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Tank Man photographer drops TRUTH bomb on MSM


Nov 4, 2011
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Tank Man photographer drops TRUTH bomb on MSM​

In this 2019 interview with the "tank man" photographer, Jeff Widener, some massive truth bombs were dropped which expose how much we've been lied to about the Tiananmen Square protests. Ironically enough, in the interview,

Jeff and the anchor make it sound as if the Chinese people haven't a clue what went down in '89 when it fact it's the rest of the world that have no idea what really happened and how violent some protesters really were. It's funny how they say "this photo“ should be the most important thing in the world just because the West and its criminal media have made it to symbolize the Tiananmen Square protests.

There are millions of powerful photos from that crisis and there is no reason why this one picture should symbolize what happened nor should it be worshiped. In fact, when I see the "tank man" photo to me it says that the Chinese gov't didn't want to kill people as the tank stopped and tried to avoid this man.

When the dimwit reporter asks him if the young Chinese are totally ignorant of that incident, he doesn't even try to hide his impatient dismissal of it as BS in his voice

The world needs more lies.

Because lies will bring world peace, by more conflicts and wars.

And wealth and power.

Tank Man photographer drops TRUTH bomb on MSM​

In this 2019 interview with the "tank man" photographer, Jeff Widener, some massive truth bombs were dropped which expose how much we've been lied to about the Tiananmen Square protests. Ironically enough, in the interview,

Jeff and the anchor make it sound as if the Chinese people haven't a clue what went down in '89 when it fact it's the rest of the world that have no idea what really happened and how violent some protesters really were. It's funny how they say "this photo“ should be the most important thing in the world just because the West and its criminal media have made it to symbolize the Tiananmen Square protests.

There are millions of powerful photos from that crisis and there is no reason why this one picture should symbolize what happened nor should it be worshiped. In fact, when I see the "tank man" photo to me it says that the Chinese gov't didn't want to kill people as the tank stopped and tried to avoid this man.


we all know Chinese killed 3,000 students in the Tainamian square massacre

why else is the term banned in China ?
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