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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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I think we better be cool. Raymond is gone, victim family got visa and money, except public, story has happy ending. They adopt posture what suits them, so let's move on. Let's bring another microscope and find anther Raymond Davis...The End:wave:
If anyone is opposing this decision you are actually opposing the Islamic law of Q and D so kindly please refrain I too am not happy but we should all respect the shirat law even if it's applied for just this one time here and the ultimate decision rested with the family and they opted for this so respect it was their right we are no one to object on anyones right

Thats the irony of the situation- the same Shariah law has been used by the US in its favor- which it relents so badly-

Another problem is- Technically Diyat does not apply on non- Muslims- so Davis is released illegally- thats a slap on our so called free judiciary system which ironically was restored on the very same day last year- i.e 16th March- This day is officially a black day in my books-
@TFAZ oh that's very personal don't you think ? We too are very disgusted with liberal fascism We will resist your ideas too
lolzzz evil blood money.

its your obsession with Pakistan its our law so none of your business to mention what is there in bharat aka India.

keep your laws to your country and dont lecture us on ours. you have no right. and when you poke your nose then be prepared to listen to the responses.

Says the person who have opened many threads in past, criticizing various court judgements in India..:frown:
Every body needs to calm down specially our esteemed uber self righteous Indian members. The americans it seems are going to investigate this guy which i think is a good thing.

US to probe CIA contractor killings in Pakistan | AAJ News

The American Embassy says the Justice Department has opened an investigation into the killings of two Pakistani men by a CIA contractor in Pakistan.

The statement Wednesday came hours after the contractor, Raymond Allen Davis, was released from prison. A Pakistani lawyer for the families of the two victims in the Jan. 27 shooting says the United States paid $2.34 million in “blood money.”

The U.S. statement thanked the families for their “generosity” but did not mention any money paid.
The RD case was also a good chance for the Pakistani government to distance itself from the WOT, & eventually end it. The WOT in Afghanistan is eating Pakistan alive, & no amount of fighting will end these issues. America depends on Pakistan for the WOT. Without Pakistan, there really isn't any WOT. Pakistan needs to focus on building better relations with its neighbors, not by serving the interests of America in the region. That's the only way terrorist attacks will stop inside Pakistan, by having amicable relations with all our neighbors. The alliance with America has clearly done more harm than good. Time to cut them off, & build better relations with China, Afghanistan & yes, India. Resolve all outstanding issues with India, make sure Kashmir is resolved fairly & the people of Kashmir get what they want, & then look ahead from there.
Thats the irony of the situation- the same Shariah law has been used by the US in its favor- which it relents so badly-

Another problem is- Technically Diyat does not apply on non- Muslims- so Davis is released illegally- thats a slap on our so called free judiciary system which ironically was restored on the very same day last year- i.e 16th March- This day is officially a black day in my books-
who told you it doesn't apply on non Muslims?
@ all
will this incident cause mistrust between public and state institutions (executive , military , judiciary) ?
Will this incident degrade image of Pakistan in International community ?
if Diya is not applicable to everybody, then what is the point of it then?
US to probe CIA contractor killings in Pakistan | AAJ News

We know that isn't going to happen, it didn't happen with Warren Anderson (responsible for killing thousands of India in the Bhopal Disaster) when the US promised a trial for him, and it won't happen for Raymond Davis. After all, he is their "diplomat" and enjoys "diplomatic immunity".
Thats the irony of the situation- the same Shariah law has been used by the US in its favor- which it relents so badly-

Another problem is- Technically Diyat does not apply on non- Muslims- so Davis is released illegally- thats a slap on our so called free judiciary system which ironically was restored on the very same day last year- i.e 16th March- This day is officially a black day in my books-
I think he is ahl-i-kitab, qualify for that, " khon baha" is already in Tora (jews), so its not wrong.
@TFAZ oh that's very personal don't you think ? We too are very disgusted with liberal fascism We will resist your ideas too

Aren't you already.

I mean your people have killed many Pakistani's over the last few years.

And define liberal fascism.

Let me help you:

Liberal: broad: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies".

Fascism: a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government.

Can these words be jointly said, how can one be broad minded politically but also advocate or impose an authoritarian hierarchical government.

This is an oxymoron and a moron invented this.

Like I said, don't go by what you hear on TV, its no good son.
The RD case was also a good chance for the Pakistani government to distance itself from the WOT, & eventually end it. The WOT in Afghanistan is eating Pakistan alive, & no amount of fighting will end these issues. America depends on Pakistan for the WOT. Without Pakistan, there really isn't any WOT. Pakistan needs to focus on building better relations with its neighbors, not by serving the interests of America in the region. That's the only way terrorist attacks will stop inside Pakistan, by having amicable relations with all our neighbors. The alliance with America has clearly done more harm than good. Time to cut them off, & build better relations with China, Afghanistan & yes, India. Resolve all outstanding issues with India, make sure Kashmir is resolved fairly & the people of Kashmir get what they want, & then look ahead from there.

The strength of america lies in enemousity of asian nation among themselves.
No country oppose them in fear that america will land into lap of its enemy state. Need to build better relationship among us and if not friends we can be neutral with each other.
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