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the 1914-1922 Muslim Genocide in Anatolia and the Caucasus



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Jan 22, 2013
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Commemorate and recognize Soykırım – the 1914-1922 Muslim Genocide in Anatolia and the Caucasus
In 1914-22, the armed groups of Armenian Dashnak and Hunchak parties and the Armenian volunteers serving in the Russian, Greek and French armies carried out a systematic extermination of Turks, Azerbaijanis and Kurds in Anatolia and the Caucasus. 523.955 Muslim civilians were identified as victims, not including those missing or buried in mass graves. Western scholars estimated that overall up to 2.5 million Muslims perished in these massacres. Armenians loyal to the Ottoman state were also targeted by the Armenian nationalists.

On behalf of Turkic-Americans and the families of victims and survivors of these atrocities, we call upon President to recognize Soykırım– the Muslim Genocide – alongside his annual April 24th Presidential Message commemorating the Armenian suffering in World War I

First, EU should recognize it! I know they have humanity and ethnic equality.

Otherwise, to be branded racism and ethnic discrimination

pay close attention on The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. 20% of Azerbaijan territory was occupied by Armenian military.
The Nagorno Karabakh conflict became as one of the most tragic conflicts in the history of XX century and affected the destiny of millions Azerbaijani. As a result of Nagorno Karabakh Conflict 20% of Azerbaijan lands - Nakorno Karabakh and adjacent 7 regions were occupied by Armenian military forces and more than one million Azerbaijan people became refugees and displaced persons. The UN Security Council ratified four resolutions (No 822, 853, 874, 884) on the Armenia's withdrawal from Azerbaijan lands. Yet Armenians did not follow the resolutions. USA is co-chairman within the OSCE Minsk Group and USA should take active role in resolving the conflict.

The Armenian Revolt

Bernard Lewis Speaking on Armenian Allegations
Bernard Lewis, FBA (born May 31, 1916) is a British-American historian. He specializes in the history of Islam and the interaction between Islam and the West, and is especially famous in academic circles for his works on the history of the Ottoman Empire.
Lewis later called the label "genocide" the "Armenian version of this history" in a November 1993 Le Monde article, for which he faced a civil proceeding in a French court. He was ordered to pay one franc as damages for his statements on the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey.
Bernard Lewis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and the video
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This is so godam embarrasing. Your vote will not count if you are not an American citizen. Why do you people refuse to believe this? No serious reform will begin from a bunch of overzelous Turks on their computers.

Where are you coming up with this "Muslim Genocide". Is it the same thing as alleged Xocali events. I swear, all things are being pulled out of thin air to devaluate the term "genocide". There is absolutely no evidence that suggests Armenians wanted to get rid of all Muslims everywhere. Individual indiscretions do not amount to this.
Where are you coming up with this "Muslim Genocide". Is it the same thing as alleged Xocali events. I swear, all things are being pulled out of thin air to devaluate the term "genocide". There is absolutely no evidence that suggests Armenians wanted to get rid of all Muslims everywhere. Individual indiscretions do not amount to this.
Someone's in denial... :)
Your vote will not count if you are not an American citizen.

So please sign the White House petition. You do not need to be a US citizen. Anyone aged 13 or older is eligible. Signing requires very minimal registration (email address and password), and clicking a link in a confirmation email. Do it now. You can make a difference.

source: guardian.co.uk
It is sad that Iranians support Armenians. Which muslim would support Armenian murderers against Azerbaijani? Only the devil. We need action guys.
This is so godam embarrasing. Your vote will not count if you are not an American citizen. Why do you people refuse to believe this? No serious reform will begin from a bunch of overzelous Turks on their computers.

Where are you coming up with this "Muslim Genocide". Is it the same thing as alleged Xocali events. I swear, all things are being pulled out of thin air to devaluate the term "genocide". There is absolutely no evidence that suggests Armenians wanted to get rid of all Muslims everywhere. Individual indiscretions do not amount to this.

Actually this out of Armenia and diaspora's power to even think about that. The term "Genocide" is a political tool used and abused by countries for political benefits. People who have good media backing, money, and political alliances can use it better comparatively who who lack in these maneuvering. Since Turkey's political and economic standing is increasing rapidly so Armenia should get ready to face more counter genocide labeling and ratification on international arena.
Actually this out of Armenia and diaspora's power to even think about that. The term "Genocide" is a political tool used and abused by countries for political benefits. People who have good media backing, money, and political alliances can use it better comparatively who who lack in these maneuvering. Since Turkey's political and economic standing is increasing rapidly so Armenia should get ready to face more counter genocide labeling and ratification on international arena.

This is exactly the case. Why do you think that Azerbaijanis observe the pretend massacre at Xocali on the same day that Armenians mourn victims of Sumqayit and Baku pogroms? And wtf is Muslim Genocide? First time I'm hearing this is on PDF. Armenians have no issue with the Islamic faith (with the notable exception of forced conversions done by the Ottomans), and have never actively targeted Muslims. What will it be called tomorrow? Turkish Genocide?

However, I disagree that BS allegations will reach international arena. No nation recognizes Xocali "massacres". There have been bills fought for and statements made, but only because Azerbaijan and Turkey were actively bankrolling these efforts (i.e Azerbaijan threatens to cut investment into Mexico if Heydar Aliyev statue removed). Once they run out of oil, in the next 10 years, they will not be able to fund their lies anymore.

In contrast, Armenian lobby has no money, yet Genocide recognition is growing. Because it is fact.
Can u explain why muslims are attacked by non-muslims?

Look at the big picture!

Remember these
Muslims in Burma (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in Balkans (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in Azerbaijan (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in the Caucasus
Muslims in Anatolia
Muslims in Iraq
Muslims in Germany NSU (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in France (so called humanity bird)
Muslims in China (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in Palestine (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in Afrika (France recognize?)
Next Iran
Next Pakistan
Next Turkey
Next Egypt

Did u hear any recognition of these Genocide? Because they like u remain silent!
I think some muslims(PDF members) remain silent.
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