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The indian that speaks the truth .

Nope Nawab of Hder wanted his land to go to Pakistan... Indian troops marched in and stole it
if that would happened it would be made india to toy with pakistan every other day like an eve teaser toys with a girl on the streets.

arundhati-she is a person who love to satisfy her ego by ranting one sided speech.sikhs slaughtered many hindus in punjab.but wait hindu's are majority.aren't they?sufi kashmiris killed many pandits,dogras and sikhs and displaced 5 lacs hindus.but wait aren't hindu's a majority??
just because hindu's are in majority doesn't mean we have to bow down to minorities
No you are reading her wrong.There is no ego boasting or attention seeking in her case.Her case agenda driven.And she always follows the well defined path in all the issues she takes up.
Lol is she dumb or what? she said state of pakistan has not deployed army against it's own people the way India has done...I guess she purposely turns a blind eye towards Balochistan and other issues of pakistan...

besides how can she say that Hindus waged war against goan christians??? she is insulting freedom fighters of goa who gave their life in 1961 goa liberation war..

I have no problem with someone pointing out harsh truths about India but this woman is so dumb..kind of a attention seeking %#$^
Lol is she dumb or what? she said state of pakistan has not deployed army against it's own people the way India has done...I guess she purposely turns a blind eye towards Balochistan and other issues of pakistan...

I have no problem with someone pointing out harsh truths about India but this woman is so dumb..kind of a attention seeking %#$^
As i already posted in last pages that she will never touch jehadi and communist genocide with a barge of a pole as she knows the consequence.
and the only way we can ensure that it does not happen in future is by admitting it and learning from it........

Admitting & learning? Sure we do, that's why India has been able to do a fairly decent job of integrating its different groups. Sure there are mistakes & more will be committed but we give every Indian the same democratic right that the rest have. I see that you compared the state of India with British colonialism, the main difference is that the British never considered us a part of their nation nor did they give us the same rights they had. That's moot. Many countries disallow secession of their parts including the United States which was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in the government of the U.S. v/s Texas. Nothing at all wrong there. The argument of being colonial falls flat when you remember that there is no constitutional bar for any Indian to get to any post which is not something the British ever considered.

Arundhati Roy has, unfortunately many followers for her ideas which include the support for armed Maoists to overthrow a democratic state. The claims that Maoists have wide support is completely untrue because if they did in fact have that kind of support, they could stand in elections & win on their agenda. Support in remote tribal areas for people with guns are not the same as support in the absence of that gun. Arundhathi Roy is a seeker of causes, if it is not this, it's something else. She got involved in the Narmada campaign, at one point dictating to Amir Khan that he could not be a part of the campaign till he stopped endorsing Coke which by her twisted mentality created a disqualification for supporting the agitation over a dam. She subsequently made contemptuous remarks on the judges of the Supreme Court & was sentenced to jail where she was given an opportunity to stand up for her convictions by refusing to pay a fine & instead undergo further imprisonment for 15 days. She chickened out, paid the fine & got out. So much for the strength of her convictions! She hates the Indian middle class & therefore criticises everything that they hold dear. She dramatically renounced her Indian citizenship in an article on a British newspaper after the nuclear tests & yet refuses to let go of her India bashing. She enjoys the adulation of the west, pretty much spends most of her time there & yet criticises every Indian who aspires to a higher standard of living. She wrote one bad book ages ago & continues to inflict herself on us thereafter. She is "a janda in search of an agenda". Anything where she might portray herself as this great crusader(only as long as she does not have to go to jail for her convictions- that is her limit for support) will do. Comparing her with Pakistanis like Najam Sethi or HassanNisar or Parvez Hoodbhoy is silly because those gentlemen don't hate Pakistan & certainly don't support a violent overthrow of democracy.

This lady does not care for India & it is time we reciprocate similarly.
Any idea where does Ms. Roy gets the funding for her high flying lifestyle and activities?
I doubt whether anyone anymore buys the only book she wrote about her slutty mother..
Also, any info on the controvery about her villa illegaly built in the protected forest zone somewhere in MadhyaPradesh.
Any idea where does Ms. Roy gets the funding for her high flying lifestyle and activities?
I doubt whether anyone anymore buys her one book she wrote..
Also, any info on the controvery about her villa illegaly built in the protected forest zone somewhere in MadhyaPradesh.
selling poverty and miseries brings in hell lot of money.
if that would happened it would be made india to toy with pakistan every other day like an eve teaser toys with a girl on the streets.

No you are reading her wrong.There is no ego boasting or attention seeking in her case.Her case agenda driven.And she always follows the well defined path in all the issues she takes up.

i have seen many videos of her and i think she's biased.i mean i don't like the government too but i don't bash muslims or dalits or hindus.in this video you can see she was bashing upper hindu cast.my simple question is why this bashing???why don't she bash muslims for killing and displacing thousands of kashmiri pandits????
see this is the thing iam talking about.she's completely biased and even if she have some agenda of her own like you are saying why she's dragging upper casts and why not the government?
people in punjab and kashmir were killed for the sake of political party and ideology not for nationalism.First of all you have to define the idea of india in order to derive the indian nationalism from it.Whatever killings goes on in india is all clash of different ideologies not the nationalism.for indians to understand the concept of nationalism it will take forever.

It's quite hilarious that we have to learn nationalism and ideologies from traitors like you now. :lol:
It's quite hilarious that we have to learn nationalism and ideologies from traitors like you now. :lol:
even your enemy can be a best teacher to you like Ravana was to Laxman or vibhishna was to ravana himself.:tongue:

What is the source of that money?

i have seen many videos of her and i think she's biased.i mean i don't like the government too but i don't bash muslims or dalits or hindus.in this video you can see she was bashing upper hindu cast.my simple question is why this bashing???why don't she bash muslims for killing and displacing thousands of kashmiri pandits????
see this is the thing iam talking about.she's completely biased and even if she have some agenda of her own like you are saying why she's dragging upper casts and why not the government?
already answered in various posts on previous pages.
even your enemy can be a best teacher to you like Ravana was to Laxman or vibhishna was to ravana himself.:tongue:


already answered in various posts on previous pages.

No we prefer to ignore traitors cos they are nothing but cheap sh!t passing off as something worthwhile.

Traitors prefer to lick @sses of others while feeding off of us. Thank the lucky stars that India and Indians are quite tolerant otherwise traitors cannot pull their sh!t in other countries without being killed by their intelligence agencies or being put behind bars.
To understand arundhati one has to understand that neither she is leftist nor centrist and she cant be rightist at all.She is just a writer who assumes the role as depending upon the burning issue of the time.in 1990s it was tribal issue against against narmada dam so she was with narmada bachao andolan for some time then she found the issue of gujarat and afzal guru in so she distanced herself with narmada issue.2002-2007 saw her campaigning for Gujarat and afzal guru after these issues lost shine she took up the maoist issue in 2008 when around this time GOI announced operation green hunt.I'll define her as Don Quixote who thinks herself as champion and fighting the windmill in her own novels articles etc.She is not truthful to the cause she supports rather she use the burning issues to satisfy her don quixotic ego.

She is just like another one of those shameless filmstars who talk out of their *** just to earn publicity or money.

come on dude you can do better than this..........none of the things she mentioned are false.....they are our history....we have to admit it and learn from it

which of those are true? i would love to have you explaining them to me.

I dont see how north eastern states belong to India by default with ZERO cultural similarity with rest of us ........how does that make us different from british colonists,which is the point she was trying to make......

lets not even start on what happened in kashmir and punjab......

I m not saying we as Indians do not have a right to protect ourselves and grow as a nation...BUT we have to admit our Govt has made major human rights violation in the past....u have to understand the guys who control the army are the corrupt politicians sitting in the parliament with no sense of morality whatsoever

its a big deal dude

Do you really know that,there is no cultural similarity? Have you been there or known those people?

Cultural similarity? Our country is based on intuitive cultural choice,not aggregating culture similarities?
I completely agree with you.... this is exactly the point she was making that to further our own national interests we have adopted the path of colonial powers of the past and during this process we have killed a lot of innocent people....

History tells us this has happened many times in the past and will unfortunately continue to happen in the future....so India should not deny it when it is accused of the same... we should not try to claim a higher moral ground than britishers etc

Britishers looted our country and manipulated it for their own good,what the Indian government is doing is Rajdharma.You need to come out of idealistic mindset and live in reality.

Foresight is important in life, if you want peace tomorrow,you should wage war today,not even today,right now.

There was no liberation of Hyderabad... You stole the land

please stay out of this thread,your presence will decrease the IQ levels to below -400.

Nope Nawab of Hder wanted his land to go to Pakistan... Indian troops marched in and stole it

It doesn't matter what he thinks,history takes natural course and thats why he got finished like he did.
It's quite hilarious that we have to learn nationalism and ideologies from traitors like you now. :lol:
Who I am to teach you?Even God cant teach person like you.Meri to hasti hi kya.

No we prefer to ignore traitors cos they are nothing but cheap sh!t passing off as something worthwhile.
The way you prefer to respond especially to my post thats tells something opposite to what you claim.isnt ot?:no::pakistan:

Traitors prefer to lick @sses of others while feeding off of us. Thank the lucky stars that India and Indians are quite tolerant otherwise traitors cannot pull their sh!t in other countries without being killed by their intelligence agencies or being put behind bars.
taritors like vibishana try hard that brother ravan see the path to dharma but all in vain.so they themselves chose the dharmic path and joins the Ram camp.:tongue:

She is just like another one of those shameless filmstars who talk out of their *** just to earn publicity or money.
No she is not like film-star rather she is very committed to her cause.

which of those are true? i would love to have you explaining them to me.
Do you really know that,there is no cultural similarity? Have you been there or known those people?
Cultural similarity? Our country is based on intuitive cultural choice,not aggregating culture similarities?
dont be harsh on him for he has no idea of india.what is idea is basically of a state described by its cultural boundaries.

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