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Skinned Alive in China

one thing I never figured out about East Asia is the whole animal cruelty thing. I was in China town once and this lady picked up a live fish and started cleaning the skin. Then she started frying the poor thing ALIVE!! She kept the head out of the fryer so it wouldn't die!!!
The fish was still moving even after it was cooked!!!!
Does it really make a difference in terms of freshness?!
one thing I never figured out about East Asia is the whole animal cruelty thing. I was in China town once and this lady picked up a live fish and started cleaning the skin. Then she started frying the poor thing ALIVE!! She kept the head out of the fryer so it wouldn't die!!!
The fish was still moving even after it was cooked!!!!
Does it really make a difference in terms of freshness?!

May be you should take the fish to hospital and make sure the fish dead,and then back home to eat the fish~~~
Skinning animals alive is unnecessary cruelty.

I watched the video in the link.

The only reason I can think of is that they don't want to kill it by breaking it's skin, and they can't be bothered drugging it either.

The flesh is probably consumed later.

Btw I think this is black market and not something ordinary chinese or government will condone. They are planning to ban dog meat in china.
Skinning animals alive is unnecessary cruelty.

I watched the video in the link.

The only reason I can think of is that they don't want to kill it by breaking it's skin, and they can't be bothered drugging it either.

The flesh is probably consumed later.

Btw I think this is black market and not something ordinary chinese or government will condone. They are planning to ban dog meat in china.

skinning an animal for skin is definitely not smtg specific to one country. Every country on this earth has its scum bag skin traders.

I just don't get the frying fish alive thing :D
Quite sick actually. But you do get these kind of people everywhere. People should watch the whole of this video and think twice next time you buy fur products.

And no these things don't only happen in China.

Really heavy karma there. Can you see the animal's tears?
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skinning an animal for skin is definitely not smtg specific to one country. Every country on this earth has its scum bag skin traders.

I just don't get the frying fish alive thing :D

Just paranoid about freshness. Personally I don't think they will be able to tell the differences anyway.

When people become rich and have nothing to do perverseness sets it, so it's important that children are taught correctly when they are small.

What they do is deep fry one side of the fish and leave the other side untouched, then you can eat one side (while it is still alive) first and then they will fry the other side.

They also drunk shrimps in alcohol and eat them fresh.
in general we humans should start caring about our neighbors who was here before us, the animals.

Stop buying fur, and these people go out of business.
What about the Canadian baby seal industry?

Have more compassion and think of these animals as living creatures who feel fear and joy. Boycott people or places whom you suspect of mistreating animals. And be realistic, cheap meat most likely comes from this factory cow


rather than this cow on a green meadow who had a happy life

And educated people, and those who don't understand anyway, slap them!
one thing I never figured out about East Asia is the whole animal cruelty thing. I was in China town once and this lady picked up a live fish and started cleaning the skin. Then she started frying the poor thing ALIVE!! She kept the head out of the fryer so it wouldn't die!!!
The fish was still moving even after it was cooked!!!!
Does it really make a difference in terms of freshness?!

It has been scientifically proven in the "New Scientist" magazine that practices such as this cause the animal/fish trauma and release dangerous chemicals into the body, so no these are not good practices.
The first time i saw this, i stopped the video. i couldn't finish watching it. Then i finally got the strength to watch the whole thing. It breaks my heart that these poor defenseless animals have no real say in if they are skinned & beaten.

What a terrible thing those people do and they just don't care. It's sickening to think that we share the same planet with folk who enjoy causing such pain when there's no need to at all.
I couldn't even watch ..started for literally 2 seconds and stopped.


This just makes me sick....what animals have been shown in the OP's video link?
I know it is hypocritical when so many human beings are suffering in this world, but man's inhumanity to animals just makes me feel sick.

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