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Rising India remains torn between East and West

No doubt yaar. I would not use such emotive language but yes they are on the white man side

sir, Im writing this post as per my finding while my over 10 years of stay in Australia, while being with the Western politicians, a contribution on this topic from my side. we always have to deal with 'Grey Areas' as the problems we face on the international platform, which has a strong back up from the background of countries, are of complex nature. we aren't in the position to say how things will really end up on the international platform, as things are dramatically changing day by day and I have proposed from my side that before a 'rush' of power starts due to fall of today's major economies/ powers, we would prefer to 'equalize' the world. i proposed changes similar to how G7 is now changed to G20 including 'non-NATO' countries :tup:

and base of my arguments are to say that it is highly likely that India will remain an opponent/ competitor of West, like China and Russia, until the world may get 'equalize'. I also find other big economies like Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, Thailand etc always be against US/ West but as they aren't enough powerful, we wont expect any real resistance from them like India, China, Russia. the reasons are as below:-

1. Cultural Class: in the view of Western cultural champions, they find two cultures either try to 'kill' each other or try to 'enslave' each other. and here, they find 'Christian-Muslim' will either kill each other or will remain at a distance, for what they have example of unsuccessful pairs where Muslims don't show any liberal view with their partners on the religious background. and the other combinations about Christians with Russian Orthodox, Chinese, Indian Hindus, Buddhists who were found successful but the question remains, "who is up and who is down." i saw, even if a British girl having South American/ Russian partner, it something about 'superiority' of that British girl who let him come close, my one experience in Australia. and this difference is very big. I dont think either of India, CHina, Russia type big economy will ever let their cultures enslaved by Western/ Christianity :disagree:
(I remember, one day I made a comment that the girls you people send me have been fcuked by every type of cats/ dogs type animals, even if it was the 'superiority' of the girls. and even if they want me also to do the same, they first want to demonstrate their superiority. and it did hurt Mr Rudd very badly. my one comment was criticized by few old ladies when i said, "neither Mr Jesus Christ knew who was his real father, he preferred to say he directly came from sky while being shameful, nor you people want your generations to get to know how many put efforts behind their birth, by making a generation of 'casual sex' in Australia......)

2. Grading of Nationalities: West believes in a certain 'grading' of nationalities, which put Western European/ American on top, Russian/ South American in middle, Chinese/ Indian next and African on the bottom. with categorizing the people on the basis that, "Developed counties 'gives' and Developing countries 'takes'". and even if a highly qualified migrant comes to a Western country, he has to prove that he is superior to his home country's people and he is thankful to come to a Western countries. till 90s, it used to be called 'Brain Drain' by the developing countries who used to lose skills to West. counties like BRICS, specially India/ China/ Russia will never accept this grading which would keep their nationals down to other nationals. :no:

(I remember, if we go to Work Shop then we find local white labors superiors to the migrants doing white collar job on the basis of being whites and being Australian only. a local white labor doing 50k job will always try to down a highly qualified migrants doing 90k job sitting on the top floor. i find them similar to the generation of Nawabs, Thakurs who are now doing road jobs in India nowdays. the same status white Australians have also got, just the same salaries like Indian labors is waiting for them and a would be recession in between 2015 to 2030 will get this done :wave:.) I have calculated the projected per capita income of India/ China by 2050 which will be 30% higher than Britain on the price of 2011. considering Britain will have growth rate of 0% upto 2050 similar to their last 5 years, as expected. its in my post as below:


3. Grown and Growing economies/ powers will never be friend: Rising powers like BRICS, E7 will always dream for the power balance by 2025 which will bring the country like Britain to the level of Pakistan/ Nigeria/ Egypt type countries, making BRICS sitting on the front chairs and country like Britain in the middle. and this will not be accepted by British so easily who are also worried for the way highly qualified migrants are dominating their colonies like Canada/ Australia. a good share of business of Australia has already gone to the Chinese there. British will always try to resist this 'inevitable' change which will have established by 2025. and I named their efforts as "Bujhte Diye Ki Dhadhak" (means when a candle is about to be off, it produce bit more light at that end time) :agree:
I wrote a post as below about 'meaningless' powers the P5s have, as below:


and on the basis of the above main 3 points, Cultural difference, Economic/ Social status, Changing Power balance, BRICS and mainly India, Russia, China will always be opponent of West. and BRICS will also get enough support from the country like Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nigeria, and other Asian/ African/ South American countries like Venezuela to keep resisting Western dominance upto 2025 when a 'complete change' will have been established :pop:
sir, Im writing this post as per my finding while my over 10 years of stay in Australia, while being with the Western politicians, a contribution on this topic from my side. we always have to deal with 'Grey Areas' as the problems we face on the international platform, which has a strong back up from the background of countries, are of complex nature. we aren't in the position to say how things will really end up on the international platform, as things are dramatically changing day by day and I have proposed from my side that before a 'rush' of power starts due to fall of today's major economies/ powers, we would prefer to 'equalize' the world. i proposed changes similar to how G7 is now changed to G20 including 'non-NATO' countries :tup:

and base of my arguments are to say that it is highly likely that India will remain an opponent/ competitor of West, like China and Russia, until the world may get 'equalize'. I also find other big economies like Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, Thailand etc always be against US/ West but as they aren't enough powerful, we wont expect any real resistance from them like India, China, Russia. the reasons are as below:-

1. Cultural Class: in the view of Western cultural champions, they find two cultures either try to 'kill' each other or try to 'enslave' each other. and here, they find 'Christian-Muslim' will either kill each other or will remain at a distance, for what they have example of unsuccessful pairs where Muslims don't show any liberal view with their partners on the religious background. and the other combinations about Christians with Russian Orthodox, Chinese, Indian Hindus, Buddhists who were found successful but the question remains, "who is up and who is down." i saw, even if a British girl having South American/ Russian partner, it something about 'superiority' of that British girl who let him come close, my one experience in Australia. and this difference is very big. I dont think either of India, CHina, Russia type big economy will ever let their cultures enslaved by Western/ Christianity :disagree:
(I remember, one day I made a comment that the girls you people send me have been fcuked by every type of cats/ dogs type animals, even if it was the 'superiority' of the girls. and even if they want me also to do the same, they first want to demonstrate their superiority. and it did hurt Mr Rudd very badly. my one comment was criticized by few old ladies when i said, "neither Mr Jesus Christ knew who was his real father, he preferred to say he directly came from sky while being shameful, nor you people want your generations to get to know how many put efforts behind their birth, by making a generation of 'casual sex' in Australia......)

2. Grading of Nationalities: West believes in a certain 'grading' of nationalities, which put Western European/ American on top, Russian/ South American in middle, Chinese/ Indian next and African on the bottom. with categorizing the people on the basis that, "Developed counties 'gives' and Developing countries 'takes'". and even if a highly qualified migrant comes to a Western country, he has to prove that he is superior to his home country's people and he is thankful to come to a Western countries. till 90s, it used to be called 'Brain Drain' by the developing countries who used to lose skills to West. counties like BRICS, specially India/ China/ Russia will never accept this grading which would keep their nationals down to other nationals. :no:

(I remember, if we go to Work Shop then we find local white labors superiors to the migrants doing white collar job on the basis of being whites and being Australian only. a local white labor doing 50k job will always try to down a highly qualified migrants doing 90k job sitting on the top floor. i find them similar to the generation of Nawabs, Thakurs who are now doing road jobs in India nowdays. the same status white Australians have also got, just the same salaries like Indian labors is waiting for them and a would be recession in between 2015 to 2030 will get this done :wave:.) I have calculated the projected per capita income of India/ China by 2050 which will be 30% higher than Britain on the price of 2011. considering Britain will be among those who will face a deep recession in between 2015 to 2030 which will keep their growth upto 2050 on average at around 0% only, its in my one post as below:


3. Grown and Growing economies/ powers will never be friend: Rising powers like BRICS, E7 will always dream for the power balance by 2025 which will bring the country like Britain to the level of Pakistan/ Nigeria/ Egypt type countries, making BRICS sitting on the front chairs and country like Britain in the middle. and this will not be accepted by British so easily who are also worried for the way highly qualified migrants are dominating their colonies like Canada/ Australia. a good share of business of Australia has already gone to the Chinese there. British will always try to resist this 'inevitable' change which will have established by 2025. and I named their efforts as "Bujhte Diye Ki Dhadhak" (means when a candle is about to be off, it produce bit more light at that end time) :agree:
I wrote a post as below about 'meaningless' powers the P5s have, as below:


and on the basis of the above main 3 points, Cultural difference, Economic/ Social status, Changing Power balance, BRICS and mainly India, Russia, China will always be opponent of West. and BRICS will also get enough support from the country like Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nigeria, and other Asian/ African/ South American countries like Venezuela to keep resisting Western dominance upto 2025 when a 'complete change' will have been established :pop:

On grading of nationals, its more like:

Tier 1: US, Canada, Australia, Israel
Tier 2: Western Europe, Britain, New Zealand
Tier 3: Central and Eastern Europe, excluding Russia.
Tier 4: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan.
Tier 5: Russia, Gulf Arabs, Singapore
Tier 6: China, Brazil, Spanish South America
Tier 7: Southeast Asians excluding Singapore
Tier 8: India, Bangladesh
Tier 9: Pakistan, Mexico and Central America
Tier 10: Other Arabs
Tier 11: Africans
On grading of nationals, its more like:

Tier 1: US, Canada, Australia, Israel
Tier 2: Western Europe, Britain, New Zealand
Tier 3: Central and Eastern Europe, excluding Russia.
Tier 4: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan.
Tier 5: Russia, Gulf Arabs, Singapore
Tier 6: China, Brazil, Spanish South America
Tier 7: Southeast Asians excluding Singapore
Tier 8: India, Bangladesh
Tier 9: Pakistan, Mexico and Central America
Tier 10: Other Arabs
Tier 11: Africans

sir it is evil to say even one of the country on the bottom. but to discuss the problem, I may say that as per the people living in Australia, as per their country of origin, i may give the rating as below. i do remember my one German flatmate who had an Aussie boyfriend and she told me one time that she came here so got one but it isn't mean anything. Europeans put Australia in the category of Poland, Czech Republic type developed but Eastern European countries. the rating as per my experience is as below:

Tier 1: US, Britain, German, French, Western European
Tier 2: Canada, Australia, Israel, New Zealand
Tier 3: Central and Eastern Europe, 'with' Russia.
(Sir, almost every Russian is highly qualified and dont give value to a person who is just an Australian in Australia, without any credibility.)

Tier 4: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Indian, "Rich and Successful Asians" (living in US/ EU/ Canada, Australia 'only')

(do you know, in Australia, almost every 2nd 3rd Mercedes/ BMW is owed by a Chinese? and Indian highly qualified professionals doing White Collar jobs earn almost two times than the locals whites?)

According to a 2007 census report, there were as many as 2,765,815 persons of Indian origin living in the United states, constituting 0.9% of the total U.S. population. The median household income for US residents born in India is $91,195 against a $50,740 average for the total population, a recent US survey has revealed. According to the same report, the overall median household income for foreign- born and native US residents is $46,881 and $51,249 respectively.

Indian Americans: The fastest growing and the highest income group

Tier 5: Gulf Arabs, Brazil, Spanish South America, Mexico and Central America
Tier 6: Southeast Asians excluding Singapore, China, India (living in India and China)
Tier 7: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Other Arabs, Muslims (sir, western don't like Muslims, a bottom line truth)

Tier 8: Africans
(I met only refugee Africans in Australia, none who migrated there under 'skill demand list'/ 'business visa', I ever met except one African who was from South Africa.)


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