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Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

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if as you say there was massive destruction of hinduism of such a scale that no trace of it is left in archelogical sites of Pakistan then that also backs the assertion that lands of Pakistan do not have much links with indian hinduism.

Not traces of monkey , elephant and other statues that indian hinduiusm has in Pakistani archeological sites means two things

a. They never existed
b. They existed , but were wiped off to such an extent that no trace is left.

Any traces of child rapists in the archaeology? Of people blowing up in marketplaces to get their 72?

What would that mean?

That is the fun with self loathing converts like these. They invite contempt on their new religion and it's founder.

Than they complain why people make those cartoon or movies about the "pbuh"! ;)

Which ever on you pick , shows that hinduism as it exists in india did not exists or ceased to exist such that present day Pakistan has no links what so ever to hinduism.

Well, the land will always remain Dharmic even if people were forcibly converted.

It will revert back and reject the imposition. Only a matter of time.

The cults come and go.

Sanatan Dharma is here to stay.
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No Sanskrit in Tamilian language – ah now I understand as to why the Tamils do not want to remain in India and want a separate homeland for themselves. I wish them well.
Which decade do you live in man?
I thought you were but a child posting nonsense learnt from the local madrassa!
Either that or your one of the remnants of partition!
Tamils had an issue with remaining in India back in the 60's. Thats all said and done and over, and not just now, its been decades since that issue has been over.

Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism do not share the core basic philosophies of Hinduism. These are separate religions having their own core philosophy and want to be officially declared as separate religions which the Indian Constitution and Indian Supreme Court decisions shamefully do not allow. Read Ambedkar and others to understand the anomalies and farce of your content. If they were so similar why would they want to be identified as separate religions and not be part of Hinduism. Dharmic is just an Indian Hindu contraption to project its superior race theory and nothing more. The respect that you have given to these religions has been displayed through centuries of persecution and murder and by institutionally denying them their right to follow identifiably separate religions. And then you have the temerity to call them Dharmic – Sharam tum ko magar nahin aati.
And who here is claiming that Budhism is part of Hinduism or Sikhism is.
I said they are part of the Dharmic faiths. They are as Indic as Hinduism is.
I think you are simply insecure of unity between these faiths as people from your religion dont know the concept of unity and peace.

Geopolitical realities are not Mullah rhetoric or even Brahmin edicts. These are ground realities which are government by the existing and future environment and have nothing to do with religion. I do not know why do you want to bring in religion in anything which is being discussed here – are you a Hindu fundamentalist or an extremist who believe in the misplaced Hindu superiority syndrome as this is what your diatribe outlines.

Pakistan was never Indian and neither Hindu and it will never be – live with it.
Pakistan may or may not be Hindu.
It sure as hell was one of the Dharmic faiths. One of the Indic faiths. You got conquered and converted by the Central Asians. Which is why you all bow to them now. There is some sense of shame left apparently in you people, which is why you wish to forget that chapter.

The people of the region of Pakistan were the first to fall and bow down in front of the invaders and were thus easiest to convert. We regret it as well. Its okay.
You now live in Jahliya - there is still light at the end of the tunnel. You can still make amends.

Negro was a norm at certain times and even the blacks used the word till its racist undertones were understood. Jinnah did not use this word after he understood the racist connotation that it carried. And even if he mistakenly used it at certain times, we forgive him for what he achieved later - vivsection of gao-mata.
I dont care. Jinnah used it. It was and thus is acceptable. It sure as hell is acceptable in India and part of normal parlance.

I hope you dont burn some movie theater in your 'youm-e-ishq-e-rasul' or blow yourself in protest. Thats what you folks do nowadays isnt it. Jahliya.
Jawaharlal Nehru, in his book Discovery of India, mentioned as under:

"Buddhism and Jainism were certainly not Hinduism or even the Vedic Dharma. Yet they arose in India and were integral parts of Indian life, culture and philosophy. A Buddhist or Jain, in India, is a hundred per cent product of Indian thought and culture, yet neither is a Hindu by faith. It is, therefore, entirely misleading to refer to Indian culture as Hindu culture."

On 3 September 1949, while addressing a public meeting at Allahabad, the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru said:

"No doubt India has a vast majority of Hindus, but they could not forget the fact that there were also minorities - Muslims, Parsis, Christians, Sikhs and Jains. If India was understood as a Hindu Rashtra, it meant that the minorities were not cent percent citizens of this country."


Do not reinterpret and redefine the differences in definition of Dharma in all the four religions. I highlighted it in my previous post and adherents of Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism also indicate these differences. They also state that their religions do not emanate from Hinduism and are not its sub-sects as the Indian Constitution states and Indian Supreme Court observes. And in any case, the Jains state that it is their’s is the oldest religion and not Hinduism as Indian Hindus would like to project. So would the Indian Hindus like to accept that Hinduism emanated from Jainism and not the other way around.

There are many Muslims who believe that Buddha was an Abrahamic Prophet. And there are many Sikhs who state that there are many commonalities in Sikhism and Islam. Keep your Dharmic superiority syndrome to yourself.

You are wasting your time with idiots and ignorant Hindus. Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism share a common cultural background just like Judaism, Christianity and Islam do . As a result they have certain concepts in common. However they are usually considered as distinct religions, again, just like the Abrahamic religions are.

The Abrahamic faiths all believe in one God, a soul and an afterlife. That doesnt make them the same religion. Neither does a shared idea of reincarnation make Buddhism and Hinduism the same thing. We know similarities and differences can be found in every religion
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Any traces of child rapists in the archaeology? Of people blowing up in marketplaces to get their 72?

What would that mean?

That is the fun with self loathing converts like these. They invite contempt on their new religion and it's founder.

Than they complain why people make those cartoon or movies about the "pbuh"! ;)

Well, the land will always remain Dharmic even if people were forcibly converted.

It will revert back and reject the imposition. Only a matter of time.

The cults come and go.

Sanatan Dharma is here to stay.

Rape may not be indicated in any of the Indian archeological finds, however rape including child rape and prostitution is definitely included in the Indian male’s genetic format and religio-societal makeup. And this is certainly because of your phallic worship and the adoration of lingam as a form of shakti. This phallic or lingam worship also takes the form of expression of shakti or rape through the lingams hung between most male Hindu legs. Though according to various studies, an average Indian male’s lingam size is much smaller than the size of average male Asian. This can also be seen in many temples where the size of yoni is much bigger than that of shiva’s lingam. This probably was also the reason where the Jodhas would readily give themselves to the invading Akbars, of-course with the consent of their fathers, as if this was also another form of Jauhar performed by Indian women, whose males did not have any Jauhar left in them with or without sanatana or dharma. Aam taur pe aisi qaumon ko beghairat kaha jata hai.

Which decade do you live in man?
I thought you were but a child posting nonsense learnt from the local madrassa!
Either that or your one of the remnants of partition!
Tamils had an issue with remaining in India back in the 60's. Thats all said and done and over, and not just now, its been decades since that issue has been over.

And who here is claiming that Budhism is part of Hinduism or Sikhism is.
I said they are part of the Dharmic faiths. They are as Indic as Hinduism is.
I think you are simply insecure of unity between these faiths as people from your religion dont know the concept of unity and peace.

Pakistan may or may not be Hindu.
It sure as hell was one of the Dharmic faiths. One of the Indic faiths. You got conquered and converted by the Central Asians. Which is why you all bow to them now. There is some sense of shame left apparently in you people, which is why you wish to forget that chapter.

The people of the region of Pakistan were the first to fall and bow down in front of the invaders and were thus easiest to convert. We regret it as well. Its okay.
You now live in Jahliya - there is still light at the end of the tunnel. You can still make amends.

I dont care. Jinnah used it. It was and thus is acceptable. It sure as hell is acceptable in India and part of normal parlance.

I hope you dont burn some movie theater in your 'youm-e-ishq-e-rasul' or blow yourself in protest. Thats what you folks do nowadays isnt it. Jahliya.

The madrassas where I used to study, the mini skirt clad Caucasian female species would create a bit of a stir while moving in and out of various classes.

Tamils even recently here on this forum, were openly discussing secession from India. We wish them all the luck in their pursuits of freedom from Indian yoke.

Indian Constitution and Indian Supreme Court both are claiming that Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains are part of Hinduism being its sub-sects. The concept of forced unity of diversity is an Indian Hindu norm about which only the Indian Hindus are not aware of.

Neither Pakistan was ever Dharmic nor is India Dharmic, except in the minds of Indian Hindus. Your stretch of imagination have no bounds as also your dreams have no meaning.

Your acceptance of hatred and racism amongst your own and against others have also no bounds. Despite Jinnah’s personal misgivings, if at all, we love him and contrarily you the Indians even kill your own father of the nation whom India called Bapu, without any shame or remorse.

We may be living in Jahliya but we do live with honour and dignity. You live in stone age where all women are taken as personal property and ruthlessly used wherever and whenever needed. Sharam tumko magar nahin aati.
Jawaharlal Nehru, in his book Discovery of India, mentioned as under:

"Buddhism and Jainism were certainly not Hinduism or even the Vedic Dharma. Yet they arose in India and were integral parts of Indian life, culture and philosophy. A Buddhist or Jain, in India, is a hundred per cent product of Indian thought and culture, yet neither is a Hindu by faith. It is, therefore, entirely misleading to refer to Indian culture as Hindu culture."

On 3 September 1949, while addressing a public meeting at Allahabad, the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru said:

"No doubt India has a vast majority of Hindus, but they could not forget the fact that there were also minorities - Muslims, Parsis, Christians, Sikhs and Jains. If India was understood as a Hindu Rashtra, it meant that the minorities were not cent percent citizens of this country."


You are wasting your time with idiots and ignorant Hindus. Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism share a common cultural background just like Judaism, Christianity and Islam do . As a result they have certain concepts in common. However they are usually considered as distinct religions, again, just like the Abrahamic religions are.

The Abrahamic faiths all believe in one God, a soul and an afterlife. That doesnt make them the same religion. Neither does a shared idea of reincarnation make Buddhism and Hinduism the same thing. We know similarities and differences can be found in every religion

Nehru and others lied to the Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists. That is why, in order to amend the Indian Constitution, these people tabled a resolution in Indian Lok Sabha. That is why these people went to Indian courts on many occasions and the Indian Supreme Court gave decisions that Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists were sub-sects of Hinduism. Read the following and understand the lies that majority Hindu Indians tell their own minorities to prove that Hinduism is a superior culture and religion. Invention of the word Dharmic, Indic or Hindutvadi also indicates towards the same superiority syndrome – it is akin to Hitler’s superior Aryan race theory.

Jains, Sikhs part of broader Hindu religion, says SC
New Delhi, August 10 [2005]

In a significant ruling defining the status of communities like Sikhs and Jains within the Constitutional frame work, the Supreme Court has declined to treat them as separate minority communities from the broad Hindu religion, saying encouraging such tendencies would pose serious jolt to secularism and democracy in the country.

The so-called minority communities like Sikhs and Jains were not treated as national minorities at the time of framing of the Constitution. Sikhs and Jains, in fact, have throughout been treated as part of wider Hindu community, which has different sects, sub-sects, faiths, modes of worship and religious philosophies, a Bench of Chief Justice R.C. Lahoti, Mr Justice D.M. Dharmadhikari and Mr Justice P.K. Balasubramanyan said.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Nation

A separate petition has also been filed in Nov 2012 by a Sikh scholar Birendra Kaur, which is being heard by Indian Supreme Court.

If Indian constitution accepted Sikhs, Jains and Bhuddists as separate religions why would there be a bill tabled in the Lok Sabha to amend the constitution of India in this regard.

Sikhism is a separate religion and is acknowledged as such throughout the world, except in Indian legal system. Article 25 of the Constitution of India has amalgamated Sikhism into Hindu religion. The demand of separate status for Sikhism under the Constitution has been supported by the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution (NCRWC) headed by the former Chief Justice of India, Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah which in its report has recommended amended to Article 25 of the Constitution to restore the status of Sikhism as separate religion.

Panjpani Radio » Blog Archive » India – Sikh Identity Issue: Rights Group to Launch “Amend Article 25” Campaign

At present, Article 25 of the Constitution of India describes Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism as parts of the Hindu religion. Sikhs have long been seeking amendment to this Article to grant Sikhism an independent identity under the law.

In a significant move, Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar today allowed Shiromani Akali Dal’s Khadoor Sahib member Rattan Singh Ajnala’s private member Bill to amend Article 25 of the Constitution to meet the community’s pressing demand.

The Bill titled ‘Constitution Amendment Bill 2012’ seeks to drop Explanation II in Article 25, which — while guaranteeing a right to freely profess, practice and propagate religion — defines Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism as components of the Hindu religion.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News

Seeking a Constitutional amendment to provide independent religious status to Sikhs, Buddhist and Jain communities, SAD MP from Kadoor Sahib (Punjab) Rattan Singh Ajnala met Law Minister Salman Khurshid on Friday and him to bring a bill in this regard. Ajnala, who has been allowed by Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar to introduce a Private Member Bill in the House, said Sikhism have been established as a separate religion.

Bring bill guaranteeing separate religious status to Sikhs: MP - Indian Express
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