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The India Pakistan geographical divide is at least 1600 years old

Pakistanis on PDF are a very very biased sample. Most people in Pakistan are not passionately anti-India as the nationalist crowd here. I assume that most Indians are same way, although I do feel that more Indians are obsessed with Pakistan than vice versa.
I was not talking about being passionately anti-Indian. Or for that matter, Indians being passionately anti-Pakistani.
This is a defense forum. It stands to reason that the highly nationalistic yet educated/literate crowd would throng places like these. They would naturally be anti-India/Pakistan.
The sample is skewed in favour of literate/educated, financially atleast middle class, males that are highly passionate. There are exceptions, but this is the average demographic of this forum whether Pakistani or Indian.

I was actually talking of something much more. I said, the average Pakistani I find on this forum(with the above mentioned demographics) exhibits a shocking lack of critical thinking, higher reasoning coupled with a tendency of find violence acceptable/encouraging and a surprising level of tendency to just believe whatever the other Pakistani says(rumour mongering/conspiracy believing) without ever bothering to do a simple google search to ascertain facts.

There are very notable exceptions to the rule. Kaptaan as I said, despite exhibiting such behaviour at times, comes across clearly as a calm, intelligent individual. So does Waz. Some others...And now you.

As I said, there are exceptions, but the average Pakistani on this forum, despite being the privileged lot of Pakistan exhibits such behaviour. It is instructive.
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I think the nuance of my post is totally lost on you. Conversion from Hinduism to Islam happened slowly as a long-term social process in South Asia, with Western parts having more Muslim due to longer time that this process worked. I was pointing out that conversion to Islam and genetic diffusion are comparable processes, since they both have a sociological dimension. Which of the factors that comprise identity on a macro scale (group identity level) could be more important? That could be discussed by serious and considerate posters. This is not for trolls to do, who are only good for making noise, repeating cliches, & derailing good threads.

As far as evictions during partition is concerned, riots during partition were two sided affairs both in Bihar/ Bangal in the East, and Punjab in the West. My family migrated from East Punjab, so I know quite well what happened. My 80 year old mother is a living witness. Projecting riots on the country level is a favorite trick employed by Indians. It does not quite work anymore because people who actually study history seriously are able to make the necessary distinctions.
I think you totally failed to grasp by my barely nuanced post .

1. I agreed with you that change of religion and rise of Islam in western Punjab and sindh progressed over centuries as Muslim rule consolidated over those regions and stayed till date. Even today see conversion considered a great act and some done live on pakistani TV . Why do u think i thought anything different ?

2. My comment relating to partition was in context that partition was based on racial or geographical difference but was purely along the religious lines . Unfortunately it was demanded by only the muslims and Hindus and Sikhs faced the repercussion which changed their lives for ever.

You went on same rona dhona that muslims too suffered the burnt of partition atrocities , then you must know partition riots were started by Muslims on the call of Jinnah's direct action day and from that days north India and Bengal became communal conundrum .

I could make a number of observations here, but suffice to say that a connection between diet and genetics (?) is interesting as presented.

Garbha sanskar is hindu spiritual practice derived from the Ayurveda that professes to give birth to healthy child with sound mind and body that enables to produce good natured noble being rooted in spirituality .
It isn't focused on diet and certainly not on skin color or race .

There are Ayurvedic Garbh sanskar clinic in Europe and US where majority clients are white peoples.

Going by my exposure of Indian media and general interaction with Indians, I would like to stick with my opinion. This is not based on a survey, but my experience.

You should vastly enlarge you experience .

1. Going by political media , India constant obsession in Pakistan strategic, political and religious contexts .
While in India though we do discuss Pakistan but it's limited to security and terrorism related issues.

2. On Pakistani info entertainment media India virtually rules , be it our movies or music , even our cartoons and hindi made programs in Discovery channel improving ur hindi vocabulary at the least .

You go to any youtube video related to india , you see Pakistanis commenting on it. Even hindu mythological/religious serials r watched by some pakistanis.

While Pakistani movies and soaps are virtually non existent in india which i think should change . Pakistan cock studio liked minuscule punjabi elite in north india.

3. Constant bizarre lies and propaganda put on ur media get the most attention of Indians that in turn forces them join forums like this to put the record straight .
Going by my exposure of Indian media and general interaction with Indians, I would like to stick with my opinion. This is not based on a survey, but my experience.

from a sample size of 100 friends & relatives most of them are clueless about pakistan. all my friends & relatives are educated and middle class to rich. 95% plus would not know the four provinces of pakistan. unless pakistan tries some operation like kargil or pathankot the vernacular newspaper they read would not print anything about pakistan.
from a sample size of 100 friends & relatives most of them are clueless about pakistan. all my friends & relatives are educated and middle class to rich. 95% plus would not know the four provinces of pakistan. unless pakistan tries some operation like kargil or pathankot the vernacular newspaper they read would not print anything about pakistan.

Like I said, my experience is not a scientific survey; but its my experience nonetheless. In any case PDF is not a place from where you can make any sort of generalization about Pakistan.

During last two general elections in Pakistan, India seldom gets referenced. It is not a topic of conversation leading up to and beyond elections. But I distinctly remember that in the last general elections in India, Pakistan figured quite prominently in Indian political discourse.

Anyways, all this talk is derailing the thread. We can simply agree to disagree and move on.
only ur mum went baloch and gave birth to a confused parsi,marathi *****.middleaged chutiya beggin 2 get fked.

Did you scratch your crotch and spit through your teeth in your jaali waali topi and ganji and three fourth pyjamas before you typed this gem? :lol:

Tell us more about your "Baloch" lineage please ...

Cheers, Doc
Like I said, my experience is not a scientific survey; but its my experience nonetheless. In any case PDF is not a place from where you can make any sort of generalization about Pakistan.

During last two general elections in Pakistan, India seldom gets referenced. It is not a topic of conversation leading up to and beyond elections. But I distinctly remember that in the last general elections in India, Pakistan figured quite prominently in Indian political discourse.

Anyways, all this talk is derailing the thread. We can simply agree to disagree and move on.

in national election pakistan is a valid issue.

in elections for state legislatures pakistan is irrelevant. In India state elections are the ones that have the most impact on people's lives.

in the english media there are 3-4 articles on pakistan. in the regional print media there are 0-1 articles on pakistan.

i will grant you this coverage on pakistan tends to be sensational and devoid of substance
I honestly think that not a single poster on this forum is very serious about the stuff they say. Except from Nuri Natt, he was very serious about race etc.

Excuse me?

Tell me when ruler of Tamils ruled Kashmir?

@Talwar e Pakistan Great post.

To be honest, I thought it was the exact opposite.

non-Tamil kings have ruled Tanilnadu. Tamil rulers never went outside of Tamilnadu. maybe a small portion of neighboring states

Remind my fading memory cells how Gangaikonda Chozha translates. Leave the Pakistanis out of this.

No one called themselves 'Bharati' and the region was recognized as Bharat by only some peoples, mostly situated on the Ganges. It would be like a Gujjar calling himself a Baloch because he was once ruled by a Baloch dynasty.

Bharatas was a tribe that was situated around Ravi River. They entered into modern-day India (Haryana) after defeating a coalition of other Indus Basic tribes/kingdoms.

These tribes/kingdoms were

One of their ancestors, Emperor Bharata would late on go onto conquer most of South Asia.


Read the post above. Are you still a fan? Nothing personal.

Easy there guys. Such racist overtones are unbecoming of this forum. Perhaps many of these 'ugly' ones are closer to God and better humans than 'fairer' gentry. Humility never takes away credit from the worthy, only adds to it. All humanity is a garden and all colors are beautiful.

I want to congratulate @Juggernaut_is_here on a very well framed and researched article. Although I am uncomfortable with his equating Judaism with Zionism, overall the quality is excellent & deserving of positive ratings. I was aware of the idea that he has put forth, but in a vague way. There is no particular geographic barrier East of Pakistan, except Thar. Between East and West Punjab, the boundary is quite arbitrary. One could make a case of Beas & Satluj being somewhat of a barrier, but that would mostly be due to people of Doaba being clannish in their own way. Today's boundary is not writ in geography, but politics. It may change tomorrow, as it always has been doing.

The thesis does fall when considering the time of Delhi Sultanate & Mughal Empire. The slow, inexorable conversion of local population to Islam in Punjab required the relative peace that existed back then and Pakistani Punjab had longer contact with Muslims and this later translated into boundary being roughly where it is today. One can not overlook this while looking at the reasons why the boundary exists where it does today.

I didn't agree with him, indeed, disagreed violently, but didn't want to rain on his parade. A very nice effort by a new member. And I wholly agree that it was very well researched. Ah, well, it can't be helped; blood will out <odious smirk>

Tell you what, it's the fish and the 30% Tibeto-Burmese mixture.
I am hamstrung because I cannot post links being a new member..else I would have flooded my comments with references..but if you are a bit enterprising enough, you will find the necessary academic links supporting my arguments

Weak argument.

You could forward your references, or your complete referenced note, to a cooperative member, and get it published that way.

I think Radhakrishnan and Swami Nikhilananda of RKM were more knowledgeable on the proper translation than anybody commenting on this thread.....

Sarvapalli Radhakarishnan was head of religious studies at Oxford for close to two decades and also a Nationalist who later became President

and you have to see all the three verses, there is a clear colour gradation as well knowledge gradation..As if , if you have more of one (lightness of skin), you get less of other

You might also ask: what precisely does moon-like effulgence mean? Darker?

The man is a bigot and Hindu-centric, and cannot get away from that.

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