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Taseer murder case: Qadri sentenced to death

Not as much these days as before - Ideally I just want to be in school, If I could go to school all my life, that would be ideal -- I have these periods in my life when I became absolutely engrossed with a set of topics and it seems to consume me, I really love that - but life keeps getting more and more complicated and I find I can't really do what I wish I could.

i know the feeling , for me it would be just reading history . unfortunately it does not pay bills . wanted to be a teacher when i was young . ended up an engineer :cheesy:
being an eclectic reader and a collector of books, has helped me find solace when i needed it most . i am saddened by the total apathy kids of today have for books . why read when you can Google.
why read when you can Google.

I don't have a problem with Google, it's Wiki I hate -Anyway, it seems this Qadri person will not be hanged anytime soon -- PPP ideoogy - and of course that means that the so called "religious" will murder again
I don't have a problem with Google, it's Wiki I hate -Anyway, it seems this Qadri person will not be hanged anytime soon -- PPP ideoogy - and of course that means that the so called "religious" will murder again

At least Wiki is still reading it when people present you-tube as research that drives me crazy
I don't have a problem with Google, it's Wiki I hate -Anyway, it seems this Qadri person will not be hanged anytime soon -- PPP ideoogy - and of course that means that the so called "religious" will murder again

For all I have experienced Muse, it has to come from the people. This type of religiosity can be beaten and even killed swiftly, only if the people do the right thing.

The first step on part of the people would be to ostracize such ultra-religious ones. Merely avoiding them too can do the job. The behavior of the society has often transformed the value system. But that is, if people do that. On the contrary, I see more and more of them joining that ridiculous radical force, and giving the ultra religious ones greater and greater respect.

'Wish they could see what kind of world they are preparing for their children to grow up in.
There are thousands of Mumtaz Qadris in Pakistan. For everyman that commits a crime like Qadri, there are many more that consider it and in turn support it...there in lies the problem for modern day Pakistan. Whether we like it or not, those of use who are educated have lost touch with the perception of a growing majority. The moderate and liberal are a dying breed in Pakistan, as our government's amazing inability to give education any sort of attention over the last 60 years has resulted in a population of easily swayed, willing to believe in anything as long as it is given the godly stamp of approval.
Backlash for judge who convicted Taseer assassin

ISLAMABAD: The judge who sentenced to death the killer of liberal Pakistani politician Salman Taseer on Tuesday failed to show up at work and may be transferred after his courtroom was ransacked, lawyers said.

Judge Pervez Ali Shah on Saturday convicted police bodyguard Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri over the January 4 assassination that exposed huge faultlines in Pakistan.

Qadri said he killed Taseer over the politician’s opposition to blasphemy laws which sentence to death those convicted of defaming the Prophet Mohammed.

Qadri’s actions made him a hero in the eyes of religious extremists.

On Monday, dozens of furious lawyers ransacked Shah’s courtroom, smashing windows to protest against the judgement.

“After yesterday’s protest and the attack on his office, the judge is not attending his office,” Malik Khalid Jawad, president of the district bar association in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, told AFP.

Asked about media reports that Shah has gone on indefinite leave, Khalid said: “What I know is that he is not coming to his office. The bar has also requested his transfer because it can create a law and order situation.”

Lawyer Farooq Sulehria confirmed Monday’s attack and said lawyers would boycott Shah’s court because of the “unacceptable” sentencing.

Shah heard the Qadri case behind closed doors in the high-security Adiyala prison, largely in order to protect proceedings from protests and attacks.

The religious right holds increasing sway in Pakistan and the government says it has no intention of reforming the controversial 1986 blasphemy law.

Backlash for judge who convicted Taseer assassin | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
If I start from my kids, i will only send my kids to mosque under my close supervision and i will follow them like a shadow, otherwise i wont let them to the mosque, i have got responsibility to my kids for proper upbringing. I know these mullahs try their best to brainwash kids especially in this day and age. Some of them openly preach extremism, but some of them do node in front of you by agreeing with you, but in hiden they also do nasty things and preach extremism. So i am careful.

yup and some shop keepers pick their nose....never again send your kids to a shop.....get it?
yup and some shop keepers pick their nose....never again send your kids to a shop.....get it?

Reason and, maulvi brain cant even be in the same sentence! (hence the comma)
You're so thiick headed, is it you Zarvan? Another fake account?
MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZARVAN IS BAAACK!!!! ANOTHER FAKE ACCOUNT. So far i have discovered three AT LEAST this is another one please ban
Murder case: Taseer’s assassin appeals death sentence
By Obaid Abbasi
Published: October 7, 2011

ISLAMABAD: The self-confessed killer of former Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer, Mumtaz Qadri, filed an appeal before the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Thursday challenging his death sentence. The sentence was handed by Rawalpindi’s Anti Terrorism Court (ATC) on October 1.

Making his case through Sharia

Making the state the respondent, Qadri’s attorneys maintained in the appeal that the ATC was not the relevant authority in the trial, arguing that the case should have been heard in the Federal Shariat Court. They pleaded that Qadri’s case didn’t fall under section 302 of the Pakistan Penal Code (the section under which he was convicted), as he had killed ‘a blasphemer while following the teaching of Islam’.

The appeal states that under section 6 of the Anti Terrorism Act, Qadri was not guilty of committing terrorism, as the murder of Taseer did not amount to ‘terror’, adding that the trial court had ignored Islamic jurisprudence laws.

“The decision of the ATC is illegal and the elements of terrorism as defined in section 6 of the Anti Terrorism Act are completely lacking in the present case,’’ maintained his lawyers.

The lawyers added in the appeal that ATC judge announced the death sentence without hearing the point of view of the defendant, which is also against the law.

Citing his supporters

Qadri’s lawyers further contended that there was no evidence on record to show that any panic or sense of insecurity was created among the public at the time of his murder which could help define the act as terrorism – instead, people ‘heaved a sigh of relief after the killing of the blasphemer’.

Chief Justice IHC Iqbal Hameedur Rehman accepted the appeal and fixed the date for argument on October 11. The Divisional Bench of the IHC will most likely hear the case.

Over dozens of Sunni Ittehad Council activists and Qadri supporters gathered in front of the IHC and raised slogans in favour of the self-proclaimed murderer. The demonstrators also raised slogans against Judge Syed Pervez Shah for awarding him the death sentence
dont agree with death penalty but this guy should be put into prison for a very long time. People can not be allowed to act as self appointed guardians of islam or any other "vigilante" type of action.
Reason and, maulvi brain cant even be in the same sentence! (hence the comma)
You're so thiick headed, is it you Zarvan? Another fake account?
MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZARVAN IS BAAACK!!!! ANOTHER FAKE ACCOUNT. So far i have discovered three AT LEAST this is another one please ban

No its daffy the duck....

---------- Post added at 03:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 AM ----------

Yup...wahabis at work...Burn the mullah
Ok - Why not allow the hot potato that Qadri is, to fall to the Shariah court - if the shariah court uphold that murder is the fulfillment of Islamic "duty" and Islamic teaching" - then we will all know where we stand -- and if the Shariah court confirm the ATC sentence and argues that Murder is not the fulfillment of Islamic teaching and duty, then perhaps, Pakistanis will have achieved a great symbolic victory - where a respected body will have defined that murder cannot be islamic

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