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Terrorists Attack Police HQ in Karachi

Calm down bro, they gave you examples of the groups which were majority Punjabi, there has been instances of Punjabis doing it but yes it's disproportionately more Western areas of Pakistan...

Which instances??? Again Lej is a terror group but which instance have other pakistani ethnic groups participated in terror attack? I am still waiting on proofs….
What does that have anything to do with terrorism… your diversionary tactics will not work anymore. We will call a spade a spade going forward. Pakistan and afghanistan have been held hostage by a certain extreme ethnicity. Thats reality.

Again please list a single punjabi/sindhi suicide bomber from LeJ? Dont give me bs abt it being a punjabi group or its leader being a punjabi which everyone knows. Its a simple request which i have asked for now 5 times in this thread…

They don't release names of suicide bombers.

Most of the terrorism done in Balochistan during War on Terror era was by BLA and LeJ. Now TTP has stepped up because Taliban is giving them protection.

LeJ was led by Malik Ishaq.

Pendu was from Rahim Yar Khan 😂
Wasn't Bilawal going to transform Karachi into Paris?
He'll transform himself into billo rani way before transforming Karachi into Paris LMAO 🤣

IDK this obsession of pakistani politicians with Paris - showbaaz used to say that with Lahore, I saw a PTI minister say that with peshwar

How about transforming Pakistan into France instead of focusing on specific cities (not that they can do that)
Which instances??? Again Lej is a terror group but which instance have other pakistani ethnic groups participated in terror attack? I am still waiting on proofs….
What do you mean? Yes it's a terrorist group but the members are Punjabi ...

Oh the City of lights 😭☹️🥺, without Karachi Pakistan won't go anywhere - that's a FACT but unfortunately our elites are idiotic scavengers with no real long term thinking
PPP has neglected Karachi, and the establishment didn't care for some reason, probably due to some deal they made
PPP has neglected Karachi, and the establishment didn't care for some reason, probably due to some deal they made

There are still places that haven't recovered from the floods in last August in Sindh......
They don't release names of suicide bombers.

Most of the terrorism done in Balochistan during War on Terror era was by BLA and LeJ. Now TTP has stepped up because Taliban is giving them protection.

LeJ was led by Malik Ishaq.

Pendu was from Rahim Yar Khan 😂

So the identity of suicide bombers are never released? again making yourself a true joker and representative of your community. The key different between your community/baloch vs other communities in Pak is the following

1. If terrorism/suicide bombing was widespread in punjab and committed by punjabis we would interospect and call out members of our own community for the greater good of pakistan. Infact every single punjabi member would 150% agree with me here that if it was disproportional we would take extremely strict action against member of our families let alone overall community. You pashtuns/baloch are so tribal that even if your brother goes and murders 1000s you will protect him.

2. Once MQM was doing their wave of crime in the later 2000s most members of the sindhi/mujahir community called them out and favored ranger/army action against terrorist. Actively supporting the army rather than supporting leftist/terrorist forces as is widespread in your regions

3. Most tax revenue is taken from karachi/punjab yet you will never see a ethnocentric punjabi party complaining of their tax funds being wasted in provinces were a mosque is built 1 day then blown up the next. Neither balochistan nor KPK contribute any signicant source of funds/tax revenue to pak yet they have nationalistic ethnocentric parties? for what? o_O

4. Pashtuns/baloch are absolutely unwilling to interospect in their own communities, whether educated/uneducated. whether left wing or right wing. Whether in afghanistan or pakistan...It appears that pashtuns/baloch always blame other ethnic groups for their problems/miseries

5. Punjabis/mujahirs/kashmiris/hazaras/kalash never supported foreign agencies or militaries against their own country. Time and time again whether PTM/TTP/BLA have taken aid and weapons from foreign governments. In afghanistan the situation is such that pashtuns such as Najibullah/Karzai/Ghani went as far as inviting foreign armies such as Soviets/Nato to invade and pillage their countries. Punjabis/Kashmirirs/Sindhis hold a close affinity with groups across the border in India yet they never took aid to engage in terror activities....

I am sorry to say, but the general reputation of pashtuns in afghanistan amongst other ethnic groups (tajik, hazara, etc) is that pashtuns are sell outs and will do anything for money. Their loyalty can be bought for dollars. Please dont lead other pakistani ethnic groups to have the same opinion of pashtuns in pak because my thoughts will become majority thoughts one day if this continues for next 20 years as it has the last 20 years.

Again I wont respond or comment to a fool like you as ive spent enough time trying to make you understand for the better of pakistan and its security. Some people cannot ever change...
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So the identity of suicide bombers are never released? again making yourself a true joker and representative of your community. The key different between your community/baloch vs other communities in Pak is the following

1. If terrorism/suicide bombing was widespread in punjab and committed by punjabis we would interospect and call out members of our own community for the greater good of pakistan. Infact every single punjabi member would 150% agree with me here that if it was disproportional we would take extremely strict action against member of our families let alone overall community. You pashtuns/baloch are so tribal that even if your brother goes and murders 1000s you will protect him.

2. Once MQM was doing their wave of crime in the later 2000s most members of the sindhi/mujahir community called them out and favored ranger/army action against terrorist. Actively supporting the army rather than supporting leftist/terrorist forces as is widespread in your regions

3. Most tax revenue is taken from karachi/punjab yet you will never see a ethnocentric punjabi party complaining of their tax funds being wasted in provinces were a mosque is built 1 day then blown up the next. Neither balochistan nor KPK contribute any signicant source of funds/tax revenue to pak yet they have nationalistic ethnocentric parties? for what? o_O

4. Pashtuns/baloch are absolutely unwilling to interospect in their own communities, whether educated/uneducated. whether left wing or right wing. Whether in afghanistan or pakistan...It appears that pashtuns/baloch always blame other ethnic groups for their problems/miseries

5. Punjabis/mujahirs/kashmiris/hazaras/kalash never supported foreign agencies or militaries against their own country. Time and time again whether PTM/TTP/BLA have taken aid and weapons from foreign governments. In afghanistan the situation is such that pashtuns such as Najibullah/Karzai/Ghani went as far as inviting foreign armies such as Soviets/Nato to invade and pillage their countries. Punjabis/Kashmirirs/Sindhis hold a close affinity with groups across the border in India yet they never took aid to engage in terror activities....

I am sorry to say, but the general reputation of pashtuns in afghanistan amongst other ethnic groups is that pashtuns are sell outs and will do anything for money. Their loyalty can be bought for dollars. Please dont lead other pakistani ethnic groups to have the same opinion of pashtuns in pak because my thoughts will become majority thoughts one day if this continues for next 20 years as it has the last 20 years.

Again I wont respond or comment to a fool like you as ive spent enough time trying to make you understand for the better of pakistan and its security. Some people cannot ever change...
This was facts though tbh, although a minority of suicide bombers have indeed been Punjabi but they were minorities and rare

Overwhelming amount of attacks are represented by Pashtuns and then a chunk by Balochs.

Punjabis are like 50% of the population but I would say 10% maximum of total terrorism and that too was historically, there's no active group today.
ppp corrupt criminals mafia is become the biggest cancer for whole Pakistan it seems like ppp criminals group new self-made drama...
Only a stupid like you can say that why the hell PPP want to make this drama they have govt what benefit they get i smell a Afghani acent from you may by you are behind it playing diversion rule
1. If terrorism/suicide bombing was widespread in punjab and committed by punjabis we would interospect and call out members of our own community for the greater good of pakistan. Infact every single punjabi member would 150% agree with me here that if it was disproportional we would take extremely strict action against member of our families let alone overall community. You pashtuns/baloch are so tribal that even if your brother goes and murders 1000s you will protect him.

I mean you guys were massively involved in grooming gangs in the UK, when pressed about it you guys helped groomers go unnoticed in your own communities. You guys strated crying "Islamophobia" when Tommy Robinson started to take a stand against your r@pey behavior and tried to blur the lines by using the "Asian" grooming gangs label.

Even in Canada you guys are labeled as "public safety threats" and are constantly involved in crime.

2. Once MQM was doing their wave of crime in the later 2000s most members of the sindhi/mujahir community called them out and favored ranger/army action against terrorist. Actively supporting the army rather than supporting leftist/terrorist forces as is widespread in your regions

Why was there no opposition to Zarb-e-Azb?

Why don't Sindhis call out PPP and dump them like Muhajirs did for MQM?

3. Most tax revenue is taken from karachi/punjab yet you will never see a ethnocentric punjabi party complaining of their tax funds being wasted in provinces were a mosque is built 1 day then blown up the next

There's a reason why Seraiki province movement exists bro LMAO.

4. Pashtuns/baloch are absolutely unwilling to interospect in their own communities, whether educated/uneducated. whether left wing or right wing. Whether in afghanistan or pakistan...It appears that pashtuns/baloch always blame other ethnic groups for their problems/miseries

Define "introspection" the attack right here is an intelligence failure it has nothing to do with ethnicity. You guys fail to do introspection, the inbreeding rate is through the roof with you guys. There's literal documentaries on it.

How many of you guys condemn rat children?

How many people introspect on the rape crisis in Punjab?

5. Punjabis/mujahirs/kashmiris/hazaras/kalash never supported foreign agencies or militaries against their own country. Time and time again whether PTM/TTP have taken aid and weapons from foreign governments. In afghanistan the situation is such that pashtuns such as Najibullah/Karzai/Ghani went as far as inviting foreign armies such as Soviets/Nato to invade and pillage their countries. Punjabis/Kashmirirs/Sindhis hold a close affinity with groups across the border in India yet they never took aid to engage in terror activities....

Kashmiris snitched to Indian Army when Kargil happened and didn't support Pakistan in 1965

MQM was literally RAW funded.

Hazaras were deployed in Syria LOL.

I am sorry to say, but the general reputation of pashtuns in afghanistan amongst other ethnic groups (tajik, hazara, etc) is that pashtuns are sell outs and will do anything for money. Their loyalty can be bought for dollars. Please dont lead other pakistani ethnic groups to have the same opinion of pashtuns in pak because my thoughts will become majority thoughts one day if this continues for next 20 years as it has the last 20 years.

Same can be said for your Sikh brothers in India.

Again I wont respond or comment to a fool like you as ive spent enough time trying to make you understand for the better of pakistan and its security. Some people cannot ever change...

Why would I listen to a Punjabi? You guys are the last people I would wanna here from about being moral policed and coming from moral high grounds.
Last name checks out 😉


The recent F-9 Park Islamabad rape where two men forced a woman at gunpoint were originally from KPK Swabi

"Police sources said that the suspects, both of whom allegedly belong to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Swabi district, were arrested with the help of Safe City cameras. The sources within the police have also claimed that the victim of the heinous crime has also identified the suspects."

And some Pashtuns online were blaming the women saying she shouldn't have been out

In fact the police tried to apprehend them and they pulled out guns

Here there is even a woman asking PTM to protest for them because it is extrajudicial killing 😵‍💫😵‍💫😭

Some guy was even replying that Punjabi women shouldn't be going out to parks in the afternoon and blamed the victim of the gang rape!


The recent F-9 Park Islamabad rape where two men forced a woman at gunpoint were originally from KPK Swabi

"Police sources said that the suspects, both of whom allegedly belong to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Swabi district, were arrested with the help of Safe City cameras. The sources within the police have also claimed that the victim of the heinous crime has also identified the suspects."

And some Pashtuns online were blaming the women saying she shouldn't have been out

In fact the police tried to apprehend them and they pulled out guns

Here there is even a woman asking PTM to protest for them because it is extrajudicial killing 😵‍💫😵‍💫😭

Some guy was even replying that Punjabi women shouldn't be going out to parks in the afternoon and blamed the victim of the gang rape!

No point in replying to him bro. He will bring up diversionary topics on purpose. The whole topic is about a certain ethnics groups disaportional participation in terror attacks. All other topics of grooming gangs, mqm, hazaras fighting for iran could be discussed elsewhere.

Also I am very proud or hazaras/kashmiris. For all their sufferings and attacks they faced whether from afghans/indians they never engaged in terrorism against pakistan or ethnocentric parties :pakistan: shows how small minority groups can progress.

Also proud of punjabis/sindhis/mujahirs. For all the carnage they faced during partition and millions who died at the hands of sikhs/hindus yet they came to pakistan, worked hard without complaining or blaming others and built an economy/industries/businesses in their provinces that could rival 2nd world countries… :pakistan: Again this shows that any community no matter how much carnage they face if they work hard in pak they will progress.

Best to stick to the current problem at hand which is terrorism in pak.
So the identity of suicide bombers are never released? again making yourself a true joker and representative of your community. The key different between your community/baloch vs other communities in Pak is the following

1. If terrorism/suicide bombing was widespread in punjab and committed by punjabis we would interospect and call out members of our own community for the greater good of pakistan. Infact every single punjabi member would 150% agree with me here that if it was disproportional we would take extremely strict action against member of our families let alone overall community. You pashtuns/baloch are so tribal that even if your brother goes and murders 1000s you will protect him.

2. Once MQM was doing their wave of crime in the later 2000s most members of the sindhi/mujahir community called them out and favored ranger/army action against terrorist. Actively supporting the army rather than supporting leftist/terrorist forces as is widespread in your regions

3. Most tax revenue is taken from karachi/punjab yet you will never see a ethnocentric punjabi party complaining of their tax funds being wasted in provinces were a mosque is built 1 day then blown up the next. Neither balochistan nor KPK contribute any signicant source of funds/tax revenue to pak yet they have nationalistic ethnocentric parties? for what? o_O

4. Pashtuns/baloch are absolutely unwilling to interospect in their own communities, whether educated/uneducated. whether left wing or right wing. Whether in afghanistan or pakistan...It appears that pashtuns/baloch always blame other ethnic groups for their problems/miseries

5. Punjabis/mujahirs/kashmiris/hazaras/kalash never supported foreign agencies or militaries against their own country. Time and time again whether PTM/TTP/BLA have taken aid and weapons from foreign governments. In afghanistan the situation is such that pashtuns such as Najibullah/Karzai/Ghani went as far as inviting foreign armies such as Soviets/Nato to invade and pillage their countries. Punjabis/Kashmirirs/Sindhis hold a close affinity with groups across the border in India yet they never took aid to engage in terror activities....

I am sorry to say, but the general reputation of pashtuns in afghanistan amongst other ethnic groups is that pashtuns are sell outs and will do anything for money. Their loyalty can be bought for dollars. Please dont lead other pakistani ethnic groups to have the same opinion of pashtuns in pak because my thoughts will become majority thoughts one day if this continues for next 20 years as it has the last 20 years.

Again I wont respond or comment to a fool like you as ive spent enough time trying to make you understand for the better of pakistan and its security. Some people cannot ever change...

MQM has/had nothing to do with Sindhi people, as in ethnic Sindhis. MQM was the work of Altaf Hussain, Imran Farooq, Farooq Sattar, Ghauri and other criminals jointly supported by RAW and at times the likes of Musharraf.

Find a single user here who denies that the Pashtun and Baloch community in Pakistan currently faces those problems more than others? In the case of KPK, in particular the immediate border regions, this is due to the spillover effect from Afghanistan as discussed already. You are naive if you think that if something similar was occurring on the eastern border of Pakistani Punjab, that there would be no spillover effect. Case in point the atrocities, massacres and genocide during the partition, mainly courtesy of Punjabis, not Pashtuns, Baloch or Sindhi people.

Now when this has already been established by consensus, why are you shamelessly denying that areas of Punjab have been hotbeds of terrorism/extremism since decades, that Zia ul-Haq initiated the "Islamization" process of modern Pakistan, that some of our most retarded Mullah's in Pakistan are of Punjabi origins, the numerous terrorist/extremist groups that origin from Punjab/have majority Punjabi members etc.?

Why are you desperately trying to paint a picture of ignorance, extremism, bad cultural practices etc. only being a Pashtun and Baloch problem when that is a blatant lie?

Why are you mixing Afghans, illegals and legals, and grouping them together with the second largest ethnicity of Pakistan?

What exactly is your agenda here if not to spread division/hatred/moronic and simplistic generalizations?

Also did it occur to you where all this Pashtun and Baloch extremism in Pakistan was prior to 1979? If the Pashtun and Baloch majority areas of Pakistan were such extremist hellholes, how come Pakistan even came to be?

And why this obsession about suicide bombings all of a sudden? Are other types of terrorist attacks somehow better?

How would you feel if people generalized Punjabis by saying that 95% of all the millions of people (civilians mainly) that were butchered during the Partition were the works of Punjabis (Muslims and Sikhs mainly)?

Have you seen me generalizing a single community of Pakistan or engaging in threads with the sole (seemingly) purpose of generalizing/alienating Pakistani ethnic groups?
You guys fail to do introspection, the inbreeding rate is through the roof with you guys. There's literal documentaries on it.

How many of you guys condemn rat children?

How many people introspect on the rape crisis in Punjab?
Imagine throwing stones from glass houses when inbreeding is common even in Pashtuns.

When there were literal studies and documentaries made of homosexual pedophilia being extremely common in Pashtun society.

Punjab's population is more than all other provinces combined and actually reports crimes, proportionally there's not much difference, rapes are more common in America than Punjab. 😂

Islamabad reports more rapes than the whole of Balochistan! A city of 1 million! Imagine the shit that goes severely under reported. Your women don't even realise they're being raped because being owned like property is normal to them and martial rape is also normal.


I ain't no feminist but this is actual misogyny, who tf even says this shit

"One's own mother and sister are disgusting"

"women have no noses. They will eat shit"


There's even worse disturbing shit in this

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