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Terrorists from Afghanistan attack Pakistani Kalash community two dead

Well you are wrong about that being a "lawless area is totally proliferated with weapons and crime". You are confusing it some other place. This particular area is quite peaceful with crime rate near to nil. That is actually what is the reason of greater alarm and why i have said in all my posts that we cannot afford this, not in this area. You may want to look up the Kalash valley and see for yourself.

Not Kalash ,but areas that surrounds the Kalash , the FATA .Am I right?
Not Kalash ,but areas that surrounds the Kalash , the FATA .Am I right?
No bro, this is where you are wrong.
Kalash and FATA are FAR apart.
They problems you mentioned were of FATA and that too is resolved now after the on going army operation in and around that whole region.
No bro, this is where you are wrong.
Kalash and FATA are FAR apart.
They problems you mentioned were of FATA and that too is resolved now after the on going army operation in and around that whole region.

Agreed. Both are far apart but that wouldnt prevent those terrorists from acquiring some guns and intentionally attack this people.
Can you claim 100% law and order in those area after Army's ops ?
Agreed. Both are far apart but that wouldn't prevent those terrorists from acquiring some guns and intentionally attack this people.
Can you claim 100% law and order in those area after Army's ops ?
I guess you didn't read the article where it stated the terrorists entered from Afghan side. Now are you saying that the bought weapons from FATA, went into Afghanistan, traveled north there, crossed the border again and attacked Kalash. You mixed FATA with Kalash. then tried to imply that they are "surrounding" each other. All i am asking is this what you have restored to now?
I guess you didn't read the article where it stated the terrorists entered from Afghan side. Now are you saying that the bought weapons from FATA, went into Afghanistan, traveled north there, crossed the border again and attacked Kalash. You mixed FATA with Kalash. then tried to imply that they are "surrounding" each other. All i am asking is this what you have restored to now?

So you are saying that FATA and surrounding areas are totally peaceful like Kalash ?
Even if they are from Afghanistan what makes you think that these attack was not a jihadi motivated but a reckless act of Indian agencies .You have to explain that sir .
So you are saying that FATA and surrounding areas are totally peaceful like Kalash ?
Even if they are from Afghanistan what makes you think that these attack was not a jihadi motivated but a reckless act of Indian agencies .You have to explain that sir .
NO, i am saying that peace or lack of it have nothing to do with what happens in Kalash.
Sad news.

IMO, the mere attempt to take sheep was divert the attention however, while looking at how peaceful place and people are, seems like chosen a soft target for such act that we have witnessed in past. The security should be tighten and is need of time as well. The responsible will be dealt accordingly and there will be no exception.
These filth need to be followed back and taken out. The poor Kalash are completely defenceless against something like this. How sad.
That's really disgusting Kailash are the most peaceful community with their colorful and ancient culture. Govt must ensure their security from these terrorist goons.
Afghan bandits snatch more goats in Chitral
CHITRAL: Bandits from across the Afghan border continued their looting spree in the Kalash valley for the second day on Saturday and herded away about 2,500 goats from a pasture in Birir.

According to an official in the Chitral district police control room, the goats owned by the Kalash community were grazing in the high-altitude pasture in the Birir valley along the border.

A Levies official said the Kalash shepherds did not resist when the looters arrived and started herding the goats towards the border.

On Friday, shepherds in a pasture in the adjoining Bumburate valley had resisted the robbers and exchanged gunfire but the attackers captured two of them and killed them on the border.

Ibrahim Khan, a resident of Birir, told Dawn that more than 40 armed Afghan bandits appeared in the pasture and started assembling the goats from three places, but the shepherds did not resist because they were unarmed.

He said that the bandits crossed into Afghanistan’s Nuristan area after walking for about two hours along with the animals.

People of the Kalash community live in the contiguous but segregated valleys of Bumburate, Birir and Rumbur in south Chitral and all of them border Nuristan.

The incidents of loot and plunder have spread fear among the residents of the valleys.

The deputy commissioner and the district police chief, who were in Shandur where a festival is being held, were not available for comments.

Published in Dawn, July 31st, 2016

Afghan bandits snatch more goats in Chitral
CHITRAL: Bandits from across the Afghan border continued their looting spree in the Kalash valley for the second day on Saturday and herded away about 2,500 goats from a pasture in Birir.

According to an official in the Chitral district police control room, the goats owned by the Kalash community were grazing in the high-altitude pasture in the Birir valley along the border.

A Levies official said the Kalash shepherds did not resist when the looters arrived and started herding the goats towards the border.

On Friday, shepherds in a pasture in the adjoining Bumburate valley had resisted the robbers and exchanged gunfire but the attackers captured two of them and killed them on the border.

Ibrahim Khan, a resident of Birir, told Dawn that more than 40 armed Afghan bandits appeared in the pasture and started assembling the goats from three places, but the shepherds did not resist because they were unarmed.

He said that the bandits crossed into Afghanistan’s Nuristan area after walking for about two hours along with the animals.

People of the Kalash community live in the contiguous but segregated valleys of Bumburate, Birir and Rumbur in south Chitral and all of them border Nuristan.

The incidents of loot and plunder have spread fear among the residents of the valleys.

The deputy commissioner and the district police chief, who were in Shandur where a festival is being held, were not available for comments.

Published in Dawn, July 31st, 2016


Afghans have been doing this for ages.
I think this was straight forward robbery to snatch animals and run away while pursuing or protecting live stock may be two people got killed.

Its shame that 30 people with guns crossed border without hesitation and took 300 animals with them, it could have been lot worse

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