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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Notice SC, Arabi, Hijaz and Sharif are all the same trolls different accounts.

Well you're a bit off there. SC actually has no other accounts, Arabi has "alarabi" and the same alarabi in Arabic script. Hasani (Sharif al hijaz) is the at least 7th account of Hasani, which is why we call him just hasani. The original hasani apparently forgot his password or something, the next 5 were banned, this one's ban just expired.

History of arab sock puppetry on pdf :-):lol:
Your ignorance can only be surpassed by your ignorance, what a pity.. someone like you spitting his poison from his sick mind without any relevance to the subject at hand, just for trolling and derailing threads.. read tthe post before yours and come up with any substantial answers.. oh. ok I understand that you can't so you take refuge in personal attacks.. Arabs will teach you another historical lesson, sooner or later.. just keep dreaming of how grandiose you are.. You are far from being Muslims.. that is already a sign of Kufr..
The US itself couldn't face armed civilians in Iraq and you come talk about turkey!? how low and stupid one can get?
Something 's obviously hurting your heart brain and eyes.. go see a doctor..

We are just a few Arabs here, and already giving you heartburns and headaches.. imagine your selves confronting 500 million Arabs on any level..!!!

They want to end up headless again or as slave eunuchs! Anyway only a few of those Turkified Anatolians are as deluded as that, most likely false flagger, which is very similar in rhetoric to Kuwaiti Girl indeed!

As I said just ignore non-Arabs here as long as they troll. To begin with they have no relevance in internal Arab affairs and secondly we Arabs laugh at their nonsense.

Anyway what a beautiful flag.

One of the tallest flagpoles in the world in beautiful Aqaba. Not only that it is the flag of Palestine and thus one of the most famous and recognizable flags. Turkified Anatolians are proudly waving it every day (somewhere in Turkey or elsewhere in the world).

Yes, good luck to them "fighting" 500 million of us when the superpower (USA) could never control all of Iraq at once and despite US losing more soldiers and gear than in Afghanistan in the past 16 years despite Afghanistan having a much more difficult terrain and despite US leaving Iraq in 2011!

If PKK, YPG, ISIS and others attacks in Turkey or on the Turkish military is anything to go by, I am afraid, that a few Arab tribes in Al-Anbar alone could deal with them if it was limited to land warfare!

They can't even deal with Iraq or Syria and they think that they are any threat to KSA, Egypt etc.:lol:

Well you're a bit off there. SC actually has no other accounts, Arabi has "alarabi" and the same alarabi in Arabic script. Hasani (Sharif al hijaz) is the at least 7th account of Hasani, which is why we call him just hasani. The original hasani apparently forgot his password or something, the next 5 were banned, this one's ban just expired.

History of arab sock puppetry on pdf :-):lol:

Sure and you have 1000 accounts here, kawli.

Anyway I think double accounts and Iranians are synonymous seeing that just 3-4 Iranians are behind at least 20 users in total.

The fact is that all your moronic trolls can't deal with me alone let alone the few other active Arab users. Just like in real life.

Kuwaiti Girl is back but this time with a Turkish nickname, you know that Turkish members won't take you seriously because you have always posted threads that attacking Turkey, so you changed your username. It won't work.
I know why you are feeling the heat because you think Kuwait will be next in line and it will be annexed by Saudi Arabia after we finish dealing with Qatar. Don't worry we will let you Ajami live there but don't expect us to tolerate being on Iran's side while you consume our natural resources.

That has always been my theory too ever since that tool appeared. He seems to be obsessed about KSA. Very cute. Anyway extremely sad if that is the case. Let us hope not.
Well you're a bit off there. SC actually has no other accounts, Arabi has "alarabi" and the same alarabi in Arabic script. Hasani (Sharif al hijaz) is the at least 7th account of Hasani, which is why we call him just hasani. The original hasani apparently forgot his password or something, the next 5 were banned, this one's ban just expired.

History of arab sock puppetry on pdf :-):lol:
Nothing to do on the Iranian section? I am sure there are many nice threads there to keep you busy, or you like to openly troll, since you couldn't do it covertly anymore? :woot:
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Nice try troll how many accounts are you on?

Kuwaiti girl is a Kurdistan lover troll, not different from you, you both have unrealistic dreams.

Annex Yemen first before you move to Qatar or Kuwait troll.

Can you educate me on the last moments of your first king, Abdullah bin Saud, id like to know how the Turks parted ways with him lol

Notice SC, Arabi, Hijaz and Sharif are all the same trolls different accounts. Saudi ministry of defence making you work overtime? Lol

Kuwaiti Girl came back with her Turkish username and the 217,383,883,938 account suddenly in 6 June when Arab Nations decided to give Qatar a lesson

Kuwaiti Girl came back with her Turkish username and the 217,383,883,938 account suddenly in 6 June when Arab Nations decided to give Qatar a lesson

View attachment 406318


It was always obvious.

Sheikh Tamim calls for 'brotherly relations' between two countries, currently locked in bitter diplomatic dispute.

Middle East Online


A message of congratulations was also posted on social media

DOHA - Qatar's emir congratulated Saudi Arabia's newly-appointed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Wednesday and called for "brotherly relations" between the two countries, currently locked in a bitter diplomatic dispute.

State media in the gas-rich Gulf state said Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani had sent a cable of congratulations to the Saudi leadership.

The message was sent to King Salman "on the occasion of the selection of his royal highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud as Crown Prince", said the Qatar News Agency.

The statement also expressed hopes "brotherly relations between the two brotherly countries".

A message of congratulations was also posted on social media.

Earlier this month, Saudi Arabia and a number allies including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt severed all links with Qatar over accusations that Doha supports extremism.

As well as diplomatic isolation, other measures taken included the closing of Qatar's only land border, which it shares with Saudi.

Qatar denies the charges of supporting extremism.

Despite efforts at mediation from Kuwait, Turkey and the United States, the dispute between the Gulf countries has now entered its third week.


Instead of congratulating his original fatherland and big brother he should closely revaluate his suicidal policies as it will end badly for him!

He should not forget that his very recent country used to be part of ancient pre-Islamic and Islamic kingdoms, empires, sheikdoms, emirates, sultanates, imamates etc. based in modern-day KSA and ruled by people from KSA. That was the case for millennia.

Let them not forget where they come from originally (Najd in KSA!) and where 95% of all Qataris come from a few generations ago! Modern-day KSA once again!

MBS is not going to tolerate blessed Arabia to become a place for the plots of foreigners. Yemen is a good example of this.

Once the Americans give a green light we should immediately invade Qatar and annex it. Things will just return to status quo for 98% of all recorded history. The 300.000 Qataris will return to their fatherland as well. GCC/Arabia integration is inevitable with or without the current rulers. The will of the people cannot be stopped.
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The fact is that all your moronic trolls can't deal with me alone let alone the few other active Arab users. Just like in real life.

Arab stronk :agree:

Nothing to do on the Iranian section? I am sure there are many nice threads there to keep you busy, or you like to openly troll, since you couldn't do it overtly anymore? :woot:

Well we already discussed the precision missile strike in Syria to death, thought I'd have a look at the ME forum and of course there is only 1 thing to do in the ME forum.
Arab stronk :agree:

Well we already discussed the precision missile strike in Syria to death, thought I'd have a look at the ME forum and of course there is only 1 thing to do in the ME forum.
And it is to troll? I have never trolled in the Iranian section.. Anyone can check my posts and threads there much before you came to the forum.. So please either come up with substantial comments and questions, or keep out of it all together.. As it is more interesting sometimes to read and analyse than to post for nothing.. cheers

Turkish newspaper reveals why the Emir of Qatar asked for military forces from Ankara

The Turkish newspaper "Hurriyet" revealed the secret behind Doha's request for protection from Turkey, stressing that the Emir of Qatar had sensed the possibility of some al-Thani's wings taking a coup against the regime, which made him reinforce his military relations with Istanbul in order to protect him.

Rouhani calls Tamim and confirms Iran's stand with Qatar



The King of Morocco to Emir # Qatar: We cherish the cooperation and solidarity that binds our two countries


They want to end up headless again or as slave eunuchs! Anyway only a few of those Turkified Anatolians are as deluded as that, most likely false flagger, which is very similar in rhetoric to Kuwaiti Girl indeed!

As I said just ignore non-Arabs here as long as they troll. To begin with they have no relevance in internal Arab affairs and secondly we Arabs laugh at their nonsense.

Anyway what a beautiful flag.

One of the tallest flagpoles in the world in beautiful Aqaba. Not only that it is the flag of Palestine and thus one of the most famous and recognizable flags. Turkified Anatolians are proudly waving it every day (somewhere in Turkey or elsewhere in the world).

Yes, good luck to them "fighting" 500 million of us when the superpower (USA) could never control all of Iraq at once and despite US losing more soldiers and gear than in Afghanistan in the past 16 years despite Afghanistan having a much more difficult terrain and despite US leaving Iraq in 2011!

If PKK, YPG, ISIS and others attacks in Turkey or on the Turkish military is anything to go by, I am afraid, that a few Arab tribes in Al-Anbar alone could deal with them if it was limited to land warfare!

They can't even deal with Iraq or Syria and they think that they are any threat to KSA, Egypt etc.:lol:

Sure and you have 1000 accounts here, kawli.

Anyway I think double accounts and Iranians are synonymous seeing that just 3-4 Iranians are behind at least 20 users in total.

The fact is that all your moronic trolls can't deal with me alone let alone the few other active Arab users. Just like in real life.

That has always been my theory too ever since that tool appeared. He seems to be obsessed about KSA. Very cute. Anyway extremely sad if that is the case. Let us hope not.
The Guardian: Qatar has not been able to deceive the Kingdom over the past years and it is time to reckon,
Noting that Riyadh was avoiding entry into a confrontation with a small country like Doha over the past years.
Hard Reality is this that Saudia is nothing in itself. It is only boasting on the shoulders of US.
Saudia was perhaps unable to fire a single bullet against Israel.
Saudia can only bully small states if US supports Saudia's back.

In brief: For Saudia "Allah is not the great, but US is the Greatest".

That is why even the Saudi Mullahs are in revolt against Saudia (Saudia banned Islam q & a website).

That is why Ikhwan hate them.

What was the role of mighty Saudia for the Muslims of Kashmir?

Watching all these facts, I am sure that Saudia is still nothing at it's own, but only boasting/terrorizing others which US is tapping it's back.
About the 13 demands. First of all most, if not all of them are demands stripping away Qatar's sovereignty. But that's not even the worst part, in my opinion.

Among those demands, they want Qatar to shut down Al Jazeera. This demand alone make me think the leadership of KSA have lost their minds, and here's why:

Al Jazeera is of strategic importance for Muslims because it is one of the few news outlets that lets us hear our voice to the world. Think about it, Al Jazeera is on the same league as CNN international, so the leadership of KSA have to have gone crazy to wanting Al Jazeera to be shut down.

I have (or had, not sure yet) high hopes of the 31 year old prince Salman, he was the one who thought up of Saudi vision 2030. When I first read about Saudi Vision 2030 it made me happy. I did think 'better late than never' because I was a little bit disappointed that they only started this project in 2016, but I was glad they started it and want to see them succeed and even expand on this vision.

This prince is now the first in line for the crown, I don't really know the internals of KSA, but I really hope he has a different opinion about this whole Qatar thing.

An no offence to any KSA guys here, but I do question the sanity of the leadership in KSA sometimes man. Because all the actions KSA have taken in this issue have been really disappointing.
Saudi Arabia: Qatar demand list is non-negotiable

some people say that Qatar has shown intention to accept 10 out of 13 conditions.

Speaking from your arse again? Which people are these?

Latest from the Qatari FM is: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/...nacceptable-backed-proof-170627210015045.html

"The foreign minister of Qatar has rejected a list of demands submitted by four Arab countries as unacceptable and said that Doha agrees with the US that they should push for a "rational" solution to the crisis."
Speaking from your arse again? Which people are these?

Latest from the Qatari FM is: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/...nacceptable-backed-proof-170627210015045.html

"The foreign minister of Qatar has rejected a list of demands submitted by four Arab countries as unacceptable and said that Doha agrees with the US that they should push for a "rational" solution to the crisis."

These wahabi minions are unbelievably out of touch with whatever has been going on. They read their royal news papers and start taking the propaganda as the facts. Their faith in Mr. Everything has translated into sheer stupidity but they perceive it as foresight.
About the 13 demands. First of all most, if not all of them are demands stripping away Qatar's sovereignty. But that's not even the worst part, in my opinion.

Among those demands, they want Qatar to shut down Al Jazeera. This demand alone make me think the leadership of KSA have lost their minds, and here's why:

Al Jazeera is of strategic importance for Muslims because it is one of the few news outlets that lets us hear our voice to the world. Think about it, Al Jazeera is on the same league as CNN international, so the leadership of KSA have to have gone crazy to wanting Al Jazeera to be shut down.

I have (or had, not sure yet) high hopes of the 31 year old prince Salman, he was the one who thought up of Saudi vision 2030. When I first read about Saudi Vision 2030 it made me happy. I did think 'better late than never' because I was a little bit disappointed that they only started this project in 2016, but I was glad they started it and want to see them succeed and even expand on this vision.

This prince is now the first in line for the crown, I don't really know the internals of KSA, but I really hope he has a different opinion about this whole Qatar thing.

An no offence to any KSA guys here, but I do question the sanity of the leadership in KSA sometimes man. Because all the actions KSA have taken in this issue have been really disappointing.

Any regime which is undemocratic corrupt fear free media.. Al Jazera was the first free media telling truth to Arab people. They are the first or among the few who showing documentary on occupied Palestinian their struggle against Israel, failure of Arab leader about Palestinian. They also support MB a democratic political party . This are reason Saudi and their clown ally hate Al Jazera.

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