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Rocket ‘fired from Iran’ kills girl in border town in Pakistan

The next game is Iran VS Pakistan ... like in 70s Iran VS Iraq. Thats what US is doing now already you see shift of US poilicy towards Iran.

But Military wise Pakistan Military Airforce Missiles etc are far far advance comparatively with Irani overall forces. Pakistan Missiles, Strategic Commands, Air Command, Ground Military and Special forces are highly trained. Pakistan Intel "ISI" is well known Intel in the world. I think Iran should aviod these kind of non-sense we are not Israel like wait and watch till US Signal hope Iran should understand before Pakistan Military should take some serious action.

Pakistan without using any kind of military do massive damage to Iran in the form of sponsoring Taliban or several groups and proxy regimes.
But still you Indian should be thankful to the Muslim invaders.They made you civilized or atleast close to the civilized world

Spare us the bullshit and save your nation from being invaded from all sides. How can you even talk of invasion when the same is happening to you today?
For killing terrorist? is there a reason you are so upset with the death of terrorist?

Dont know much about this incident, but that dead girl...was she a terrorist?

I would say its Pakistan thats miscalcuting its capacity.

Supporting terrorism in India for Kashmir and the general tendency of fomenting trouble of being a terrorist state.

Supporting terrorism in Afghanistan for strategic depth.

Supporting terrorism in Iran for Waahhabists and the Arabs.

Supporting terrorism in China for Turkey and the Ummah.

Ever thought what would happen to Pakistan if Iran, Afghanista, US and India get together to teach it a lesson - whats happened till date in Pakistan would just be a trailer compared to the real thing.

Complete BS bro..You have been misinformed
For killing terrorist? is there a reason you are so upset with the death of terrorist?

They way you declared a Juma praying kids as terrorists and slit there throats, same way your masters hate non Shia Pakistani kids and bomb them.
Iran is protected by their tout, 'ch. Nisar Ali Khan', you bunch are so obvious and full of hate.
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Rocket fired from Iran in Pakistan by whom not clear as yet but this thread has moved to as usual Indian Pakistan rivalry......
Going by the past few threads, looks like there has been an increase in such cross border killings.
I am answering to a Pakistani poster who is brought India into this.

That i saw but lets keep the thread to Iran and Pakistan there are too many India Pakistan centric threads running.
That i saw but lets keep the thread to Iran and Pakistan there are too many India Pakistan centric threads running.

then there I think there should be no question for me ..... :rolleyes:
India can be thankful to Muslim invaders.
But why would they be thankful to Pakistani's. The central asians were the invaders, not the Pakistanis!

After all the region of Pakistan has always been ruled from Delhi.

That is the natural order of things. Pakistan's destiny has always been run from Delhi and will continue to be run by Delhi.

dude this is way off topic... post your lies in separate thread and name it LIES.
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Good that you finally accept on being raped by US day in and day out.

Good that you accept that you are just India and not USA as many idiots from your country believe.
So we are the Islamic Nuclear Power, the Fort of Islam, whose generals never get tired of giving statements like folows,
"Ab dushman humain maili aankh say nahi daikh sakta"
"Hum nay mulk ka diffa na qabil-e-taskheer bna diya hai"

But in the past month 75% of our neighbours have killed Pakistanis within Pakistan. On top of that a superpower also tests its weapons on live targets in Pakistan.

The question is simple can we allow foreign forces to come and take out their required targets in Pakistan? If answer is yes, then why do we spend billions on our army why dont we follow the japan model and give thaika of our security to USA, it will be much cheap
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