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Row Over National Emblem Original vs Modi's version this is funny


Sep 20, 2014
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National Emblem on new parliament building: Dear ‘Liberals’, lions do have long, sharp teeth, whether u want to see them or not​

On July 11, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the National Emblem cast on the roof of the New Parliament Building. The majestic 6.5 meters tall cast of the National Emblem is made of bronze and weighs around 9,500 KG. Located on the top of the Central Foyer of the New Parliament Building, the statue has a supporting structure that weighs around 6,500 KG.

As per the official statement, the concept sketch and process of casting the National Emblem went through eight different stages of preparation, from clay modelling and computer graphics to bronze casting and polishing.

Congressis and ‘Liberals’ find issues with of the ‘roar,’ ‘canine teeth,’ and ‘angry face’​

As soon as the reports of the unveiling of the cast were made on social media, the usual suspects saw a great opportunity to criticize the cast for unrealistic reasons. Aandolanjeevi and Advocate Prashant Bhushan said the lion’s faces on the emblem had been changed from peaceful to angry. He said, “From Gandhi to Godse; From our national emblem with lions sitting majestically & peacefully; to the new national emblem unveiled for the top of the new Parliament building under construction at Central Vista; Angry lions with bared fangs. This is Modi’s new India!”

Source: Twitter
Congress leader Srinivas BV also pointed out the alleged change as if he is not aware that lions possess teeth and they do roar. He published two photographs of National Emblem where the lions were ‘not roarring’ in the first one but roaring in the second. He said, “What has been changed in the country since 1950 is visible in seeing old and new Ashoka Stambha.”

Source: Twitter
Actor and alleged activist Mona Ambegaonkar declared, “Changing the National Emblem is Treason.”

Source: Twitter
Congress worker Sanjay Bafna said, “Modi, It’s for you. Lion of Ashoka Pillar is not dreadful; it is calm… The new Parliament building Lion is furious… This is an insult to the Constitution and the national emblem.”

Source: Twitter

The National Emblem​

The National Emblem is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of King Ashoka at Sarnath. The original Ashoka Stambha has four lions mounted back to back on a circular abacus. It rests on a bell-shaped lotus. It contains sculptures of an elephant, a horse, a bull, and a lion separated by Dharma Chakras. You can only see three lions mounted on the abacus with a Dharma Chakra in the centre, a bull on the right, and a horse on the left.

Source: kevinstandagephotography
This profile of the Lion Capital was adopted as the National Emblem of India on January 26, 1950. The bell-shaped lotus was omitted from the Ashok Stambha in the official adaptation as National Emblem. It also contains the motto Satyameva Jayate written in Devanagari script below the profile of the Lion Capital, which means ‘Truth Alone Triumphs.’

Why are liberals wrong?​

The liberals are claiming that the Government of India has ‘changed’ the National Emblem and made it look angry and furious with visible’ fangs’. They also published photographs of a National Emblem statue that has a ‘calmer’ face and no teeth visible. However, when we see the original Lion Capital from Sarnath that was made over 2,300 years ago, it is notable that the mouths of the lions are open, and the teeth are clearly visible.

So if the real Ashok Stambha or the Lion Capital is very much similar to the cast of the National Emblem unveiled by PM Modi, how are liberals claiming that the National Emblem has ‘calmer-looking’ lions that too with images? The photograph they are sharing is of the National Emblem from the top of the Vidhan Sabha building in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

The National Emblem statue of Vishan Sabha, Bengaluru, is very much different from the Lion Capital that was adapted as National Emblem in 1950. The real National Emblem has lions with open mouths, and teeth are clearly visible, which is not the case with the Bengaluru Vidhan Sabha building’s National Emblem.

Lions are fierce, they have teeth and they roar, whether you or I like it or not​

The liberals are complaining that the lions of the National Emblem cast on the new parliament building look fierce. Also, they are “shocked” to see “fangs” visible in the photographs. First of all, the lion is a carnivorous animal. It is fierce and aggressive when it needs to be. You cannot expect it to be ‘calm’ just because you are scared of the majestic roar. Secondly, it is a huge cast. Prime Minister Modi is hardly as tall as the base of the emblem, and the photograph was clicked from a lower angle, making the open mouth and teeth more prominent.

If you stand under a lion with an open mouth and click its photograph, you are going to see the teeth. You cannot expect it not to scare you with its roar or aggressive looks. If you click the same lion from the front when it is looking down, the teeth will not be visible. It is just the perspective of the camera that you were able to see and focus on the teeth.

Lions do need their teeth, they need to hunt. It is the normal, natural state of a lion to possess long sharp teeth and roar. It is absolutely moronic to pretend that lions need to be toothless to appear ‘calm’ because some ‘liberal’ sensibilities get hurt by the sight of a roaring lion.

Liberals and their hate for the Central Vista project​

The liberals have spoken against the Central Vista project in length. They have tried to halt the construction, and they tried to do it “legally” using the judiciary, but they failed miserably. The main parliament building will be complete soon. The other buildings that will house the offices of the ministries are also being constructed, which will save hundreds of crores in rent every year. Instead of lauding the idea of saving public money, they are consistently trying to find faults in the project.


Go for a Tiger instead if Bangladeshis don't end up suing you.
Though the Aandolanjeevis ( Dedicated agitators - why are the Hindutvadis not that because most things in India must be changed afterall ? ) are correct about the change in the Ashoka Emblem this is just a minor thing considering that BJP people right from Modi the PM to chief ministers to film industry people have claimed irrational, fantastic things about the advanced nature of "Ancient India" which was supposed to have craft that could fly in the air and space and could submerge in the sea, then satellite-augmented internet, stem-cell-employing in vitro growth of human babies, advanced plastic surgery, motor cars and maybe many other things. I wonder what happened to all these achievements.
Though the Aandolanjeevis ( Dedicated agitators - why are the Hindutvadis not that because most things in India must be changed afterall ? ) are correct about the change in the Ashoka Emblem this is just a minor thing considering that BJP people right from Modi the PM to chief ministers to film industry people have claimed irrational, fantastic things about the advanced nature of "Ancient India" which was supposed to have craft that could fly in the air and space and could submerge in the sea, then satellite-augmented internet, stem-cell-employing in vitro growth of human babies, advanced plastic surgery, motor cars and maybe many other things. I wonder what happened to all these achievements.

Read Arthashastra and Yantrarnava to know about ancient machines.

Here are some Surgical Instruments Depicted In Sushrut Samhita



Here are Ancient surgical instruments from taxila excavated by Sir John Hubert Marshall.




This is the picture of world’s first known modern plastic surgery. It is also the picture of world’s first known modern nose surgery.

It was performed by a traditional Indian surgeon named Kumar.

The person in this picture was known as Cowasji.


The famous Indian Rhinoplasty (reproduced in Oct 1794 issue of Gentleman's Magazine of London) is a modification of ancient Rhinoplasty described by Sushruta in 600 B.C.

Even today pedicled forehead flap is referred to as Indian flap.


The earliest depiction of surgery in India (c. 150 CE)​


The fate of asiatic Lion is sealed. It remains confined to folklore

The population of Asiatic Lions has thus shown a steady increase with a population of 674 individuals with an increase rate of 28.87 per cent (one of the highest growth rate so far) from the previous growth of 27 per cent during 2015 (523 lions)

Only in India.

The Original Sarnath Lions of Emperor Ashoka.

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Read Arthashastra and Yantrarnava to know about ancient machines.

Here are some Surgical Instruments Depicted In Sushrut Samhita



Here are Ancient surgical instruments from taxila excavated by Sir John Hubert Marshall.




This is the picture of world’s first known modern plastic surgery. It is also the picture of world’s first known modern nose surgery.

It was performed by a traditional Indian surgeon named Kumar.

The person in this picture was known as Cowasji.


The famous Indian Rhinoplasty (reproduced in Oct 1794 issue of Gentleman's Magazine of London) is a modification of ancient Rhinoplasty described by Sushruta in 600 B.C.

Even today pedicled forehead flap is referred to as Indian flap.


The earliest depiction of surgery in India (c. 150 CE)​


Fine there were instruments for some things but there were similar things in China and you used the words "Ancient machines" but these were not machines because a machine in simple understanding is a cooperating system of instruments. What is called the First Analog Computer was what is now called the Antikythera Mechanism, a Greek mechanical astronomical machine that used Ancient Egyptian calendar. One destroyed copy was found in Greek waters in 1901 and is supposed to have been caliberated for use in 204 BC. Who knows how long these particular machines had been in use :



You may not find it factual looking now at the modern Muslims called the Tableegh Jamaatis and the Taliban but Muslims during the hundreds of years of the Islamic Golden Age not only transmitted Greek knowledge but also built their own machines, notably by Ismail al Jazari, things like pumps and automata. Ismail al Jazari is called the Father of Robotics and these were real machines that developed further during the European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution and elsewhere and we see their effects now in things like the computers we use :

Can you match these such things ? :)

Only in India.

The first vid is not from India. Look at the vehicles. Some commentors too have pointed it out.
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Fine there were instruments for some things but there were similar things in China and you used the words "Ancient machines" but these were not machines because a machine in simple understanding is a cooperating system of instruments. What is called the First Analog Computer was what is now called the Antikythera Mechanism, a Greek mechanical astronomical machine that used Ancient Egyptian calenda. One destroyed copy was found in Greek waters in 1901 and is supposed to have been caliberated for use in 204 BC. Who knows how long these particular machines had been in use :

View attachment 860950
View attachment 860948

You may not find it factual looking now at the modern Muslims called the Tableegh Jamaatis and the Taliban but Muslims during the hundreds of years of the Islamic Golden Age not only transmitted Greek knowledge but also built their own machines, notably by Ismail al Jazari, things like pumps and automata. Ismail al Jazari is called the Father of Robotics and these were real machines that developed further during the European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution and elsewhere and we see their effects now in things like the computers we use :View attachment 860956View attachment 860957View attachment 860958

Can you match these such things ? :)

The first vid is not from India. Look at the vehicles. Some commentors too have pointed it out.

LOL. Pure fantasy based on complete speculation.

Antikythera Mechanism might be a simple machine, but its purpose is unknown.

Ismail al Jazari as in the 13th century.

Here is Baskaracharya's water clock that accurately told time from 1150. Its called the Jala chakra yantra.


Read Arthashastra and Yantrarnava to know about ancient machines. These are dated to BCE.
LOL. Pure fantasy based on complete speculation.

Antikythera Mechanism might be a simple machine, but its purpose is unknown.

Ismail al Jazari as in the 13th century.

Here is Baskaracharya's water clock that accurately told time from 1150. Its called the Jala chakra yantra.


Read Arthashastra and Yantrarnava to know about ancient machines. These are dated to BCE.

1. Arthashastra ? Please read The Communist Manifesto and The Green Book ( by Muammar Gaddafi ) because they will allow you to create a democratic, humane, empathetic, harmonious welfare-based society, none of which has been most of India for the last 3000 years, even with this Indian-nationalists-championed Arthashastra, or maybe because of it.

2. As for that water clock, remember that fraud book called Vyamanika Shastra which some Hindutvadis / Indian "nationalists" spoke adoringly as having been the fount of wisdom for ancient Indian aircraft ?

Vyamanika Shastra is a big fat hoax: Claims of aviation in ancient India debunked 40 years ago​

According to the report, one of the scientist, H S Mukunda found that the Vyamanika Shastra was based on a figment of imagination of a man who lived in the 20th century and not an ancient sage as was claimed in the session.

FP Staff January 07, 2015 13:43:25 IST

There were several claims made in a controversial session called “Vedic Science through Sanskrit’' at the Indian Science Congress. Captain Anand J Bodas who conducted a session there, quoted the Vyamanika Shastra to posit that aeroplanes existed in India 7,000 years ago and they travelled from not just one country to another but also to other planets. However, no one was there to debunk it.

But it seems the entire Vyamanika Shastra, on which Bodas has based his claims, was proved 40 years ago to be a big fat hoax.

According to an Indian Express report, in a research paper, in 1974, a group of five Indian scientists from the aeronautical engineering and mechnical engineering departments of the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore had debunked such claims after conducting a thorough study.

According to the report, one of the scientists, HS Mukunda found that the Vyamanika Shastra was based on a figment of imagination of a man who lived in the 20th century and not an ancient sage as was claimed in the session. The paper had also noted that none of the objects had the capability to fly.

This is what the paper notes:
"The planes described are at the best poor concoctions rather than expressions of something real. None of the planes has properties or capabilities of being flown; the geometries are unimaginably horrendous from the point of view of flying; and the principles of propulsion make then resist rather than assist flying. The text and the drawings do not correlate with each other even thematically. The drawings definitely point to a knowledge of modern machinery."

The report also noted that the "subject works lay uncalled for emphasis on propulsive devices and structures, but little or no emphasis on aerodynamics."

You can read the complete research report here.
In the session, Bodas had said, "There is a reference of ancient aviation in the Rigveda."

Maharishi Bharadwaj spoke 7,000 years ago of "the existence of aeroplanes which travel from one country to another, from one continent to another and from one planet to another. He mentioned 97 reference books for aviation." "History merely notes that the Wright brothers first flew in 1904," he had added.

Bharadwaj, who authored the book Vimana Samhita, has written about the various types of metal alloys used to build an aeroplane, Bodas said, adding, "Now we have to import aeroplane alloys. The young generation should study the alloys mentioned in his book and make them here"

He also spoke of the "huge" aeroplanes which flew in ancient India. "The basic structure was of 60 by 60 feet and in some cases, over 200 feet. They were jumbo planes," he said. "The ancient planes had 40 small engines. Today's aviation does not know even of flexible exhaust system".

Bodas' wasn't the only controversial paper presented at the session. As this Times of India report points out, another paper pointed out that "Indians had developed 20 types of sharp instruments and 101 blunt ones for surgeries, which largely resemble the modern surgical instruments," while another spoke of how "ancient Indian engineers had adequate knowledge of Indian botany and they effectively used it in their construction."

Updated Date:January 07, 2015 13:45:07 IST
I will extract one section :
Maharishi Bharadwaj spoke 7,000 years ago of "the existence of aeroplanes which travel from one country to another, from one continent to another and from one planet to another. He mentioned 97 reference books for aviation." "History merely notes that the Wright brothers first flew in 1904," he had added.
Funny then that there is no Hindutvadi settlement on another world in at least the last 75 years of modern India. :)
1. Arthashastra ? Please read The Communist Manifesto and The Green Book ( by Muammar Gaddafi ) because they will allow you to create a democratic, humane, empathetic, harmonious welfare-based society, none of which has been most of India for the last 3000 years, even with this Indian-nationalists-championed Arthashastra, or maybe because of it.

2. As for that water clock, remember that fraud book called Vyamanika Shastra which some Hindutvadis / Indian "nationalists" spoke adoringly as having been the fount of wisdom for ancient Indian aircraft ?

I will extract one section :

Funny then that there is no Hindutvadi settlement on another world in at least the last 75 years of modern India. :)

Next time quote Don Quixote. That would be more entertaining since its clear you have no real point to make.
Next time quote Don Quixote. That would be more entertaining since its clear you have no real point to make.

I simply gave you the facts. Which of my points do you exactly object to ?

National Emblem on new parliament building: Dear ‘Liberals’, lions do have long, sharp teeth, whether u want to see them or not​

On July 11, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the National Emblem cast on the roof of the New Parliament Building. The majestic 6.5 meters tall cast of the National Emblem is made of bronze and weighs around 9,500 KG. Located on the top of the Central Foyer of the New Parliament Building, the statue has a supporting structure that weighs around 6,500 KG.

As per the official statement, the concept sketch and process of casting the National Emblem went through eight different stages of preparation, from clay modelling and computer graphics to bronze casting and polishing.

Congressis and ‘Liberals’ find issues with of the ‘roar,’ ‘canine teeth,’ and ‘angry face’​

As soon as the reports of the unveiling of the cast were made on social media, the usual suspects saw a great opportunity to criticize the cast for unrealistic reasons. Aandolanjeevi and Advocate Prashant Bhushan said the lion’s faces on the emblem had been changed from peaceful to angry. He said, “From Gandhi to Godse; From our national emblem with lions sitting majestically & peacefully; to the new national emblem unveiled for the top of the new Parliament building under construction at Central Vista; Angry lions with bared fangs. This is Modi’s new India!”

Source: Twitter
Congress leader Srinivas BV also pointed out the alleged change as if he is not aware that lions possess teeth and they do roar. He published two photographs of National Emblem where the lions were ‘not roarring’ in the first one but roaring in the second. He said, “What has been changed in the country since 1950 is visible in seeing old and new Ashoka Stambha.”

Source: Twitter
Actor and alleged activist Mona Ambegaonkar declared, “Changing the National Emblem is Treason.”

Source: Twitter
Congress worker Sanjay Bafna said, “Modi, It’s for you. Lion of Ashoka Pillar is not dreadful; it is calm… The new Parliament building Lion is furious… This is an insult to the Constitution and the national emblem.”

Source: Twitter

The National Emblem​

The National Emblem is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of King Ashoka at Sarnath. The original Ashoka Stambha has four lions mounted back to back on a circular abacus. It rests on a bell-shaped lotus. It contains sculptures of an elephant, a horse, a bull, and a lion separated by Dharma Chakras. You can only see three lions mounted on the abacus with a Dharma Chakra in the centre, a bull on the right, and a horse on the left.

Source: kevinstandagephotography
This profile of the Lion Capital was adopted as the National Emblem of India on January 26, 1950. The bell-shaped lotus was omitted from the Ashok Stambha in the official adaptation as National Emblem. It also contains the motto Satyameva Jayate written in Devanagari script below the profile of the Lion Capital, which means ‘Truth Alone Triumphs.’

Why are liberals wrong?​

The liberals are claiming that the Government of India has ‘changed’ the National Emblem and made it look angry and furious with visible’ fangs’. They also published photographs of a National Emblem statue that has a ‘calmer’ face and no teeth visible. However, when we see the original Lion Capital from Sarnath that was made over 2,300 years ago, it is notable that the mouths of the lions are open, and the teeth are clearly visible.

So if the real Ashok Stambha or the Lion Capital is very much similar to the cast of the National Emblem unveiled by PM Modi, how are liberals claiming that the National Emblem has ‘calmer-looking’ lions that too with images? The photograph they are sharing is of the National Emblem from the top of the Vidhan Sabha building in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

The National Emblem statue of Vishan Sabha, Bengaluru, is very much different from the Lion Capital that was adapted as National Emblem in 1950. The real National Emblem has lions with open mouths, and teeth are clearly visible, which is not the case with the Bengaluru Vidhan Sabha building’s National Emblem.

Lions are fierce, they have teeth and they roar, whether you or I like it or not​

The liberals are complaining that the lions of the National Emblem cast on the new parliament building look fierce. Also, they are “shocked” to see “fangs” visible in the photographs. First of all, the lion is a carnivorous animal. It is fierce and aggressive when it needs to be. You cannot expect it to be ‘calm’ just because you are scared of the majestic roar. Secondly, it is a huge cast. Prime Minister Modi is hardly as tall as the base of the emblem, and the photograph was clicked from a lower angle, making the open mouth and teeth more prominent.

If you stand under a lion with an open mouth and click its photograph, you are going to see the teeth. You cannot expect it not to scare you with its roar or aggressive looks. If you click the same lion from the front when it is looking down, the teeth will not be visible. It is just the perspective of the camera that you were able to see and focus on the teeth.

Lions do need their teeth, they need to hunt. It is the normal, natural state of a lion to possess long sharp teeth and roar. It is absolutely moronic to pretend that lions need to be toothless to appear ‘calm’ because some ‘liberal’ sensibilities get hurt by the sight of a roaring lion.

Liberals and their hate for the Central Vista project​

The liberals have spoken against the Central Vista project in length. They have tried to halt the construction, and they tried to do it “legally” using the judiciary, but they failed miserably. The main parliament building will be complete soon. The other buildings that will house the offices of the ministries are also being constructed, which will save hundreds of crores in rent every year. Instead of lauding the idea of saving public money, they are consistently trying to find faults in the project.

@Joe Shearer
Any idea what was the reasons behind to change national emblem?
I fail to understand when they spend so much money, how come it looks so shit. At least make it look good, not some B-grade garbage. There is simply no aesthetic values, no wonder gujjus are not known for art or culture in any form.

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