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The China vs. India News War

Yes. The dispute with India is our only land-border dispute.

The rest of our disputes are maritime, i.e. sea-based disputes. And thus inherently limited to Naval skirmishes, there is no possibility of a full-scale land-war with them. Since neither side claims land from the other side, only maritime territory.

You've got a Land Dispute with me too ? :pissed:

I want Sichaun & I'm not taking no for an answer ! :whistle:

Ever since I ate at a restaurant here in my city with the name Sichuan - I'm in love with that city & its food ! :smitten:
Its true that some time people get confused..... Like the Zoo story Dog and Lion....

@Topic : It is absolutely right to criticize indian media.... But we have some good news channels and papers.... The hindu is one of such paper

Your countrymen call The Hindu as The Chindu. :P

You've got a Land Dispute with me too ? :pissed:

I want Sichaun & I'm not taking no for an answer ! :whistle:

Ever since I ate at a restaurant here in my city with the name Sichuan - I'm in love with that city & its food ! :smitten:

Buddy I almost burned my tongue off, I ordered a La zi ji and ate one of the big red chili peppers to see what it was like. :D

Sichuan cuisine is amazing but avoid the big chilies. :chilli:
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Yes. The dispute with India is our only land-border dispute.

The rest of our disputes are maritime, i.e. sea-based disputes. And thus inherently limited to Naval skirmishes, there is no possibility of a full-scale land-war with them. Since neither side claims land from the other side, only maritime territory.

Yes thats right ,now lets talk along those lines....irrespective of who is right or who is wrong.the bottom line is when there is a dispute it means both the parties are contesting for the land.
News Channels in India should show some restraint while reporting the news of incursions in ladakh sector. Within five minutes of the show the anchor starts showing massive Chinese arsenals which once @SinoChallenger used to intimidate us here :D Next thing comes India's China Killer,the Agni messiahs. The whole package looks like a trailer of bollywood action flick.

What we really needed in the last stand off was the exact Chinese troop's position with respect to Line of actual control and a modest debate on the issue.Merely sensationalize the whole issue without having proper knowledge of is gravely distasteful.
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Yes thats right ,now lets talk along those lines....irrespective of who is right or who is wrong.the bottom line is when there is a dispute it means both the parties are contesting for the land.

Sure. :D

But Aksai Chin is China's sovereign territory. There will be no concessions, we have given enough territorial concessions already in the past century.
Sure. :D

But Aksai Chin is China's sovereign territory. There will be no concessions, we have given enough territorial concessions already in the past century.

See thats the problem ,if you have already decided then whats the point in discussion.i wont say thats wrong its your point of view.and mine is different.
See thats the problem ,if you have already decided then whats the point in discussion.i wont say thats wrong its your point of view.and mine is different.

Zhou Enlai already offered concessions to India. Recognition of AP in exchange for recognition of Aksai Chin. Basically making the current LoC into a proper international border.

But Nehru REJECTED this offer, and went for the Forward Policy instead.

You got such a good offer because China in the 1960's was incredibly weak and collapsing from famine. We made territorial deals with everybody and gave up a lot of land. India was the only land-border dispute that did not make a deal with us in our period of weakness.

We are not weak any longer, so why would we make such a good offer again. Especially since it has already been rejected.
Back it up with facts.

Tibet is an autonomous region and nothing wrong with giving asylum to Tibetan monks, Tibet has historical relations with India.

In 1962 China is the back stabber since it occupied Tibet and also tried to advance into India.

Chinese has no authority to call Xinjiang and Tibet as their provinces.

It was you who back stabbed us remember?

First you said Hindi Chini bhai bhai (notice that it is in Hindi, NOT in Chinese).

Then in 1959 you hosted our largest separatist group, just after they failed to violently overthrow the Chinese government.

Then in 1962 you started the Forward Policy against us, which was the beginning of the Sino-Indian War.

Even though we were in the middle of the worst famine in Chinese history, the Great leap forward!

You attacked us while we were on the verge of collapse from starvation, and surrounded on all sides by two enemy superpowers (USA and Soviets).

Yet you still lost. And you have only yourself to blame. Your back stabbing failed.
Back it up with facts.

Tibet is an autonomous region and nothing wrong with giving asylum to Tibetan monks, Tibet has historical relations with India.

In 1962 China is the back stabber since it occupied Tibet and also tried to advance into India.

Chinese has no authority to call Xinjiang and Tibet as their provinces.

Everything I wrote was a fact, India never denied hosting our largest separatist group in 1959 or starting the Forward Policy in 1962.

Everyone, including India recognizes that the Forward Policy started the Sino-Indian War. It was Indian back stabbing that led to War, at a time where China was in the worst famine in our history.

Chinese has no authority to call Xinjiang and Tibet as their provinces.

You're the one talking out of your @ss without any facts. :rofl:

India accepts both Tibet and Xinjiang as a part of China, so does every other country in the world. Even the Dalai Lama accepts that Tibet is a part of China.

Kashmir on the other hand is internationally recognized as disputed territory. There is the big difference.
Zhou Enlai already offered concessions to India. Recognition of AP in exchange for recognition of Aksai Chin. Basically making the current LoC into a proper international border.

But Nehru REJECTED this offer, and went for the Forward Policy instead.

You got such a good offer because China in the 1960's was incredibly weak and collapsing from famine. We made territorial deals with everybody and gave up a lot of land. India was the only land-border dispute that did not make a deal with us in our period of weakness.

We are not weak any longer, so why would we make such a good offer again. Especially since it has already been rejected.

I guess then we have to wait till you become weak again to resolve the issue then.
I guess then we have to wait till you become weak again to resolve the issue then.

And then India will REJECT the offer again. :lol: And round and round we go.


Or... we could wait until you are weak and then resolve it.

The way your economic growth is dropping (now to 4.4%) that seems rather the more likely option.
And then India will REJECT the offer again. :lol: And round and round we go.


Or... we could wait until you are weak and then resolve it.

The way your economic growth is dropping (now to 4.4%) that seems rather the more likely option.

Our economy was not that good either back then ,and infact it is much better now then 60's.
Our economy was not that good either back then ,and infact it is much better now then 60's.

It's the relative position that counts.

In 1962, India had a bigger economy than China. The Great leap forward (worst famine in our history) dropped our GDP by almost 33% at that time.

Today, China's economy is $8.3 trillion, and India's economy is $1.5 trillion, or less if we take the fall of the Rupee into account.

Calculate what 7.5% growth of 8.3 trillion is. Then calculate how much 4.4% growth of 1.5 trillion is. The difference is astronomical due to the massive difference in base economic size.
It's the relative position that counts.

In 1962, India had a bigger economy than China. The Great leap forward (worst famine in our history) dropped our GDP by almost 33% at that time.

Today, China's economy is $8.3 trillion, and India's economy is $1.5 trillion, or less if we take the fall of the Rupee into account.

Calculate what 7.5% growth of 8.3 trillion is. Then calculate how much 4.4% growth of 1.5 trillion is. The difference is astronomical due to the massive difference in base economic size.

Thats why i said then we have to wait till china becomes weak to resolve the issue.
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