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Saudi women with attractive eyes may be forced to cover even them up.

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you have asked what my problem was with SA so I've answered. Well it is saudi arabia from Zionist vultures to Shia's to women not being able to drive etc etc anything is possible in Arabia.

Well we all know how woman were treated in Europe including here in the 50's? the right to vote etc? When we in Europe have been stupid in the past who are we to change the world? MosM seems to be a balanced young man its his country let him find the best way forward.
Well we all know how woman were treated in Europe including here in the 50's? the right to vote etc? When we in Europe have been stupid in the past who are we to change the world? MosM seems to be a balanced young man its his country let him find the best way forward.

Heheh Women in the 50's here it was heaven compared to SA today , well the problem is theres a very few of him I'm Skeptical and he has not reply to my posts yet.
Why not just exterminate the women?

no the men creating these absurd laws need women to exercise their "Strength" on. Without women who will these "Strong" men dominate because most of the world calls them a joke.
Heheh Women in the 50's here it was heaven compared to SA today , well the problem is theres a very few of him I'm Skeptical and he has not reply to my posts yet.

What reply?? While I strongly agree that there is a Women's rights problem in my country however the media perspective and people's thoughts on KSA is still the same as if it was the 80s or the 90s which was waaaaaaaay worse than now. Women's rights in KSA have been moving very fast. The driving a car thing remains to be the only obstacle left and is a symbolic thing in reality. Women in Saudi Arabia score one of the highest rates of owning and running a business in the world and around 40% of the country's economy is in their hand this info is available go research it.

Also many many lies are said on KSA for no other reason than either propaganda or selling news and Saudis end up getting the shortest end of the stick. For example everyone says "Saudi women can't get out of the house with a male with her" That is an absolute lie. "Saudi women can't start a business or go to school without a male guardian consent" Also a lie as this rule was dropped in 2002 in order to join the world trade organization mainly however it is still exist within the context of family only not the system. "Saudi women must wear full veils in public or suffer lashings and jail" I just showed you pictures of Saudi Women in public without their face cover earlier so that speaks for itself. And many many many other lies like this.

---------- Post added at 04:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 AM ----------

no the men creating these absurd laws need women to exercise their "Strength" on. Without women who will these "Strong" men dominate because most of the world calls them a joke.

Read my ******* replies before commenting idiots.
What reply?? While I strongly agree that there is a Women's rights problem in my country however the media perspective and people's thoughts on KSA is still the same as if it was the 80s or the 90s which was waaaaaaaay worse than now. Women's rights in KSA have been moving very fast. The driving a car thing remains to be the only obstacle left and is a symbolic thing in reality. Women in Saudi Arabia score one of the highest rates of owning and running a business in the world and around 40% of the country's economy is in their hand this info is available go research it.

Also many many lies are said on KSA for no other reason than either propaganda or selling news and Saudis end up getting the shortest end of the stick. For example everyone says "Saudi women can't get out of the house with a male with her" That is an absolute lie. "Saudi women can't start a business or go to school without a male guardian consent" Also a lie as this rule was dropped in 2002 in order to join the world trade organization mainly however it is still exist within the context of family only not the system. "Saudi women must wear full veils in public or suffer lashings and jail" I just showed you pictures of Saudi Women in public without their face cover earlier so that speaks for itself. And many many many other lies like this.

---------- Post added at 04:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 AM ----------

Read my ******* replies before commenting idiots.

Again I do know saudis are demonized I have stated myself this article is BS however are you trying to deny many of SA problems ? without reform the Society will not be able to function, if the House of Saud wants to remain on their throne for another 100 years then reform for women and other things will need to take place otherwise the bribes aren't going to cut it.
THAT IS sO F**KED UP, IF king Abdhulla is really looking at imroving the conditions for the women of Saudi then he should at least give a thought to consider these options.

1. The government should require medical staff to treat all adult patients at their own request and allow women to approve medical care for themselves and their children.
2. The government should provide adequate public transportation and an ambulance system so that mothers and other female care-givers can have access to emergency medical assistance for themselves, their children, and others in their care.
3. The government should permit human rights and democracy advocates, including women's rights groups, to operate without threat of arrest and detention.
4. Media restrictions should be relaxed so that images of women in all walks of life may appear, with the goal of raising public consciousness of women as citizens, as individuals, and as people with contributions to make to society.
5. Saudi universities should initiate research and data collection projects that examine issues related to women, including the prevalence of domestic violence, treatment of women under the law, and economic activities, among others.
6: The government should allow women to vote and run for office in the 2012 municipal elections and allow the candidates to use public media in their campaigns.
7:Women should be appointed to the consultative council as members with full rights, and not only in advisory capacities for select issues.
8: The government should appoint a greater number of qualified women to high-profile positions so that the public will become accustomed to the idea of women in leadership roles.
9: The government should amend Article 39 of the Basic Law to allow for lawful civil dissent so that those who sign petitions or engage in peaceful protest demonstrations on behalf of women's rights need not fear arrest and punishment.

THAT IS sO F**KED UP, IF king Abdhulla is really looking at imroving the conditions for the women of Saudi then he should at least give a thought to consider these options.

1. The government should require medical staff to treat all adult patients at their own request and allow women to approve medical care for themselves and their children.
I am part of the medical staff and I treat women with no male requirements the consent of the woman is needed if she is an Adult these are the Medical ethics in Saudi Arabia our problem is wit women who point at their husbands and say he makes the decisions for me the system clearly says her signature is needed
2. The government should provide adequate public transportation and an ambulance system so that mothers and other female care-givers can have access to emergency medical assistance for themselves, their children, and others in their care.
I am with you in public transportation thing but I am against it because it will delay the inevitability of Women driving by at least a decade and about ambulances are you seriously suggesting that Saudi Arabia doesn't have ambulances?? God I hate the media
3. The government should permit human rights and democracy advocates, including women's rights groups, to operate without threat of arrest and detention.
Women's rights and Human rights activists are operating very freely here in Saudi Arabia however democracy advocates are not
4. Media restrictions should be relaxed so that images of women in all walks of life may appear, with the goal of raising public consciousness of women as citizens, as individuals, and as people with contributions to make to society.
Already done
5. Saudi universities should initiate research and data collection projects that examine issues related to women, including the prevalence of domestic violence, treatment of women under the law, and economic activities, among others.
already done

reply in BOLD
Again I do know saudis are demonized I have stated myself this article is BS however are you trying to deny many of SA problems ? without reform the Society will not be able to function, if the House of Saud wants to remain on their throne for another 100 years then reform for women and other things will need to take place otherwise the bribes aren't going to cut it.

I am not denying it I do know we have plenty of problems but our problems are abused by foreign media around the world for their own purposes which in turn empower the conservatives saying "Everything is a plot against us look at all these lies they make about us" and people end up following them so all this propaganda is extremely counter-productive in our efforts. Change will come it is inevitable unless they cut off the internet from KSA Saudi people will ask for more and more rights and freedoms in time.
Dr. Mosa this is good I can say that SA needs more of you however when Abduallah dies another hardliner will take over reform or be left into the wastebin of history.

We will have to see. I am not very hopeful but I think he will realize that the movement King Abdullah started is the only reason why they are not experiencing an "Arab Spring" of their own. And his movement can only be stopped by one thing and one thing only "An all out new Gulf war" which will ruin everything we are working so hard to achieve.
I would wait for a Saudi based news site to report this rather than trust the same website that went on a rampage on how a Ukranian Muslim girl was stoned death and then it was found that it was a completely false story.

Muslim girl Katya Koren, 19, 'stoned to death over beauty contest in Ukraine' | Mail Online
The Sensational Story That Wasn't: Reports Of 'Stoning' Death Of Ukrainian Girl Turn Out To Be False

Given the fact, that half of the younger Saudi women don't even cover their face in most urban places or shopping malls, I would be hard pressed to understand how this law will ever be implemented.

Its more likely that a Vice and Virtue member who hounds women to do that would get beaten up as it has happened before.
Saudi woman beats up virtue cop
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