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Sheikh Abdul Aziz Killed - Violence Flares in Kashmir

NA passes protest resolution against Kashmiris’ martyrdom

Updated at: 2245 PST, Wednesday, August 13, 2008
ISLAMABAD: National Assembly Wednesday passed unanimously a protest resolution against the martyrdom of Kashimiris including APHC leader Shaikh Abdul Aziz by Indian forces’ firing.

Federal Minister for Information, Sherry Rehman tabled the protest resolution before the assembly. The resolution condemning the killings in Indian administered Kashmir, urged the world community’s intervention for putting an end to the violence.

All the parties backed the resolution.

Inayatullah of Pakistan Muslim League-Q on the occasion demanded immediate cease fire in the occupied Kashmir besides taking up the issue of mass graves found there in the international court.

Shaikh Aftab called for solving the Kashmir stand-off in accordance with the resolutions of United Nations.

NA passes protest resolution against Kashmiris’ martyrdom

Icecold - Is the response getting a little better for your liking..;)
It's very shameful to see Pakistan interfering in our National affairs.

For a country which is does not have any control over half of its western region - who economy is torn - PNR at 75 for 1 USD - no political stablity - I just cannot belive how they can comment about Kashmir.

Well, if they want to promote hatred, we will not keep quiet.

This is a clear indication that Peace process was only a fake mask. The true face is out now.

They say they want to save the muslims of India, but they don't realize that the same muslims were part of the Indian Army that fought and handed over a humilitating defeate to them in 1971.

It's plain and simple, they want to encourage the separatist APHC and see some more innocent Kashmiri muslims killed, just because they are Indian.
It's very shameful to see Pakistan interfering in our National affairs.

For a country which is does not have any control over half of its western region - who economy is torn - PNR at 75 for 1 USD - no political stablity - I just cannot belive how they can comment about Kashmir.

Well, if they want to promote hatred, we will not keep quiet.

This is a clear indication that Peace process was only a fake mask. The true face is out now.

They say they want to save the muslims of India, but they don't realize that the same muslims were part of the Indian Army that fought and handed over a humilitating defeate to them in 1971.

It's plain and simple, they want to encourage the separatist APHC and see some more innocent Kashmiri muslims killed, just because they are Indian.

Read up on history - J&K is disputed territory per the international community and the United Nations, that is the difference between J&K and any other region. If you cannot understand so simple a concept then I cannot help you.

Since Pakistan has claims to the territory, and its claim has been recognized in the UN, we have every right to protest actions that go against our interests in J&K.

The peace talks were vitiated by India as I outlined in a post earlier - for the GoI to complain about "harming peace talks" now is disingenuous.

"A little late to be worrying about "harming the peace talks", after the lies about the Embassy bombing, calling for the destruction of the ISI, repeated ceasefire violations by India, and PM MMS reportedly saying "no business as usual" in SriLanka to PM Gilani."

And please, don't hijack the thread by going into a litany of complaints against Pakistan throughout history. Stick with current events related to the thread topic.
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Ok - the world know's who was behind the Kabul bombing.

Back to Kashmir.

If you know history - Maharaja Hari singh signed the Instrument of Accession and Kashmir is an integral part of India.

1. So Pakistan does not have legal right over Kashmir.

2. Fearing that India will capture P-O-K, Pakistan gave a part of it to China. This clearly shows that Pakistan does not have any moral right also.
Ok - the world know's who was behind the Kabul bombing.

If you know history - Maharaja Hari singh signed the Instrument of Accession and Kashmir is an integral part of India.

1. So Pakistan does not have legal right over Kashmir.

2. Fearing that India will capture P-O-K, Pakistan gave a part of it to China. This clearly shows that Pakistan does not have any moral right also.

No the whole world does not 'know', barring India and Afghanistan, both virulently anti-Pakistan entities. The NYT article has only voiced poorly written speculation, quite clearly intended to pressure the GoP to follow US policy in FATA, and Pakistan has offered its rebuttal.

If Pakistan had no legal right over Kashmir then the UN would have simply ordered Pakistan to withdraw and ruled that Kshmri belonged to India - instead it ordered both to withdraw and a referendum to determine the final status of the territory.

In addition, the instrument of accession, if valid, was also conditional to a plebiscite being held in Kashmir, a condition that has not been fulfilled as of yet.

Therefore India has no more legal right over Kashmir than does Pakistan.

Beyond that as I said, move back to the current topic.

There are plenty of threads for arguing the Kashmir dispute you can continue this conversation on.
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There was a news piece on al jazeera about the "kashmir siege" where it showed some of the people murdered by the indian "security" forces being buried with the pakistani flag draped over the body..........i think that really shows what the kashmiri want........pakistan!
This is extremely sad that our Kashmiri brothers and sisters are still suffering under the brutal occupation of the Indian army. The worlds largest soldier to civilian ratio is proof of the fact that the Kashmiris do not want to do anything with India and that their true aspirations are slowly being crushed through state sponsored terrorism.

This land transfer drama was just the Indian government testing waters. To see whether their 60 years of brutalizing the Kashmiri populace had managed to smother out the Kashmiris dream of self determination. Well we certainly know how that turned out.

I'm personally dissappointed with the government of Pakistan and how ridiculous their response was to this incident. Cosmetic at best.
Refer to post no. 50.

Thanks for the insight.

India should allow the old Pindi road to open through Azaad Kashmir (that has never been asked in the 60 year history of Pakistan) this route was Kashmirs natural trading route.

India should allow an Independent investigation that brings those who took part in this murder to be brought to justice.

Kashmir is not Indian territory it is disputed territory that is what Pakistan and India agreed in the Simla agreement that Kashmir is a disputed territory that both nations should resolve through dialog.
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GHATAK said:
If you know history - Maharaja Hari singh signed the Instrument of Accession and Kashmir is an integral part of India.

Which breached the Delhi agreement!

Kashmir was dominated by more than 80 percent muslims at that time and should have become part of Pakistan, look what happened to that bastard he ended up running bear foot back to India.

GHATAK said:
1. So Pakistan does not have legal right over Kashmir.

Kashmir is a Disputed territory between India and Pakistan. It will never be called Indian territory, it will be called disputed territory.

GHATAK said:
2. Fearing that India will capture P-O-K, Pakistan gave a part of it to China. This clearly shows that Pakistan does not have any moral right also.

India gave that too China you are not aware of the history, the Indian asked for war and they received with open arms this later was the turning point in Chinese history they came closer to Pakistan and later when ZAB visited they have become Pakistan all weather friend, India is unwanted in Kashmir, look at it this way the Kashmiri people have their own native language which is different to Urdu yet they adopted to speak Urdu and made their national language that is major slap in India's face and kick in their stomach when you see images of Kashmiris holding Pakistani flags.

Alright if India has claims why doesn't it allow a plebiscite to take place, they know the Kashmirs will side with Pakistan.
Kashmir is a Indian state by instrument of accession, If you ponder deep Pakistan just is claiming based on majority Muslim population. However it did manage to get hold of significant amount of Kashmir territory in 1947 since then the regions are divided by LOC.

Pakistan fans and supports dissidence in Kashmir and even boast of providing moral support to Militants.

Indian government has right to act on people who break the laws.

Pakistan can never claim Kashmir by support of Islamic countries or UN.

India has been fairly successful with democracy. It is progressing economically much better than Pakistan.

Imagine if India and China border issues are resolved then where will it leave Pakistan on Kashmir ?
Icecold - Is the response getting a little better for your liking..;)

Actually no AM specially when the real intentions are known of people like Mr.10%, these statements don't hold much weight.

What disputed territory? We have what you want (the Valley), and we will never let you have it.

Plus, ever wondered why is it always only Kashmir and not Jammu & Kashmir and not Aksai Chin? Stop wearing that "disputed territory" mask.

Our side of J&K is our territory; your side is yours; China's side is China's.

Nothing is going to change the status quo regardless of how anybody feels. Most of the problems of the people in the region stem from the fact that you guys and some sections of the region's society are not okay with the status quo and intend to gamble it all away in order to change it, which will never happen.

This recent protest will die out once everybody realizes that it is doing no good to anybody.

The guy who ensured the land transfer sits on the board of the Amarnath Shrine Board, and organized the deal to rake in the moolah. Somebody did not get their share and hence the ruckus was created. State political parties jumped in to cash in on the hype. The secessionists (actually, the opportunists) joined the band wagon, and so did the Hindu right (actually, the hypocrites). Initial protests were paid for and staged; once the fire gained fuel, people (who are really pissed off because of reasons not entirely their own) took to the streets and the Hindu-Muslim tribal-and-useless warfare commenced. This hoopla will die out within a month or two, but the animosity and mistrust will remain for slightly longer.

But I love the propaganda and rhetoric: 250000 people march (my arse, no more than a few hundred came forward); Pakistani flags being waved (somebody got paid a few hundred bucks for his night-time liquor); innocent protestors (yeah, breaking a curfew is legal) being shot at (bullets were fired in the air for crowd dispersal after all else failed); etc.

But do I support the land deal; yes, I do and it should be forced down these xenophobes' throats if the need arises. The reason: many in my family have been to that shrine and often lament the lack of accommodation therein.

On one side you expect tolerance and respect for religion, and on the other you display hypocrisy and exhibit such cheap behaviour (Hindus will rule over us), my my...

If we wanted to "amalgamate" the Valley, we would have done it long back, much before your fighters stepped in.
Remove the Article 370 from the constituition, then we'l see how these damn secessionists try to do what they have done this time, again.

Its the only thing that prevents the solution to Kashmir. Companies cant buy land and work there because of it, other people cannot live in Kashmir. Remove Kashmir's special status in our constitution and work will flow there. The unemployed will get jobs, the demographics will get balanced and then we'l see if the secessionists try to do something stupid.
Remove the Article 370 from the constituition, then we'l see how these damn secessionists try to do what they have done this time, again.

Its the only thing that prevents the solution to Kashmir. Companies cant buy land and work there because of it, other people cannot live in Kashmir. Remove Kashmir's special status in our constitution and work will flow there. The unemployed will get jobs, the demographics will get balanced and then we'l see if the secessionists try to do something stupid.

I'll second that.
Remove the Article 370 from the constituition, then we'l see how these damn secessionists try to do what they have done this time, again.

Its the only thing that prevents the solution to Kashmir. Companies cant buy land and work there because of it, other people cannot live in Kashmir. Remove Kashmir's special status in our constitution and work will flow there. The unemployed will get jobs, the demographics will get balanced and then we'l see if the secessionists try to do something stupid.

I'll agree with that. We've tried everything. Kashmir is probably one of the most pampered states in terms of central funding. Not our fault if their state government is one of the most corrupt in the country.

Special status or not, the region is in flames. Might as well get rid of it.

What a bunch of insular xenophobes these people are. I'm not surprised by the reaction in Jammu.

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