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The complete story of how Erdogan avoided the coup


Nov 10, 2010
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Erdogan owes his life to Moscow who prevented US led Coup
Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The Turkish coup was originally planned for August, when the Greek Government was 'scheduled' to enter a crisis and be itself couped. This way, the entire Balkan would have entered a critical phase, with an end result of installing puppet Governments subservient to the US and a new iron curtain between US controlled Europe and Russia.

There isn't a country that didn't know a coup was underway in Turkey (apparently with the exception of the Turks who were wondering why were there tanks on the Bosphorus bridge). The specific coup-date kept being moved and wasn't known, however CNN's Christiana Amanpour helped everyone narrow it down when she set up base in Ankara and Istanbul just two days before the coup.

The Pentagon has a special relationship with CNN, and typically lets them know when the US is coup-ing a nation, so they can set up camp and report live. CNN's Amanpour has managed to get herself banned from several countries; with good reason - when she shows up in a country, something terrible happens to that country. Turkey was no exception.

Russia, Iran, Syria.... were all aware of a US led coup in Turkey. For this purpose, official Moscow sent one of Putin's advisors to travel to Ankara. The trip was top secret, no one in Tehran, Damascus or even in Moscow was aware of it, only few select in Putin's inner circle.
Aleksandar Dugin was the man that was sent to Ankara to warn the Turkish leadership, but also to give them a massive list of people involved in the coup.

Coup Begun a month earlier after some of the plotters were discovered
The Turkish government secretly asked its Courts to issue order for the arrest of 2,000 army, navy and air force officials after it became evident something was brewing. The Courts refused, on top of it, some of the judges involved in the Coup tipped off high ranking generals that the Government was suspicious and hot on their trail.
As a result, not fully prepapred for a coup, the coup was started anyways.

Pilots who downed Su24 involved in coup
For months Moscow tracked the data and voice conversations of the Turkish pilots responsible for the downing of the Russian Su24 jet. It discovered the two pilots are American implants and were used to shoot down a Russian jet in order to put a major wedge in the otherwsie cozy relationship between Ankara and Moscow. The US used the proven British tactic of "divide and conquer". There were at least several dozen Turkish officers who were American implants at the Incirlik AirBase, the AirForce and the Army as well. All were arrested.

To avoid any sort of suspicion or attract attention, Putin's advisor took an unusal road trip which took Dugin from Moscow to Astana, then to Tehran, Damascus, Nicosia and finally arriving to Ankara where he met with one of Erdogan's most trusted man, the mayor Melih Gokcek.

It's old school KGB, face-to-face meetings work quite well. The Russians have gathered so much data in the past several months, that they knew precisely when, who and how the coup will start.
Initially, Erdogan's inner team were not told of Dugin's arrival in Turkey.

In the interest of better Russo-Turkish relationship and mutual trust, Erdogan was now officially warned. The warning was also psychological because it came "just in time", and was meant to show Erdogan and Turkey who their real friends are.

Hence the face to face meeting. Putin didn't have to do what he did, could have warned them 10 minutes before the coup, or don't warn them at all and simply let everything unfold the way the Americans envisioned.

Fighter Jets had Erdogan's plane in sight, but...

After waiting for full 24 hrs not saying absolutely anything, the Pentagon and CIA controlled media in the US went full throttle with propaganda when it became obvious their coup had failed. We saw hastily prepapred writeups how allegedly Erdogan has simply staged the coup to grab 'more power', adding his presidential plane was in sights of few Turkish F16 yet no one took a shot? First and foremost, the planes that were sent after Erdogan took off from Incirlik Airbase, which is very much controlled by the US-NATO. Second, at no point did the US made an effort to warn the Turkish Government about the coup, yet it has fighter jets taking off from Incirlik, going after Erdogan!

Indeed, Erdogan's plane was followed by several Turkish planes with an intention to shoot him down. Fettulah Gulen in Pennsylvania, a long time CIA asset was getting ready himself to be installed as the new president.

What the 'media' are not telling you is that 7 Russian fighter jets and two S400 rocket systems in Northern Syria were tracking down the Turkish jets issuing them a warning if the Russian radar systems picked up any activity from them they would be promptly shot down. This is why the Turkish jets never fired, they had 'company'.

Ankara's mayor didn't waste a second. Came out on CNN and furiously announced Washington was behind the coup, and yes he had received all the necessary information prior to his announcement. He was the third high ranking Turkish official to accuse the US of leading the coup within a 20 minute span.

Why is Erdogan purging generals, judges... Where did he get this list of people tied with the coup?

Although the Government had suspects on their own, they received a large list from Moscow as well. This is why the US Ambassador in Ankara is practically in hiding and when he isn't he is a stuttering mess. But the most interesting thing here is the fact that several Turkish generals have already admitted of taking part in the Coup, and the real kicker, they have also elaborated on the role the US played. The political statements we heard from Washingon have zero credibility, per their usual. There is no explanation how 42 helicopters went missing from Incirlik air base. This is why the Turkish Government encircled the base with 2,500 cops, cut off power to the entire Airbase, defacto telling the US "we know what you're doing".

In the end, the coup plotters and their tanks in the streets were defeated by unarmed Turkish citizens. //Gorazd Velkovski
Erdogan owes his life to Moscow who prevented US led Coup
Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The Turkish coup was originally planned for August, when the Greek Government was 'scheduled' to enter a crisis and be itself couped. This way, the entire Balkan would have entered a critical phase, with an end result of installing puppet Governments subservient to the US and a new iron curtain between US controlled Europe and Russia.

There isn't a country that didn't know a coup was underway in Turkey (apparently with the exception of the Turks who were wondering why were there tanks on the Bosphorus bridge). The specific coup-date kept being moved and wasn't known, however CNN's Christiana Amanpour helped everyone narrow it down when she set up base in Ankara and Istanbul just two days before the coup.

The Pentagon has a special relationship with CNN, and typically lets them know when the US is coup-ing a nation, so they can set up camp and report live. CNN's Amanpour has managed to get herself banned from several countries; with good reason - when she shows up in a country, something terrible happens to that country. Turkey was no exception.

Russia, Iran, Syria.... were all aware of a US led coup in Turkey. For this purpose, official Moscow sent one of Putin's advisors to travel to Ankara. The trip was top secret, no one in Tehran, Damascus or even in Moscow was aware of it, only few select in Putin's inner circle.
Aleksandar Dugin was the man that was sent to Ankara to warn the Turkish leadership, but also to give them a massive list of people involved in the coup.

Coup Begun a month earlier after some of the plotters were discovered
The Turkish government secretly asked its Courts to issue order for the arrest of 2,000 army, navy and air force officials after it became evident something was brewing. The Courts refused, on top of it, some of the judges involved in the Coup tipped off high ranking generals that the Government was suspicious and hot on their trail.
As a result, not fully prepapred for a coup, the coup was started anyways.

Pilots who downed Su24 involved in coup
For months Moscow tracked the data and voice conversations of the Turkish pilots responsible for the downing of the Russian Su24 jet. It discovered the two pilots are American implants and were used to shoot down a Russian jet in order to put a major wedge in the otherwsie cozy relationship between Ankara and Moscow. The US used the proven British tactic of "divide and conquer". There were at least several dozen Turkish officers who were American implants at the Incirlik AirBase, the AirForce and the Army as well. All were arrested.

To avoid any sort of suspicion or attract attention, Putin's advisor took an unusal road trip which took Dugin from Moscow to Astana, then to Tehran, Damascus, Nicosia and finally arriving to Ankara where he met with one of Erdogan's most trusted man, the mayor Melih Gokcek.

It's old school KGB, face-to-face meetings work quite well. The Russians have gathered so much data in the past several months, that they knew precisely when, who and how the coup will start.
Initially, Erdogan's inner team were not told of Dugin's arrival in Turkey.

In the interest of better Russo-Turkish relationship and mutual trust, Erdogan was now officially warned. The warning was also psychological because it came "just in time", and was meant to show Erdogan and Turkey who their real friends are.

Hence the face to face meeting. Putin didn't have to do what he did, could have warned them 10 minutes before the coup, or don't warn them at all and simply let everything unfold the way the Americans envisioned.

Fighter Jets had Erdogan's plane in sight, but...

After waiting for full 24 hrs not saying absolutely anything, the Pentagon and CIA controlled media in the US went full throttle with propaganda when it became obvious their coup had failed. We saw hastily prepapred writeups how allegedly Erdogan has simply staged the coup to grab 'more power', adding his presidential plane was in sights of few Turkish F16 yet no one took a shot? First and foremost, the planes that were sent after Erdogan took off from Incirlik Airbase, which is very much controlled by the US-NATO. Second, at no point did the US made an effort to warn the Turkish Government about the coup, yet it has fighter jets taking off from Incirlik, going after Erdogan!

Indeed, Erdogan's plane was followed by several Turkish planes with an intention to shoot him down. Fettulah Gulen in Pennsylvania, a long time CIA asset was getting ready himself to be installed as the new president.

What the 'media' are not telling you is that 7 Russian fighter jets and two S400 rocket systems in Northern Syria were tracking down the Turkish jets issuing them a warning if the Russian radar systems picked up any activity from them they would be promptly shot down. This is why the Turkish jets never fired, they had 'company'.

Ankara's mayor didn't waste a second. Came out on CNN and furiously announced Washington was behind the coup, and yes he had received all the necessary information prior to his announcement. He was the third high ranking Turkish official to accuse the US of leading the coup within a 20 minute span.

Why is Erdogan purging generals, judges... Where did he get this list of people tied with the coup?

Although the Government had suspects on their own, they received a large list from Moscow as well. This is why the US Ambassador in Ankara is practically in hiding and when he isn't he is a stuttering mess. But the most interesting thing here is the fact that several Turkish generals have already admitted of taking part in the Coup, and the real kicker, they have also elaborated on the role the US played. The political statements we heard from Washingon have zero credibility, per their usual. There is no explanation how 42 helicopters went missing from Incirlik air base. This is why the Turkish Government encircled the base with 2,500 cops, cut off power to the entire Airbase, defacto telling the US "we know what you're doing".

In the end, the coup plotters and their tanks in the streets were defeated by unarmed Turkish citizens. //Gorazd Velkovski
gratutude for Putin
I want turkish brothers to comment on it, oh damn, i cannot remember their names....

Secondly to me it sound like a goodnight story... zzzzz
I have no reason not to believe what is written in this article. Gulen no doubt is a CIA asset. A so called "Islamist" living in sprawling mansion in America, I mean come on! If I believe this non sense then I should believe that I am queen of England as well.
America is making itself irrelevant in Muslim world. They successfully p|ssed off 200 million strong Pakistani nation to the point of no return, and now Turks will be looking upon them with suspicion.
well one thing i noticed during the coup
Pakistani and Turkish media would say that coup has failed but when i would switch to western media their stance was the coup is still going on and its uncertain who is in power and when it became apparent the coup has failed then they charged against Erdogan describing him as Islamist and Authoritarian.
I want turkish brothers to comment on it, oh damn, i cannot remember their names....

Secondly to me it sound like a goodnight story... zzzzz

... Now the pilots are traitors and part of the coup??
They are apprehended and under investigation. Pilots' relation with Gülenists are unknown at the moment.
What? o_O
This is a staged coup for sure.. And erDOGan made peace with Russia before the coup in couple days fearing that Russia might intervene and support the coup... Basically erDOGan warned Russia and nato telling them of his stage act..
When the pilots shot down the Russian jet, erDOGan was happy and celebrating... Now the pilots are traitors and part of the coup??
Any proof it was staged????
Any proof it was staged????
The unreasonable arrests and closing downs of schools and colleges, arresting journalists and civilians.. And of course in few hours he made thousands of arrests like he had a list already made... Thus he wanted a "reason" to grab more power and get rid of his opponents...
Russians were going to fire s-400's into Turkish airspace really how many planes were in holding over Ataturk airport at the time shooting down another civilian flight is probably not high on Russian priorities.

The Turkish government was so inept that they need putin to point out things going on in their own country really?

very simple, TC-ATA used a call sign THY 8456 to disguise as a Turkish Airlines airplane no grand conspiracy sorry
The unreasonable arrests and closing downs of schools and colleges, arresting journalists and civilians.. And of course in few hours he made thousands of arrests like he had a list already made... Thus he wanted a "reason" to grab more power and get rid of his opponents...
His opponents ???
Who are his opponents ....please do tell.
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