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Saudis Seek to Funnel Arms to Syria Rebels

US, Saudi Arabia and Israel mastermind Syrian opposition

Published: 02 August, 2011, 00:28

Bashar Assad’s main headache now is the unseen coalition of the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel, which sees the Syrian regime as one of Iran’s major Middle East partners.

That’s according to former Pentagon officer Michael Maloof, who gave his insight into the situation in the protest-torn country.

“The Syrian opposition seems to be more cultivated from outside. And it’s one of the problems that Assad is facing now, not just internal unrest – although he’s promised reforms, but a concerted effort by forces outside, a combination of the United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel,” says Maloof.

“They see in Assad ultimately his alliance with Iran, which to them is a big problem. They see the spread of Iran in the Arab world. Iran has scored heavily not only in Iraq, but also in Lebanon. Iran has made it very clear that it’s going to support Assad, and they have helped solidify that arrangement with a multi-billion dollar energy agreement which brings together both Iraq and Syria, and Iran, and in effect it helps solidify Iran’s western flank,” he explains.

Several NATO states are threatening action against Syria, with the UN Security Council set to hold an emergency meeting on the situation. The news comes as activists report that Syrian security forces have renewed attacks on the city of Hama.

Aryan B saudis don't like press TV go find one on fox news.

You mean Zionist media Fox lies

I am having an extremely DejaVu moment here or is this forum so boring people just keep repeating the same BS over and over and over??

Talking about yourself are you??
Then you MUST Arms each and every Palestinian to Liberate Palestine and be Guilty as Qibla-e-Awal is being occupied by isrealis.

Hypocrites! People should not be hypocrites...Atleast i do acknowledge assad is doing it wrong but destroying a country is a wrong way...will those fat arse arab regimes get up and travel to Syria and defuse the situation-tensions...did They even Try at all?

The Arab league summit is on right now and the Syrian crisis is on top of the agenda. I doubt KSA ever really did send arms yet at all because KSA is looking to move under a strong cover wither it is UN or Arab League and not make a unilateral move.

The biggest Air donors to Palestine is KSA However if you are going to defeat Israel you will not defeat them by Gurrilla warfare that will only increase the suffering of the Palestinian people if you give Israel a reason to paint them as terrorists something Iran has no problem with. Killing as many Palestinian without giving it a second look just to gain popularity point in the Middle East that my friend is real Hypocrisy.
PressTV?? The highest of truthful journalism. :lol: Thank you for proving my point.

I am having an extremely DejaVu moment here or is this forum so boring people just keep repeating the same BS over and over and over??

When lacking in adding quality or feel inadequate in answering someone - blame the source Mosa - oldest trick in the book - big fail..:azn:
U.S. Policy May Drive Saudis Into Alliance Of Convenience With Israel

U.S. Policy May Drive Saudis Into Alliance Of Convenience With Israel | JewishPress.


Saudi Arabia is, to use a term the royals would, “greatly displeased” with the United States. Displeased with U.S. foreign policy regarding Iran and equally displeased with the decisions the White House is making about Syria.

From the Saudi point of view, the United States coddles Iran and indulges Syria. And the Saudis want the United States to suffer for that.

The current U.S. policy of advancing talks with Iran is seen by the Saudis as nothing more than another way of giving the Iranians more time to enrich their uranium and develop nuclear weapons. And the “wait and watch’” policy the U.S. has adopted toward Syria is, according to Saudi Arabia, destructive to the region.

Saudi Arabia believes that what is best for Syria right now is to oust Bashar Assad. It would save the lives of innocent Syrians and, just as important, it would send a message to Assad’s best friend and ally, Iran. The Saudis believe it should be incumbent on the U.S. stop Iran. But if the U.S. is unwilling to accept that mantle, Saudi Arabia will do it together with other players in the region. And that move might be very upsetting to Washington.

The Saudis’ frustration is so intense that it may even drive Saudi Arabia into some kind of defense and intelligence alliance with Israel.

On February 24 a meeting called The Friends of Syria was held in Tunis. The U.S. joined Saudi Arabia and more than seventy other Western and Middle East countries and international organizations to discuss the future of Syria and offer support for the opposition forces there. Hillary Clinton spoke to the group and gave voice to the U.S. view in support of continuing discussions with Iran and against military intervention, even limited, in Syria.

Prince Saud al Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, was so livid that he walked out on Clinton’s presentation.

Al Faisal only a short while before had reviewed with President Obama what the Saudis consider America’s gross misunderstanding of events in the Middle East. The Saudi had attempted to persuade the American president that Iran wants to topple Middle East regimes and harm the U.S. He explained that the U.S. need look no further than the strings Iran pulled in Bahrain just a few months ago and the strings they are pulling right now in Syria. As he walked out on the secretary of state, he reportedly said: “If that is the case then I can only assume that you will not take any action. We will find ways to solve these to problems.”

When it comes to Iran and to Syria, Saudi Arabia and Israel are now on the same page. The ideal alternative for Saudi Arabia right now is to resume the intelligence cooperation with Israel that had been broken off. Several months ago the Saudis gave tacit approval to Israel to fly over Saudi Arabia in order to strike Iran. That permission was later rescinded. Today, it looks like Saudi Arabia with again give Israel the green light.

The Saudis see the Iranians as mortal enemies. They are religious and cultural enemies. The Iranians are not Arabs. The Saudis and the Iranians share neither the same religion nor the same culture. Because of this tension the Saudis regularly work to undercut and even topple Iran’s Shiite regime.

The U.S. is not the only world power not in sync with Saudi Arabia on issues concerning Iran and Syria, but it is the only power Saudi Arabia thought it could work with. The Saudis have thrown up their diplomatic hands when it comes to Russia. While the Saudis want to oust Assad in Syria to teach Iran a lesson, the Russians want just the opposite. The Saudis feel that if they can neither unseat nor destabilize Iran itself, they must unseat Iran’s proxy in Syria. That policy is a direct tit-for-tat for Iran’s effort last year to oust Bahrain’s Sunni leaders and Saudi Arabia stepped in to save them.

Russia is, both militarily and scientifically, deeply invested in Syria and has no intention of jeopardizing that investment. Saudi Arabia does not care about Russia investments; for the Saudis, it is all about pride. The Saudi investment goes toward sponsoring all anti-Assad activity in Syria – even sponsoring al Qaeda in Syria. Russia recently reported that 15,000 foreign al Qaeda fighters have entered Syria. Their objective is to oust Assad at all costs.

The Saudis are so upset by with what they consider to be immature diplomatic decision-making by the White House that the royal family is threatening Washington with exactly what Washington fears most from Iran – skyrocketing oil prices. The Saudis have said the U.S. must act seriously on the Iranian issue or the price of oil will hit $150 per barrel. Everyone, including the Saudis, knows this is a presidential election year in the U.S.. And they all know that higher gas prices may just be the kiss of death for Obama’s reelection campaign.

Go easy on Iran by advancing dialogue and upset Saudi Arabia, which will increase the price of oil – or please the Saudis and go hard on Iran, which will increase the price of oil. This is the no-win situation into which Barack Obama has maneuvered the U.S.

Micah D. Halpern is a columnist and social and political commentator. He maintains The Micah Report website (The Micah Report). His latest book is “Thugs: How History’s Most Notorious Despots Transformed the World through Terror, Tyranny, and Mass Murder” (Thomas Nelson).
I am having an extremely DejaVu moment here or is this forum so boring people just keep repeating the same BS over and over and over??

When lacking in adding quality or feel inadequate in answering someone - blame the source Mosa - oldest trick in the book - big fail..:azn:

I think you of all people should remember the truthfulness of PressTV since you have embarrassed yourself before by this thread or do you not remember it?? here let me remind you:

Criminal Saud regime following orders from it's American masters who through AIPAC get order from Tel Aviv
You know the Sauds are so rich they could, if they wish, supply Syrian rebels then use a fraction of these funds to bribe journalists around the world to blame Israel instead. So who says this isn't already happening? Really, you guys are so easily blinded!
I think you of all people should remember the truthfulness of PressTV since you have embarrassed yourself before by this thread or do you not remember it?? here let me remind you:


My God I remember my posts here I was actually looking to having an intelligent debate but since then I learned there is no intelligence here in this forum to begin with just conspiracy theorists who do make a good source for my Stand up Comedy :lol:
Syria and Iran should reply in kind by helping Shia minority in KSA. I think oil fields and pipelines are in Eastern KSA.

Actually, if you look a the situation, shia population of RSA love RSA Respect it and are clam where as RSA is spreading terrorism in Iran-Pakistan-lebanon-Syria even Palestine to blame muslim population.

It is no secret in mid's 2004-2006 Pakistan Army cleared maximum actual saudi nationals in FATA-Waziristan...now the locals-Afghanistan's terrorists are active inside, Saudi-qatari-emariti terrorists have been successfully rooted out most of them but the mess has returned in Bulochistan.
Actually, if you look a the situation, shia population of RSA love RSA Respect it and are clam where as RSA is spreading terrorism in Iran-Pakistan-lebanon-Syria even Palestine to blame muslim population.

It is no secret in mid's 2004-2006 Pakistan Army cleared maximum actual saudi nationals in FATA-Waziristan...now the locals-Afghanistan's terrorists are active inside, Saudi-qatari-emariti terrorists have been successfully rooted out most of them but the mess has returned in Bulochistan.

At that time KSA was also suffering from an increased activity of terrorists which we also fought and many soldiers and innocent civilians died because of it and it kept going on from 2003-2006. Those terrorists fought the state of Saudi Arabia openly how the hell does Saudi Arabia support them?? This does not make any sense you know.
The Arab league summit is on right now and the Syrian crisis is on top of the agenda. I doubt KSA ever really did send arms yet at all because KSA is looking to move under a strong cover wither it is UN or Arab League and not make a unilateral move.

The biggest Air donors to Palestine is KSA However if you are going to defeat Israel you will not defeat them by Gurrilla warfare that will only increase the suffering of the Palestinian people if you give Israel a reason to paint them as terrorists something Iran has no problem with. Killing as many Palestinian without giving it a second look just to gain popularity point in the Middle East that my friend is real Hypocrisy.

There are 101 ways to paint israel bad culprit once again...arab regimes have money use money-gold, use print media, online internet and tv channels see how a few western channels have put the entire muslim population into the segment of evil society now do it to them can you, would you? Why don't you give us a clear cut answer to why saudi regime would not openly come out against israel atrocities of 42+ Year but would poke their noses in internal affairs of other muslims nations. Have your say...
There are 101 ways to paint israel bad culprit once again...arab regimes have money use money-gold, use print media, online internet and tv channels see how a few western channels have put the entire muslim population into the segment of evil society now do it to them can you, would you? Why don't you give us a clear cut answer to why saudi regime would not openly come out against israel atrocities of 42+ Year but would poke their noses in internal affairs of other muslims nations. Have your say...

Who said KSA did not come out openly against Israel?? Saudi Arabia participated with Soldiers money and equipment in all Arab-Israeli wars. in 1948 KSA was the fourth biggest participating state against Israel the same in 67 and the fifth after Iraq in 73.

The Iranian propaganda BS that have surfaced lately of KSA never pointing a gun at Israel is just plain laughable to all Saudi citizens who know their history however this propaganda is aimed at you and it is apparently working.

I know that for religious reasons you support the massacre of the Syrian Sunni population however I only implore you to reach the humanity inside you and leave this dirty thing aside. In one year 8000 Syrians have died because of Al-Assad and I will spit on this country if it does nothing to help our brothers in Syria from this criminal.
I think you of all people should remember the truthfulness of PressTV since you have embarrassed yourself before by this thread or do you not remember it?? here let me remind you:


Are western press corrupt as well?They say that your Saud family is corrupt:

Justice, even for princes | Ali al-Ahmed | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

BAE and the Saudis: How secret cash payments oiled £43bn arms deal | World news | The Guardian

You know the Sauds are so rich they could, if they wish, supply Syrian rebels then use a fraction of these funds to bribe journalists around the world to blame Israel instead. So who says this isn't already happening? Really, you guys are so easily blinded!

I wouldn't be surprised that Sauds family are more Zionist than Israel at all

My God I remember my posts here I was actually looking to having an intelligent debate but since then I learned there is no intelligence here in this forum to begin with just conspiracy theorists who do make a good source for my Stand up Comedy :lol:

You wouldn't know intelligent if it slammed you in the face. You are blind to Sauds injustices and now they are going to try killing more of the great Arab peoples in Syria.
The issue is not about Shia or Sunni. I am Sunni and I say that this Saud family is a curse to us. They have sent Pakistan back 30 years with their funding of Taliban seminaries. They assist Americans to kill innocent Muslims in all lands including Arabs. All that family is interested in is there own survival and to be able to indulge their hedonistic activities of women alcohol etc and now they want to help Israel and America to invade Syria so more Muslims and other die
Are western press corrupt as well?They say that your Saud family is corrupt:

Justice, even for princes | Ali al-Ahmed | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

BAE and the Saudis: How secret cash payments oiled £43bn arms deal | World news | The Guardian

I wouldn't be surprised that Sauds family are more Zionist than Israel at all

You wouldn't know intelligent if it slammed you in the face. You are blind to Sauds injustices and now they are going to try killing more of the great Arab peoples in Syria.

You keep bringing that gay dude up all the time?? Why not bring this one??
‘King Faisal Stood Firm on Oil Embargo’
Saudi Prince Ups IDF Kidnap Ante to $1 Million - Middle East - News - Israel National News
Why not bring up the fact that KSA refused US request to inspect our ballistic missiles if it as you say an S&M relationship then that wouldn't have happened right??

Aryan_B you are a man of deep seated propaganda who is not worth his weight in salt. You are the kind of person that people act like they are interested in your conversation but when you leave laugh till their pants fall off. So yeah what a symbol of Intelligence you are :lol:
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