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So, Where is Maulana Fazlullah?


Nov 27, 2008
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United States
Hey, you Pakistani PDF guys (and gals). I come to the PDF to get the best info about Pakistan. Now, I got all excited a few days ago that the PA had cornered Maulana Fazlullah.

So, where the h3ll is he? Does anyone know? What happened with the "surrounded" bit? Are they starving him out of a cave or something?
Hey, you Pakistani PDF guys (and gals). I come to the PDF to get the best info about Pakistan. Now, I got all excited a few days ago that the PA had cornered Maulana Fazlullah.

So, where the h3ll is he? Does anyone know? What happened with the "surrounded" bit? Are they starving him out of a cave or something?
There are only sketchy media reports to go by.

One of three possibilities:

1) They've arrested him way back and will only announce after they are done milking him for info
2) Their intel was faulty and other Mullahs were holed up there not Fazlullah, hence every second day you're hearing about this and that militant leader being arrested except for Fazlullah
3) They want to get him alive and hence not going in guns blazing.
According to reliable sources Fazalullah, Amir of TTP Swat is also in Custody and announcement of his arrest will be made day or two before or on the day of Eid ul Fitter as a gift to nation.
Breaking News:he is going to meet his chief baitullah mashud at HELL CLUB soon:flame:
If he is in PA custody, wouldn't the TTP/Swat say something about it? Do you think that the GoP or the PA manipulates an event like the capture of Fazlullah for public relations purposes? I.e. holding the announcement for a week or more to coincide with Eid? Isn't the Pakistani press plugged in well enough to leak such a "secret"?
If he is in PA custody, wouldn't the TTP/Swat say something about it? Do you think that the GoP or the PA manipulates an event like the capture of Fazlullah for public relations purposes? I.e. holding the announcement for a week or more to coincide with Eid? Isn't the Pakistani press plugged in well enough to leak such a "secret"?

LoC is broken
the TTP swat leadership is not in contact with each other. if they try to contact they are pin pointed thats why they are fighting in blindness and running from forces.
According to reliable sources Fazalullah, Amir of TTP Swat is also in Custody and announcement of his arrest will be made day or two before or on the day of Eid ul Fitter as a gift to nation.

So where's the announcement??? Its almost chand raat!!:frown::frown:
Give me a break! What are they saving him for? I certainly hope they are not torturing like us Americans might! Of course, the ISI would never stoop so low as the CIA, right? After all, he's a Muslim, or so he says.
Give me a break! What are they saving him for? I certainly hope they are not torturing like us Americans might! Of course, the ISI would never stoop so low as the CIA, right? After all, he's a Muslim, or so he says.


Where do you think the agency outsource their work to when they want to administer the truth serum.
I sure hope the Government isn't lame enough to hold off announcement until Eid or something. That'll be the lamest showmanship ever. Oh well, you can't discount anything with these guys.

They are probably waiting him out in his hideout, or perhaps Rehman Malik spoke prematurely and Fazlullah was never there.

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