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Row Over National Emblem Original vs Modi's version this is funny

Fake defence forum!!!! Spreading Fake propaganda​

Twitter suspends defence.pk account for photoshopped image of Indian student​

Twitter suspended verified account of "Pakistan Defence" [@defence.pk] reportedly over a complain filed by an Indian student from New Delhi whose photograph had been misused by the handle.


The account of @Horus who allegedly administers the Twitter account for defence.pk was also suspended.


Is this true ? Shameful.
Bhai-jaan! Jinnah saab was the leader of Muslims of British India and got majority of muslim votes back in 40s when he negotiated for a separate nation for Muslims out of British India. It was a folly of Muslims back then and a failure of Jinnah to not move all the Muslims from British India into this newly minted nation.

Look at Indonesia, it allows only certain religions : Hinduism, Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism and Confucianism. If you say that you are atheist or may be Sikh, you will end up getting jailed. India will follow the similar path and will allow only Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and few tribal religions.

Muslims and Christians votes were responsible for partition. Its a miracle that Hindu majority India tolerated them till now.
Jinnah had nothing to do with it - the choice was with muslims to move or not. Those that did did - those that followed Maulana Azad didn’t.

Either way, the muslims of the subcontinent don’t have any bright futures ahead of them regardless of where they reside.
Call it a result of adulteration between culture, religion and social ills.

National Emblem on new parliament building: Dear ‘Liberals’, lions do have long, sharp teeth, whether u want to see them or not​

On July 11, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the National Emblem cast on the roof of the New Parliament Building. The majestic 6.5 meters tall cast of the National Emblem is made of bronze and weighs around 9,500 KG. Located on the top of the Central Foyer of the New Parliament Building, the statue has a supporting structure that weighs around 6,500 KG.

As per the official statement, the concept sketch and process of casting the National Emblem went through eight different stages of preparation, from clay modelling and computer graphics to bronze casting and polishing.

Congressis and ‘Liberals’ find issues with of the ‘roar,’ ‘canine teeth,’ and ‘angry face’​

As soon as the reports of the unveiling of the cast were made on social media, the usual suspects saw a great opportunity to criticize the cast for unrealistic reasons. Aandolanjeevi and Advocate Prashant Bhushan said the lion’s faces on the emblem had been changed from peaceful to angry. He said, “From Gandhi to Godse; From our national emblem with lions sitting majestically & peacefully; to the new national emblem unveiled for the top of the new Parliament building under construction at Central Vista; Angry lions with bared fangs. This is Modi’s new India!”

Source: Twitter
Congress leader Srinivas BV also pointed out the alleged change as if he is not aware that lions possess teeth and they do roar. He published two photographs of National Emblem where the lions were ‘not roarring’ in the first one but roaring in the second. He said, “What has been changed in the country since 1950 is visible in seeing old and new Ashoka Stambha.”

Source: Twitter
Actor and alleged activist Mona Ambegaonkar declared, “Changing the National Emblem is Treason.”

Source: Twitter
Congress worker Sanjay Bafna said, “Modi, It’s for you. Lion of Ashoka Pillar is not dreadful; it is calm… The new Parliament building Lion is furious… This is an insult to the Constitution and the national emblem.”

Source: Twitter

The National Emblem​

The National Emblem is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of King Ashoka at Sarnath. The original Ashoka Stambha has four lions mounted back to back on a circular abacus. It rests on a bell-shaped lotus. It contains sculptures of an elephant, a horse, a bull, and a lion separated by Dharma Chakras. You can only see three lions mounted on the abacus with a Dharma Chakra in the centre, a bull on the right, and a horse on the left.

Source: kevinstandagephotography
This profile of the Lion Capital was adopted as the National Emblem of India on January 26, 1950. The bell-shaped lotus was omitted from the Ashok Stambha in the official adaptation as National Emblem. It also contains the motto Satyameva Jayate written in Devanagari script below the profile of the Lion Capital, which means ‘Truth Alone Triumphs.’

Why are liberals wrong?​

The liberals are claiming that the Government of India has ‘changed’ the National Emblem and made it look angry and furious with visible’ fangs’. They also published photographs of a National Emblem statue that has a ‘calmer’ face and no teeth visible. However, when we see the original Lion Capital from Sarnath that was made over 2,300 years ago, it is notable that the mouths of the lions are open, and the teeth are clearly visible.

So if the real Ashok Stambha or the Lion Capital is very much similar to the cast of the National Emblem unveiled by PM Modi, how are liberals claiming that the National Emblem has ‘calmer-looking’ lions that too with images? The photograph they are sharing is of the National Emblem from the top of the Vidhan Sabha building in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

The National Emblem statue of Vishan Sabha, Bengaluru, is very much different from the Lion Capital that was adapted as National Emblem in 1950. The real National Emblem has lions with open mouths, and teeth are clearly visible, which is not the case with the Bengaluru Vidhan Sabha building’s National Emblem.

Lions are fierce, they have teeth and they roar, whether you or I like it or not​

The liberals are complaining that the lions of the National Emblem cast on the new parliament building look fierce. Also, they are “shocked” to see “fangs” visible in the photographs. First of all, the lion is a carnivorous animal. It is fierce and aggressive when it needs to be. You cannot expect it to be ‘calm’ just because you are scared of the majestic roar. Secondly, it is a huge cast. Prime Minister Modi is hardly as tall as the base of the emblem, and the photograph was clicked from a lower angle, making the open mouth and teeth more prominent.

If you stand under a lion with an open mouth and click its photograph, you are going to see the teeth. You cannot expect it not to scare you with its roar or aggressive looks. If you click the same lion from the front when it is looking down, the teeth will not be visible. It is just the perspective of the camera that you were able to see and focus on the teeth.

Lions do need their teeth, they need to hunt. It is the normal, natural state of a lion to possess long sharp teeth and roar. It is absolutely moronic to pretend that lions need to be toothless to appear ‘calm’ because some ‘liberal’ sensibilities get hurt by the sight of a roaring lion.

Liberals and their hate for the Central Vista project​

The liberals have spoken against the Central Vista project in length. They have tried to halt the construction, and they tried to do it “legally” using the judiciary, but they failed miserably. The main parliament building will be complete soon. The other buildings that will house the offices of the ministries are also being constructed, which will save hundreds of crores in rent every year. Instead of lauding the idea of saving public money, they are consistently trying to find faults in the project.

I think the writer is missing the point that adding teeth to a clay lion still means you have a scary clay lion

Bhai-jaan! Jinnah saab was the leader of Muslims of British India and got majority of muslim votes back in 40s when he negotiated for a separate nation for Muslims out of British India. It was a folly of Muslims back then and a failure of Jinnah to not move all the Muslims from British India into this newly minted nation.

Look at Indonesia, it allows only certain religions : Hinduism, Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism and Confucianism. If you say that you are atheist or may be Sikh, you will end up getting jailed. India will follow the similar path and will allow only Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and few tribal religions.

Muslims and Christians votes were responsible for partition. Its a miracle that Hindu majority India tolerated them till now.

We also allowed Budism

Nope, there are Sikh in Indonesia as well and they can practice their religion in Indonesia and has Sikh temple, but they cannot have Sikh as their religion in their resident national card.

For Atheist, there is no such incident that you said where Atheist is put in jail but we will not allow people spread Atheism in Indonesia. One of Indonesian PDF member is actually Atheist, he is also Chinese Indonesian

There are some Jews in Indonesia as well and there is Sinagog as well in here

There is also Jews who converted to Islam, Indonesian citizen. Irwan Musry, Arab Jews. He married Indonesian musician, Mai Estianty ( formerly wife of Ahmad Dani ( musician) )

Some jews do live in Indonesia, usually offspring of Dutch but this guy is Arab related and his father is Indonesian diplomat who is considered as national hero. Quite match with Maia Estianty whose grand grand father is Indonesian big hero, Raden Hadji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto, the founder of Syarikat Islam (Islam Union), basically the beginning of Indonesian Independence movement.


This is leader of Indonesian Jews association

Nope, there are Sikh in Indonesia as well and they can practice their religion in Indonesia and has Sikh temple, but they cannot have Sikh as their religion in their resident national card.
Or the passport. Yeah, Indonesia actually requires you to have your religion on the passport. No jokes !

Tell me, what will happen if I were an indonesian and declared publically that I am an atheist?

In India, nothing will happen.
Or the passport. Yeah, Indonesia actually requires you to have your religion on the passport. No jokes !

Tell me, what will happen if I were an indonesian and declared publically that I am an atheist?

In India, nothing will happen.

Indonesia DOES NOT ALLOW Hinduism with multiple deities.

That would be illegal in Indonesia and you can be arrested and put in jail for practicing normal Hindu practices like this.

The constitution emphasized religious tolerance, and religions could become “people of the book” if they could find a sacred book, a single god, a prophet, and an ethical system for all followers. During the 1950’s, Hindu Balinese intellectuals came together in a council, which they called the Parisada Dharma Hindu Bali (PDHB), to reformulate Hinduism to fit the criteria set down by the government. One god was called the Almighty God (the other gods and ancestors were demoted to angels or other aspects of the one god), the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita became the equivalent of the Qur’an or the Bible, and the Vedic sages or rishis became prophets (there was a particular focus on Maha Resi Vyasa, who was described as organizing Sang Hyang’s Widhi’s revelation in the Vedas).

Philosophy and theology were developed, and justified by Sanskrit mantras on the unity of brahman, translated as the divine ruler of the universe. There was a strong emphasis on ethics and national identity, and the Parisada emphasized text and theology, and simplified ritual.

This is how Hinduism exist in Indonesia. A pale shadow of its original self.

Or the passport. Yeah, Indonesia actually requires you to have your religion on the passport. No jokes !

Tell me, what will happen if I were an indonesian and declared publically that I am an atheist?

In India, nothing will happen.

Nothing will happen in Indonesia as well and basically being Atheist is part of some sect in Hinduism, Budism is pretty much close to Atheist as well in essence.

Being Atheism is also part of your Hindu, and this is why Budism which come from Hindu also has Atheist tendency
basically being Atheist is part of some sect in Hinduism, Budism is pretty much close to Atheist as well in essence.
WHAT? This is the stupidest thing I have heard.

Lets see, IF I am an Atheist and I deny existance of all thing supernatural. Do you know what will happen?

This : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-16644141

One cannot be an atheist in any real sense in Indonesia. Someone who denies existence of God will land in trouble.

Being Atheism is also part of your Hindu, and this is why Budism which come from Hindu also has Atheist tendency
One can be Atheist and STILL remain a part of Hinduism or rather Sanatan Dharma. That being said NOT ALL atheists are by default part of Hinduism or need to remain Hindu. Same with buddism.

Being Atheist does not mean one NEED to be a Hindu or a Buddhist. One can totally reject Hinduism or Buddhism and be an atheist in true sense. This is NOT possible in Indonesia.

In India one can leave Hinduism completely and become fully Atheist. Not possible in Indonesia. If an atheist publicly deny belief in any god (say on social media) or supernatural, he will run fowl of law.

This statement "Being Atheism is also part of your Hindu" shows how ignorant you are. Here

Some Atheist are Hindu ----/----> All Atheist are Hindu.
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WHAT? This is the stupidest thing I have heard.

Lets see, IF I am an Atheist and I deny existance of all thing supernatural. Do you know what will happen?

This : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-16644141

One cannot be an atheist in any real sense in Indonesia. Someone who denies existence of God will land in trouble.

One can be Atheist and STILL remain a part of Hinduism or rather Sanatan Dharma. That being said NOT ALL atheists are by default part of Hinduism or need to remain Hindu. Same with buddism.

Being Atheist does not mean one NEED to be a Hindu or a Buddhist. One can totally reject Hinduism or Buddhism and be an atheist in true sense. This is NOT possible in Indonesia.

In India one can leave Hinduism completely and become fully Atheist. Not possible in Indonesia. If an atheist publicly deny belief in any god (say on social media) or supernatural, he will run fowl of law.

This statement "Being Atheism is also part of your Hindu" shows how ignorant you are. Here

Some Atheist are Hindu ----/----> All Atheist are Hindu.

Dude, one cannot even be a complete Hindu in Indonesia.

One can only be a Hindu which imitates islam in Indonesia.

Hindu only in name, not in practice , thought or values.

Its just another islamic nation that pretends its not.

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