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Shanghai metro hires people to shove commuters into trains

anyway... we should be proud....
look into Toronto Subway... its like they live in the 80s or something...

Hating taking public transport in Canada... they don't even bother renewing it...

Thanks for the warning, I will be going to Toronto in July for conference. Should just take a cab.

Is the bus bad?
Thanks for the warning, I will be going to Toronto in July for conference. Should just take a cab.

Is the bus bad?

Yes it is. But Toronto is not bad.

And think about it. With Canada's size and population, how could the country afford (logistically) the kind of mass transportation that are available in the more densely populated parts of Asia and Europe?

If you plan to get out of the Toronto city core at all, rent a car and with the ubiquitous GPS these days you'd be far better off.

Thanks for the advice.
Toronto is rated as Canada's most metro and safest city.
It's also the most expensive by living costs.
So much so that subway stations have now started hiring people to shove passengers into coaches

I am so surprised at your ignorance.
Japan hiring people to shove passengers in tokyo decades ago bcoz the over population in tokyo. I dont think there are anything wrong with it. And Shanghai is the same league with tokyo, so aslo shanghai has this problem. By the way, why mubai dont have this problem is that mubai is still a small city compairing tokyo and shanghai.
BTW: Before you jump out to show your ignorance here, plz pay sometime to do some homework.:lol:
I think Mumbai is getting its first monorail. Will it be the first monorail in India?

I've been on KL's monorail, really cool as you can see city. Good for tourism, but the monorails are SLOW, but good for taking pictures. Ever been on a monorail?

Though many monorail systems are being planned or are in various stages of completion across the country ,Mumbai will be the first one to get it.The first phase would be completed by the end of this year.In few years more than 100 kms (of monorail system)would be in mumbai itself.:cheers:
I am so surprised at your ignorance.
Japan hiring people to shove passengers in tokyo decades ago bcoz the over population in tokyo. I dont think there are anything wrong with it. And Shanghai is the same league with tokyo, so aslo shanghai has this problem. By the way, why mubai dont have this problem is that mubai is still a small city compairing tokyo and shanghai.
BTW: Before you jump out to show your ignorance here, plz pay sometime to do some homework.:lol:


Mumbai is actually quite a large city.


Mumbai is actually quite a large city.


哈哈哈 沙比阿 3装什么湾湾阿.
Yes, you are right, comparing to some small city.
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I am so surprised at your ignorance.
Japan hiring people to shove passengers in tokyo decades ago bcoz the over population in tokyo. I dont think there are anything wrong with it. And Shanghai is the same league with tokyo, so aslo shanghai has this problem. By the way, why mubai dont have this problem is that mubai is still a small city compairing tokyo and shanghai.
BTW: Before you jump out to show your ignorance here, plz pay sometime to do some homework.:lol:

Yup, Your observation duly noted. Will take care next time. Also pointed out by another poster....

Anyways, even if this starts in India, it wont cease to be funny u know. Shoving passengers into trains ..

Anyways, I already said, no offence intended... Cheers
哈哈哈 沙比阿 3装什么湾湾阿.
Yes, you are right, comparing to some small city.

And now you are accusing me of being Indian.
I tried to not take sides on debates and talk instead on facts.

Not everyone who disagree with you is Indian.
Fact: Mumbai has 14 million people, which is a large city by any standards.

Just trying to warn you before hand before the 'real' ones reply to you.

And now you are accusing me of being Indian.
I tried to not take sides on debates and talk instead on facts.

Not everyone who disagree with you is Indian.
Fact: Mumbai has 14 million people, which is a large city by any standards.

Just trying to warn you before hand before the 'real' ones reply to you.


哈哈哈 沙比阿 3装什么湾湾阿.
Yes, you are right, comparing to some small city.

@ chinapakistan

Educational "troll" mode:

Watch your language you fc^ck!ng half-Japanese 恬不知耻的 sellout! Who the h#ll gave you permission to troll against one of our Taiwanese brothers from the land of shameless Yamatos? I betcha go to 靖国神社 every week and lick the floor to show your loyalty to the idols of r@pists for xxxx your xxxx and giving birth to such a 傻B人渣 such as your disgraceful self?​

Exiting "troll" mode.

Now listen up you "沙比"/"戆比样子". I know you take a leaf from your wet nurse baby-sitter and the rest of the r@t pack on deflecting everybody who disagrees with you as a "Hindoo" or a "Joo".

But know this from the Cultural Revolution: you can put up a 大字报, but someone else can always put up a bigger 大字报 and use your favourite verbatim against you - 汉奸败类不要脸的走狗。

Just because you supposedly traveled to India 3 times a year and kept up your Chinese language proficiency reasonably well since arriving in Japan at 10, you don't know everything.

I don't care what you don't know - but watch your mouth!

Or else someone will teach you the meaning of trolling :azn:

Thanks for speaking for me but no need to be this harsh, wouldn't want a row over this. We can all discuss things reasonably and I don't really take sides. Time to get back on topic

Actually I think it is really nitpicking of me to point out a small error.
And just because he is in Japan does not mean he is sellout. I'm also in New Zealand which is a former Britain colony.
huh wut u mean?????? toronto has a decent subway :D ...i still love em ghettto thangs
Thanks for speaking for me but no need to be this harsh, wouldn't want a row over this. We can all discuss things reasonably and I don't really take sides. Time to get back on topic

Actually I think it is really nitpicking of me to point out a small error.
And just because he is in Japan does not mean he is sellout. I'm also in New Zealand which is a former Britain colony.

Haha bro. You ROC folks are way more "polite" and "goody-two-shoes" than us 长在红旗下,喝了狼奶长大的。 Anyways, did you miss the context? I wasn't attacking his "identity" at all, but merely showcasing an example of what goes around could easily boomerang if someone else takes a page from his own silly play book.

Anybody can "out-nationalist" a nationalist if they just know the "code words" and the right buttons to press. These people are China's Taliban AFAIC. When such 新义和团 (both from the left and the right) will take over is anybody's guess.

These days I couldn't even be bothered with any run-of-the-mill 粪粪 hyper-nationalist - just the ones displaying a glaring stupidity and a gross lack of decorum.

Anyways, I couldn't care less if he is in Japan or you are down under. It was all just for "exhibitional purposes". I am sorry it got too "hot" for you.

No hard feelings - just words - so far. :azn:


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