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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Not in any near future. West wants attrition for Iran and Russia in Syria. Thats why they allow them murder Syrians freely.

Meanwhile Putin's terrorists bombed aid convoy in Aleppo.




director of #Syria’s Red Crescent center round #Aleppo Omar Barakat, was killed in strike vs aid convoy:


Svhey will stat to deny everything, so remember these tweets:

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Yes I saw it on T.V however you can't blame the Russians and Assads airforce that much. In war, almost everything is allowed, there are hardly any rules per se. Eventhough OFFICIALLY speaking there are rules. But in reality there is hardly any. So even though it's sad to see such an aid convoy bombed to ashes and it's volunteers killed/burn alive, we have to be recognise the fact that horrible things happen in all wars. Best thing is to avoid the war in the first place. In this regard the main person to blame is Assad, as he could have resigned longggg ago and transfer power to another person(even a close confident/friend) to avoid this situation. Sometimes it's not always about one person, a leader should look at the greater good of his country, even if it means he won't be the one at the helm. Cameron resigned for example not because he couldn't lead(even though he was elected and his term was still running), but simply because he thought it will be better for the country as a whole for another person to lead(as his vision/policy was rejected by a faction of the British people.). Not that I'm comparing Britain with a developing country like Syria. However I'm just trying to make a point that one man dictatorship is not a viable long term model.

At this moment I fail to see how this conflict can be resolved to be honest. Since there are simply too many actors/powers involved. Even if by miracle it is resolved, Syria will never be the same again. Some groups will probably hold power/rule over their strongholds. Maybe it's a natural rearrangement of the mistakes we and france made by creating countries in the region without taking into consideration their ethnic composition. So who knows, maybe its for the greater good. :)
Yes I saw it on T.V however you can't blame the Russians and Assads airforce that much. In war, almost everything is allowed, there are hardly any rules per se. Eventhough OFFICIALLY speaking there are rules. But in reality there is hardly any. So even though it's sad to see such an aid convoy bombed to ashes and it's volunteers killed/burn alive, we have to be recognise the fact that horrible things happen in all wars. Best thing is to avoid the war in the first place. In this regard the main person to blame is Assad, as he could have resigned longggg ago and transfer power to another person(even a close confident/friend) to avoid this situation. Sometimes it's not always about one person, a leader should look at the greater good of his country, even if it means he won't be the one at the helm. Cameron resigned for example not because he couldn't lead(even though he was elected and his term was still running), but simply because he thought it will be better for the country as a whole for another person to lead(as his vision/policy was rejected by a faction of the British people.). Not that I'm comparing Britain with a developing country like Syria. However I'm just trying to make a point that one man dictatorship is not a viable long term model.

At this moment I fail to see how this conflict can be resolved to be honest. Since there are simply too many actors/powers involved. Even if by miracle it is resolved, Syria will never be the same again. Some groups will probably hold power/rule over their strongholds. Maybe it's a natural rearrangement of the mistakes we and france made by creating countries in the region without taking into consideration their ethnic composition. So who knows, maybe its for the greater good. :)
Assadists did not allow a single aid truck to pass into besieged Aleppo during week of truce and hour after truce expired they bombed aid convoy. Thats very clear and deliberate atack.
Assadists did not allow a single aid truck to pass into besieged Aleppo during week of truce and hour after truce expired they bombed aid convoy. Thats very clear and deliberate atack.
As I said, horrible things happen in wars. it might sound harsh but it's the sad reality in which we live. War is not a child's play or video game. Lol It's even worse when its not between two professional armies. Civil wars tend to be far more bloody and ruthless with no rules and abuses by all sides with total impunity. There are several Shias groups/ militias scattered all over the country fighting Sunni groups and Islamic groups mixed with former Syrian soldiers who defected from the army(those who refused to gun down their own people), Iranian/Afghan/Pakistanis/Yemenis/Iraqi/Lebanon shia fighters/militias and many other Sunni extremists from gulf states and north Africa etc etc I'm not mentioning world powers involved with their airforce and special forces from U.S, Russia, U.K, and France. Lately Turkey has also entered the fray with its own Turkmen fighters etc etc. The country is a total mess. It's like a mini world war. :pleasantry:. Good luck solving this puzzle. :rolleyes: Lol
As I said, horrible things happen in wars. it might sound harsh but it's the sad reality in which we live. War is not a child's play or video game. Lol It's even worse when its not between two professional armies. Civil wars tend to be far more bloody and ruthless with no rules and abuses by all sides with total impunity. There are several Shias groups/ militias scattered all over the country fighting Sunni groups and Islamic groups mixed with former Syrian soldiers who defected from the army(those who refused to gun down their own people), Iranian/Afghan/Pakistanis/Yemenis/Iraqi/Lebanon shia fighters/militias and many other Sunni extremists from gulf states and north Africa etc etc I'm not mentioning world powers involved with their airforce and special forces from U.S, Russia, U.K, and France. Lately Turkey has also entered the fray with its own Turkmen fighters etc etc. The country is a total mess. It's like a mini world war. :pleasantry:. Good luck solving this puzzle. :rolleyes: Lol
It was not a mistake. It is a clear Assadist policy: starve Syrians into submission.

It was not a mistake. It is a clear Assadist policy: starve Syrians into submission.

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Well, i never said it was a mistake . I simply said they might have their reasons for bombing these aid trucks(to starve rebel held cities/civilians there , so they can turn up the tide against the rebels probably). Or if it was a mistake(which is also possible though very unlikely) then they might have mistaken it for something else.
Anyway, it's war, it's unfortunate, but what can we do? Both sides of this conflict butcher Assad and the rebels all have blood on their hands. None of them is better. Only difference is that Assad the butcher has farrrrrrrr more capabilities to butcher his own people in massive numbers while the rebels don't have the capabilities to kill on an industrial scale. Lol

By the way, I must commend those aid workers who are risking their lives to save civilians/people trapped in this conflict. My respect to them,Me personally I can't do that. I will stay miles away from Syria. Lool

1) Nazis are Assad allies:

2) ISIS is Iraqi Baath. Baath is what u support.

3) Nusra is militant Salafi group.

None of these 3 has whatsoever connection to Zionism.

Cholera fighting bubonic plague.

Even the most naive person about middle eastern issues should know that ISIS stems from Iraq's baath party after the U.S/U.K disbanded it(which was a mistake on our part I admit). Funny thing is that ISIS senior commanders were former 'secular' Saddams baath party members/military. Strange that they are now the most extreme of Islamic radicals/terrorists. lol Never knew someone supported the baath on here. If so, then they are basically supporting ISIS top military leaders without knowing.:lol:
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Well aid convoy was attacked because it was not inspected that mean obvious weapions aid in disguise . Everyone knows thease rebels r using civilans as shields so Saa dont attackb them the other hand if rebel care for civilans leave that civilans area try making there bases outside civilans area
Well aid convoy was attacked because it was not inspected that mean obvious weapions aid in disguise . Everyone knows thease rebels r using civilans as shields so Saa dont attackb them the other hand if rebel care for civilans leave that civilans area try making there bases outside civilans area

Wow....So you are justifying the bombing and killing of aid convoy/workers, especially when it was a deliberate action?
Just because its the side you support that was responsible?lol. I'm 100% sure if it was the U.S/U.K you will be throwing all sorts of insults/condemnation towards them. Loool

Anyway, as I said both sides are guilty of crimes, but Assad is more guilty because he is the government/leader, as such he bares more responsibility than non state actors.
Yes, but so does Iran, all support PKK and ISIS. .

The US, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey armed and financed ISIS as a weapon to unleash on Syria, which was an ally of Iran that refused to take orders from the Western powers.

At some point, ISIS shook off its western tutors and literally ran amok. But the US has not yet made a concerted attempt to crush ISIS because of its continuing usefulness in Syria and in the US, where ISIS has become the favorite whipping boy of politicians.

Next come the Kurds, an ancient Indo-European stateless people spread across Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. They have been denied a national state by the western powers since WWI. Kurdish rebels in Iraq have been armed and financed by Israel since the 1970’s.

When America’s Arab jihadists proved militarily feeble, the US turned to the Kurds, who are renowned fighters, arming and financing the Kurdish Syrian YPG which is part of the well-known PKK rebel group that fights Turkey. Rising wave of Kurdish attacks that caused the Turks to probe into northern Syria to prevent a link-up of advancing Kurdish rebel forces.

So, Turkey, a key American ally, is now battling CIA-backed Kurdish groups in Syria. Eighty percent of Turks believe the recent failed coup in Turkey was mounted by the US – not the White House, but by the Pentagon which has always been joined at the hip to Turkey’s military.
Well, i never said it was a mistake . I simply said they might have their reasons for bombing these aid trucks(to starve rebel held cities/civilians there , so they can turn up the tide against the rebels probably).
Yes they are war criminals and terrorists. so they starve and barrel bomb civilians. Thats what I am saying.

both sides of this conflict
When rebels will start barrel bomb Alawi towns and destroy humanitarian convoys I will condemn that too.

But so far its not happening. Assad and his allies are #1 terrorists and criminals in Syria. All others are far far behind.
The US, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey armed and financed ISIS as a weapon to unleash on Syria, which was an ally of Iran that refused to take orders from the Western powers.

At some point, ISIS shook off its western tutors and literally ran amok. But the US has not yet made a concerted attempt to crush ISIS because of its continuing usefulness in Syria and in the US, where ISIS has become the favorite whipping boy of politicians.

Next come the Kurds, an ancient Indo-European stateless people spread across Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. They have been denied a national state by the western powers since WWI. Kurdish rebels in Iraq have been armed and financed by Israel since the 1970’s.

When America’s Arab jihadists proved militarily feeble, the US turned to the Kurds, who are renowned fighters, arming and financing the Kurdish Syrian YPG which is part of the well-known PKK rebel group that fights Turkey. Rising wave of Kurdish attacks that caused the Turks to probe into northern Syria to prevent a link-up of advancing Kurdish rebel forces.

So, Turkey, a key American ally, is now battling CIA-backed Kurdish groups in Syria. Eighty percent of Turks believe the recent failed coup in Turkey was mounted by the US – not the White House, but by the Pentagon which has always been joined at the hip to Turkey’s military.

To be honest, you are too biased to be taken seriously.
The US, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey armed and financed ISIS as a weapon to unleash on Syria, which was an ally of Iran that refused to take orders from the Western powers.

At some point, ISIS shook off its western tutors and literally ran amok. But the US has not yet made a concerted attempt to crush ISIS because of its continuing usefulness in Syria and in the US, where ISIS has become the favorite whipping boy of politicians.

Next come the Kurds, an ancient Indo-European stateless people spread across Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. They have been denied a national state by the western powers since WWI. Kurdish rebels in Iraq have been armed and financed by Israel since the 1970’s.

When America’s Arab jihadists proved militarily feeble, the US turned to the Kurds, who are renowned fighters, arming and financing the Kurdish Syrian YPG which is part of the well-known PKK rebel group that fights Turkey. Rising wave of Kurdish attacks that caused the Turks to probe into northern Syria to prevent a link-up of advancing Kurdish rebel forces.

So, Turkey, a key American ally, is now battling CIA-backed Kurdish groups in Syria. Eighty percent of Turks believe the recent failed coup in Turkey was mounted by the US – not the White House, but by the Pentagon which has always been joined at the hip to Turkey’s military.
Why doesn;t ISIS , you know, backed by Turkey, not attack Iran, you know, allies of Syria???
Why does ISIS, threaten Turkey?? And not.....errr. IRAN? :lol:
Why doesn;t ISIS , you know, backed by Turkey, not attack Iran, you know, allies of Syria???
Why does ISIS, threaten Turkey?? And not.....errr. IRAN? :lol:

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."
A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."
I am wasting my time on a terrorist supporter like yourself. :lol:
But, why did they attack Belgium and France????

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