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Terrorists from Afghanistan attack Pakistani Kalash community two dead

that why we need mines on the whole boarder one wrong step and kaboom
Pitiful isn't it?
Hundreds of years of survival, and now on verge to extinction in 70...
The border needs to be fenced, no matter what the world says, the influx of people at border needs to be monitored.

Whatever i read, these are peaceful , quiet people who bother nobody but live simple lives of grace.
Well if that is proven to be the case sir i would be the first one to edit the post or openly admit that it was NOT a terrorist activity. In fact, i sincerely hope that i am wrong in this case as we really cannot afford terrorism in that peaceful region. Will surely look into it further and try to find out what i missed. Your help is always accepted with gratitude.

I can't help any more.

Whenever these reports are published, I read them with nothing short of terror. What if some day some horrible act should turn out to be connected to India? A few years ago I could say with complete certainty that this is absolutely not true.

This is nothing short of a nightmare.
I can't help any more.

Whenever these reports are published, I read them with nothing short of terror. What if some day some horrible act should turn out to be connected to India? A few years ago I could say with complete certainty that this is absolutely not true.

This is nothing short of a nightmare.
Then i will look it up, you notifying me is enough to have a second look at it. In fact, if i do come across anything interesting i will let you know as well.

Whatever i read, these are peaceful , quiet people who bother nobody but live simple lives of grace.
They sure are. Ok i will just keep the Indian connection out of it till i study it a bit more and find out the facts for myself but the act itself was brutal and i do think that the border control should be improved and security agencies must get mover involved in that region. We cannot afford an other Swat like situation, not in that place.
Pitiful isn't it?
Hundreds of years of survival, and now on verge to extinction in 70...
The border needs to be fenced, no matter what the world says, the influx of people at border needs to be monitored.
They aren't really extinct; the whole of North used to be apart of the Kalash Culture; but once you convert to Islam - you're no longer apart of the Kalash. Most people were previously Kalash but now they are Muslim; there is only a small %age that still believes in Shamanism and they are considered Kalash.
Some morons from Afghanistan attacked two people in Kalash and Indian strategic objectives accomplished .
Brilliant logic I would say :sarcastic:
Strategic objectives?
What strategic objectives were achieved Orlando firing or by that guy in Nice? Or by countless other such incidents!
This is terrorism dear!!

You would consider it fair if people of that area attacked your villages in response?

Reverse strategic depth in play, those clowns who still dreams for the Talis return should know this
is how the future will look like, A tali gov in AF will embolden these kinds of cross border attacks by their brethrens.

RIP for those who died.

Strategic objectives?
What strategic objectives were achieved Orlando firing or by that guy in Nice? Or by countless other such incidents!
This is terrorism dear!!

Indeed it is terrorism, conducted by the likes of Talis or their brothers in arms. This will be the future if the Talis return to govern AF.
Border security need to be beefed up plus we need our security forces more active in those areas. Enemy is bound to strike back out of recent frustration they faced in Kashmir.

Why should Afghans be frustrated with Kashmir ?? After all it's none of their business. :p:
Reverse strategic depth in play, those clowns who still dreams for the Talis return should know this
is how the future will look like, A tali gov in AF will embolden these kinds of cross border attacks by their brethrens.

RIP for those who died.

Indeed it is terrorism, conducted by the likes of Talis or their brothers in arms. This will be the future if the Talis return to govern AF.

It doesn’t look like Taliban attack. More like lawless Afghan population's plundering raid on our villages. Taliban do not have presence adjacent to Chitral. Chitral is a peaceful area and people are docile. If I am not wrong, Afghanistan attacked Chitral region in an attempt to annex it immediately after our independence. Till they were beaten back. So the question is, will Afghan government do anything about it? Like punishing those who killed during this looting raid. I'm pretty sure these are not Talibans because they don't raid villages for goats in Pakistan. These are Afghan folks with 17th century mentality. They thought it's a good idea to raid and plunder peaceful villages on Pakistan side. Will someone tell them what century is it now?!
Not from you. These are petty thieves, for Heavens' sake. Killing two of those innocents and stealing sheep is hardly a strategic Indian objective.
who knows they might be hungry for meet which they cant eat in INDIA who knows:enjoy:
Reverse strategic depth in play, those clowns who still dreams for the Talis return should know this
is how the future will look like, A tali gov in AF will embolden these kinds of cross border attacks by their brethrens.

RIP for those who died.

Indeed it is terrorism, conducted by the likes of Talis or their brothers in arms. This will be the future if the Talis return to govern AF.
This kind of terrorism is coducted by Afghan govt owned Ttp terrorists,and u will pay for this Heavily.
Whatever i read, these are peaceful , quiet people who bother nobody but live simple lives of grace.
Believe me, you won't find more peace loving people on the face of earth than these.
I hope their culture and ethics thrive, because believe it or not; the reason why Kalash Valley looks so beautiful is due to the interaction of these people with the environment (fruit farming, terrace farming and restoration of the forests were undertaken throughout periods of time, live-stock farming techniques etc...), the valley and the people are dependant on each other.

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