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Round One JF17 - Poor Display By Tejas Took 10 more sec Than JF17 To Go Up

whatever's the case,
Im just pissed that why our JF 17 didnt participate in this air show,
it wouldve only furthur solidified what you just said,
and we may have got even more possible chances to even troll india cuz of the performace of LCA but the fact is our JFT didnt participate.!!!!
I wanted to see it perform there.


I believe that we have not done an aerial display at Bahrain ever before---. It is not a defence sales show---more for commercial aircraft show.

Just look at the comparison videos that I posted and enjoy. It is plain as daylight---the difference---.

I am pretty sure that the next run by the Tejas might be different---someone reading my post may suggest a diiferent appraoch at take off.
But the jet is heavier. and he is comparing what seems to be a deliberate low speed short take off with a normal take off for JF 17.

what is the empty weight of the two?? and you gotta take into consideration both were in clean config, and who knows how much fuel each one was loaded with...could be full,half or 1/3.
well this shouldn't be a shocker since the JF-17 engine has more thrust than the GE-404
Well both engines almost has same rated powers, the real power tell how much time plane take to take-off in the air. The longer the plane stay one ground , consider is not good by air force.
isnt it funny that LCA took just 12 seconds to be completely in air and JF17 takes well over 20 seconds 0:34 to 0:54 (at 34 the plane was already moving) to even get in air in paris. Tejas completed the run way to start show and should have been a rule from the organisers. Very bad observation.

And if you notice, JF-17 couldn't sustain the vertical takeoff for too long, unlike Tejas which went on going up and up.

Because most of them won't be here in the next few days.
Sir the manoeuvre clearly mentioned here by anchor himself Its called vertical take off

And its hard manoeuvre I posted F-22 do the same above
Seriously Sir if you don't know stuff kindly ask its open source forum

For you I post again


I believe that we have not done an aerial display at Bahrain ever before---. It is not a defence sales show---more for commercial aircraft show.

Just look at the comparison videos that I posted and enjoy. It is plain as daylight---the difference---.

I am pretty sure that the next run by the Tejas might be different---someone reading my post may suggest a diiferent appraoch at take off.

no no, im not saying that there's no difference in the performance or they videos you posted arent convincing enough,
I just said it wouldve been much better if out JFT flew here as well but after reading the opinion of many other members Ive come to the conclusion that its better it didnt since its supposed to be a part of Paris and Zhuhai air Show again and they are more defence oriented and last time in Paris we did bad our first order, Also the Paris and Farnborough Air Shows are much more famous.

If JFT performed there then Bahrian wont be that big of a deal.
what is the empty weight of the two?? and you gotta take into consideration both were in clean config, and who knows how much fuel each one was loaded with...could be full,half or 1/3.

I need to check but I remember the empty weight was heavier for JF 17. Both material and size being the factors. At the very least JF 17 has several tens of thousands of rivets more than LCA. Plus Aircraft aluminum, engine marginally heavier etc.
what is the empty weight of the two?? and you gotta take into consideration both were in clean config, and who knows how much fuel each one was loaded with...could be full,half or 1/3.
Normally on Air show, everyone keep the plane at its lowest weight.

The paris air show had a 4000 ft ceiling for the air craft---.

Both the aircraft were without weapons---without a fuel tank and just air display mode----. So does not make any difference what their weights are---.

They were matched in a similar manner----.

Now with my comments on the board---the tejas team may want to correct their display---and come up with something better----.

As there is no ceiling limit at Bahrain---the Tejas can show some other abilities as well---it will be good to watch.
no no, im not saying that there's no difference in the performance or they videos you posted arent convincing enough,
I just said it wouldve been much better if out JFT flew here as well but after reading the opinion of many other members Ive come to the conclusion that its better it didnt since its supposed to be a part of Paris and Zhuhai air Show again and they are more defence oriented and last time in Paris we did bad our first order, Also the Paris and Farnborough Air Shows are much more famous.

If JFT performed there then Bahrian wont be that big of a deal.
Let me tell you Sir on seer size of performance LCA repeatedly took part in Aero india.
You say its India but for you Basic knowledge Aero India is second largest airshow in world after Paris Airshow. And its a stated Fact

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