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Russia denied to sell gas to China at low price
Why would they do that?They don't really need us.It's just some chinese cowards dream they would.Like the one said we “have to” cooperate with Russia.
im talking about chickening out when chinese had to deal with usa.

lol really? u guys have long history of backstabbing other nations. as a matter of fact these idiot mullahs who r dragging iran into shit forgot that it was your guys that took away 40% of the country in 1813 and 1828 respectively.

at least britain gave back hong kong in good condition :woot:, on the other hand wherever you guys set foot has turned into shit.

ohh really? how is it then that Kazakhstan which has large russian minority is the riches country in all of central asia including richer than iran? who have no russians?


its not our fault if we colonized backwards countries like you, for china its a different case
At that time, Britain was already an industrialized country with the rest of the worlds as its market and raw material supplier , China was forced into the Western's system by opium. Russia was a different example, you are not as industrialized as the west in 19th century, you even didn't abolish the Serfdom. When the opium began, you were even not well prepared for the industrialization. It was in late 19th century when you finished it, although it was done, not the same level as west Europe. So you only interested in grabbing as much land as you could, while the west care more about whether their product sold well in a 0.4 billion population market. This is one reason why they give the land back to China, they only focused on economy aspects. Another reason would be the distance, they were far from China, they couldn't control the situation.

thats a very dumb excuse to force other people to consume their drugs. Also its not true russia was very industrialized under the czars, in 1910 or something its economy was bigger than germany and in 1925 it surpassed britain and became the second largest economy after the US
How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries
sweetgrape: because I focus on the subject, you keep insulting ... so
i just stay and say,, you go away ...
Please refrain, guys. Vietnam and China are in heightening tension, but that does not mean you have to jump in to insult the Chinese in every threads. That does not help our country. Forumers from various countries are also seeing your comments.
Does anyone know many billions China will save from the price we want compared to the price Russia wants?
Because a few billion extra is peanuts compared to the strategic supply of this gas and the environmental benefits. We probably get billions from the interest in our US bonds to pay for this gas. If we don't do this deal, it will be our loss, not Russia.
Does anyone know many billions China will save from the price we want compared to the price Russia wants?
Because a few billion extra is peanuts compared to the strategic supply of this gas and the environmental benefits. We probably get billions from the interest in our US bonds to pay for this gas. If we don't do this deal, it will be our loss, not Russia.

Exactly. :tup:

Russian energy supplies will be VERY reliable for us, they cannot be pressured by America into cutting our energy supply. In fact they might even increase the supply to us if we ever get into a war with anyone.

Plus, China has the world's largest reserves of Shale Gas, it will be beneficial to us to have good infrastructure in place for large-scale gas usage, for the next few decades when we will be able to tap into our own reserves very strongly.
thats a very dumb excuse to force other people to consume their drugs. Also its not true russia was very industrialized under the czars, in 1910 or something its economy was bigger than germany and in 1925 it surpassed britain and became the second largest economy after the US
How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries

No, it's not dumb, it's not excuse. Read this :
While an insatiable demand for tea existed in Britain, only silver was accepted in payment by China, which resulted in a chronic trade deficit.[9] This trade led to the extensive use of European gold and silver in China.[10]

Britain had been on the gold standard since the 18th century, so it had to purchase silver from continental Europe and Mexico to supply the Chinese appetite for silver. Attempts by a British embassy (led by Macartney in 1793), a Dutch mission under (Van Braam in 1794), Russia's (Golovkin in 1805) and the British again (Amherst in 1816) to negotiate access to the China market were all vetoed by successive Emperors.[10]

By 1817, the British had decided that counter-trading in narcotic Indian opium, was a way to reduce the trade deficit and to turn the Indian colony profitable. The Qing administration originally tolerated opium importation, because it created an indirect tax on Chinese subjects, while allowing the British to double tea exports from China to England thereby profiting the monopoly on tea exports held by the Qing imperial treasury and its agents.

Before the first opium war in 1840, China always had trade trade surplus from the Britain. Chinese silk and tea sold well and helped to gain a constant cash inflow from the Britain, while China don't need their stuff at all, like wool, nylon. Besides, China shut down all the foreign trade relations with the rest of world, only leaving part of Canton as a place to do international trade. That's why in the first Nanking Treaty, they required Qing to open Guangzhou, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo as the treaty port, they just need this huge market.

Treaty of Nanking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Opium Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can't just compare the economy, the numbers. China was the biggest economy before 18th century, but she was actually falling behind the west, due to the industrialization. It was a turn, fall and rise.

The Germany abolished serfdom system in early 19th century, that was much earlier than Russia, which released so much work force from the farm land to the factories. Russia did this in 1861, half century later than Germany. In 1870, Germany's industrial output accounted for 13.2% of the whole world's. I think the real rise of Russia was in the 20th century, lead by the soviet union.
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Plus, China has the world's largest reserves of Shale Gas, it will be beneficial to us to have good infrastructure in place for large-scale gas usage, for the next few decades when we will be able to tap into our own reserves very strongly.

China shouldn't waste its resources on importing its energy needs. Tap into your shale resources. Russians are the last people on earth that you would want to trust.
Putin, Xi hold talks in Shanghai
May 20, 2014


Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have held strategic talks in Shanghai on Tuesday, following which two of the world’s most powerful leaders signed a “package of intergovernmental, interdepartmental and commercial documents on cooperation in the economy, trade, energy and the humanitarian areas”, said a Kremlin statement.

Putin said in Shanghai that “significant progress” had been made in the decade-long $400 billion gas supply agreement talks between Russia and China.

“I am glad to be informed that the two sides have made significant progress in the price negotiation of the east-route of the natural gas project,” Putin said during official talks with Xi.

Russia wants to reach a deal with China at an early date, he added. Over the past years, talks have stalled over price.

Meanwhile, head of Russia’s state gas company Gazprom Alexei Miller said in a statement said talks are still ongoing.

“Talks are ongoing without interruption, both sides are looking for compromise. The contract could be signed on the basis of mutual benefit,” Miller said.

The two allies have vowed to beef up cooperation in a wide range of fields, including finance, trade, energy and transportation infrastructure. More bilateral agreements will be inked tomorrow according to officials.

According to a joint statement, the two neighbors will “establish the comprehensive energy cooperation partnership”.

In the oil sector, they will deepen “a package of cooperation” and start Russia’s gas supply to China as soon as possible,” the document said.

It also said that the two sides will enhance cooperation in the coal sector by joint exploration of mines and developing a transportation infrastructure in Russia.

The two countries will speed up the construction of cross-border transportation infrastructure, including bridges on cross-border rivers, and Russia will facilitate China’s goods shipment using its railway networks, ports and through the Northern Sea route, said the statement.

The joint statement on Tuesday also stated that Russia and China stand strongly behind the six-party talks on the Korean Peninsula’s nuclear standoff and associated political and military tensions.

Both countries said the six-party talks are the “only pragmatic and effective solution to the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue”.

Putin, who is in China for a state visit, will also attend the fourth Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia, which is scheduled to be held in Shanghai on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Moscow and Beijing have rejected the imposition of sanctions as political tools and condemned attempts at “encouraging and financing” regime changes in other countries in a joint statement released during President Putin’s official visit to China.

Having faced economic sanctions and threats of more of to come from the West, Russia has turned to the East, seeking to boost business ties in a friendlier environment. An impressive package of deals on energy, business and infrastructure has already been signed in Shanghai.

More is yet to come, judging by the title of the joint statement by Beijing and Moscow, which promises “a new stage in full-scale partnership and strategic relations.”

Boosting mutual trade is not all there is to that “new stage,” as following the meeting with Xi, the Russian president shared expectations of closer cooperation between the countries in international politics.

We have common priorities on a global and on a regional scale,” Putin said. “We’ve agreed upon closer coordination of our foreign policy steps, including those in the UN, BRICS and APEC,” he added.

Among attitudes Russia and China share is their mutual dislike of economic restrictions imposed for political reasons.

The parties stress the necessity to… reject unilateral sanctions rhetoric,” the joint statement reads.

Economic restrictions applied as punishment are no better than financial aid to forces that seek “a change in constitutional system of another country,” the Russian-Chinese statement says.

Moscow still feels bitter about the role it believes the US played in the Ukrainian coup. Russia hasaccused Washington of investing $5 billion in the regime change in Kiev.

A number of European politicians, meanwhile, acknowledged the EU might have been pressing Ukraine too hard to sign the integration deal which, according to German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, could have created “the impression in Ukraine that it had to decide between Russia and the EU."


The ongoing political crisis in Ukraine can only be resolved peacefully, Putin and Xi Jinping believe, calling on political opponents in Ukraine to switch from confrontation to dialogue.

"The sides urged all Ukrainian regions and public and political groups to enter in broad nationwide talks, develop jointly a concept of further constitutional development of the country, envisaging full observation of universally recognized rights and freedoms of people," the statement reads.

News rules for cyberspace
Russia and China have called for creation of new “universal rules of behavior in information space,” citing concerns over some of communication technologies “running contrary to international stability and security, damaging countries’ sovereignty and violating personal privacy.”

The ‘rules for internet’ comment comes amid scandal with US and China trading accusations of online espionage.

On Monday, a grand jury in the United States indicted five Chinese military - allegedly officers of an elite cyber squad - with hacking into American computer networks and stealing sensitive business information from US companies.

China dismissed all US accusations and published proof that Washington is actually stealing data from China. The Chinese Foreign Ministry also summoned the American ambassador to China for an explanation, urging him to drop all charges against China’s military officers.

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