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Taliban suffocate Pakistan Buddhist heritage

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yes! Taliban were still hungry after filling a Mass graves with Thousand of Shias in Bayman and Harat.

not only shias, anyone who looked different to them they were opposing them. this difference could be in any shape or form.
Then let them answer, and do not advocate them.
Answer to whom??? US already offered them 6 provinces , they may be again ruler of Afghanistan.:lol::lol::lol:

If you meant 'worship', then the idols destroyed by Taliban were not for worshipping purposes. They were Buddhist idols for god's sake! They are not worshipped!!! :hitwall:

Now the museums are also on their radar. Tell me please, have you ever seen, or even heard of, anyone going to a museum to worship an idol?

Better utilization of Budah idols to sell to rich country and get money for dying Afghan kids due to hunger:D
Do you support TTP's action if they destroying these idols in Pakistan? and did you support Afghani Taliban's action of destrying those statues of Budhaa in Afghanistan?

I am not in favour to destroy them better sell them in billion of dollars and feed poor children of Afghanistan .
I am not in favour to destroy them better sell them in billion of dollars and feed poor children of Afghanistan .

Well its upto Afghanistan if they want to sell their artifacts or not, but I think Pakistan should keep all these archaelogical findings that are found in Pakistan.

There have been many archaelogical findings in Pakistan such as Taxila, Gandhara, ancient Buddhist statues, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, etc...

A country can earn billions on tourism alone, and Pakistan has so much potential in the tourism sector.

A country can earn more money on tourism than selling ancient artifacts.
Shirk is to ascribe partners to allah and praying at a grave does not match the the criteria.......how come in the last thousand odd years no body had a problem with graves ect but the saudi-wahabis found a problem with it........do they know more about islam then the people that came before them.

Next time your ill dont go to the doctor......only ask allah to make you better otherwise its shirk?

Dabong1 try to understand my point ,

We should go to grave for dua so that Allah increase his blessing on them , but some innocient muslim start asking help from Wali Allah grave already died , even wali Allah if alive can not help people only Allah can solve their problems.

Allah is great he can remove sickness without medicine but we should use first say dua for help to Allah then use medicine .

This is called iman
Do you realize that by quoting the Babari Mosque incident to defend your argument, you are actually supporting its destruction?

Please do not put this fact as if it is an ideology endorsed by entire Indian population. Lal Krishna Advani led a mob that was funded and instigated by the Rashtriya Sevak Sangh to commit such act for the purpose of becoming a prominent name in national level politics. It had nothing to do with logic or outlook of Indians. It is, and considered by Indians, a crime! Hence the Liberhan Commission.

I doubt you will find any sane person in India praising that dastardly act of Advani, although you over there are surely supporting similar acts by the Taliban.

Than India should reconstruct Babri mosque at the same location to show these nincompoops that India will not stand for this kind of behavior.

than and only than we will believe u, other wise it is a clever talk.
Dabong1 try to understand my point ,

We should go to grave for dua so that Allah increase his blessing on them , but some innocient muslim start asking help from Wali Allah grave already died , even wali Allah if alive can not help people only Allah can solve their problems.

Allah is great he can remove sickness without medicine but we should use first say dua for help to Allah then use medicine .

This is called iman

Those who ask help from Wali ullah are uneducated folks and they need to be educated about Islam as to from whom they should ask for forgiveness and rewards, not be annihilated.

Islam does not condone killing except for self defense, so killing humans is totally against Islam.
Mehmood Gaznavi destroyed only idols but not the Hindu Tample Somanat , but Indian secular democratic government BJP destroyed the Babri Mosques ?????

In muslim state all non muslim can do their worship inside their homes.In islamic state idol are not allowed any where in the country even inside museum.

what nonsense nobody comes to museums to worship i'm sure most of us would like to preserve our history and ancient artifacts keep this kind of "islamic state" to yourself :tdown:
what nonsense nobody comes to museums to worship i'm sure most of us would like to preserve our history and ancient artifacts keep this kind of "islamic state" to yourself :tdown:

Your talking about idols even photo is not allowed to hang in house only for passport or ID it can be used.
Than India should reconstruct Babri mosque at the same location to show these nincompoops that India will not stand for this kind of behavior.

than and only than we will believe u, other wise it is a clever talk.

Babri Mosque is a disputed site. Libarhan Commission is working on the problem from years. Nothing can be done until a solution acceptable to all is found.

Please take note that Hindus want to build a Shriram Mandir there. But that has not been built, either. So, India is still secular with no clever talks.
In our part of the world we have too much history around us - to a point that we do not cherish or value it. Even take it for granted.

In NZ / Aus even in US , found ppl cherishing every bit of their history to a point that I often asked myself ..' so what ..or is that all ?' when told / shown places where some notable event of local history took place.

It became even more glaring when I compared it with places in S Asia like Khyber Pass, Panipat , Delhi , Agra, Lahore, Lucknow etc .. all places where actions changed the destiny of the entire sub continent for centuries.
Mehmood Gaznavi destroyed only idols but not the Hindu Tample Somanat , but Indian secular democratic government BJP destroyed the Babri Mosques ?????

In muslim state all non muslim can do their worship inside their homes.In islamic state idol are not allowed any where in the country even inside museum.

Go get a life ,They are in Museum for God sake, I m wondering why are u thinking about joining Canadian army, Go join Taliban or Al qeda
isn't joining Infidel army "haram'

here is article about RIGHTS OF MINORITIES IN ISLAM, read it carefully, I m quoting the important part...



  1. Right to the protection of life.
  2. Right to the protection of honour.
  3. Right to property.
  4. Right to privacy.
  5. Right of permanent settlement in a Muslim country.
  6. Right of equality before law.
  7. Right to freedom of conscience.
  8. Right to dissent.


9. Freedom of Religion.

10. Rights of religious rites and protection of places of worship.

11. Right to protection against religious discrimination.


12. Equal rights with Muslims in Bayt al-Mal and Zakat.

13. Right to trade or profession and to hold government services.

14. Right to Justice.

15. Equality before law.

16. Right to be governed by their own personal laws relating marriage, inheritance, food etc.


17 Right to vote.

18. Right to political representation.

19. Right to Freedom of expression.

link: Untitled Document
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Well its upto Afghanistan if they want to sell their artifacts or not, but I think Pakistan should keep all these archaelogical findings that are found in Pakistan.

There have been many archaelogical findings in Pakistan such as Taxila, Gandhara, ancient Buddhist statues, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, etc...

A country can earn billions on tourism alone, and Pakistan has so much potential in the tourism sector.

A country can earn more money on tourism than selling ancient artifacts.

Statues are not allowed to keep any where in Islamic state , historical places for tourisim can be used, even hindu and sikh or cristians can visit their holy places , they are most well come:tup:
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