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Taliban Now Winning

Jun 16, 2009
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The Taliban have gained the upper hand in Afghanistan, the top American commander there said, forcing the U.S. to change its strategy in the eight-year-old conflict by increasing the number of troops in heavily populated areas like the volatile southern city of Kandahar, the insurgency's spiritual home.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal warned that means U.S. casualties, already running at record levels, will remain high for months to come.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, the commander offered a preview of the strategic assessment he is to deliver to Washington later this month, saying the troop shifts are designed to better protect Afghan civilians from rising levels of Taliban violence and intimidation. The coming redeployments are the clearest manifestation to date of Gen. McChrystal's strategy for Afghanistan, which puts a premium on safeguarding the Afghan population rather than hunting down militants.

Gen. McChrystal said the Taliban are moving beyond their traditional strongholds in southern Afghanistan to threaten formerly stable areas in the north and west.

Read the full article HERE


A cowardly american terrorist uses 2 small children as a human shield
They already refuted it:--

Pentagon Disputes Claim That Taliban Is Winning in Afghanistan - Political News - FOXNews.com

Pentagon Disputes Claim That Taliban Is Winning in Afghanistan

The Wall Street Journal paraphrased Gen. Stanley McChrystal as saying the Taliban has gained the upper hand. The article was titled, "Taliban Now Winning," though McChrystal was not explicitly quoted saying those words in the story.

The Pentagon pushed back hard Monday against an article that suggested the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan believes the Taliban is winning.

The Wall Street Journal article paraphrased Gen. Stanley McChrystal as saying the Taliban has gained the upper hand. The article was titled, "Taliban Now Winning," though McChrystal was not explicitly quoted saying those words in the story.

Pentagon spokesmen called the interpretation of McChrystal's remarks "inaccurate" and "disappointing."

"That's not how we are characterizing this," spokesman Geoff Morrell said. He acknowledged that the insurgency is doing better in some parts of the country than the administration would like, but said it is not accurate to say McChrystal thinks the Taliban has the upper hand or is winning.

Morrell suggested that McChrystal's position was more accurately reflected in an interview he gave to USA Today.

"I wouldn't say we are winning or losing or stalemated," McChrystal told USA Today. The U.S. commander said in that interview that the insurgency has "momentum" which coalition forces are working to reverse.

The dispute over the course of the war comes as McChrystal prepares to present a comprehensive assessment of operations in Afghanistan -- an assessment that could eventually include requests for additional U.S. troops.

Top brass are insisting that despite the sharp rise in casualties in July and an expectation of more bloody months ahead the war is not taking a turn for the worse.

National Security Adviser Jim Jones, who left the door open to more troops, told CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday that the war is not at a "crisis level."

Gregory Smith, communications director for NATO's International Security Assistance Force Office, also released a statement Monday to rebut the Wall Street Journal story.

"To clarify, the commander did not say the Taliban was winning, in his interview with The Wall Street Journal as suggested by the headline. He explained that International Security Assistance Forces are facing an aggressive enemy, employing complex tactics that is gaining momentum in some parts of Afghanistan," he said. "During the course of the interview he also observed that insurgents in Afghanistan face their own problems in terms of popularity, cohesiveness and ability to sustain morale and fighting capacity."


Nevertheless the truth sometimes slips out of your mouth unintentionally!!
Picture may worth a thousand words, unfortunately those words can also be a lie.


Lie without a proof!

You could have said something better sir.
Read the full article HERE


A cowardly american terrorist uses 2 small children as a human shield

:disagree: Nah! Bro, look I know you hate :usflag: but even a lame dork can see that the Marine isnt using them as Human Sheilds!

Look for your own sake! This is bad for your cause, it makes you look stupid. I am not supporting wars but you are certainly not winning this one (the thread one) ;)
but even a lame dork can see that the Marine isnt using them as Human Shields!

This soldier is from US army. USMC uses MARPAT uniform.
:disagree: Nah! Bro, look I know you hate :usflag: but even a lame dork can see that the Marine isnt using them as Human Sheilds!

I know you like to being a spokesperson for the crusaders but any lame dork can see that he isn't a marine. :lol:

Look for your own sake! This is bad for your cause, it makes you look stupid. I am not supporting wars but you are certainly not winning this one (the thread one) ;)

I'm quoting the wall st journal, why don't you raise your concerns with them?
Maybe I should have claimed he had W.M.D's in his pocket ?
No need to make any claim...He is holding a miniature variable yield nuclear grenade that I helped developed. The grenade will utterly annihilate anything within a certain area dialed in by the user, from a closet to a city, but to prevent destruction outside of the dialed in area, it uses an Einstein-Rosen Bridge circuit to shunt the unwanted explosive power to dark side of the moon.
No need to make any claim...He is holding a miniature variable yield nuclear grenade that I helped developed. The grenade will utterly annihilate anything within a certain area dialed in by the user, from a closet to a city, but to prevent destruction outside of the dialed in area, it uses an Einstein-Rosen Bridge circuit to shunt the unwanted explosive power to dark side of the moon.

Ahm! :rolleyes: Dude! there are people here who would think you are stating facts (truth) :confused: so no complex jokes :disagree: :lol:
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