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Taiwan has Confirmed Mass-Producing Cruise missiles

Congratulations to Taiwan for having the guts and foresight to develop a deterrent to PRC aggression. If the PRC does not soon reign in Kim Jong-Il, then the USA should provide nuclear weapons to
Taiwan to further strengthen the "deterrent capability" of the free Chinese people. After all, if the PRC countenances nuclear weapons for North Korea for the purpose of "regime protection", then the USA should provide a similar protection for the Taiwanese people who have chosen democracy.

Martian2, if you are paying attention, do you support the freedom of your Taiwanese fore bearers? Or not?
Only because Taiwan have been willing to resist unification by force.

LMAO. If not for Uncle Sam, attacking Taiwan is just a bit too easy. The point is that Taiwan's populous is tilting more and more toward unification as the election shows. As long as the hope of peace exist, we will not attack. Chinese are not a war hungry, blood thirsty savages like you know who. Taiwan's military upgrade is way behind the rapid modernization of the PLA. We don't want to bomb and kill.
LMAO. If not for Uncle Sam, attacking Taiwan is just a bit too easy. The point is that Taiwan's populous is tilting more and more toward unification as the election shows. As long as the hope of peace exist, we will not attack. Chinese are not a war hungry, blood thirsty savages like you know who. Taiwan's military upgrade is way behind the rapid modernization of the PLA. We don't want to bomb and kill.
No surprise here that you do not see how you reveal yourself.
No surprise here that you do not see how you reveal yourself.

resorting to personal attacks aren't you? The easy statement is a factual thing. I can say China can easily capture Mongolia, too. But we are not going to do that.
Did you just propose nuclear proliferation?

I think he did... and the great thing about it, is that you're putting nuclear weapons into the hands of another Chinese majority nation. Taiwan is 98% Han Chinese and they feel the same anger as we do about past Japanese aggression and Western colonialism.

So thanks for the spares but we've got enough. :D
There is so much cooperation between Taiwan and China. Anyone in the IT industry who has dealt with the region can attest to it. While the political headlines may point in one direction, the reality is that pretty much every contract you give out to a Taiwanese front firm ends up being fulfilled in mainland China. There is an incredible amount of technology transfer that has occurred over the last 10-15 years. If the overt, above the table information exchange is so large, the overall scope of intellectual "traffic" between China and Taiwan must be massive.

While Taiwan is and has most certainly always been a part of China, sometimes I wonder if the on-paper separation doesn't allow the mainland access to technologies, practices, weapons and contracts that they otherwise wouldn't have access to. If I were a betting man, I would say that the PRC has an unparalleled intelligence network in Taiwan, and that there are a large number of very pro-mainland Chinese people in Taiwan itself. Between those two phenomena, one wonders if there is anything Taiwan does which is not known, understood, leveraged and used for benefit by Beijing.

So, whether it's IT contracts won by the Taiwanese front-men but then shipped off to the mainland, western weapons technology given to Taiwan only to be "accessed" by China, or indigenous Taiwanese tech/weapons developments which make their way back to homebase one way or another... the Taiwan-China superficial separation seems to be working well for the mainland! :china:
Anyways I hope that there should be no conflict b/w china-Taiwan and they be reunited peacefully...to bring peace in the region....:coffee:
are u sure taiwan wants it to reunite ? i mean how about taking taiwanese view point.....
Anyways I hope that there should be no conflict b/w china-Taiwan and they be reunited peacefully...to bring peace in the region....:coffee:

Any time table?

Till then Taiwan is rocking n rolling....While China suffers anguish.

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