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Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

Terrorists were trained in Malaysia.
And they say there are around 8000 terrorists active in Bangladesh.
They claim to attack Jamuna Future Park next.
And gulshan attack was done after weapons were recovered from gulshan lake.

That's most likely a rumour. There's a clear change in the modus operandi of these militants. They will only attack places which are mainly frequented by their perceived enemies i.e. the foreigners and non Muslims, since that would eliminate the chances of death of the believers of the same faith which could hurt their legitimacy. Accordingly, the probable sites could be a Five Star hotel or a non-Muslim religious gathering.
So if they follow your view point they are honest....and if they dont they are dishonest?

The "dishonest" ones will tell me they are the honest ones and you are being dishonest :P. See how it works?

I gather my impression from the actual people I know who have families in Bangladesh. It is a mixed complicated picture w.r.t BAL and BNP vicious political power play...nothing is black and white, no one is completely clean or completely filthy.

In the end the almighty knows as you said. So we can only watch and make the best understanding we can as independently as we can.
Since U started to play either too dumb or smart, here would be the answer for U..

http://www.bd-desh.net/newsdetail/detail/200/225649. The zest of the news was police firing at employees that were protesting...





Source of pictures: https://defence.pk/threads/banglade...an-and-american-friends.437815/#ixzz4DRCHlWIr

Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain, who was glorified as hero, could be one of the member of terrorist team. By analyzing frame by frame video footage above, it was quite clear that Faraaz was guarding the door with weapon in his hand and working along the terror group. Also, released picture of dead terrorists on the ground (First from right, circled in blue) shown Faraaz was part of the group.

One needs to understand identity and background of Faraaz Hossain; his grandfather (Latifur Rahman) is owner of pro Awami League media group Daily Star, Prothom Alo newspaper. That is why Prothom Alo and Daily star news papers going out of their way to put propaganda spanner and using their media connection to glorify Faraaz. Interestingly enough, one need to consider the fact that Faraaz grandfather Latifur Rahman had allege connection to ULFA seeking independence from india, Latifur Rahman was working as proxy businessman for ULFA and laundered money for ULFA.

Original Source of analysis: https://defence.pk/threads/terroris...analysis-footage.437458/page-45#ixzz4DNEJZB1U

It could easily be inferred from the video in the link that FARAAZ AYAAZ wasn't with his friends even around the time of commando operation as he was standing/roaming with gun next to door. And ISPR stated that foreigners were killed hours before the operation started. So, he didn't really die by trying to save his foreign/Indian friend as it was glorified by global Media.Then Tarasi's father claimed that he spoke with her at around 6 A.M, which meant that both Tarasi and Faraaz were alive up until then. So, ISPR was blatanly lying on the timing of foreginer's killings if we were to believe Tarasi's father.

The investigation in that regard would open the whole pandora box on who actually killed the foreigners. And I'll dig it further to unravel the truth.
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i dont say ban islam. I say you must become secular. cut it out of your constitution.

Simple fact is that italians arent safe there. Or any europeans for that matter. Can you imagine how cruel it is to see your friends when their throat is cut and you know you are next?

Also why does it take so long to send special forces? This is your capital. In rome it would be there within minutes.

Sorry but Bangladesh has many questions to answer.

Do not forget that there were Japanese, American and Indian victims among the foreigners. And of-course, Bangladeshis. Are we not all human?

We are a Muslim-majority nation. Historically, we have never participated in any anti-American or anti-Western activities unlike some of those middle eastern countries.

True, there is a security issue in Bangladesh at present - A trend that hasn't been observed before. And this is not just limited to foreigners.

There was Brexit, and now this? Your countrymen were in the RMG sector. The EU being our number one destination for our RMG exports, I fear those would impact our orders. But would giving into fear be a right thing to do?

Those hostage casualties could have easily been prevented by the time it became clear that the police weren't able to deal with the situation and that the terrorists were not willing to let go of the hostages intact.

By all means, ask Sheikh Hasina. We are doing the same.
Do not forget that there were Japanese, American and Indian victims among the foreigners. And of-course, Bangladeshis. Are we not all human?

We are a Muslim-majority nation. Historically, we have never participated in any anti-American or anti-Western activities unlike some of those middle eastern countries.

True, there is a security issue in Bangladesh at present - A trend that hasn't been observed before. And this is not just limited to foreigners.

There was Brexit, and now this? Your countrymen were in the RMG sector. The EU being our number one destination for our RMG exports, I fear those would impact our orders. But would giving into fear be a right thing to do?

Those hostage casualties could have easily been prevented by the time it became clear that the police weren't able to deal with the situation and that the terrorists were not willing to let go of the hostages intact.

By all means, ask Sheikh Hasina. We are doing the same.

I think @MarkusS is racist..he is only worried about the Italians and Europeans...
I think @MarkusS is racist..he is only worried about the Italians and Europeans...

He clearly said Bangladesh did not take much serious action against the previous episodes of violence in the country (hackings of priests, bloggers, activists etc). Would a racist have such a concern?

Of course he will have natural affinity to people of his own country first. That does not make one a racist.
He clearly said Bangladesh did not take much serious action against the previous episodes of violence in the country (hackings of priests, bloggers, activists etc). Would a racist have such a concern?

Of course he will have natural affinity to people of his own country first. That does not make one a racist.

He always mentions Europeans bruh...And does not care about our point of view and stuff..

BTW,you got a lot of haters in this thread..so run away before they get you...
He always mentions Europeans bruh...And does not care about our point of view and stuff..

BTW,you got a lot of haters in this thread..so run away before they get you...

Run away from haters?

I have a long history with some of them :D they don't scare me one bit. I say what I see...and if its a bitter truth to them...I don't care!
He always mentions Europeans bruh...And does not care about our point of view and stuff..

BTW,you got a lot of haters in this thread..so run away before they get you...

its normal i feel connected with my people first.
i am more interested in talks about on the works on how BD can prevent such situation be happened again. And on how the government and police need to reform and get better SOP on how to tackle such incident in future. So many loop holes and mis match on how ur authority forces dealing with the incident, and on how us as common people should reacts when such thing happen around us

i think those kind of talks is much informative and better education than playing the blame game.

@MarkusS s , i think u dont get it, terrorism is on the rise globally even US still facing difficulties when dealing with such circumtances. Instead of playing the blame games, Italian can give more advice to their BD partner on how to conduct CT operation and surveillance activity
And such things did not happen in the previous BNP administration?
I'VE clearly stated that shooting at protesters (With live ammo) has started during the illegal RAWAMY regime. What part of it you didn't understand? See, only an enemy installed illegal regime can oppress people to that magnitude but not a patriotic one.
I think @MarkusS is racist..he is only worried about the Italians and Europeans...
He clearly said Bangladesh did not take much serious action against the previous episodes of violence in the country (hackings of priests, bloggers, activists etc). Would a racist have such a concern?

Of course he will have natural affinity to people of his own country first. That does not make one a racist.

He always mentions Europeans bruh...And does not care about our point of view and stuff..

BTW,you got a lot of haters in this thread..so run away before they get you...

Well few months ago after the killing Of Professor Rezaul and Faysal Arefin Dipon, I got into this huge fight with @bongbang .Pointing out how BAL is not committed to snuffing out the radical terrorists and only playing it to gain petty political interest and clinging to power . Which resulted in bongbang saying I am either trying to gain jamati sympathy or a atheist (Which I am).

In truth like most Bangladeshi's, I am too tired of these petty political games of the two parties. And this killing of writers,bloggers and publisher's and no action against radicals is the only issue which made me totally hopeless about BAL and Hasina.They has lost my trust.

So as I said this before and I will say it again. If Hasina can't take tough actions against these radical Islamist s and bring justice for the victims,she should step down and let democratic process start again.

Does that make me Jamati?

Yesterday one of my Japanese friend asked me why Japanese are being targeted? What harm they inflict to us? As a fact I know Japanese nation has absolute love for Bangladesh and wishes us all the good. So what do you expect me to do? Try to make rational debate with her when she is grieving and in emotional distress? I have nothing but to ask for forgiveness for failing to do our duty as a host.

As many Italian and Japanese citizens has lost their lives ,while they were a guest of our nation the failure is on us. And we have nothing but to listen to their sorrow and what they are saying. This is the least we could do.

I hope you understand the point.
In truth like most Bangladeshi's, I am too tired of these petty political games of the two parties. And this killing of writers,bloggers and publisher's and no action against radicals is the only issue which made me totally hopeless about BAL and Hasina.They has lost my trust.

So as I said this before and I will say it again. If Hasina can't take tough actions against these radical Islamist s and bring justice for the victims,she should step down and let democratic process start again.

I empathise with your position, and agree with the gist of it. The political upmanship is quite sickening.

But do you really think there are enough alternatives to Hasina that will take on the radical islamists?

I for one do not have much trust in the BNP that they will do so.

I wish there was another serious option with a fresh start that is outside these two parties, that will be development oriented and at same time secular, evidence and results based + pragmatic when it comes to security and foreign policy etc.

Both major parties in Bangladesh have failed to different levels in these major areas.

I'VE clearly stated that shooting at protesters (With live ammo) has started during the illegal RAWAMY regime. What part of it you didn't understand? See, only an enemy installed illegal regime can oppress people to that magnitude but not a patriotic one.

So you claim BNP is patriotic and never targetted its own people in similar way for political purposes/preservation? There are plenty of violence related political incidents in Bangladesh history. Cherry picking one or two and then saying thats an indication of "enemy installed regime" is quite naive and simplistic.

Anyway you can believe what you want...but you are not going to convince me of your belief since I take my information from multiple sources, not just yours.
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