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Support for secularism grows in Pakistan

solid snake

Nov 29, 2006
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‘Support for separating religion from govt grows’

By Anwar Iqbal

WASHINGTON, Oct 7: Support for strict separation between religion and government has grown steadily in Pakistan over the past five years, says a US survey released this weekend.

Majorities in 47 countries, surveyed by the Washington-based PEW Institute for public opinions, agree that religion and politics do not mix.

But opinions are moving in opposite directions in two key Muslim allies of the United States. Support for strict separation between religion and government is growing in Pakistan, while in Turkey support for such separation has declined significantly in the past five years.

Pakistanis who believe that religion and government should remain separate were only 33 per cent of the population in 2002. Five years later their size grew to 48 per cent, a 15 per cent increase. In Turkey, support for secularism declined by 18 per cent over the same period. In 2002, 73 per cent Turks said they believed religion and politics did not mix. Although secularists are still a majority in Turkey, their size declined to 55 per cent in 2007.

In all 47 countries surveyed, at least seven-in-ten respondents believe that education is equally important for boys and girls.

Most people also believe that men and women are equally qualified for political leadership, although there is less agreement on this issue.

Sizeable minorities in several predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East and Asia – and a majority in Pakistan – say that a woman’s family should choose her husband.

In Pakistan, 82 per cent of those surveyed also say that growing trading ties between countries are good while 52 per cent say they are very good.

‘Support for separating religion from govt grows’ -DAWN - Top Stories; October 08, 2007

I am shocked to learn that half of Pakistan is in support of secularism! This is great news!

That is the last thing I want to hear. This is extremely disappionting news, if this is true ( Which I highly doubt).Pakistan becoming a secular nation. HAHAHA! NOOO! We need to kick out all those Liberals/secualrists. Seriously its better if we are a Conservative Nation and follow the Shar'ah Law. I Believe its in the best interest of our nation. By the way if it was becoming a "secular" nation, they should change the name to Republic of Pakistan ( Like Republic of Algeria) instead of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

I personally as a Muslim and most Muslims would prefer the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
If anything most of the Muslims nowerdays are becoming CONSERVATIVE!

I hope one day it will be called the Islamic Emirate of Pakistan or Caliphate, or something like that.

I wonder why people haven't learned that, Democracy is slow & inefficient

Oh, yes about marriages, its supposed to be an arranged marriage, where both families decide, not only one. Plus it is the Man who must ask the "future wife's" family to marry their daughter. This is the correct way!

Why the on earth don't people know this kind of stuff. Instead some people date, which is ABSOLUTELY HARRAAM!

Its just the stupid ignorant tribes in FATA, who like to do marriages their way. PEOPLE WAKE UP. The proper way to have a marriage is to have an Arranged one, not a FORCED one. In Islam you cannot have a forced marriage, Nor can you date.

Back to the point... In my opinion I think that article is so exagerated , like seriously our country is becoming more secular. I don't Think so. Yes there also must be an integration of religion into politics. For example the Sha'riah Law is the best law because it destroys all the Vices within that particular state. I totally agree with the punishments in the Shar'ah law. The punishments in that law were designed in such a way that Crimes, or illegal activites may never happen again.

Inshallah Allah will make Pakistan a good pious & morally upstraight state.

By the way the poll was done by the "Americans". I think its a Political scandal, so can they separate Pakistan from the other Muslim states, by saying Pakistan is not a pious state.

Yes and Mashallah to Turkey, I'm glad to hear that people are waking up and trying to remember the good Ottoman era, thats if the statistic true ofcourse... and even then I think people are trying to make a Turkey a religious state again.
well its the mullah's own fault, if they spread terrorism & unrest in the name of Islam. Then people will eventually move away from it. Its not rocket science.
One doesn't need to compromise traditional and religious values for economic or human growth.even though I don't pray 5 times a day,listen to music,etc I still support Islamic laws for criminals and other judicial issues.
however due to globalization,liberalisation is taking place across the world and it's hard to stop it.Pakistan if it turns secular should incorporate Islamic values in its laws for the greater good of the Pakistanis.

I don't think Islam forbids freedom to criticize or speak out against wrong things.People think whatever the Taliban did was Islamic.
That is the last thing I want to hear. This is extremely disappionting news, if this is true ( Which I highly doubt).Pakistan becoming a secular nation. HAHAHA! NOOO! We need to kick out all those Liberals/secualrists.

You seriously need to read Quaid-e-Azam's speech of August 11, 1947:

I cannot emphasis it too much. We should being to work in that spirit and in course of time all these angularities of the majority and minority communities the Hindu community and the Muslim community because even as regards Muslims you have Pathans, Punjabis, Shias, Sunnis and so on and among the Hindu you have Brahmins, Bashnavas, Khatris, also Bengalese, Madrasis and so on will vanish. Indeed if you ask me this has been the biggest hindrance in the way of India to attain its freedom and independence and but for this we would have been free peoples long long ago. No power can hold another nation, and specially a nation of 400 millions souls in subjection; no body could have conquered you, and even if it had happened, no body could have continued its hold on you for any length of time but for this. (Applause) Therefore we must learn a lesson from this. You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State (Hear, hear).

Read the whole thing here: Quaid's Speech

It's extremely amusing to me how the mullah's who were fiercely opposed to the creation of Pakistan are now telling us how to live our lives and how the state should discriminate against our minorities by not letting them become Prime minister or President. I've got one thing to say to the MMA and all such political parties: GTFO.

That is the last thing I want to hear. This is extremely disappionting news, if this is true ( Which I highly doubt).Pakistan becoming a secular nation. HAHAHA! NOOO! We need to kick out all those Liberals/secualrists. Seriously its better if we are a Conservative Nation and follow the Shar'ah Law. I Believe its in the best interest of our nation. By the way if it was becoming a "secular" nation, they should change the name to Republic of Pakistan ( Like Republic of Algeria) instead of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Whose "Shariah law"? Shia or Sunni? What about the Agha Khanis? What about the fundamentalist versions of Shariah practiced by the Taliban? What about the Submitters who only believe in the Quran and not the hadith?

Muslims need to come up with a unniversally accepted "draft" of "Shariah law", before they start talking about implementing it.
define fundamental.there is a difference between fundamental and extremism.
Muslims need to come up with a unniversally accepted "draft" of "Shariah law", before they start talking about implementing it.
I concur.it's OIC became somewhat active.
Solid Snake,
"You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State ". This sentence of Muhammad Ali Jinnah seems to emphasise the fact that he wanted Pakistan to be a secular state. Then why did it actually become the Islamic republic of Pakistan? The constitution was adopted much after Jinnah's death. It seems those who wrote it ignored the Qaid-e-Azam.
Whose "Shariah law"? Shia or Sunni? What about the Agha Khanis? What about the fundamentalist versions of Shariah practiced by the Taliban? What about the Submitters who only believe in the Quran and not the hadith?

Muslims need to come up with a unniversally accepted "draft" of "Shariah law", before they start talking about implementing it.

The ulemas of Pakistan have agreed on most of the common points in Shariah for implementation in Pakistan. The Shariat bill is ready with the agreement of Islamic Ideology Council, but the western puppets and secularist ruling the country are the main obstacles. Shias and Sunnis are also there in Iran, Saudi arabia etc.
The ulemas of Pakistan have agreed on most of the common points in Shariah for implementation in Pakistan. The Shariat bill is ready with the agreement of Islamic Ideology Council, but the western puppets and secularist ruling the country are the main obstacles. Shias and Sunnis are also there in Iran, Saudi arabia etc.

Just a point for my education.

Is this Islamic Ideology Council the voice of all Pakistanis i.e. The Sunnis, the Shias, The Aga Khanis, the Ahmediyas etc?

And how is Agnostic wrong his surmise?

Note what the Father of Pakistan said "You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State".

Is this wrong? Are you suggesting that you are a better Pakistani and you know the essence of Pakistan better than this person who gave you Pakistan against all odds?

And do you think that the fundamental difference between Shias and Sunnis is that easy to obliterate?

If so where were you when it happened?

It is time for you to smell the coffee!

if things were so easy then beggars would ride!

Understand realities and not let emotions and daydreams substitute for facts!

Daydreamers like you is what is impeding progress.

But then you are a Bangladeshi and so you would not understand Pakistan.
The ulemas of Pakistan have agreed on most of the common points in Shariah for implementation in Pakistan. The Shariat bill is ready with the agreement of Islamic Ideology Council, but the western puppets and secularist ruling the country are the main obstacles. Shias and Sunnis are also there in Iran, Saudi arabia etc.
Ulema agree?

They've agreed to disagree at the most that too the ones found in Urban cities. However the MULLAHS, they are ready to kill the person that does not agree with their ascribed Ulema. See how that works?
Solid Snake,
"You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State ". This sentence of Muhammad Ali Jinnah seems to emphasise the fact that he wanted Pakistan to be a secular state. Then why did it actually become the Islamic republic of Pakistan? The constitution was adopted much after Jinnah's death. It seems those who wrote it ignored the Qaid-e-Azam.

jam-at-e-salami(islami) was against the creation of Pakistan.but after it was a done deal guess who wanted it to become a non secular state.costitution was written after Qaid-e-Azams murder.want to take the guess who is behind all these changes.

Christan's go to no Christan states to preach Christianity. mullahs fight each other to get control over local mosque.:rofl:

ulemas of Pakistan can you please don't use the word ulema .as i have yet to come across any mullahs in Pakistan that are actually educated and have the knowledge to be called ulema.:azn:
This is wonderful news for Pakistan!! Secularism is the way to go!! The ideal combination of
100% Secular Education + Secularism + Liberal Democracy is what every country should try and achieve. If Musharraf can somehow swing the momentum of Pakistan in that direction it can work wonders!!
Pakistan can become the next Switzerland!! :cheers:
The ulemas of Pakistan have agreed on most of the common points in Shariah for implementation in Pakistan. The Shariat bill is ready with the agreement of Islamic Ideology Council, but the western puppets and secularist ruling the country are the main obstacles. Shias and Sunnis are also there in Iran, Saudi arabia etc.

What are the common points?

I would dearly like to know, being a citizen of Pakistan, whose "acceptance", "approval", and concerns, of these "points", should be considered before finalizing the "draft".

On a slightly different track, the change within Turkish society, and the tensions within France and some other European societies struggling to assimilate Muslim immigrants, is reflective of the need to avoid the other extreme. Assimilation should not require one to give up their beliefs and culture, but to weave them into the fabric of society, with the intermingling strands forming a tapestry whose patterns flow in harmony, deriving strength from diversity.

Societies, like anything else, must evolve, and to restrain them in the fashion of France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran, is only asking for trouble in the long run.

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