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Salman Rushdie on Pakistan

Well that is pretty much understandable to be why, but may be you guys can't understand it as he did not disrespect your religion or some other religion and its people.

Not sure what my religion is, could it be Atheist/Agnostic sect of Hinduism?

I can understand the reason your feeling to be hurt and wasn't making a point against it.
Its not we who project, its their own media who projects such things for their own objectives, had they wanted to project whole of Pakistan, things would have been different but since it does not goes with their objectives, they will not show what else is in Pakistan.

And yeah we know how much the US people know about geography of the world.

And don't tell us to look inside, we don't need that advice, we do already look inside us and can see what is there.

Well you need to then get your facts and history in order to know whose hand is how much in making this place what. But may be its not for you to understand or may be you don't have that level of understanding to understand. And as for illegal guns and ammo, what conflict in the world has these guns and ammo supported ?? Which conflict has seen the weapons produced in this area being used ?? Can you name any with facts and figures. Every where Chinese and Russian weapons are being used, be it ammo or guns. So what harm has these illegal guns and ammo brought to US or the world ?? Where have you seen guns produced in Pakistan being used in a conflict. Heck even the local Taliban use Russian and Chinese stuff as they don't rely on these local ammo and weapons. So what's the fuss about ??

As said before, world is shown what some people want it to be shown.

Everyone has the balls to speak whatever he wants wherever the opportunity is.

And he is not a hypocrite to just me, to more then 1B Muslims around the world he is an hypocrite, thus your stand to the whole world he is not a hypocrite doesn't stands. He is despised in more then 50 Muslim countries of the world is more then enough to show what he is worth.

Firstly its stupid to think that US media would project you as good allies, its simple pakistan doesnt abide by rules"by look inside " i meant that you guys cant move on US money.I know india is not much better, but atleast Tax evacuation and corruption is not of that much scale. Than you have army majors related with bad acts, i know US shows double standards and being a super power they get away un noticed, But when you know world is looking for your people to do stupid things, why to give them chance??Its your society living with double standards at root level, although they yell on US , but from inside they are happy to be relied on US money.
What i told i said isnt advice, but a need.Your choice mate.

I have been reading posts since last 1 year and i know what you mean by facts,history and the hand you say. Its simple either you be a good and fair friend or face consequences. No sympathy, everyone did whats best to their interest and sadly as pakistan has got too many legs engaged in too many places it doesnt gets its objective done and to make it worse there is no good leadership.

On illegal guns..it does No harm to world..Only to people of pakistan. They use it on their people only in karachi firing (how many died 12 or 20) , making it even more dangerous country. They hand it over to kids giving a crazy outward look to world.
Home Production, Home Destruction and than you get global projection.
I know it wont help and in earlier post you blame me, you being indian its useless to say..blah blah..Its not only you who acts like that, its what whole pakistan that do with world and doesnt give concrete answers from one source to what world asks. And than you blame world doesnt projects us right:tdown::tdown:

About salman rushdie, he said what he felt like, its just people cant consume that because they never got a chance or wanted to look at life the way he did.
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Firstly its stupid to think that US media would project you as good allies, its simple pakistan doesnt abide by rules"by look inside " i meant that you guys cant move on US money.I know india is not much better, but atleast Tax evacuation and corruption is not of that much scale. Than you have army majors related with bad acts, i know US shows double standards and being a super power they get away un noticed, But when you know world is looking for your people to do stupid things, why to give them chance??Its your society living with double standards at root level, although they yell on US , but from inside they are happy to be relied on US money.
What i told i said isnt advice, but a need.Your choice mate.

Do you have the proof of who these two majors are, how they look, visual proof, are they their real names ?? Are they serving Majors or retired, do give me the proof or else don't shout. Every Indian comes here and says this stupid thing without any proof presented, everyone says Interpol says this, heck even Interpol has no proof of what it is talking about, even US shouts about OBL being behind 9/11 but even after a decade has produced no proof to the world.

Our society living on US money ?? Are you in your senses or it seems you are also brainwashed by living in the US. The US aid money has not benefited the local people in anyway and what is the total aid of the US to Pakistan ?? Ever seen the break up and where the major portion goes ?? The majority of people despise US policies as well as the aid money as they don't live on it nor are relied, the US aid money is for the politicians to keep them happy and in power so that US can do whatever it wants. You people have no idea what capacity Pakistan has.

I have been reading posts since last 1 year and i know what you mean by facts,history and the hand you say. Its simple either you be a good and fair friend or face consequences. No sympathy, everyone did whats best to their interest and sadly as pakistan has got too many legs engaged in too many places it doesnt gets its objective done and to make it worse there is no good leadership.

Where have we our legs engaged ?? care to explain what these too many places are ??

On illegal guns..it does No harm to world..Only to people of pakistan. They use it on their people only in karachi firing (how many died 12 or 20) , making it even more dangerous country. They hand it over to kids giving a crazy outward look to world.
Home Production, Home Destruction and than you get global projection.

Its not the problem of guns, its the people who kill, had there been no guns, they would have found other means to kill each other, so the fault if not of the gun, rather of human nature. I have a gun too which i carry each day, but i am not killing anyone, but even if i don't have the gun and i need to kill, i will find a sword or hell even a knife will work. So now don't put the blame on the gun.

Well as you are talking about Pakistan and its gun problem, in your country, the mobs killed in thousands even though there are strict gun laws, how did they do that ?? I hope nothing is now left to explain that its humans who kill not the gun.

I know it wont help and in earlier post you blame me, you being indian its useless to say..blah blah..Its not only you who acts like that, its what whole pakistan that do with world and doesnt give concrete answers from one source to what world asks. And than you blame world doesnt projects us right:tdown::tdown:

Its a fact about what I said with regard to Indians as everyone looks to its own objectives but since we are enemies, nor will we nor will Indians understand each others arguments.

And what questions and concrete answers are you talking about that the world asked and wants ??

About salman rushdie, he said what he felt like, its just people cant consume that because they never got a chance or wanted to look at life the way he did.

Ohh so he is trying to dictate to us what he looks at life, we should too. As said before in my first post, he exaggerated for his personal reason as he wanted to show off, he is a pathetic person with a pathetic mind.

Its really strange to see Indians coming out to defend him without looking into their own record.
someone raised the issue of MF Hussain being forced to exile out of India though that's not true,i would like to point out about a address made by Salman Rushdie at India Today conclave where he made probably the strongest vociferous support for MF Hussain till date.
"The publication of the book was followed by heavy criticism and the attack on the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute in Pune, India[4]. In view of the attacks and the public unrest, the book was banned in the Indian state of Maharashtra in January 2004. "

So i will ask you again

The ban was lifted in 2007 by the Bombay High Court. And the ruling was upheld by the SC in 2010.
the irony is his mother later moved to pakistan she lives in pakistan or lived(not sure if he is still alive today)and he is banned from pakistan .Life is funny....

His family migrated to Pakistan in 1964, he was in England then undertaking his education. Rushdie did spent time in Pakistan and actually worked in television.

His mother I beleive lived her whole life in Pakistan after migration and he did say in the early 90's that he would never visit Pakistan again after his book was released becuase his life will be in danger if he visits.

What he is describing is an exagerrated and biter version of his story, his family lived in Bath Island, Karachi, a place where affluent people reside and there is none of what he speaks of in this particular and adjoining areas.

I think he is just degrading the country becuase he is not allowed to visit it anymore, International Guirella film and the general view of him.
why ??

Do u intend to welcome him with kudkush hamla,:lol:??

we have guns too you know...:disagree:
but killing him would send a wrong message to the rest of the world about us and it would support his argument.
The posts and replies on this thread boggle my mind at the ignorance prevalent in our society, culture and honestly scares me as to where we're heading as a nation...not to mention the kind of language being used
What he is describing is an exagerrated and biter version of his story, his family lived in Bath Island, Karachi, a place where affluent people reside and there is none of what he speaks of in this particular and adjoining areas.

I think he is just degrading the country becuase he is not allowed to visit it anymore, International Guirella film and the general view of him.

Lets not be hypocritical towards Salman Rushdie.. what he maybe saying could be an exaggerated truth but what Pakistani's did to him was Way more exaggerated than one could possibly imagine. I am one of the few people in Pakistan who has Satanic Verses and I have read the entire book.. its actually pretty decent (but not worth giving a knighthood award for)and the 'derogatory' part where the fatwa was issued on his head wasn't even that derogatory and WAY WORSE things are said in Pakistan on Live TV everyday... I think its Pakistani's in general who are mentally and intellectually mutilated when it comes to Islam and Pakistan...

You think banning, exiling, humiliating, 24-7 death threats and placing a Fatwa on someones head based on a Literature novel and than expecting him to say all goodie goodie things about Pakistan is not hypocritical? It's like the pot calling the kettle black
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People like Rushdie and other examples of insults to our prophet Hazrat Muhammad saw are basically proof that enemies of Muslims have no decent argument left and the only thing they can do is to degrade all discussion to a level of buffoonery... These things are just done to insult and annoy Muslims... There is nothing more to it... Muslims should keep their head high and engage with the people who are willing to participate in respectful discourse about the issues that are facing the world...

Someone rightly mentioned that Rushdie is hardly the intellectual or literature giant that he is made out to be... The same can be seen with the so called "artists" who made insulting cartoons of the best man ever Muhammad saw... As the saying goes... If someone has no other means of becoming famous, they can become famous by pee ing in a mosque...

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