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Shocking! Woman thrashed for 'wearing short dress, roaming with men' in Pune

I did read @ranjeet 's post. Lol
He finds it a lil hard to trust women, and it's fine. :P
Moral policing is not new to India, specially in states like Maharashtra, where they usually spare locals while outsiders have to bear the brunt.
But in this case, I would like to know how did these men see her in a short dress. I mean, the length of the dress is definitely not visible when you're sitting inside the car. Or do men have an X-Ray machine for eyes? :what:

A friend of mine is going on chutti to Pakistan. I will ask him to prove it to you.
Chalega? :P

Well .Morons and perverts power will manifold when they take interests in such cheap shit .
Same happens here .
Those two dumbs might be following that lady
yeh howle ko kyon bhaav de rahe ho? do it at your own peril.Bheja fry karega yeh tumhara
you argue with a lunatic he fights back : you appreciate his stupidity he leaves you to find others to fight :partay:
a bunch of fakers... those females are not at all attractive in their physicality.
these creatures, male and female, are the sort that sit in 'cafe coffee day' and 'barista' sipping mochaccino, dhokaccino, dhoklaccino or some such and talk about their mba, their dog ( "doggy" ), their gym, their thai cooking class and the latest mythological thriller ( like 'the oath of the vayuputras' :rofl: ).
and with liberal insertion of f-words and pretend-american words like gross, dude, a**hole etc, especially done by the females among them... i want to wash their tongue with phenyl when they do this and pour more on their stupid clothes.

and with liberal insulting of socialist or non-nationalist or even centrist figures ( "shehla taqiya", arundhati roy, "burkha dutt" etc ).

Why do you even go to CCday then?
Bhabhi ji ne kaha hai


bhabhi ji ke kya pakde hain?? :undecided:

I get the feeling that jamahir is a jealous nobody, therefore all this bad mouthing of people who choose to go out and eat and drink what they like every once in a while. Plain and simple.


jealous of what??

dhoklachino:lol:i sometimes wonder why at every given moment they pretend to be a gora sahab, feeling intense shame and ferociously taking refuge in their pizza, pasta la vista and whats happening in a us state or in some street of france, if someone only by reference points out to them their cultural blessings like roti,salan, dayhaat

that's right.

and though these creatures pretend to be from usa ("the states" ) the originals would, i think, be embarrassed of these pretenders... we can see that on this very forum.

a mannerism present among some of these fakers ( perhaps in pakistan too ) is voicing of a heavy "r" sound when there is no such sound in any native english word... a example can be in something as simple as "america" and these fakers make heavy the "er" because they think americans sound like that... but it becomes so painful on the ears of listeners.

but i must tell you of a little change i made among them... on sunday i was at a favorite restaurant of mine and there were two young ladies seated to my right across the aisle and conversing in a modern indian "young urban professionals - yuppies" version of english... i am polite and easy-speaking with people and so i was with the waiter ( i am familiar with him too from being regular there ) and spoke to him mostly in the local language with some use of "sir"... now you know that i am stylish and all in the old way, so that aspect and my talking manner must have affected the two ladies so when they called for the bill they spoke to the same waiter in the local language, were polite and used "sir". :D

so some of them can be salvaged indeed.

as a side note, as they prepared to leave, they were standing for quite a while and glancing into the window on my left though there was not much interesting there, just the view of the restaurant's ground floor ( i was on the first floor ). :D

i can choose kraylay goshat, nihari, bhindi, with tandori roti and lassi any time over this pijaa and marconi:P,won't feel any shame that iam gonna eat these things away in front of a tie babu or what would he say that iam eating a roti or discussing about 36 chukk or gurgao'n:suicide2:


and i never had karela gosht... from google it is called a pakistani dish though if is it punjabi or afghani or pathani or even sindhi i may be able to savor it here.

well, pizza when of the proper meat variety is a good and healthy meal but for it to look good it must be eaten by people like you and me and not the faker types.

the tie is really a silly and uncomfortable piece of non-clothing whose only function is provide color to what is seen as "essential and formal" clothing in "formal" situations... and in most of subcontinental climate the coat/tie ensemble looks silly and impractical.

and well, generally the tie babus all look at my ... how much ever the tie babu pretends he can't surpass my classic styling. :D

what we are witnessing is a new form of jahils in the making,use profanity in punjabi or in any other domestic language, one would be immediately termed as a scumbag illiterate,while using phuck,ar*e hole:sick: (btw what so funny or abusive about ar** hole) makes them civilized little insects

exact analysis.

and i will add to this that the females will use this language thinking it makes them liberated but the irony is that they are the first ones to stupidly and misguidedly celebrate the traditional socio-economic shackles that had oppressed the females in the first place... i write more of this in the last section.

another thing is the melodramatic capabilities of these liberals,they have the potential of creating some weird issues out of nothing and then foaming their mouths over that------


almost every liberal form upper middle or elite class was once a commie before the soviet collapse happened, trends and treasury have been changed, they are the same-------

while i would agree that in previous decades some of the upper middle class and the elite class had socialist leanings ( for example, many of the older film industry folk in india ) i would state that there were never liberal... i am not a liberal, for i cannot tolerate the reactionary, the capitalist, the callous, the apathetic, the cruel... "liberal" is not the right terminology.

and those leanings of the previous ( some ) upper middle class and elite class is no longer the case now... the neo-rich middle class has changed the definitions... majority of the current liberals, whether in india or pakistan, were never commie and were always virulently against socialism/communism.

socialists are simple-talk people, even among some of the the elite during the previous decades... note the wording of 'laal' band songs or the wording in speeches of kanhaiya kumar or the lovely shehla rashid or the wording or even that of those somewhat sympathetic to socialism like arundhati roy... note even my wording... it is easy to notice the difference between socialist talk and liberal talk.

presently, the real indian liberals mostly tend to be nationalist and sanghi and this is why i made reference to "mythological thrillers" and the last paragraph in my previous post.

if you ask those indians who like and promote peace-building measures like 'aman ki asha' you will find them reluctant to put themselves in the same circle of the fakers who make frivolous talk over mochaccino.

Why do you even go to CCday then?

oh, once or twice years ago.

i prefer going to places where tea is properly made, but sadly some of these faker college students and software/mba types bring their stupidity there too.
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bhabhi ji ke kya pakde hain?? :undecided:

jealous of what??

that's right.

and though these creatures pretend to be from usa ("the states" ) the originals would i think be embarrassed of these pretenders... we can see that on this very forum.

a mannerism present among some of these fakers ( perhaps in pakistan too ) is voicing of a heavy "r" sound when there is no such sound in any native english word... a example can be in something as simple as "america" and these fakers make heavy the "er" because they think americans sound like that... but it becomes so painful on the ears of listeners.

but i must tell you of a little change i made among them... on sunday i was at a favorite restaurant of mine and there were two young ladies seated to my right across the aisle and conversing in a modern indian "young urban professionals - yuppies" version of english... i am polite and easy-speaking with people and so i was with the waiter ( i am familiar with him too from being regular there ) and spoke to him mostly in the local language with some use of "sir"... now you know that i am stylish and all in the old way, so that aspect and my talking manner must have affected the two ladies so when they called for the bill they spoke to the same waiter in the local language, were polite and used "sir". :D

so some of them can be salvaged indeed.

as a side note, as they prepared to leave, they were standing for quite a while and glancing into the window on my left though there was not much interesting there, just the view of the restaurant's ground floor ( i was on the first floor ). :D


and i never had karela gosht... from google it is called a pakistani dish though if is it punjabi or afghani or pathani or even sindhi i may be able to savor it here.

well, pizza when of the proper meat variety is a good and healthy meal but for it to look good it must be eaten by people like you and me and not the faker types.

the tie is really a silly and uncomfortable piece of non-clothing whose only function is provide color to what is seen as "essential and formal" clothing in "formal" situations... and in most of subcontinental climate the coat/tie ensemble looks silly and impractical.

and well, generally the tie babus all look at my ... how much ever the tie babu pretends he can't surpass my classic styling. :D

exact analysis.

and i will add to this that the females will use this language thinking it makes them liberated but the irony is that they are the first ones to stupidly and misguidedly celebrate the traditional socio-economic shackles that had oppressed the females in the first place... i write more of this in the last section.


while i would agree that in previous decades some of the upper middle class and the elite class had socialist leanings ( for example, many of the older film industry folk in india ) i would state that there were never liberal... i am not a liberal, for i cannot tolerate the reactionary, the capitalist, the callous, the apathetic, the cruel... "liberal" is not the right terminology.

and those leanings of the previous ( some ) upper middle class and elite class is no longer the case now... the neo-rich middle class has changed the definitions... majority of the current liberals, whether in india or pakistan, were never commie and were always virulently against socialism/communism.

socialists are simple-talk people, even among some of the the elite during the previous decades... note the wording of 'laal' band songs or the wording in speeches of kanhaiya kumar or the lovely shehla rashid or the wording or even that of those somewhat sympathetic to socialism like arundhati roy... note even my wording... it is easy to notice the difference between socialist talk and liberal talk.

presently, the real indian liberals mostly tend to be nationalist and sanghi and this is why i made reference to "mythological thrillers" and the last paragraph in my previous post.

if you ask those indians who like and promote peace-building measures like 'aman ki asha' you will find them reluctant to put themselves in the same circle of the fakers who make frivolous talk over mochaccino.

oh, once or twice years ago.

i prefer going to places where tea is properly made, but sadly some of these faker college students and software/mba types bring their stupidity there too.
Western culture has spoiled our women.pfft!
@jamahir karayly (bitter cucumber) with minced meat (mutton or lamb) or pieces of it....you can fill a krayla with minced meat but it would become too greasy for you to eat

better cut those krylas in little slices and then add qeema or mutton pieces in it,qeema would be ideal make some mint sauce-------the podeenay ki chatni--------don't forget to add keri in it

make a mug full of salty lassi

get some tandori rotis if not then regular chapatis-----no naaan

,close your eyes and have a morsel:smitten:----------janant m pohanch jao gy---you can also have this dish with prathas in the breakfast

here's the recipe

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