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The End of indian by Jaswant Singh

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Nov 10, 2010
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The End of india by kushwant Singh

‘The End of India’ by Kushwant Singh | Rupee News
By Jaspreet
If you want to see what happened to Buddhism, just check out what has been happening to Sikhism. Legally Sikhs do not exist in India but are just Hindus. Sikhs refused to sign the Indian constitution due to that. Sikhs were declared a criminal tribe as soon as the British left. In the 80s and 90s, hundreds of thousands of Sikhs were slaughtered, mainly the Amritdharis.
So it became very scary to be a Sikh
Then all this preaching by people like the RSS started, to declare Sikhism a part of Hinduism. They don’t just go preach, they also commission art showing the Sikh Gurus to be Hindu gods basically and have written all sorts of books to distort Sikh history.
Basically famous Sikhs like Banda Singh Bahadur have their names changed and are described as Hindus. Even Maharaja Ranjit Singh is said to be a Hindu by these people.
Though there is a Sikh PM, he was appointed. He is a guy who worships penises at Hindu temples but cannot tell France to listen to the UN and let Sikhs wear turbans. He also works with and has promoted killers who led mobs that went around burning Sikh temples and killing, maiming, and raping any Sikhs they could hunt down in their homes, in their vehicles, on public transportation, hiding in the Gurdwaras, or anywhere else. When Sikhs in other places protest against his genocidal MPS and ministers, the bastard hates it. :lol:
He feels Canada can be bullied as India successfully carried out a plane bombing and got it blamed on Sikhs (a plane whose pilots were Sikhs and most of the passengers on it were Sikhs too). So this so-called Sikh,Manmohan the coward and rat, had the audacity to throw his weight around against Canada and say Canadian Sikhs are causing problems (though the police in Punjab denied it and so did CSIS). Since then, he and his government have said it lots of times, so much so that the Canadian politicians seem to have gotten sick and tired of it and have said Sikhs have the right to freedom of expression in Canada and can campaign for a separate Sikh state if they wish as long as it is peacefully done in response to India’s demands though they did not want to say anything initially.
It is just not good for trade but the Indian are just so ***, obnoxious that they never know when to quit. The immigration minister a few months ago even told them there is nothing wrong with advocating Khalistan if it is done peacefully after they asked him to start deporting Sikhs who are Indian nationals in Canada if they campaign for a separate Sikh state. Anyway, their formula for trying to get rid of Sikhs ranges from genocide and all out murder, killings of Amritdharis, art, books, movies (Bollywood plays a role in the ethnocide and ridicule of Sikhs in a big way), and there is financial suppression too. As well, many of our religious leaders are puppets of India through fear and greed.
A lot of the Sikhs killed in the name of terrorism dominated certain industries according to Kushwant Singh in his book “The End of India.” The end result is this, people of Sikh origins who come from India are surprised to see all these people of Sikh origins practicing Sikhism and Sikhism flourishing in places like Canada where the state does not repress it.
Well, it seems like some of the ancient Buddhists were glad when invaders came according to Hindus. I for one am a Sikh who would be very happy if China were to conquer India.The way it kills and maligns those who are not of the majority, well I don’t wish it well trust me.
Sikhs are the most advanced community in India . Whatever Punjab is today is mostly because of the Sikhs hard work and their passion to succeed in life !!
Btw BS article !!
Sikhs are the most adavanced community in India . Whatever Punjab is today is mostly because of the Sikhs hard work and their passion to succed in life !!
Btw BS article !!

Rupee news - fake article.
The thread poster edited some of the original content.

Jaswanth singh has nothing to do with the article, it was Jaspreet.
Off course whatever punjab is, its becaus eof Sikh's great work defiitly not because of racist hindus.

Sikhs shuld struggle for freedom and makes Khalistan, the first ever sikh state in the world. If jews have a country, if hindus have a country, so should dikhs.

Sikhs are the most adavanced community in India . Whatever Punjab is today is mostly because of the Sikhs hard work and their passion to succed in life !!
Btw BS article !!
Thread reported. :coffee:
Off course whatever punjab is, its becaus eof Sikh's great work defiitly not because of racist hindus.

Sikhs shuld struggle for freedom and makes Khalistan, the first ever sikh state in the world. If jews have a country, if hindus have a country, so should dikhs.

U wanna test my patience but on the contrary i am sipping a glass of juice and laughing at your approach . Grow up !!
how come there are two authors ?

by Khushwant Singh and by Jaspreet ?

and where the fcuk did Jaswant Singh come form
Rupees news...

Ignored.. The thread will die under weight of stupidity.
Think about it. People go to rupee news and get their general knowledge and education there.

The article should be named 'The end of intelligence'.
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