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Specification Limits of FreeSpeech: To Woke or Not to Woke?

Mangus Ortus Novem

Jun 7, 2008
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Not limited to humans only.

Life is full of different languages... each living spiece has its own 'language' and vocabulary. Even two different flocks of same spiece have different 'dialects'.

Human Vocabulary might be largest but when it comes to 'meaning' ... can we determine its net Weight compared to the 'meaning' of other spieces?

FreeSpeech is the Emblem, RallyingCry and TheBanner of the LiberalDemocracy.... even the term is its own Invention...

LiberalDemocracy has been on the Constant Quest of Discovery and Redefinition of itself... underlying the ever changing Norms, Values and Morality.... nothing good or bad about it...as it is a system in the state of evolution.... or so it would appear.

Also, the greatest gift of LiberalDemocracy has been IndividualFreedom... a gradual process that has now come close to MaturityCurve!

Discovery of One's Self through references of outside role models or celebz or superstars ... with personal twist to highlight 'individuality' has made it a Constant Struggle for Re-invention of Self... and finding ways to express it... from cloths to manner of speech to alligence to pervailant -ism.... Environment being the coolest!

Once again nothing good or bad about it. It is what it is!

What was Correct 30 years ago has now become Incorrect
... as LiberalDemocracy keeps 'evolving' ...

What was Values, Norms and Culture 50 years ago has become Racism today.

The Very Symbols of the WesternCivilisation are being toppled, beheaded ... because of the New Norms, Values and Cutlure...

Kant's classification of Races is quite a instructive read... some could call him Racist... Kant and his EmpericalReasoning...fathering the Rationalism of the West....a Racist?

The French were a bit more 'advanced' about Classification of Races.... Paris the City of Romance and Intellectuals!!!

It was somewhat CollectiveConsencus in the West that the History Started in Asia and Ended in Europe.... a kinda EvoluationaryRacism...if someone is inclined to put it this way!

To the West's Credit... nowhere has HumanCondition advanced in History as has in the CombinedWest... the DevelopedWorld!

But this Advancement of HumanCondition came at the back of colonies and slaves ... who according to the Western Classification were less than the Euroz and some even sub-humans.

After the GreatWesternCivilWar of WW2 ... colonies became 'free'... and process of Humanising started...

We can see this also in the context of the ColdWar... which was a compelling reason of Humanising...and then SummerOfFreeLove ...SexualRevolution... all combined towards Humanisation of the previously LesserRaces!

It is also to the Credit of the West that in the past 30+years LiberalDemocracies evolved and passed laws against Racism... its corrolation is us, Paks or other Asians doing so well in the West..notwithstanding the early days of abuse that we faced in the West...

African countries are now treated with more respect and their leaders are accorded proper protocols... one can replay the scene of Ms. May dancing African style whence she was still British PM!!!

And today as the CombinedWest Bends the Knee in Reverence of WokeReligion .... anything and everything that goes against the pervailing Putsch is called Racisim or Biggotary!

Editors or reporters have been fired or resigned for now being Woke enough... The Towering Leaders of the Western World toppled or spray painted.... because they are Now declared Racists by the Wokeness!

Beheading of Columbus or vandalising Lincoln Memorial is all the New Norm because it reflects the new Values and Morality.

Thomas Jefferson?

George Washington?

MSM being the HighPriest of LiberalDemocracy has also Bent the Knee and its language has changed... not long ago what it called Heros now it pronouces as Controversial Figures!

Good Nancy did her Baptismo of Wokeness with fellow Congressmen...but the Church of Wokeness found it to be a political stunt...so it didn't help much...

The AntiCulturalRevolution appears to be in its infancy...

The EntireLeft, LBGTz and BLM
... added by the MNCs open support and 'donnations' are Marching towards creating a WokeWorld!!!

And on the FREE Inernet the Lords of AsocialMedia and SearchEngines are deciding which hate content and which is not... essentially anything agianst Wokeness is Racism!

The same Lords of AsocialMedia and SearchEngines supress anything to do with PakKashmiris in IoJK or good news about Pakistan!!! LesserHumans???

When SouthAsians started moving to the US in the 70s ...all males...most of them would sleep in a single room ..ten plus at a time... driving taxies, studies...sending money back home... and today they and their kids are one of the top earners in America.... they followed exactly the same rules as the rest of Americans... Black and White!!!

The RevolutionaryAdvancement of the West had been due to FreeThinking and Rationalism. EmpericalRealism...which led to IndustrialRevolution and the rest is History!!!

Today, Wokeness demands suspension of the above and full confirmity with its Beliefs or you might end up loosing not only your job but your dignity and future.

A BLACK /AfricanAmerican professor
wrote to his faculty, anonymously at that... explaing how the faculty is ignoring FACTS and in fact supporting BLM is causing more harm to the Condition of Blacks in America... he also categoriesed Mr. Flyod... differently than the MartyrSaint of WokeReligion... since, he feared for his job... he remains anonymous... some BLM might not find him Black enough!!!

Data. Historical Data.

When the Asians went to the West they were nothing to be practical about it.
Starting from absolute Zero... worked hard and built their lives. Africans from Africa also do quite well in America...

What are numbers of violent crimes against Asian? Who committed these crimes?

What are the numbers of Whites killed by the AmericanPolice?

What are the numbers of Blacks killed by the AmericanPolice?

What are the number of Asians killed by the AmericanPolice?

How many Blacks were killed by Whites?

How many Blacks were killed by Asians?

How many Whites were killed by Blacks?

How many Blacks were killed by Blacks?

How many Asians were killed by Blacks?

The above questions can also be applied to armed robbery, forced enternce, rape and carjacking... including Latinos....

Without DATA it is emotion or propaganda...like the CoronaJihad!

With validated DATA it can become a Rational Opinion!

What is Freedom when there is Only One Opinion?

This AntiCulturalRevolution is quite interesting for a BemusedObserver...with studied detachment... exercising restraint of not forming an opinion!

The FreeZone in Seatle
...supported by an IndianSocialist council member is now facing food shortages and the Whites are Asked to pay $10 to every Black person there! A WokeTax?

It is also a fact that most areas where the AfricanAmerican communities are are run by Democrats...

After giving them the rights to vote ...after JFK... Lyndon Jhonson said something about the AfricanAmericans....and how they will always be voting Democrats... a keen student can look for what he said.... certainly, now Lyndon Jhonson will be classified as Racits?

What would BLM want to do with Lyndon Jhonson now?

Mr. Flyod is now the GlobalSymbol of Racist Oppression... even our own TruckArtists are paying tribute to him...without knowing the life time achievements of Mr. Flyod!!!

In this new WokeFreedom anyone can be and shall be called Racist if they don't conform to the WokeDogmas! Even Blacks will declared such.... if they dare to utter any Blasphemous against the WokeReligion!!!

Bend the Knee Nancy!!! Say all the right things...but Wokeness wants more!

Is it possible that Wokeness is paralysing Black Agency of Advancement through Self Aplication?

What is Economic-Social Plan of Wokers ... for the Advacement of Blacks in Science, Techology and FinacialSector?

While everyone was Woking... America added $2Trillion of new Debt to NationalBag... in TWO Months!!!

For now standing at $26Trillion and counting....

While the MNCs were 'supporting' and 'donating' to BLM ... the American Billionares added $500+/- Bln to their NetWealth courtesy never declinging StockMarkets ...with millions of Americans out of job... but Feds love being Magicians of Lublin... Creating Money out of ThinAir!

While the Wokers were beheading Columbus .... Hertz, Bandkrupt Hertz is planning to raise $1+Bln from the Never Declingnig 'FreeMarket'....

Since, the 1978 Dollar has lost 98% of its Value... and Fed is PrintingMoney...well without ink!!!

The total Corporate Debt of American business is $16+/-Trillion or 75+/-% of the US GDP!

The total Household Debt of Americans is $14.15Trillion!

The total StudentLoan Debt of Americans is $1.6 Trillion!

Some fella tweeted/or said on WokeTeeVee that ALL Lives Matter... he got excommunicated by the WokeDogmatists as RACIST!!!

What will happen when all the Police is abolished?

Will the money from Police funds make BlackLivesBetter?

FreedomOfExpression ....

We have seen this FreedomOfExpression insulting OurRelgion and us.... but now this FreePress is Wokified and will only utter Wokeness!

MSM is a business afterall!

What is RACE?

What is RACISM?

Are ONLY the Whites are RACIST?

A BraveNewWorld ... feeling the BirthPangs... evolving from DobuleSpeak ...PoliticalCorrectness to FullyWokeness!!!

Revolutions are always AntiCultural... without exception Revolutions Eat their Own Children!!!


@dbc @Slav Defence @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @Mentee @StormBreaker @Blacklight @OsmanAli98 @WebMaster
Some interesting points. As I have always said, context is crucial to understand and objectively judge the actions of historical figures and movements. Absolute judgement should be brought to bear sparingly, when it is truly and impartially declared to be in the public interest.

Otherwise we simply end up with majoritarian opinions (what you eloquently described as "woke" polity), majoritarian politics, majoritarian interpretation of history and majoritarian judgement of current or past events. The drawbacks of such simplification in our way of thinking are proudly on display just next door.

We can't just go with what most people think is "right" as being truly "right", even if we do get to protect all our jobs that way. The true path to righteousness is more subtle and nuanced and requires knowledge and interpretation that is simply not known or understood by the majority of people.
The ever moving Target of Free Speech is now the Right/Correct Speech, leaving behind the PoliticallyCorrectSpeech.

We cann't just frame the current trend into 'ReactionarySpeech' or 'Re-framing of the Past' since it is very selective in its mondus operandi or scope.

Neither Marxism or Facism truly offer a disection tool to Deconstruct Wokism. Racism might be rally cry but it is just that on the surface...

However, the Mutation of Wokism shall continue in the Post-Constructionism milieu.

It is truly facisnating how the 'New Specification Limits' are imposed by the Lords of AsocialMedia even in the lands of their origin @dbc

1984 Framework doesn't apply on the AI enabled ThoughtPolice ... this requires better understanding.

Perhaps, it would be hasty to write it off Wokism as temporary surge... equally calling it permanent state would be faulty.

Something is Mutating
or better said Something is Undergoing a Directed Mutation where Wokism is just one vehicle.


@Musings @Ace of Spades @OldenWisdom...قول بزرگ @masterchief_mirza @N.Siddiqui @StormBreaker @ps3linux @PakFactor @Mentee @Yankee-stani @vi-va @Arsalan @Slav Defence @peagle
Some interesting points. As I have always said, context is crucial to understand and objectively judge the actions of historical figures and movements. Absolute judgement should be brought to bear sparingly, when it is truly and impartially declared to be in the public interest.

Otherwise we simply end up with majoritarian opinions (what you eloquently described as "woke" polity), majoritarian politics, majoritarian interpretation of history and majoritarian judgement of current or past events. The drawbacks of such simplification in our way of thinking are proudly on display just next door.

We can't just go with what most people think is "right" as being truly "right", even if we do get to protect all our jobs that way. The true path to righteousness is more subtle and nuanced and requires knowledge and interpretation that is simply not known or understood by the majority of people.

Love it, you could have taken thoughts out of my mind and they would have translated into these very words.
The ever moving Target of Free Speech is now the Right/Correct Speech, leaving behind the PoliticallyCorrectSpeech.

We cann't just frame the current trend into 'ReactionarySpeech' or 'Re-framing of the Past' since it is very selective in its mondus operandi or scope.

Neither Marxism or Facism truly offer a disection tool to Deconstruct Wokism. Racism might be rally cry but it is just that on the surface...

However, the Mutation of Wokism shall continue in the Post-Constructionism milieu.

It is truly facisnating how the 'New Specification Limits' are imposed by the Lords of AsocialMedia even in the lands of their origin @dbc

1984 Framework doesn't apply on the AI enabled ThoughtPolice ... this requires better understanding.

Perhaps, it would be hasty to write it off Wokism as temporary surge... equally calling it permanent state would be faulty.

Something is Mutating
or better said Something is Undergoing a Directed Mutation where Wokism is just one vehicle.


@Musings @Ace of Spades @OldenWisdom...قول بزرگ @masterchief_mirza @N.Siddiqui @StormBreaker @ps3linux @PakFactor @Mentee @Yankee-stani @vi-va @Arsalan @Slav Defence @peagle
Wokism ?
Weaponised HumanRights under the Rule of Wokkocrats.... Rainbow flags rising...

Are you happy now?

Is it what you wanted?

Time to eat your heart out Walrus... Eche Homo is DEAD!

Did you do it?

Come on now... time to face the WokeMusic... come swim naked in the Rainbow, sweet, mad Friedrich!!!

Die... reborn to die... dead... they killed your Superman, old sport.... what are you going to do now?

You decleared 'god is dead' ... perhaps... No Superman Anywhere..Only the one in underwear...

There was fakir who told ya... that civilisation will commit suicide... but did you listen? @peagle @SIPRA @StormBreaker

Come Nietzsche ... what do you prefer now... Synthetic Escape or Tea of the Root... @Verve

Tea wins everytime and with it... Friedrich.... superman vomits!

Come quickly... and don't look at your gravestone.... A BigTwerking is going on there... blubber and all... colour is your choice.. from Black to RosyPink...

Let me save you.... let us enjoy the Root!

And let us be bemused observers of this Weaponised HumanRights Clichés ... @OldenWisdom...قول بزرگ

The Killers drink the HumanBlood after unritualised scrafice and call it saving....

One could have enjoyed the Abusrditity of it... had it been Original... but the superman in pink underwear is just that... superman in pink!!!

Freedom of Expression
directed by the WokeWarrriors... they are going to tell us how to live.

Can the Achievements of Human Civlisation be that easy to be killed by this headless horde? @vi-va

Weaponised HumanRights under the Rule of Wokkocrats.... Rainbow flags rising...

Are you happy now?

Is it what you wanted?

Time to eat your heart out Walrus... Eche Homo is DEAD!

Did you do it?

Come on now... time to face the WokeMusic... come swim naked in the Rainbow, sweet, mad Friedrich!!!

Die... reborn to die... dead... they killed your Superman, old sport.... what are you going to do now?

You decleared 'god is dead' ... perhaps... No Superman Anywhere..Only the one in underwear...

There was fakir who told ya... that civilisation will commit suicide... but did you listen? @peagle @SIPRA @StormBreaker

Come Nietzsche ... what do you prefer now... Synthetic Escape or Tea of the Root... @Verve

Tea wins everytime and with it... Friedrich.... superman vomits!

Come quickly... and don't look at your gravestone.... A BigTwerking is going on there... blubber and all... colour is your choice.. from Black to RosyPink...

Let me save you.... let us enjoy the Root!

And let us be bemused observers of this Weaponised HumanRights Clichés ... @OldenWisdom...قول بزرگ

The Killers drink the HumanBlood after unritualised scrafice and call it saving....

One could have enjoyed the Abusrditity of it... had it been Original... but the superman in pink underwear is just that... superman in pink!!!

Freedom of Expression
directed by the WokeWarrriors... they are going to tell us how to live.

Can the Achievements of Human Civlisation be that easy to be killed by this headless horde? @vi-va


Yaar this was a bit heavy lol

Far too much to think about and too many brain cells required lol, bring it down a bit, discussion is good but we also want the masses to read and understand with relative ease, so that the message goes across without burning too many brain cells. lol
Yaar this was a bit heavy lol

Far too much to think about and too many brain cells required lol, bring it down a bit, discussion is good but we also want the masses to read and understand with relative ease, so that the message goes across without burning too many brain cells. lol

O yaar,

True that what says you!

Perhaps, too many Markers in singular piece. Perhaps a monolouge... regardless I do agree.

However, is it not necessary on certain occasions to be nuanced, subtle and elusive?

The idea was/is to let a Form emerge from this Construct so that as many Shapes could live in it. Though it might seem like a Henge in the Mist... but then Thought Pillars are... being definitive at an early stage robs the probabilities of Shapes within the desired Form. @SIPRA @vi-va

It is true that Wokism is the creation and pursuit of the CombinedWest and a process of their within... but its imposition on the rest of the world is imperial in nature.. Fundamentalist if you wish. @StormBreaker

One is only concerned about Pakistan really... that... in search of filling the Hole in the Soul this Wokism might destroy our society which already is stagnant.... devoid of Purpose and Direction.

Swinging between Mullahismo and Westernismo ... an attempt to fill the Hole in the Soul... isnot going to work. It never does.

The Idea of Pakistan and its resulting PakPositiveNationalism is the only Agency which can fill this void. @Rafeh @Mentee @masterchief_mirza @Slav Defence @Ace of Spades

I shall try to be more considerate in future!

O yaar,

True that what says you!

Perhaps, too many Markers in singular piece. Perhaps a monolouge... regardless I do agree.

However, is it not necessary on certain occasions to be nuanced, subtle and elusive?

The idea was/is to let a Form emerge from this Construct so that as many Shapes could live in it. Though it might seem like a Henge in the Mist... but then Thought Pillars are... being definitive at an early stage robs the probabilities of Shapes within the desired Form. @SIPRA @vi-va

It is true that Wokism is the creation and pursuit of the CombinedWest and a process of their within... but its imposition on the rest of the world is imperial in nature.. Fundamentalist if you wish. @StormBreaker

One is only concerned about Pakistan really... that... in search of filling the Hole in the Soul this Wokism might destroy our society which already is stagnant.... devoid of Purpose and Direction.

Swinging between Mullahismo and Westernismo ... an attempt to fill the Hole in the Soul... isnot going to work. It never does.

The Idea of Pakistan and its resulting PakPositiveNationalism is the only Agency which can fill this void. @Rafeh @Mentee @masterchief_mirza @Slav Defence @Ace of Spades

I shall try to be more considerate in future!


The one thing you do not lack is being considerate, that much I can tell you right now.

I can see your point of view, plant the shoots and see what grows, it has it's value, but I am guilty of desperately wanting to getting to the point, hitting the mark, getting to the core of an issue. If I can do that with the minimal exchange as possible, for me that is a perfect discussion lol

For me, the ultimate purpose of any discussion is finding an answer, or a common ground, or a logical end, an ultimate conclusion. When I used to travel, I enjoyed the journey more then the destination, but when speak I find reaching the destination far more gratifying. Plus, personally, I'm also here to fill an empty void, to provide a viewpoint that I find is missing, whether it changes or effects anyone is not my concern, if it makes one of their brain cells think even for a moment, I'm happy with that.

So, you follow your route, and I shall follow mine, we both nudge each other along the way and I'm sure the journey and the destination will be that much more pleasurable. Neither of us holds the truth, but, I'm sure it exist in that gap between your approach and mine.

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