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Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran

Alhamdulillah ...

Allah Akbar :-)

Breaking : Iran announces 30 days of national mourning over the severed ties with wahabistan .


but really , this is the Most wise decision rulers of wahabistan have ever taken . shocking i know , but they seem to actually have a single functioning nuro-cell .
Riyadh (AFP) - Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir announced Sunday that Saudi Arabia was severing diplomatic ties with Iran after demonstrators stormed its Tehran embassy to protest against Riyadh's execution of a Shiite cleric.

Jubeir also said that all Iranian diplomats must leave Saudi Arabia within 48 hours.
Let us all forget about the shit we did and focus on what a couple of young stupid vandalizers did in Iran .

haha !
And you're a Takfiri no different from ISIS for for saying who's a muslim and who's not.
Lol if Saudis want to create fitna in the ummah THEY are no different from Isis. Becoming good friends with Israel, having royal family rule, they were the first to separate themselves from the Khalifah etc. And don't even get into what they do in their personal lives(ex. drinking) They would rather kill all the Shia (just like Isis) than try to unite the Muslims. So next time educate yourself.

PS: a munafiq is a hypocrite. A kafir is a non-Muslim. I'm not saying they aren't Muslims. I'm saying they're hypocrites. Before you quote me educate yourself.
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