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Sudan declares war on South Sudan (update)


Apr 10, 2012
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Quoted from the article:

"OUTSIDE BENTIU, South Sudan (Reuters) - Sudanese war planes bombed a market in the capital of South Sudan's oil-producing Unity State on Monday, residents and officials said, an attack the southern army called a declaration of war.

Sudan denied carrying out any air raids but its President Omar Hassan al-Bashir ramped up the political tension by ruling out a return to negotiations with the South, saying its government only understood "the language of the gun".

A Reuters journalist saw aircraft dropping two bombs near a bridge linking two areas of Unity's capital Bentiu, although it was not possible to verify the planes' affiliation. He saw market stalls ablaze and the body of one child.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's press office issued a statement saying he "condemns the aerial bombardment on South Sudan by Sudanese Armed Forces and calls on the Government of Sudan to cease all hostilities immediately."

Weeks of border fighting have brought the neighbors closer to a full-blown war than at any time since South Sudan split from Sudan as an independent country in July.

The two territories went their separate ways last year without settling a list of bitter disputes over the position of their shared border, the ownership of key territories and how much the landlocked South should pay to transport its oil through Sudan.

The disputes have already halted nearly all the oil production that underpins both struggling economies.

"Bashir is declaring war on South Sudan. It's something obvious," southern army (SPLA) spokesman Philip Aguer said after the Bentiu bombing.

Aguer and the United Nations Mission in South Sudan said two people were killed in the air strike in Unity state where the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company (GNPOC) operates blocks. China's CNPC leads this consortium, along with Malaysia's Petronas and India's ONGC Videsh.

"Early reports indicate the bombings started at 8.30 hours and that Rubkona market has been struck," the U.N. mission said in a statement, without spelling out who carried out the attack.

"These indiscriminate bombings resulting in the loss of civilian lives must stop," said Hilde F. Johnson, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan.

The mission said its officers had seen one bomb land on the market and three near a bridge. "A young boy burned to death as the hut he was in caught fire from the blast in Rubkona market area," it quoted one of its officers as saying.

Bentiu is about 80 km (50 miles) from the contested and poorly marked border with Sudan.

Sudan denied carrying out any air attacks in the area. "We have no relation to what happened in Unity state, and we absolutely did not bomb anywhere in South Sudan," the country's military spokesman, Al-Sawarmi Khalid, said.


In the worst fighting since the split, South Sudan earlier this month seized the disputed oil-producing territory of Heglig - then announced it had started withdrawing on Friday, following sharp criticism from the U.N. Secretary-General.

Bashir, dressed in military uniform, visited the Heglig region on Monday, descending from his plane to shouts of "Allahu akbar" - "God is greatest" - from soldiers and officials gathered on the tarmac.

Speaking to Sudanese army troops, he vowed not to negotiate with South Sudan after it had occupied the region.

"We will not negotiate with the South's government, because they don't understand anything but the language of the gun and ammunition," he said at a barracks near the oilfield along the contested border.

A Reuters journalist on an official tour of the region filmed bombed-out pipelines dripping oil in the widely damaged Heglig oilfield, as well as heavy damage to the central processing facility, power station and other infrastructure.

Abdelazeem Hassan Abdallah, an oil worker in Heglig, accused South Sudan's forces of attacking the oilfield.

"They know how to do the job completely. They destroyed our main power plant, and they destroyed our processing facilities," he told Reuters.


General Kamal Abdul Maarouf, a Sudanese army commander who led the Heglig battles, said his troops had killed 1,200 South Sudanese soldiers in fighting in the area, an account South Sudan denied.

Journalists on the official trip said they saw bodies strewn on the road to the barracks. Some clearly had South Sudanese flags on their uniforms, but it was not always possible to verify their nationalities.

Aguer dismissed Maarouf's report. "The number of casualties the SPLA has suffered since the 26th or March doesn't exceed 50," he said.

South Sudan won its independence in a referendum that was promised in a 2005 peace accord that ended decades of civil war between Khartoum and the south.

South Sudan's armed forces have 10 helicopters but no fixed-wing aircraft, except for one Beech 1900 light transport aircraft, according to an International Institute for Strategic Studies report.

Sudan has 61 combat capable aircraft, including 23 fighter aircraft.

The Satellite Sentinel Project, founded by Sudan activists, said recent satellite imagery showed Khartoum had "dramatically increased the number of military strike aircraft at two airbases and that many are in range to fly deep into South Sudan."

The monitoring group said satellite imagery was consistent with reports that Sudanese forces bombed "an apparent civilian area" near a bridge in Bentiu. It also said it appeared the SPLA had looted a Sudanese military base in Heglig, which could be a violation of international law."

Although no official declaration of war has been made, I'd say this is nothing short of war.
Separation is always hard and difficult to reconcile with.
Sudan has air force?:woot:

Mikoyan MiG-29>>36

Chengdu F-7 Airguard (MiG-21)>>10

Mikoyan MiG-17>>small number

Sukhoi Su-25>>29

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23>>12

Hongdu JL-8 or K-8>>10

Nanchang A-5>>11

F-5E Tiger-2>> 4

Mil Mi-24>>54






No Protest in PDF against this event: why ??

Oh !! A muslim country(Sudan) attacked a non-muslim country(South Sudan).. Must be jihad!

Youre correct actually, sudans president called for jihad against the south on friday. And yes, they've not even been separated for a year yet and already back to war.
What an audacious lie. South Sudan was the one that invaded and took control oil hajleej oil field. Sudan only fought back.

No Protest in PDF against this event: why ??

Oh !! A muslim country(Sudan) attacked a non-muslim country(South Sudan).. Must be jihad!

It was the other way around. But Sudan kicked their azz.
Bashir orders army to avenge South Sudan’s attack on Heglig, “purge” borders of rebels
April 23, 2012 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir has given his army a carte blanche to use “the language of the gun” against neighboring South Sudan in retaliation of the latter’s occupation of Heglig disputed region two weeks ago.

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir addresses military soldiers in Heglig April 23, 2012 (REUTERS)
“I direct the army to restore [our] rights and repulse any aggression from the Sudan People’s Liberation Army [SPLA] of the south on any inch of the country and at any time” Bashir declared while addressing dozens of ululating Sudanese troopers at the station of Martyr Al-Fadil in Heglig on Monday.

Heglig was occupied almost two weeks ago by the SPLA before being liberated on Friday by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), according to Khartoum, whereas Juba said it voluntarily withdrew troops in response to international pressure.

The fighting around Heglig, which contains oilfields accounting for almost half of Sudan’s daily output of 115,000 barrels, sparked fears of a full-scale war between the two neighbors as well as heightened war rhetoric, especially on the part of Khartoum.

Al-Bashir, who arrived in Heglig unannounced to inspect the damage Khartoum accused Juba of inflicting on the town’s oil facilities, reiterated that there will be no return to talking with South Sudan unless its ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) is gone.

"One of us has to go" he said before adding that our “dialogue with these people will be through the gun because they only understand the language of the gun.”

The Sudanese president renewed threats against Juba as his air forces bombed three areas in South Sudan’s Unity State on Monday, killing three people.

Bashir, dressed in military uniform, further said he had ordered the army to "purge" Sudan’s borders from rebels.

His statement coincides with reports that Sudanese forces clashed on Monday with rebels of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) which fights in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states on the borders with South Sudan.

Khartoum accuses Juba of supporting the Sudanese rebels who fought as part of the SPLA before South Sudan’s independence but the SPLM says it has already severed links with its former comrades-in-arms.

Al-Bashir promised to teach South Sudan a "final lesson" and award them a "doctorate in treachery, perfidy and cowardice."

The Sudanese president routinely accuses Juba of failing to appreciate what he describes as Khartoum’s fulfillment of its commitment under the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to allow South Sudan’s to secede.

Al-Bashir was accompanied in his visit to Heglig by a cohort of close aides and senior ministers, including Presidential Assistant Nafie Ali Nafie and Abdel-Rahman Al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, Minister of presidential affairs Bakri Hassan Salih, the minister of defense Abdel-Rahim Mohammed Hussain.

In a related context, SAF’s commander-in-chief of "Heglig Liberation Operation", Kamal Marof, said that more than 1200 SPLA soldiers were killed in the alleged battle.

Also, SAF’s chief of staff Ismat Abdel-Rahman threatened on Monday that South Sudan will pay the price of damaging oil infrastructure in Heglig.

"The damages they have committed against oil facilities will not go unpunished and they will get to taste it."
Mikoyan MiG-29>>36

Chengdu F-7 Airguard (MiG-21)>>10

Mikoyan MiG-17>>small number

Sukhoi Su-25>>29

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23>>12

Hongdu JL-8 or K-8>>10

Nanchang A-5>>11

F-5E Tiger-2>> 4

Mil Mi-24>>54






Thanks to Russia and China Sudan has hell of forces to fight
No Protest in PDF against this event: why ??

Oh !! A muslim country(Sudan) attacked a non-muslim country(South Sudan).. Must be jihad!

tell me did you just come on pdf to hate or share useful information.....
south attacked sudan as he said they were arming rebellious factions against them as was said by sudan about south south took the helgig fields at first to teach them a lesson and now they claim its disputed territory. sudan in return attacked south sudan oil fields whn it couldnt defend helgig and thus even when the most useless organization called un is calling an end neither south is listening nor sudan south has not left helgig and sudan has called for a full scale war i hoped it would never come to this since sudan was the first to recognize south and this doesnt happen normally. hope this war wont happen as the people of the region nare already suffereing and a full scale war could be bad for both of them
North Sudan seems to possess proper military force.

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