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Spot-fixing/Match-fixing scandal

'Mental Torture'


There were chaotic scenes as the three Pakistan players arrived at the Pakistan High Commission in London

I would like to point out that the players voluntarily opted out of the T20s and were not dropped out.

Pak cricketers quizzed, 'voluntarily' drop out

The three Pakistani cricketers accused of the no-ball conspiracy maintain they're innocent, said the Pakistan High Commissioner in London, Wajad S Hasan. Indicating that he believes them, he added that the three men have voluntarily dropped out of the one-day series against England.

"We are extremely disturbed with what has happened in the past one week. They have maintained that they are innocent and on account of the mental torture that has hugely affected them, they are not in the right frame of mind to play any further," Hasan told reporters.

Test captain Salman Butt and bowlers Mohammed Asif and Mohammed Amir were questioned today by members of the Pakistan Cricket Board. Hasan said they will stay in the country for as long as they're needed for questioning. "They are here, they are not running away. They are innocent and they are defending their innocence. They are upright young men, in fact one of them (Mohammad Amir) created a record of taking 50 wickets in the shortest time. We will give them whatever support they might need."
that's exactly what i'm trying to ask! now.. why is it so nonsense & provacative question when all i asked is why were they withdrawn from the tour when nothing is proved? if you think you have an explanation to that effect, let's listen to it instead of you wetting your pants!!

LOL refer back to your post Mr. troll! And watch your tone, this is not BRF nor is it GUPSHUP. Remeber where you are :pdf:
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That's a spin put forward nothing else.

ECB , ICC and England players did not want the accused players to be in the games until the investigation is complete.

Unless you are a media house or whistle-blower please provide a source.

---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------

The guy behind Aamir seems to be having a laugh.

He is part of the PCB Security.
Pakistan commissioner to UK believes trio were "set-up"

The three Pakistan cricketers accused of corruption may have been set up, according to the country's high commissioner Wajid Shamsul Hasan.

When asked whether Salman Butt, Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Amir, who are being investigated for spot-fixing, had been framed, Hasan replied: "Yes."

Hasan claims the News of the World video allegedly exposing the scandal may have been made after the incident.

However, the paper said it "refuses to respond to such ludicrous allegations".

Asif and Amir are alleged to have bowled three no-balls on purpose at pre-determined times to facilitate betting coups after a "middle-man" accepted £150,000 in cash from an undercover reporter from the News of the World.

The newspaper published the claims last Sunday, just days after the incidents were alleged to have taken place on the Thursday and Friday of the fourth Test at Lord's.

The cricketers Hasan referred to, all now at the centre of a police investigation, will miss the rest of their country's tour of England.

Before stating that he believed the players may have been framed, Hasan earlier on Thursday insisted the players were "innocent".

"The players have voluntarily offered not to be included [in the tour]," he said. "They want to clear their names first."

Later he emerged from a Pakistan Cricket Board inquiry in London to tell the BBC that the News of the World videotape of its meeting with the "middle-man" - cricket agent Mazhar Majeed - was inconclusive.

"You [the media] are jumping to conclusions, because no-balls are not taped like that," he said.

"We have not seen videos - what the time [was when they were taken], what the date [was]... whether they were taken before or after the match."

"Do you have answers to the questions?"

When asked if the video could be fake, he replied: "You [the media] must know better because you are the media people."
Just saw the news now....more photos of Salman Butt and Majeed have emerged...and in one photo Butt is driving Majid's car.
ohhhh indian media is making films yaaar still there are no videos yet and if he is driving his car do you have any prove that car was of majeed i can blame i saw dhoni with bookie in the car i have seen video to what would be your reply so our reply is the same too
Imran should take over Pak cricket: Kapil
PTI, Sep 2, 2010, 06.46pm IST

KOLKATA: Former skipper Imran Khan should take over Pakistan cricket team to save it from the crisis arising out of the 'spot-fixing' scandal, India's World Cup-winning captain Kapil Dev said on Thursday.

Describing the 1992 World Cup-winning Pakistan captain the "cleanest" cricketer in the nation mired in fixing scandal, Kapil said, "In this time of crisis, I can think of Imran Khan as the cleanest cricketer to look after Pakistan cricket. He can really put the nation out of this controversy."

Kapil added that he felt sorry for Pakistan cricket. "I really feel sorry for Pakistan cricket and cricketers. Nothing is going right for them at the moment. We don't want Pakistan cricket to die. They have produced some wonderful cricketers over the years," he said.

Asked whether the tainted trio of Salman Butt, Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Aamer should be banned if they are found guilty, the former all-rounder merely said the guilty should be punished.

"We should not pre-judge them. Let the right people investigate into the matter. The guilty should be punished," said the 51-year-old who was here to inaugurate the Tea Board of India Chess for Youth tournament.

The former India captain urged not to place bets on cricket.

"Never bet on cricket. Let's talk about the positive sides of the game. There are just a two to three percent involved in betting so we should not talk about them. We must talk about the remaining 98 per cent who are doing so much for the betterment of the game."

Appealing to the ICC to bring an end to betting, Kapil said, "This game is really beautiful and very close to all of us, so let's not spoil it."

Pakistan Test skipper Salman Butt and pacers Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Aamer are facing a Scotland Yard investigation over their alleged involvement in a 'spot-fixing' scandal "exposed" by a British tabloid sting operation.

Kapil said that sport other than cricket should also be given importance.

"Cricket is not the only sport. Let's think about other sporting disciplines also and take them to the level of cricket. However, this does not mean that we lower the value of cricket. Media should come forward and support every sport in the country," he said while inaugurating the competition at the Netaji Indoor Stadium.

Read more: Imran should take over Pak cricket: Kapil - Top Stories - Cricket - Sports - The Times of India Imran should take over Pak cricket: Kapil - Top Stories - Cricket - Sports - The Times of India
ohhhh indian media is making films yaaar still there are no videos yet and if he is driving his car do you have any prove that car was of majeed i can blame i saw dhoni with bookie in the car i have seen video to what would be your reply so our reply is the same too

Bhai...firstly if you read my posts you would come to know i am not making fun of the situation your team is in...nor i am saying anything offensive.

And my request to you is to not close your eyes on something which is almost proved now....even Ramiz Raja said "this case is water tight".

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