6, BND and the Mossad. RAW is given a list of countries considered to be India's principal regional protagonist, which includes Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan. Sikkim, Maldives etc. Its high priority goal is the expansion of Indian Territory through systematically crafted covert operations in all these countries to coerce, destabilize and subvert them. It has annexed small and weak states through deception. Merger of Bangladesh with India is RAW's ultimate goal.
Another important goal of RAW is to turn India into a super power enhancing its strategic, political and cultural influence in the Indian Ocean and by creating a long-lasting monolithic Indian sub-continent. In order to fulfil its objectives RAW uses different techniques such as destabilization, disintegration, secession Movements, creating Anarchy, weakening neighbour's economy, preventing neighbours to have an independent foreign and defence policy.
Being the traditional enemy, India always tried to create chaos in Pakistan and RAW performs this duty very efficiently. Since its inception RAW tried in one way or the other to destabilize Pakistan. After Fast Pakistan started demanding autonomy how 1969 onwards, RAW extended open and full cooperation to the movement leading to the dismemberment of Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh. In fact, this was more a war between India and Pakistan rather than the movement of autonomy.
RAW from time to time inflicts harm to Pakistan, sometimes in the form of ethnic movements and sometimes in the form of sectarian clashes. RAW has an extensive network of agents and anti-government elements within Pakistan, including dissident elements froth carious sectarian and ethnic groups of Sindh and Punjab. According to published reports as Many as 35,000 RAW agents have entered Pakistan from 1983-93, with 12,000 are working in Sindh, 10,000 in Punjab, 8000 in North West Frontier Province and 5000 in Balochistan. As many as 40 terrorist training camps at Rajasthan, East Punjab, Held Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India are run by the RAW 's Special Service Bureau (SSB). Throughout the Afghan War, RAW with the assistance of KGB planned and executed terrorist activities in Pakistan to deter her from supporting the Afghan liberation movement against the Soviet Union.
The US attack over Afghanistan inn 2001 provided a big opportunity to RAW to accomplish its goal of destabilizing Pakistan. Since 9/11, Indian influence has increased tremendously. RAW has established Consulates and Trade Missions along the Pak Afghan border to destabilize Balochistan and North West Frontier Province (NWFP). Several agents of RAW captured in FATA, Wazaristan and other Southern Eastern areas provided that Indians had managed to penetrate deeply in collaboration with Indian allies in the region. Recently a spy had been killed by Taliban in Afghanistan. Reportedly that spy disclosed that an Indian intelligence official named C R Garg working as Attach and PS to Indian ambassador had offered as much as US $ 2000-3000 per foreigner killed in Pakistan.
According to sources, the US authorities strongly believe that RAW and some other Indian intelligence agencies base been the only source of terrorism in Pakistan. Janes information group, the world's foremost source on intelligence information, reported in July 2001 that the Indian spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created tour new agencies to jut trace Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges lawyers and bureaucrats. In addition, bombs would he exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite sectarianism. Pakistani intelligence agencies also said that RAW had constituted a plan to lure Pakistani men between 20 and 30 years of age to visit India so they could be entrapped in cases of fake currency and subversion and then he cocked to spy for India.
It is also revealed that India has given forty billion rupees special fund to its intelligence agency (RAW) for creating instability in Pakistan, China, Afghanistan and Bangladesh to achieve the target of becoming a decisive power in the region. Moreover, not only RAW but several other Indian agencies have also been given important assignments to carry out subversive ac sties in Pakistan.
It is an open secret that India is unabatedly meddling in the internal affairs of neighbouring countries through RAW. Apart from Pakistan and Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka are also the victims of RAW's wicked designs. India engineered internal strife acid conflicts in Nepal through RAW to destabilize the successive legitimate governments and prop up puppet regimes which would be more amenable to Indian machinations. In Sri Lanka RAW is the founder of Tamil tigers and has been fomenting trouble since the 1980s, keeping the island steeped in civil war.
There is a need that international community should check the activities of RAW as it operates in a Mafia style, each time overstepping the limits of Intelligence operations. It has not, only indulged in cross-border terrorism, but also played a very significant role in creating and funding terrorist and extremist religious parties within India and other countries of the region. The Hindu extremist parties which are involved in terrorist activities in India such as the Hindu Dharnia Raksha Santiti (lIDES), Bajrang Dal (BD), Rashtria Sawayamsevak Sankh (RSS), Shiv Sena (SS) etc enjoy complete backing and support of RAW. The agency uses these patties not only to carve out a role for itself in the internal politics but to divert the international focus front its terrorist activities. For that matter, it allowed these parties to carry out violent activities in India and throw onus on neighbouring countries. Fact of the matter is that Indian RAW is responsible for the present fragile situation of the South Asia.

The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan
why is everyone bashing the RAW and the ISI everycountry has intelligence agencies and all of them do the same work.but some of them are more successful than the rest and then people cannot tolerate them
why is everyone bashing the RAW and the ISI everycountry has intelligence agencies and all of them do the same work.but some of them are more successful than the rest and then people cannot tolerate them

I guess this should explain you why our Indian friends hate the ISI :D.
why is everyone bashing the RAW and the ISI everycountry has intelligence agencies and all of them do the same work.but some of them are more successful than the rest and then people cannot tolerate them

In every Country there is an Agency which does all the dirty jobs and really this is what they do and this is what they are Paid to do for, Blaming Agencies is not good Idea they all are the same and as you said Some are successful and some are not.
I guess this should explain you why our Indian friends hate the ISI :D.

Well this would vouch all that India was accusing pakistani ISI off..!!!!!:coffee: And was this writer a former RAW official or an ISI officer.. or analysing RAW through the prism of ISI's character..!!!!!

I know secrets of RAW would not be revealed and common man cannot know any of its operation ..!! But if you look at it logically if the RAW is doing all these.. then i don't think many people would not be hating india in Bangladesh,china and pakistan..!!!! Its just that.. people are made to believe.. India is BAD.. and are obviously indimidated by india's growth..!!!! And in the sub-continent india is the second growing economy after china..and that can surely be a coz of indimidation to all our brothers around us who got independence at the same time.. but still struggling to keep up..!!! And i am not generalising.. i am talking directly about the small sections of people in the countries mentioned above..!!!
As RAW’s functions are supposed to be secret, this write-up will come handy, during appraisals and increments for RAW employees :P… Gosh! Even the RAW will be surprised by the achievements attributed to them … :devil:
The Indian gov't does not hate ISI, they want to dismatle it.

oh thats the most illogical comment coming out from the indian goverment<pardon my language> i thought the indian goverment was doing diplomatically well but now they are proving to be a laughing stalk.

no offences to you my friend.
oh thats the most illogical comment coming out from the indian goverment<pardon my language> i thought the indian goverment was doing diplomatically well but now they are proving to be a laughing stalk.

no offences to you my friend.

It was not meant as a joke, really. Indian gov't is working towards dismatling the ISI, and the gov't have made public statements about this.
It was not meant as a joke, really. Indian gov't is working towards dismatling the ISI, and the gov't have made public statements about this.

Good Luck.

Indian (wet)dreams make me Laugh a lot. :rofl::rofl:
It was not meant as a joke, really. Indian gov't is working towards dismatling the ISI, and the gov't have made public statements about this.

And how much success has the Indian government had? If only one thing the Indian government has managed to do is to increase the popularity of ISI among ordinary Pakistanis :D. So it seems the Indian plan backfired :D
And how much success has the Indian government had? If only one thing the Indian government has managed to do is to increase the popularity of ISI among ordinary Pakistanis :D. So it seems the Indian plan backfired :D

In term of success i could not tell you, but if you remember about three to four months ago there was a preassure from the US to put the ISI under civil gov't authority. That preassure was mounted by India and US. Mind you it was a success for one day. My point is though they are trying, only future can tell how successful they will be.
In term of success i could not tell you, but if you remember about three to four months ago there was a preassure from the US to put the ISI under civil gov't authority. That preassure was mounted by India and US. Mind you it was a success for one day. My point is though they are trying, only future can tell how successful they will be.

I can tell you how much success the Indians had, its 0%. If only something the Indians did was to make ISI even more popular among ordinary Pakistanis. India can try whatever it wants but there is no possible way they can dismantle ISI, i am being realistic here.
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