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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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I have noticed one thing that sectarian violence had died down and no stupid acts on violence of minorities were occuring, never was a sikh harmed in Pakistan, but these people are tyring to stir up somethig by targeting minority groups.

I mean why now, why attack shias, ahmadies, kidnap Sikhs, threaten other minorities.

This is absurd, the intent is clear, create rift between people.

We need to stand together in this and who so ever opposes will meet his fate, Inshallah.

Your attention is drawn to the bolded parts of your statement.

In above post you have claimed

"In last 1 decade of this violence, not a single attack happened on this sect people"

I have to submitted the following:

Several examples of police bias have been given above. On 26 August 1998 several hundred armed people led by local clerics attacked the Ahmadi mosque in Naukot, district Mirpurkhas, Sindh. Several Ahmadis were injured and their religious books, the mosque and adjacent shops of Ahmadis set on fire

Document - Pakistan: Insufficient protection of religious minorities | Amnesty International

a. The above stated attack "On 26 August 1998" but you have said that not a single attack have occurred on Ahmadi or their /Mosque in last 1 decade.

And i think 1998 falls into the definition of last decade.

Now, you statements does not look correct in light of above facts.

b. The link of above is given and is a well respected NGO, Amnesty International whose drum was beaten by Pakistan every now or then.

He meant the noughties, not the nineties.
What the heck is wrong with you guys - Why dont you discuss something relevant to this thread - Innocent Civilians killed in a mosque.

Them Being so-called Muslims or Non Muslims is not the point

Why are the Mods on this thread encouraging irrelevant discussions on this thread.[/COLOR

Your attention is drawn to the bolded parts of your statement.

In above post you have claimed

"In last 1 decade of this violence, not a single attack happened on this sect people"

I have to submitted the following:

Several examples of police bias have been given above. On 26 August 1998 several hundred armed people led by local clerics attacked the Ahmadi mosque in Naukot, district Mirpurkhas, Sindh. Several Ahmadis were injured and their religious books, the mosque and adjacent shops of Ahmadis set on fire

Document - Pakistan: Insufficient protection of religious minorities | Amnesty International

a. The above stated attack "On 26 August 1998" but you have said that not a single attack have occurred on Ahmadi or their /Mosque in last 1 decade.

And i think 1998 falls into the definition of last decade.

Now, you statements does not look correct in light of above facts.

b. The link of above is given and is a well respected NGO, Amnesty International whose drum was beaten by Pakistan every now or then.

Why don't you guys read the posts clearly first and then comment ??

Didn't i mentioned such kind of attack, meaning a suicide attacks cum assault thing on the Ahmadis. Last 1 decade refers to since the start of this TTP or Taliban led violence or since 9/11.

Post me a link where it says a suicide attack happens on them or that gunmen storm their places and start shooting them or a bomb explodes beside their place of worship or inside.

Don't come running without reading and understanding fully.
As I said before, it is hard to change the mentality of grown ups. Change the mentality of youngsters who are being brainwashed by our own people. The long term solution is not to kill people but to kill the elderly terrorists who are firm and are not accepting the rule of law. However, educating younger people will surely bring a change.

remember NY bomber shehzad or london bombers or 9/11 hijackers they are had all the education . prime enemy is this wahabi /salafi ideology its any ones guess who has imported this junk in the country.

The irony is despite decades of sectarian murders and loosing thousands of lives we have failed again and again to clamp down on these sectarian murderers. Thousands of these fundo madrsas are too this date promoting the same hatred.

Point prime target must be this idealogy Pakistan must target all madersas promoting sectarain hatred , find out the sources responsible bring them to justice. And warn countries reponsile of serious consequenses . Lastly and most importantly get rid of this blasphemy law and stop mixing state and religion toghether..
Lo jee i heard i breaking news - one of my my neighbour family in Pakistan are Qadiyanis and one of them is studying in Lahore. His younger brother was my class fellow in school. He went to pray Jummah in the same mosque with his cousin when this incident took place. My mom told me he was captured inside by the gunmen's before he was released by the police and his cousin who is a resident of Lahore is expected to be killed by the terrorists
remember NY bomber shehzad or london bombers or 9/11 hijackers they are had all the education . prime enemy is this wahabi /salafi ideology its any ones guess who has imported this junk in the country.

The irony is despite decades of sectarian murders and loosing thousands of lives we have failed again and again to clamp down on these sectarian murderers. Thousands of these fundo madrsas are too this date promoting the same hatred.

Point prime target must be this idealogy Pakistan must target all madersas promoting sectarain hatred , find out the sources responsible bring them to justice. And warn countries reponsile of serious consequenses . Lastly and most importantly get rid of this blasphemy law and stop mixing state and religion toghether..

You will target the madrasa and will warn the mullahs but what about the children there? What will be their future?
Don't you think that education is the best tool to change one's ideology. You are using sweeping generalization when you talked about NY case. Education will not make you holy but it will decrease the chances of someone to become a terrorist.
I agree that religion and state should be kept aside.
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This just sad and heartbreaking to hear, these terrorists have got such a strong base on world scale now that they can launch any attack anywhere easily.

Everyone needs to work together to destroy them.
=saad445566;888274]You will target the madrasa and will warn the mullahs but what about the children there? What will be their future?

tageting and getting rid of these madersas fundo institutions will help transform a better future for this children , unless you think they are better off under the supreme guidence of these super idiot fundo mullah?

Dont' you think that education is the best tool to change one's ideology. You are using sweeping generalization when you talked about NY case. Education will not make you holy but it will decrease the chances of someone to become a terrorist.
I agree that religion and state should be kept aside

sir what i am trying to say in simpler terms is get rid of this idealogy first and then educate. Educated fundos are more dangerous than those who arent.
So, the unchecked case of mangoes that went in to the plane were sent by the russians.

Great logic, did you know that Zia went into isolation after the ojhri camp blast, he was not seen in months and was asked to come by the some other top ranking official, he declined becase his life was in danger.

He wanted everyone to travel with him in the plane, when the americans agreed, he jumped into the plane.

General Mirza Aslam Beg flew past him and went his way rather than looking at what happened.

If the russiand wanted to kill him, why wait till its all over and anot earlier. Zia was very well protected.

This theroy case of mangoes is only fan boi stuff, the pilots of Zia plane were killed by poisoneous gas which was installed by KGB agents on cockpit. Once the pilots were dead there was no body to stop the plane from hitting the ground.
And i believe u also believe that his plane exploded in mid air? Have you seen the pix of wreckage? All in one place some yards apart, where in case of an explosion the plane disintegrates and the wreckage falls miles apart, wing left, fuselage forward etc etc depending on the speed of the aircraft.

I will send you a nuetral documentry on this crash.. Later.

tageting and getting rid of these madersas fundo institutions will help transform a better future for this children , unless you think they are better off under the supreme guidence of these super idiot fundo mullah?

sir what i am trying to say in simpler terms is get rid of this idealogy first and then educate. Educated fundos are more dangerous than those who arent.

How will you change the ideology of children without educating them?
Education can be in any form i.e religious, schooling etc

I do not like mullahs, many mullahs. I think that tribal culture should also be finished as it always had a negative impact on Pakistani internally. However, it is/was also a line of defence. I hope to visit Pakistan when you guys are done tackling terrorism etc
If the russiand wanted to kill him, why wait till its all over and anot earlier. Zia was very well protected.

Russkies would have said.. wot the point killing him after.. he is involved in breaking us, kill him in office.. so the world knows dont mess with mothaaa rashaaaaa no matter how well protected you are...

i have said this on a lighter note. hope you get my point.
Guys I dono that this has been discussed before in this thread or not but this incident occurred on Youm-e-Takbeer.... May be someone wana give us a silent message.
Attackers strike sect mosques in Pakistan; 80 dead

LAHORE, Pakistan – Suspected Islamist militants attacked two mosques packed with hundreds of worshippers from a minority sect in eastern Pakistan on Friday, holding hostages and battling police, officials and witnesses said. Some 80 people died, and dozens were wounded in the worst attack ever against the Ahmadi sect.

The assaults in Lahore were carried out by at least seven men, including three suicide bombers, officials said. Two attackers were captured. At one point, a gunman fired bullets from atop a minaret.

It was one of the first times militants have deployed gun and suicide squads and taken hostages in a coordinated attack on a religious minority in Pakistan. Shiite Muslims have borne the brunt of individual suicide bombings and targeted killings for years, though Christians and Ahmadis also have faced violence.

The long-standing threat to minorities in this Muslim-majority, U.S-allied nation has been exacerbated as the Sunni extremist Taliban and al-Qaida movements have spread.

Ahmadis are reviled as heretics by mainstream Muslims for their belief that their sect's founder was a savior foretold by the Quran, Islam's holy book. The group has experienced years of state-sanctioned discrimination and occasional attacks by radical Sunni Muslims in Pakistan, but never before in such a large and coordinated fashion.

The attacks Friday took place in the Model Town and Garhi Shahu neighborhoods of Lahore, Pakistan's second-largest city and one of its politically and militarily most important.

The assault at Model Town was relatively brief, and involved four attackers spraying worshippers with bullets before exploding hand grenades, said Sajjad Bhutta, Lahore's deputy commissioner.

Several kilometers away at Garhi Shahu, the standoff lasted around four hours.

TV footage showed an attacker atop a minaret of the mosque at one point in the siege, firing an assault rifle and throwing hand grenades. Outside, police traded bullets with the gunmen, an Associated Press reporter saw.
Luqman Ahmad, 36, was sitting and waiting for prayers to start when he heard gunshots and then an explosion. He quickly lay down and closed his eyes.

"It was like a war going on around me. The cries I heard sent chills down my spine," Ahmad said. "I kept on praying that may God save me from this hell."

After police commandos announced the attackers had died, he stood to see bodies and blood everywhere.

"I cannot understand what logic these terrorists have by attacking worshippers, and harmless people like us," he said.

Bhutta said at least three attackers held several people hostage inside the Garhi Shahu mosque. The three wore jackets filled with amunition. "They fought the police for some time, but on seeing they were being defeated they exploded themselves," he said.

Around 80 people were killed in the two attacks, while more than 80 were wounded, Bhutta said. A breakdown for each location was not immediately available.

Two attackers were caught, and one was being treated for wounds, Punjab province police chief Tariq Saleem Dogar said.

Geo TV reported that the Punjab province branch of the Pakistani Taliban had claimed responsibility, however, such attacks often spur unverifiable claims of responsibility from various groups.

The province's top executive, chief minister Shahbaz Sharif, appealed for calm.

"We, our security forces will fight this menace till the end," he said. "Attacks on places of worship is barbarianism. It is a shame to cause bloodshed in mosques."

Muslim leaders have accused Ahmadis of defying the basic tenet of Islam that says Mohammed was the final prophet, but Ahmadis argue their leader was the savior rather than a prophet.

Under pressure from hard-liners, the Pakistani government in the 1970s declared the Ahmadis a non-Muslim minority. They are prohibited from calling themselves Muslims or engaging in Muslim practices such as reciting Islamic prayers.

A U.S.-based Ahmadi spokesman, Waseem Sayed, said the sect abhors violence and was deeply concerned about the attacks. He estimated Pakistan, a country of 180 million, had around 5 million Ahmadis.

Worldwide he estimated there were tens of millions of Ahmadis, but said that they have faced the most violence in Pakistan, and that this was the worst attack in the history of the sect.

"We are a peaceful people and monitoring the situation and hoping and praying that the authorities are able to take all necessary action to bring the situation to normalcy with the least number of casualties," Sayed said via e-mail.

Also Friday, a suspected U.S. missile strike killed 11 alleged militants and wounded three others in the Nazai Narai area of South Waziristan tribal region, two intelligence officials said.

The exact identities of the dead were not immediately clear, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to media on the record.

The U.S. does not publicly acknowledge the missile program. Pakistani publicly protests the strikes as violations of its sovereignty, but is widely believed to secretly aid the attacks on Taliban and al-Qaida targets.

Pakistan has staged military operations against Taliban militants in its tribal regions, which stretch along the Afghan border and have long had little government influence.

Army fighter planes destroyed at least 10 suspected militant hideouts and one dozen vehicles in the Orakzai tribal region on Friday, killing at least 80 insurgents, administration official Samiullah Khan said,

Information from the tribal areas is nearly impossible to verify independently, because the areas are remote, dangerous and entry to them is largely restricted.

In Pakistan's southwest Baluchistan province Friday, gunmen on a motorcycle killed four police officers in Quetta city.

One of the slain officers had helped arrest militants from the banned Sunni extremist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, senior police official Naveed Ahmed said. But Ahmed did not blame any group for the attack, saying the investigation was continuing.


Associated Press Writers Hussain Afzal in Parachinar, Abdul Sattar in Quetta, and Munir Ahmed and Asif Shahzad in Islamabad contributed to this report.
Attackers strike sect mosques in Pakistan; 80 dead - Yahoo! News
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