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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I place my bet on Deir Ez-Zor to be the next target city. Tiyas military Airfield to the west of Palmyra, might be also the next target.
Deir Ez-Zor has oils and large weapon depots. Capturing it will also slow down Assad's air strikes so it's obvious they're gonna have their eyes set there first before moving westward.
Is Deir Ez-Zor not controlled by ISIS mainly? Or at least the countryside? I don't understand how those small Assadist enclaves around Deir Ez-Zor have been able to withstand for this long. What's the reason?

Deir ez-Zor was taking reinforcements through Palmyra, which is no longer the case, starting from today.

Assad relied on local Sheitat tribe to defend military points around Deir ez-Zor. Without Assad weaponry, Sheitat has no chance against IS.

Most importantly Tiyas Airbase is now vulnerable to direct attacks of IS. Btw Tiyas (T4) Airbase is the largest military airfield in Syria.
It's interesting because last week, Baghdadi made a speech warning civilians not to flee and told groups to repent to IS before it's too late (they make takfeer to anyone who oppose them) so they were given an option.

This speech coincide to IS's gains this week in Iraq and Syria. This shows they planned this offensive for month and handling Tikrit to the army was probably a bait.
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Palmyra is actually an ancient Semitic city. Not Roman. It was just under Roman control for a period.

The English Wikipedia link about it's history is very good actually.

Palmyra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


What are the media in the US saying? What do you think that their plans will be? After all they are still the most important player.

I don't get it. They should remove Al-Assad and then all the energy could be spent on removing ISIS from Syria. Instead they won't both to continue their fight. One of them will eventually win and be much stronger than currently and thus will be much more difficult to remove.

Something is telling me that everything is planned here. They don't want any group to be too strong.

That is why the locals should take their own destiny in their hands. Unfortunately our pathetic leaders are all under heavy Western influence. One wrong move and "funny things" will start or crippling sanctions.

By reading Western well known newspapers, forums and plenty of opinion articles from people ranging from ordinary civilians to activists to ex-politicans, general consensus is that Assad regime is best option for the region and that they have no strategy in Syria. A lot of them are pro-Assad as well. They do not want to intervene militarily, most of the opposition to them is something they oppose. So what is agreed upon now is abstaining and getting Saudi Arabia/Turkey to not arm rebels. Also trying to prolong war, an unexpected fall of Assad regime this summer will be bad news from their perspective and everything would go not according to plan.

So yeah, honestly no one will intervene militarily. But the way its looking opposition seems to be able to carry task out on their own. Saudi Arabia/Turkey should secretly support them. Probably they already are. If they go farther than they are now than as you said 'funny things' will begin to happen. Also we don't know what real Western policy on Syria is, we will only find out after Assad fall. So the quicker he falls, the quicker we find out international opinion, since right now they are hiding it from us.

We have no idea what will follow, it all depends on regional/international reaction. Either Iran will panic and intervene or nobody will intervene and rebels will go into Lebanon or West will intervene or something will happen in Jordan and Israel will intervene or Russia will intervene. It's a wide range of possiblities which US is not prepared for.
Is Deir Ez-Zor not controlled by ISIS mainly? Or at least the countryside? I don't understand how those small Assadist enclaves around Deir Ez-Zor have been able to withstand for this long. What's the reason?

Because best trained brigade of Republican Guards is there, 104th airborne brigade. They have been a nightmare for all IS attacks, inflicting hundreds of casulties on them in failed attacks to take all Deir-Al-Zoor city and its military base and airport.

We should wait and see whether SAA will evacuate Deir al-Zoor after fall of Palmyra or not, but that seems unlikely for now. They can still defend themselves against various heavy IS attacks.
In February, Mr Assad told the BBC: “There’s no barrel bomb – we don’t have barrels. It’s like talking about cooking pots: we don’t have cooking pots.”

This heli was shot down and this vid was found in crew phone.


New footage has emerged showing Syrian aircrew using barrel bombs, one of the most feared weapons in President Bashar al-Assad’s arsenal.

The video footage, which contradicts Mr Assad’s claim that no munitions of this kind have ever been used by his forces, shows an airman crouching inside a Syrian military helicopter, chatting to his neighbour as he lights the fuse of a barrel bomb.

Once the white touch paper is burning, the man casually pushes the weapon out of the aircraft and sends it hurtling towards the ground.

Barrel bombs are metal cylinders packed with high explosives and pieces of shrapnel. These weapons, which have no targeting or guidance mechanisms, are simply rolled out of helicopters as they fly over rebel-held towns and villages.

Amnesty International says that barrel bombs have been used to lay waste to civilian areas, claiming at least 11,000 lives since 2012. Last month alone, at least 85 were dropped on the city of Aleppo.

The footage, obtained by al-Jazeera, appears to have been shot on a mobile phone inside a Syrian helicopter. These raids have become so frequent that the airmen behave as if they are following a mundane routine. They laugh and joke as they prime the weapons for use against their fellow Syrians.

In February, Mr Assad told the BBC: “There’s no barrel bomb – we don’t have barrels. It’s like talking about cooking pots: we don’t have cooking pots.”


Philip Hammond, the Foreign Secretary, said the latest footage exposed Mr Assad’s “lies”. He added: “It shows the casual and indiscriminate way in which Syrian regime forces are dropping these horrific weapons out of helicopters onto civilians below. For months we have seen reports of barrel bombs hitting hospitals and schools, killing thousands.

"The UN has called for an end to these attacks but Assad continues to ignore international outrage.”


The fuse on the bomb is lit (al-Jazeera)

The use of barrel bombs breaks international humanitarian law because these weapons cannot be targeted and are inherently indiscriminate.

Mr Hammond said: “We will bring those involved in these criminal acts to justice and will continue to help those caught in attacks by continuing our support of rescue teams working on the ground.”


Bashar al-Assad's airmen laugh as they drop barrel bombs on fellow Syrians - Telegraph


There are those strategic routes, but regime is still in control in many areas to the West. Although they are being worn out, so I believe Homs will fall in less than a month depending on FSA performance there. Then Hama will fall probably. It's unlikely though ISIS will be allowed by coalition to go along those routes to Damascus. Most likely there will be heavy airstrikes. ISIS won't go to Damascus now, only after rebels takeover of Homs probably.
ISIS is a paranormal phenomenon. It's like we're watching a fictional movie.
If we can one day wakeup from our slumber and realize that the crusades never ended, and what Prophet Mohammad had warmed us about. We will realize the theory behind the fiction that is Isis.
If we can one day wakeup from our slumber and realize that the crusades never ended, and what Prophet Mohammad had warmed us about. We will realize the theory behind the fiction that is Isis.

Yeah, look at number of members cheering for ISIS here, please don't bring up conspiracy theories.
Yeah, look at number of members cheering for ISIS here, please don't bring up conspiracy theories.

No brother, these are not conspiracies. ISIS are a Saudi created khawarij! The problem is now they can't control them and will take out the HOUSE of 'SHAYTHAN' Saud! Show me any other place where wahabbism is practiced other than the ignorant Arabs? ISIS are khawarij!

Btw, Abdul ibn Wahab's own father gave a fatwa against him and his blood brother. They warned people of Abdul-Wahab's deviant aqeedah!
I wish the battle of Palmarya went on longer. But again, what was I expecting from Iranian losers.

No brother, these are not conspiracies. ISIS are a Saudi created khawarij! The problem is now they can't control them and will take out the HOUSE of 'SHAYTHAN' Saud! Show me any other place where wahabbism is practiced other than the ignorant Arabs? ISIS are khawarij!

Btw, Abdul ibn Wahab's own father gave a fatwa against him and his blood brother. They warned people of Abdul-Wahab's deviant aqeedah!
Oh my pious Pakistani, show us the way.. That's exactly what we needed, Iranians, Pakistanis and Indians teaching Arabs Islam.

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