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Sri Lanka becomes more corrupt


Feb 16, 2013
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Sri Lanka becomes more corrupt

2017-01-25 13:10:57


Sri Lanka ranked at 95 in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2016, climbing the rank by 12 slots when compared to 2015.

The report released by Transparency International, the global movement against corruption, ranks countries according to the perceived level of public sector corruption.

Sri Lanka was ranked at 95 out of 176 counties with a poor score of 36 when compared to 2015 when the country was ranked at 83 among 168 countries.

Denmark together with New Zealand topped the list with a score of 90 followed by Finland, Sweden and Switzerland ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th respectively, as the least corrupt countries.

India was ranked the least corrupt in the South Asian region with a score of 40 and was ranked at 79 in the overall index. Following India, Sri Lanka and Maldives were jointly ranked at 95.

The ranks based on a scoring system that ranges between 0 (public sector perceived as highly corrupt) to 100 (public sector perceived as very clean).

The Corruption Perceptions Index aggregates data from a number of different sources such as the business community and country experts on the level of corruption in the public sector. CPI 2016 is calculated using 13 different data sources from 12 different institutions that capture perceptions of corruption within the past two years.

Globally, the data reveals that a staggering 69 percent of the 176 countries scored below 50 in the 2016 CPI, indicating high levels of perceived public sector corruption prevalent throughout the world. 2016 also marks an alarming trend where more countries declined rather than improved in the overall performance.

Executive Director of Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) Asoka Obeyesekere said that despite the passing of the Right to Information Act and the adoption of the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan, Sri Lanka was yet to see anti-corruption rhetoric which would lead to strong action.

He said a legislative reform agenda alone is insufficient to put an end to impunity. Controversies such as the Bond issue, the alleged Australian corruption scandal implicating the President and delays in corruption related prosecutions have raised serious questions about the government’s commitment towards ‘yahapalanaya’ and anti-corruption.

Obeyesekere added that “it is often forgotten that the 19th Amendment gave CIABOC (the Bribery Commission) the power to institute prosecutions – therefore beyond the government the public must hold the Independent Commission to account”

- See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/122724/Sr...r.it&utm_medium=facebook#sthash.CWbNjWOt.dpuf

@Godman @supun1 @NGV-H @Saradiel ... Points to ponder.. what a shame for a good governance govt that came in to power on a platform of anti corruption.. RW need to hang his head in shame
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Surprised with SL. I always though SL was the least corrupt country in South Asia...India is at 79 with 40 points
Surprised with SL. I always though SL was the least corrupt country in South Asia...India is at 79 with 40 points

SL has one the most bloated public sectors in the world, Successive govts keeps adding to it for political reasons.. Hence it's not a surprise, The ranking

Also there have been a couple of large scale corrupt deals from the helm of the new govt especially the Bond scam, Which many believe was under the auspicious of the current PM, Or atleast with his apathy
When you reveal more corruption and doesn't do anything about it things go down. The RTI is late to come into effect but the bond issue is moving forward(albeit slowly).
People are also much more perceptive of corruption than the past so nothing could be hidden. A large number of corruption cases were unearthed but legal action is slow. So far no real action has been taken against SriLankan Airlines looting ,CSN. Wimal is in jail for now for handing over state assets to Ravana Blaya clowns but progress is still too slow. Some ministers within the govt are also trying to stop investigations and many of them are from the former govt in the first place
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There is no magic solution for corruption. Though 62 million of Sri Lankans thought so 2 years ago. The most pressing matter at hand is to how to bring hard currency to the country. Not how good the governance is. It's time that people should realize it. Political maturity develops with the advent of prosperity.
There is no magic solution for corruption. Though 62 million of Sri Lankans thought so 2 years ago. The most pressing matter at hand is to how to bring hard currency to the country. Not how good the governance is. It's time that people should realize it. Political maturity develops with the advent of prosperity.

Couldn't agree more, wealth = higher education = problems/issues are dealt with effectively and efficiently.

Our literacy rates are no longer relevant to us, high literacy rates simply means one is able to read and write. This is no longer sufficient, we need higher broad-based education at the tertiary level.

Investment in education/human resources pays dividends like nothing else. It is so important.

Educated people will find their own healthcare through the private sector. It is more important than investment in healthcare or anything else
Couldn't agree more, wealth = higher education = problems/issues are dealt with effectively and efficiently.

Our literacy rates are no longer relevant to us, high literacy rates simply means one is able to read and write. This is no longer sufficient, we need higher broad-based education at the tertiary level.

Investment in education/human resources pays dividends like nothing else. It is so important.

Educated people will find their own healthcare through the private sector. It is more important than investment in healthcare or anything else

The issue is many educated people also take bribes and engage in corrupt activities. All public sector officials needs to undergo special anti-corruption training to discourage them from doing anything illegal. A seperate agency must be created to monitor the public sector. Also educate citizens to complain about corruption. Children was must be educated about corruption early on so they are less likely to engage in corrupt activities and more likely to complain about them in the future

One of the main reasons politicians take bribes and engage in illegal activities both opposition and government is because they can't fund their own election campaigns. In the current system you need to spam TV adds ,cover all walls with your face and spend money from your pocket to hand outs. Mainly RaviK ,Duminda Silva and Rajapaksas all hand out stuff to get votes and the way they make money is certainly not clean specially Duminda Silva who even engaged in Drug dealing and now he is bribing prison guards to have parties in the prison

If we change the electoral system then corruption among politicians can be reduced. Some perks given to politicians must be reduced and instead go for a big salary hike
The politicians get a lot of perks but the Salary is comparatively low

What do you think about this?
Sri Lanka becomes more corrupt

2017-01-25 13:10:57


Sri Lanka ranked at 95 in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2016, climbing the rank by 12 slots when compared to 2015.

The report released by Transparency International, the global movement against corruption, ranks countries according to the perceived level of public sector corruption.

Sri Lanka was ranked at 95 out of 176 counties with a poor score of 36 when compared to 2015 when the country was ranked at 83 among 168 countries.

Denmark together with New Zealand topped the list with a score of 90 followed by Finland, Sweden and Switzerland ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th respectively, as the least corrupt countries.

India was ranked the least corrupt in the South Asian region with a score of 40 and was ranked at 79 in the overall index. Following India, Sri Lanka and Maldives were jointly ranked at 95.

The ranks based on a scoring system that ranges between 0 (public sector perceived as highly corrupt) to 100 (public sector perceived as very clean).

The Corruption Perceptions Index aggregates data from a number of different sources such as the business community and country experts on the level of corruption in the public sector. CPI 2016 is calculated using 13 different data sources from 12 different institutions that capture perceptions of corruption within the past two years.

Globally, the data reveals that a staggering 69 percent of the 176 countries scored below 50 in the 2016 CPI, indicating high levels of perceived public sector corruption prevalent throughout the world. 2016 also marks an alarming trend where more countries declined rather than improved in the overall performance.

Executive Director of Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) Asoka Obeyesekere said that despite the passing of the Right to Information Act and the adoption of the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan, Sri Lanka was yet to see anti-corruption rhetoric which would lead to strong action.

He said a legislative reform agenda alone is insufficient to put an end to impunity. Controversies such as the Bond issue, the alleged Australian corruption scandal implicating the President and delays in corruption related prosecutions have raised serious questions about the government’s commitment towards ‘yahapalanaya’ and anti-corruption.

Obeyesekere added that “it is often forgotten that the 19th Amendment gave CIABOC (the Bribery Commission) the power to institute prosecutions – therefore beyond the government the public must hold the Independent Commission to account”

- See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/122724/Sr...r.it&utm_medium=facebook#sthash.CWbNjWOt.dpuf

@Godman @supun1 @NGV-H @Saradiel ... Points to ponder.. what a shame for a good governance govt that came in to power on a platform of anti corruption.. RW need to hang his head in shame

It's a shame, hopefully there will be more impact of the RTI bill next year; if the public engages with the mechanism, then it will suddenly become much more difficult to graft funds or use political capital for personal gain because paper trails will lead to loss of office.

The RTI bill is what will bring the threat of consequence and lead to a stronger rule of law for both the governing and the governed.
It's a shame, hopefully there will be more impact of the RTI bill next year; if the public engages with the mechanism, then it will suddenly become much more difficult to graft funds or use political capital for personal gain because paper trails will lead to loss of office.

The RTI bill is what will bring the threat of consequence and lead to a stronger rule of law for both the governing and the governed.
RTI will do nothing, in my opinion, our investigative journalists are too stupid. The journalists is the ones that do 'arts', Next comes the science and bio group who become doctors and the smartest ones do maths and become engineers, who mostly fly away and never come back or stay in the country start companies and make billions and don't really care about corruption, since corruption contributes substantially to their bottom line.
RTI will do nothing, in my opinion, our investigative journalists are too stupid. The journalists is the ones that do 'arts', Next comes the science and bio group who become doctors and the smartest ones do maths and become engineers, who mostly fly away and never come back or stay in the country start companies and make billions and don't really care about corruption, since corruption contributes substantially to their bottom line.

Doing arts does not make one foolish. It's all about the attitude of our people. Our people has learnt to take things for granted. They don't realize the benefits of logic. We had great journalists in the past. I think the present cock up is mostly related to the educational crisis but not in a way you have presented it.

The issue is many educated people also take bribes and engage in corrupt activities. All public sector officials needs to undergo special anti-corruption training to discourage them from doing anything illegal. A seperate agency must be created to monitor the public sector. Also educate citizens to complain about corruption. Children was must be educated about corruption early on so they are less likely to engage in corrupt activities and more likely to complain about them in the future

One of the main reasons politicians take bribes and engage in illegal activities both opposition and government is because they can't fund their own election campaigns. In the current system you need to spam TV adds ,cover all walls with your face and spend money from your pocket to hand outs. Mainly RaviK ,Duminda Silva and Rajapaksas all hand out stuff to get votes and the way they make money is certainly not clean specially Duminda Silva who even engaged in Drug dealing and now he is bribing prison guards to have parties in the prison

If we change the electoral system then corruption among politicians can be reduced. Some perks given to politicians must be reduced and instead go for a big salary hike
The politicians get a lot of perks but the Salary is comparatively low

What do you think about this?

The expenses of politicians are high. That is a given. And it is indeed a by product of the election system. However, thinking that reverting back to the old election system doesn't solve the corruptions. Kick backs and commissions are norm in large scale government dealings. What we need to do is to change the mindset of our people. It requires massive effort in propaganda and it's effects won't be materialist within short period.
The issue is many educated people also take bribes and engage in corrupt activities. All public sector officials needs to undergo special anti-corruption training to discourage them from doing anything illegal. A seperate agency must be created to monitor the public sector. Also educate citizens to complain about corruption. Children was must be educated about corruption early on so they are less likely to engage in corrupt activities and more likely to complain about them in the future

One of the main reasons politicians take bribes and engage in illegal activities both opposition and government is because they can't fund their own election campaigns. In the current system you need to spam TV adds ,cover all walls with your face and spend money from your pocket to hand outs. Mainly RaviK ,Duminda Silva and Rajapaksas all hand out stuff to get votes and the way they make money is certainly not clean specially Duminda Silva who even engaged in Drug dealing and now he is bribing prison guards to have parties in the prison

If we change the electoral system then corruption among politicians can be reduced. Some perks given to politicians must be reduced and instead go for a big salary hike
The politicians get a lot of perks but the Salary is comparatively low

What do you think about this?

They're so ingrained in corruption and parliamentary perks it will be next to impossible change the status quo without a govt collapse.. I read some where that some 60 odd MP's have not even passed Ordinary level examinations and some 100 odd have failed the Advanced level.. You cannot expect anything better when the masses keep reelecting these nincompoops to run the country.. Sri Lanka is a third world shyt hole and will remain one for the foreseeable future
They're so ingrained in corruption and parliamentary perks it will be next to impossible change the status quo without a govt collapse.. I read some where that some 60 odd MP's have not even passed Ordinary level examinations and some 100 odd have failed the Advanced level.. You cannot expect anything better when the masses keep reelecting these nincompoops to run the country.. Sri Lanka is a third world shyt hole and will remain one for the foreseeable future

Allowing people that haven't passed O/L to contest will reduce corruption but one or two will always creep in. Its fault of the voters many honest MPs contested for the last general election but many of them couldn't make it.
If Sajin Vaas or Duminda silva were allowed to contest they would have won easily.

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