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Soon Arab Lands will be Indian Hindu States

PM Modi’s tweet comes too late for Indians, India huge faces backlash in UAE & the Gulf for Islamophobia

Advertisement by a cancer hospital in Meerut denying admission to Muslims, rising Islamophobia in India and a five-year old tweet by BJP MP Tejasvi Surya have added fuel to the fire.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday finally called for unity and brotherhood in dealing with the threat posed by the coronavirus. No, he did not unequivocally condemn people, many of whom his supporters and some who he follows on social media, for their Islamophobia and their abusive, hateful messages blaming Muslims for spreading the virus.

What he did was tweet, something he is remarkably good at. His tweet read, “ COVID-19 does not see race, religion, colour, caste, creed, language or borders before striking. Our response and conduct thereafter should attach primacy to unity and brotherhood. We are in this together.”

The problem is that tweet has come a little too late and is too little. The immensely popular prime minister can make amends by going on national TV, another exercise he is good at, and tell people that blaming Muslims for the virus is nonsense; that ostracizing and boycotting Muslim traders and vendors is anti-national; that such behavior has shamed the country and that he would like to reassure the minority community that he and his government stand by them.

With localities having put up signs asking Muslims to keep away, with vegetable vendors being asked to produce proof of their religious affiliation and calls going out from rabid and short-sighted Hindus for boycotting shops owned by Muslims and products sold by Muslims, the situation is toxic as never before. And the least the Prime Minister can do is to at least speak to the nation, again something at which he is brilliant.

But a mild, statesmanlike tweet falls short of what is needed. Nor is the Government’s move to ship 5.5 million pills of Hydroxychloroquine to the United Arab Emirates is going to repair the damage and regain the goodwill among the people there. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation also tweeted on Sunday, expressing its concern and calling upon the Indian Government to protect minorities in India.

The Ministry of External Affairs, however, has been blandly denying persecution of minorities, dismissing all such reports as false and misleading. It may however find it difficult to defend the surge of Islamophobic messages by Indians in Islamic countries and kingdoms. A backlash has already started and some Indians have also lost their jobs there.

Islamophobic messages on social media by Indians living in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries—an estimated 8-10 million of them, have been impacted by the irresponsible conduct of a few bigots that the PM has done little to admonish.

A Kuwaiti pointed out that out of 1654 COVID-19 patients there, over 900 of them happen to be Indians. But while nobody was being discriminated there on the ground of religion and are being treated in the same hospital, why is a hospital in India denying admission to Muslim patients?

In Kuwait .. the #Indian community tops Koruna statistics .. and is treated in the finest hospital in Kuwait ..

In Kuwait, there is no difference between the religions and nationalities of the sick .. This is justice#Rss_terrorists pic.twitter.com/f3aUOxkiFw

— عبدالرØمن النصار (@alnassar_kw) April 18, 2020

Not surprisingly, a five-year old tweet by the present BJP MP Tejasvi Surya has gone viral in Gulf countries. Tweeted Noora Al Ghurair, “Pity your upbringing Tejasvi Surya, that respect for women couldn’t be instilled in your despite having India having some great female leaders”. She went on to add, “Please note if some day your government bestows a foreign ministry to you, avoid travelling to Arab lands. You are not welcome here. This will be remembered.”

Pity Ur upbringing @Tejasvi_Surya that respect for women couldn’t be instilled in U despite India having some great female leaders .Please note if someday the govt bestows a foreign ministry to you, avoid travelling to Arab lands. You are not welcome here. This will be remembered pic.twitter.com/KJJlqJL5tR

— Noora AlGhurair (@AlGhurair98) April 19, 2020
For all the latest India News, Follow India Section.

A few twitter idiots and banter and people think politics is run by emotive fools in Twitter who doesn't even show their real name.
Only the criminals got deported. They seem to care about the rule of law.

They are deporting the criminals. No mass deportations.

EXACTLY!........Until recently, the Arabs had no idea about how much abnormal hatred indians have for Islam and Muslims. Now they do know, things will change dramatically. Especially since all sections of Arab society all over the Arab world are now becoming familiar with indian hindu/sikh hatred of Muslims. So much so that anti-Muslim indian racists are being kicked out of Arab Muslim lands. This is unprecedented as it has NEVER happened before.

See, the fact is that UAE is now totally controlled by Indians at all levels, not soo much Oman or Saudi, but UAE yes. They just cant tell the Indians to get out, wether its Noora Al Ghurair(Of the house of Ghurair) or if its the ruler Nahyan himself. If they do, then it will become an open declaration of hostilities with India in which case India's aircraft carriers would start patrolling closer to the Arabian peninsula(if required).Yes, I do agree with Arabs deporting people who stand against the traditions and culture of the place they are serving, but it seems to me that Emiratis are increasingly becoming weary of Indian power and have come to the realisation that Indians are essentialy Indic, you cant Arabize them.What is the solution?its very simple, give the Indian investors equal rights and let them settle Arabia as an extension of Indian civilisation, co-exist in peace, but if someone has fantasies of being a master race or something, sure that bubble will be quickly burst, India is not Pakistan, Indians are not Sudanese, the quicker Emiratis realise this, the better. This is only but natural and part of manifest destiny and with due cause, Indians have played a large part in the development of Arabia, from labourers to Doctors and Engineers, so why deny them their rights?.Indians wont cause trouble!.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:...........indians are an inferior low IQ piss poor sub-human race.......:lol:......indians would never in a million years pick a fight with ANY Arab nation. indian aircraft carriers would NEVER EVER dare engage with the UAE military. They have neither the courage nor the means to do so. indians are all mouth and hot air. Nothing more.......:lol:.........:azn:.........if indians are kicked out of Arab Muslim lands, all economic and professional resources/means could EASILY be replaced by at least 100 other nations who are superior to indians in every respect.........:azn:..........all things indian are always inferior and low quality anyway.
Soon Arabs Land will be Hindu States

Prime Minister Modi has radicalized Hindus so much so that, now Indians are dreaming of taking over by population, by businesses, by religion, by economic prowess, by Military, by Indian Spies, by capturing Arab lands of UAE, Saudia, Qatar, Kuwait, Dubai, Oman etc etc

Indians total 3 million in UAE. Indians in Saudia total to 1.4 million.
Indians in Bahain 500,000. In Kuwait 600,000, in Oman 1 million and In Qatar 700,000 so on: https://www.statista.com/statistics/806083/gcc-share-of-indian-expats-by-country/

Not only RSS Extremist Indians have so much power inside India, they are now projecting power in Arab Lands, the Gulf lands, Middle-astern lands. Of-course Pakistan they tried and failed many times, not target Arabs.

Will Hindus and Indians plan to take over Arab lands next??


If u remove pak turkey iran and saudi from the map... the others won't last a day
EXACTLY!........Until recently, the Arabs had no idea about how much abnormal hatred indians have for Islam and Muslims. Now they do know, things will change dramatically. Especially since all sections of Arab society all over the Arab world are now becoming familiar with indian hindu/sikh hatred of Muslims. So much so that anti-Muslim indian racists are being kicked out of Arab Muslim lands. This is unprecedented as it has NEVER happened before.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:...........indians are an inferior low IQ piss poor sub-human race.......:lol:......indians would never in a million years pick a fight with ANY Arab nation. indian aircraft carriers would NEVER EVER dare engage with the UAE military. They have neither the courage nor the means to do so. indians are all mouth and hot air. Nothing more.......:lol:.........:azn:.........if indians are kicked out of Arab Muslim lands, all economic and professional resources/means could EASILY be replaced by at least 100 other nations who are superior to indians in every respect.........:azn:..........all things indian are always inferior and low quality anyway.
Americans and europeans hate islam and muslims even more..they burn copies of quran on live tv..they draw cartoons of mohammad mocking him..did that spoil relation between arabs and europeans?no..at the end of the day what matters is the market..india is a huge market...no one will let that go for some silly tweets by some insignificant people...your dream will remain a dream...no matter how much you try to incite arabs,we are always friends.
The Indians were closer to taking the Gulf demographically than most here realise. The tipping point was soon, I reckon by 2050 it would have been too late to reverse.

Ironically the right wingers have made India weaker internationally. I used to hear a lot in the media about India being the next great power (when Congress was in power), yet now all you read is about its internal strife. Their only achievement seems to be the alliance with the far-right in the West.
Dear Friend, maybe you are not aware Chakravartin Vikramaditya was the Imperial ruler of Arabia at one point in time, extending the boundaries of Bharatvarsha far beyond the Indus.Take it from me, Indians wont be leaving the UAE and cant be replaced by using any systemic laws of segregation.Arabia is too small for this. Especially now that the USA is pulling out, it has becomign increasingly weaker. It would be in Arabia's best interest to be on India's good books.

Also, Arabs only have a History of conquering you, there was a reason that Alexander or Arabs couldnt cross the Indus and I think you know the reason very well. History speaks for itself, they are your rulers, not ours.

It is supremely easy to kick indians out. Make life for indians so difficult in the UAE that they will begin to leave themselves. The UAE armed forces are all Muslims, use them to rough up and kick out anti-Muslim, Islam-hating indians. Replace indians with more professional, superior and better qualified personnel from Eastern/Central Europe, the Far East, South America. No issue at all. The only issue would be for indians themselves.

Americans and europeans hate islam and muslims even more..they burn copies of quran on live tv..they draw cartoons of mohammad mocking him..did that spoil relation between arabs and europeans?no..at the end of the day what matters is the market..india is a huge market...no one will let that go for some silly tweets by some insignificant people...your dream will remain a dream...no matter how much you try to incite arabs,we are always friends.

What huge market? india is one of the most impoverished nations nations on earth with one of the lowest GDP per capita incomes on the planet. More than 100 countries including the African nations have a higher GDP per capita than india does. In case you havn't heard, india is not China, America, the EU, Russia or South America.
PM Modi’s tweet comes too late for Indians, India huge faces backlash in UAE & the Gulf for Islamophobia

Advertisement by a cancer hospital in Meerut denying admission to Muslims, rising Islamophobia in India and a five-year old tweet by BJP MP Tejasvi Surya have added fuel to the fire.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday finally called for unity and brotherhood in dealing with the threat posed by the coronavirus. No, he did not unequivocally condemn people, many of whom his supporters and some who he follows on social media, for their Islamophobia and their abusive, hateful messages blaming Muslims for spreading the virus.

What he did was tweet, something he is remarkably good at. His tweet read, “ COVID-19 does not see race, religion, colour, caste, creed, language or borders before striking. Our response and conduct thereafter should attach primacy to unity and brotherhood. We are in this together.”

The problem is that tweet has come a little too late and is too little. The immensely popular prime minister can make amends by going on national TV, another exercise he is good at, and tell people that blaming Muslims for the virus is nonsense; that ostracizing and boycotting Muslim traders and vendors is anti-national; that such behavior has shamed the country and that he would like to reassure the minority community that he and his government stand by them.

With localities having put up signs asking Muslims to keep away, with vegetable vendors being asked to produce proof of their religious affiliation and calls going out from rabid and short-sighted Hindus for boycotting shops owned by Muslims and products sold by Muslims, the situation is toxic as never before. And the least the Prime Minister can do is to at least speak to the nation, again something at which he is brilliant.

But a mild, statesmanlike tweet falls short of what is needed. Nor is the Government’s move to ship 5.5 million pills of Hydroxychloroquine to the United Arab Emirates is going to repair the damage and regain the goodwill among the people there. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation also tweeted on Sunday, expressing its concern and calling upon the Indian Government to protect minorities in India.

The Ministry of External Affairs, however, has been blandly denying persecution of minorities, dismissing all such reports as false and misleading. It may however find it difficult to defend the surge of Islamophobic messages by Indians in Islamic countries and kingdoms. A backlash has already started and some Indians have also lost their jobs there.

Islamophobic messages on social media by Indians living in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries—an estimated 8-10 million of them, have been impacted by the irresponsible conduct of a few bigots that the PM has done little to admonish.

A Kuwaiti pointed out that out of 1654 COVID-19 patients there, over 900 of them happen to be Indians. But while nobody was being discriminated there on the ground of religion and are being treated in the same hospital, why is a hospital in India denying admission to Muslim patients?

In Kuwait .. the #Indian community tops Koruna statistics .. and is treated in the finest hospital in Kuwait ..

In Kuwait, there is no difference between the religions and nationalities of the sick .. This is justice#Rss_terrorists pic.twitter.com/f3aUOxkiFw

— عبدالرØمن النصار (@alnassar_kw) April 18, 2020

Not surprisingly, a five-year old tweet by the present BJP MP Tejasvi Surya has gone viral in Gulf countries. Tweeted Noora Al Ghurair, “Pity your upbringing Tejasvi Surya, that respect for women couldn’t be instilled in your despite having India having some great female leaders”. She went on to add, “Please note if some day your government bestows a foreign ministry to you, avoid travelling to Arab lands. You are not welcome here. This will be remembered.”

Pity Ur upbringing @Tejasvi_Surya that respect for women couldn’t be instilled in U despite India having some great female leaders .Please note if someday the govt bestows a foreign ministry to you, avoid travelling to Arab lands. You are not welcome here. This will be remembered pic.twitter.com/KJJlqJL5tR

— Noora AlGhurair (@AlGhurair98) April 19, 2020
For all the latest India News, Follow India Section.


But now that dependence is now becoming to Indian Hindus dreaming of ruling, running and making Arab Muslim lands into Hindu states and later just like Indian Muslims now in India, Hindus can do same in Arab lands.

Time to deport them, stop selling them oil, and demolish that illegal mandir on Holy Jazirat al Arab.

Modi and India only understand the language of money, so hit them where it hurts.
It is supremely easy to kick indians out. Make life for indians so difficult in the UAE that they will begin to leave themselves. The UAE armed forces are all Muslims, use them to rough up and kick out anti-Muslim, Islam-hating indians. Replace indians with more professional, superior and better qualified personnel from Eastern/Central Europe, the Far East, South America. No issue at all. The only issue would be for indians themselves.

What huge market? india is one of the most impoverished nations nations on earth with one of the lowest GDP per capita incomes on the planet. More than 100 countries including the African nations have a higher GDP per capita than india does. In case you havn't heard, india is not China, America, the EU, Russia or South America.
I will create a thread in six months and compare the situation of hindus in gulf then with todays situation...lets see how many hindus will be kicked out by gulf and saudi.
Hindus that include jatts , rajputs, sikhs and other warrior classes will make you run with tail between your legs
Like they did when muslims ruled you for a 100 years and like when muslims took Pakistan from you. Never forget....Pakistan was hind now its ours and you will never get it back. Suck on that

Like they did when muslims ruled you for a 100 years and like when muslims took Pakistan from you. Never forget....Pakistan was hind now its ours and you will never get it back. Suck on that

These brave men of ganga and jumna relying on jatts and rajputs. :omghaha: lol. Clearly he have no idea about demographics of Pakistan. In those arab countries where his type are boosting about their number, forget that Pakistanis are there in millions, majorly Punjabis and Pashtuns. If it will ever come down to it, Pakistanis are enough to take care of them.

These brave men of ganga and jumna relying on jatts and rajputs. :omghaha: lol. Clearly he have no idea about demographics of Pakistan. In those arab countries where his type are boosting about their number, forget that Pakistanis are there in millions, majorly Punjabis and Pashtuns. If it will ever come down to it, Pakistanis are enough to take care of them.

Most of us Rajputs and Jats too are Muslim.they live in a fantasy land.
See, the fact is that UAE is now totally controlled by Indians at all levels, not soo much Oman or Saudi, but UAE yes. They just cant tell the Indians to get out, wether its Noora Al Ghurair(Of the house of Ghurair) or if its the ruler Nahyan himself. If they do, then it will become an open declaration of hostilities with India in which case India's aircraft carriers would start patrolling closer to the Arabian peninsula(if required).Yes, I do agree with Arabs deporting people who stand against the traditions and culture of the place they are serving, but it seems to me that Emiratis are increasingly becoming weary of Indian power and have come to the realisation that Indians are essentialy Indic, you cant Arabize them.What is the solution?its very simple, give the Indian investors equal rights and let them settle Arabia as an extension of Indian civilisation, co-exist in peace, but if someone has fantasies of being a master race or something, sure that bubble will be quickly burst, India is not Pakistan, Indians are not Sudanese, the quicker Emiratis realise this, the better. This is only but natural and part of manifest destiny and with due cause, Indians have played a large part in the development of Arabia, from labourers to Doctors and Engineers, so why deny them their rights?.Indians wont cause trouble!.
yabbbaaa dabbbba doooo!!!

i imagined a baboon thumping her 56 inch boobies!

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