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The week after Trump: loser liberals committing hate crimes

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Dec 12, 2008
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Everyone can post stories here, I'll start out:

While many reports of hate crimes against minorities and immigrants have proven to be hoaxes, one Slovenian immigrant was targeted in an anti-Trump protest in Washington, D.C., Saturday night.

A man protesting the election of President-elect Donald Trump held up a sign saying "Rape Melania," a reference to Trump's wife, a legal immigrant from Slovenia.

The man had gathered with other anti-Trump protesters in front of the new Trump hotel in Washington, D.C., which opened on Pennsylvania Avenue at the site of the Old Post Office building. The protester holding the sign reportedly fled when confronted by the lone Trump supporter in the crowd.

This anonymous protester's response to the election signals a clear contrast with that of the Slovenian prime minister, Dr. Miro Cerar. "Of course I am very happy that Slovenia was part of this election with our Melania Trump becoming the First Lady of the United States," Cerar wrote in a statement Wednesday. "I am sure that the president-elect already knows a lot about Slovenia."

Conservatives on Twitter blasted the mainstream media for allegedly ignoring the story.
Gabriella @FocusedOnNow

. @CNN why are you IGNORING the "Rape Melania" signs that protestors are holding outside Trump Tower? Is THAT NOT newsworthy? #WhereIsPOTUS

9:04 AM - 13 Nov 2016

HeatStreet's Stephen Miller argued that any liberal media's act of ignoring this story would undercut any of their future attacks on the "rape culture."

Stephen Miller


Media & Hollywood can pretty much STFU about rape culture when NYT/Vox/WaPost/Buzzfeed remain silent about "Rape Melania" protest signs

9:34 PM - 12 Nov 2016

Some reported this was a feminist protest, and attacked the irony.

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REGATED @regated

Liberals and Rape Advocates teamed up at the Trump International Hotel. A feminist holds a sign that says 'Rape Melania' #TrumpProtests

11:16 PM - 12 Nov 2016

Even anti-Trump liberals joined the chorus attacking the sign's message. This does not represent them, they said.

Chris Haber Ritacca @ChrisRitacca

I just saw that #RapeMelania is trending. This is wrong. This is not funny. We believe in women's rights and equality - not this. #GoHigh

10:02 AM - 13 Nov 2016 · Orion, MI


Sean @SeanJohn1313
Rape Melania sign is unacceptable. I dislike Trump immensely but I denounce the individual who carried that sign. That is NOT who we are.

10:09 AM - 13 Nov 2016

PacketSled Puts CEO on Administrative Leave After He Threatens to Take Out Trump with a Sniper Rifle


The security firm PacketSled announced on Sunday that it has put its CEO on administrative leave after he threatened to take out President-elect Donald Trump with a sniper rifle. PacketSled defines itself as "a disruptive security company focused on detection, response, and continuous monitoring of advanced threats."

Ironically, some Trump supporters on Reddit caught PacketSled CEO Matt Harrigan making some fairly disturbing "advanced threats" of his own on the night of the election:

"I'm going to kill the president. Elect," Harrigan declared on Facebook. When someone cautioned him about making comments that could attract the attention of the FBI or Secret Service, Harrigan said, "Bring it secret service." When one of his buddies said "you just need to get high," he went into disturbing detail about his plans.

"Nope, getting a sniper rifle and perching myself where it counts. Find a bedroom in the White House that suits you, motherf*cker. I'll find you." Later on that night, he wrote in all caps, "IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS F*CK YOU AMERICA. SERIOUSLY. F*CK OFF."

Note that it took Trump supporters on Reddit and social media to blow the whistle on this goon. So far, the MSM has been mum on this story.

After his comments were exposed, Harrigan walked them back at the PacketSled website, saying he was merely "joking" even though there was nothing even remotely funny about his what he said.

PacketSled has since removed his statement from its website.

He offered some more mea culpas on Twitter:

PacketSled posted the following on its Facebook page:

PacketSled takes recent comments made by our CEO, seriously. Once we were made aware of these comments, we immediately reported this information to the secret service and will cooperate fully with any inquiries. These comments do not reflect the views or opinions of PacketSled, its employees, investors or partners. Our CEO has been placed on administrative leave.​

I don't know how a maniac like that gets to be the CEO of a security company, but his unhinged comments warrant something more than being placed on administrative leave. This man has no business being in any way involved with -- let alone the CEO of -- a security company.

PacketSled Puts CEO on Administrative Leave After He Threatens to Take Out Trump with a Sniper Rifle


The security firm PacketSled announced on Sunday that it has put its CEO on administrative leave after he threatened to take out President-elect Donald Trump with a sniper rifle. PacketSled defines itself as "a disruptive security company focused on detection, response, and continuous monitoring of advanced threats."

Ironically, some Trump supporters on Reddit caught PacketSled CEO Matt Harrigan making some fairly disturbing "advanced threats" of his own on the night of the election:

"I'm going to kill the president. Elect," Harrigan declared on Facebook. When someone cautioned him about making comments that could attract the attention of the FBI or Secret Service, Harrigan said, "Bring it secret service." When one of his buddies said "you just need to get high," he went into disturbing detail about his plans.

"Nope, getting a sniper rifle and perching myself where it counts. Find a bedroom in the White House that suits you, motherf*cker. I'll find you." Later on that night, he wrote in all caps, "IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS F*CK YOU AMERICA. SERIOUSLY. F*CK OFF."

Note that it took Trump supporters on Reddit and social media to blow the whistle on this goon. So far, the MSM has been mum on this story.

After his comments were exposed, Harrigan walked them back at the PacketSled website, saying he was merely "joking" even though there was nothing even remotely funny about his what he said.

PacketSled has since removed his statement from its website.

He offered some more mea culpas on Twitter:

PacketSled posted the following on its Facebook page:

PacketSled takes recent comments made by our CEO, seriously. Once we were made aware of these comments, we immediately reported this information to the secret service and will cooperate fully with any inquiries. These comments do not reflect the views or opinions of PacketSled, its employees, investors or partners. Our CEO has been placed on administrative leave.​

I don't know how a maniac like that gets to be the CEO of a security company, but his unhinged comments warrant something more than being placed on administrative leave. This man has no business being in any way involved with -- let alone the CEO of -- a security company.
Liberals put all sorts of crazies in positions of power,that s why they are so dangerous to humanity.They wanted to put that dementia aflicted Clinton woman in the White House for God's sake.

November 14, 2016
The violent peace-loving left is revolting
By Carol Brown
The left will not stand for a President Trump. They’re crying, screaming, threatening, and attacking. None of us is safe – whether you’re an adult, a child, or even an innocent dog.

Trump supporters are being beaten on the street. Young students who voted for Trump in mock elections are being physically assaulted. One mother kicked her 7-year-old out of the house, verbally accosting him throughout the shocking ordeal, after learning that he voted for Trump in a mock election. She then posted the disgusting scene on YouTube. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

Violent protests riots across the country are spreading as leftist goons having unfettered pre-pubescent tantrums drone on about “peace” and “love.” Targets of the attacks are anything and anyone, including the police. Meanwhile, plans are in the works to disrupt Trump’s inauguration with “civil unrest.” (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

In addition to violence and threats of violence, the madness of the left expresses itself in other ways, such as when the CEO of one company seemed to order employees who supported Trump to resign. (Since then, shares in the company have dropped nearly 10%.) Or when a taqiyya-practicing Muslima filed a false police report claiming that a Trump supporter attacked her. She has since been charged with filing a false claim. (See here, here, here, and here.)

There are calls for the election results to be overturned, and lawsuits against Trump are in the works. One supposedly conservative journalist (cough) declared that Trump would resign or be impeached by the end of his first year in office. (I guess the crease in Trump’s pants didn’t cut mustard with the guy. You know whom I’m talking about.) (See here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

West Coast states want to secede from the union. Until that happens, leftists are finding all sorts of ridiculous ways to comfort their fragile selves. Some are wearing safety pins (such as used on diapers) to signify they are a safe space for other traumatized zombies. Schools are offering grief counseling, allowing students to skip exams, bringing kittens and puppies into classrooms, and providing coloring books and Play-Doh (that’s at the university level, by the way) among other measures to protect shattered souls. Videos are being made by the perpetually hysterical and tearful that give testimony to their abject trauma, including Yoko Ono recording a 19-second ear-shattering “primal scream.” (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

As readers are well aware, the media have been in full meltdown mode, shamelessly exposing themselves as the hacks they are, just as they did in the months leading up to the election. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

Predictably, members of the Hollywood elite are also distressed. Why anyone cares what these people think is beyond me. Do journalists ever spread out across the country to ask farmers or steel workers for their thoughts on major events such as the results of this election? No. Instead, one-name goons like Cher and Madonna are peddled as important voices to weigh in on such matters.

As for Donald Trump, the rallying cry for him to be murdered comes from various quarters. Twitter has allowed the #assassinatetrump hashtag. Effigies of Trump have been hung, set ablaze, and beaten with sticks. Mobs in the street have threatened to set Trump Tower on fire. And a sign at one protest called for Melania to be raped. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

The madness is unfolding at breakneck speed, with no end in sight. The president (or even Hillary Clinton, for that matter) could make a statement to help settle this insanity. But he hasn’t. I think we can safely assume he’s all on board with it, even cheering it on from the privacy of his soon to be former residence.

May God keep Trump and his family safe. And may we prevail against the evil machine that is communism masked as progressivism masked as the Democratic Party.

Hat tips: The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, The Right Scoop, Weasel Zippers
If this meaningless protests continues for a long time then Trump is assured of another 4 years.
If this meaningless protests continues for a long time then Trump is assured of another 4 years.
Well, one cannot very well take office in January without taking into account any protests from now to the inauguartion. That would be politically unwise. It doesn't necessarily mean explicitly doing something with it, but it will be watched and considered both by the incoming team and by many abroad. So, in that sense it is not at all meaningless.

Six More Examples of Anti-Trump Violence



Largely unsubstantiated reports of pro-Donald Trump attacks against minorities -- some already revealed to be hoaxes -- are receiving national coverage in mainstream media.

Meanwhile, CONFIRMED incidents of anti-Trump violence are being ignored, as the media, left-wing organizations, and even Democratic members of Congress push a false narrative.

On Monday, I compiled a list of five well-documented incidents of assault against Trump supporters.

Here are six more:

  1. In Austin, Texas, six communists were arrested for assaulting Trump supporters who came to a "peaceful protest" against the results of the election.
6 Members Of Austin-Area Communist Group Arrested For Attacking Trump Supporters… http://www.weaselzippers.us/307682-6-members-of-austin-area-communist-group-arrested-for-attacking-trump-supporters/ …

3:33 PM - 15 Nov 2016

6 Members Of Austin-Area Communist Group Arrested For Attacking Trump Supporters…
Via Valley Central: Protests against President-elect Donald Trump continued both nationwide and locally Sunday night. About 150-200 people gathered at the Capitol to stage a “peaceful protest” [...]


Via CBS Austin:

The Texas Department of Public Safety says it arrested 6 members of a local communist group, Red Guards Austin, for assaulting pro-Trump members in Sunday's protest.

DPS troopers arrested Jarred Roark, 34, after he allegedly assaulted an individual on South Congress and 11th Street adjacent to the State Capitol.

Roark was arrested on felony aggravated assault, resisting arrest and evading arrest.

Troopers also arrested five other suspects related to the initial incident...​

2. Last Thursday, a California high school teacher was punched in the face by an anti-Trump student trying to recruit anti-Trump protesters.

Via The College Fix:

Staff at College Park High School in Pleasant Hill were alerted to news that students from nearby schools were going around “recruiting” their peers from other schools to join in an anti-Donald Trump protest.

According to KTVU-2, two College Park teachers were attempting to block passage to students shortly after the principal had called for a school-wide lockdown. That’s when the scuffle broke out.

“That teacher and the other teacher that got punched were trying to block the hall but it didn’t work out,” said student Armon Aziz.


"We provide students the opportunity to express themselves but I do not condone at any time when you impede educational progress at any campus," said Principal Alvarez.

The principal says he left the gates to the school open because he heard students were jumping the gates at other schools and he didn’t want anyone getting hurt.

"Everybody was kind of trampling each other so everybody went at each other," said one student.

School officials say they went into lockdown mode, shutting the doors to the classrooms and that’s when the fight broke out.

"Hopefully we’re able to identify the student in that video," said Principal Alvarez.

We saw the teacher leaving after school let out, he didn’t want to talk but said he was ok.​

3. A man was attacked and choked by two men on a New York City subway for wearing a Trump hat:

Via ABC7:

Corey Cataldo, 24, of the Bronx, said he was riding the uptown 5 train from Union Square to Morris Park Friday, when another rider on the subway spotted his "Make America Great Again" hat and apparently didn't like it.​

He spoke exclusively on television for Eyewitness News reporter Lucy Yang.

Cataldo explained that the situation heated up as the train got close to the 138th Street/Grand Concourse station.

"He asked me if I'm a Trump supporter. I said 'yeah' and thought he'd say 'me too.' People have been doing that," Cataldo said. "But no. This man was not a Trump supporter."

Cataldo said the man stood up and became flustered.

"The next thing I know, I have hands around my neck and I'm being choked," Cataldo said. "I try to fight him off, and another gentleman comes over, pretends like he's going to help me and says 'get off of him.' He shoves me up against the wall, up against the window."

He said no one on the train did anything to help. He was finally able to escape.

The NYPD has been notified of the incident, and they're looking for the two men involved.​

4. Protesters assaulted U.S. Marines in a New Orleans bar as they celebrated the Marine Corps' birthday.

Via NOLA.com:

Protesters encountered a group of Marines, who were celebrating the Corps' birthday. The two groups hurled insults at each other. At one point, a beer that looked to be chucked from someone in the protest landed near the Marines.

Marine Corps veteran and New Orleans resident Morey Butler, 48, said a protester flipped his glasses off his face. Another Marine and New Orleans resident, Roan Palmer, 36, said a protester spit in his face.

"As a Marine, I respect their rights," Butler said. "But I don't respect that they put their hands on another human being."

Butler and Palmer reported the incidents to a police officer nearby, though it was not immediately clear if the officer had seen what the men reported or if any arrest were made.​

5. An eleven-year-old student in Stafford, Texas was attacked by classmates for voting for Trump in a mock election.

Via Fox26 Houston:

“These boys decided to ask the classroom, ‘Who voted for Donald Trump?’ And then I said, ‘I did.’ And then they come over here and jerked me out of my seat,” said the student. “Before I could get up they started kicking me and punching me.”​

The student’s name was protected by request of his parents. But he told us the classroom did have a teacher present. He said when he was on the ground, it “felt like it was forever”.

“We have not really gotten a clear explanation of how long this went on and why did it take so long for it to be stopped?” said his father Buddy Lemmon.

The Lemmons said they received a call from the principal of the school immediately after the incident.

“I took him to the hospital, we went and made a statement to the police officers, and then I took him to the emergency room so he could get some x-rays done.”

Lemmon said her son has deep bruises throughout his body. After speaking with Stafford MSD, they gave us a statement that says:

The Stafford Municipal School District is investigating an altercation that took place on its Intermediate School campus on Wednesday morning. The students allegedly involved in the altercation have been suspended, pending an investigation.

Upon completion of the investigation, consequences will be applied in line with the District’s Code of Conduct.

The Stafford Municipal School District works diligently to ensure a safe environment for all students and staff and will not tolerate aggression of any kind.​

6. A 15-year-old Trump supporter was beaten by anti-Trump protesters in Rockville, Maryland.


A march of students in Rockville, Maryland, protesting the election of Donald Trump to the presidency turned violent on Wednesday morning as a teenager wearing one of the Trump campaigns "Make American Great Again" hats was beaten.​

Hundreds of students from Richard Montgomery High School were marching near the Rockville courthouse on Maryland Avenue in a protest that began at about 10 a.m. when a 15-year-old boy wearing one of the Trump campaign’s “Make American Great Again” hats was “beaten down, to be honest,” by about four students.

The student was taken away in an ambulance.

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Nick Iannelli @NickWTOP

This kid was just beaten by protesters. Police helping him.#WTOP

10:17 AM - 16 Nov 2016
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FOX 32 NEWS - Chicago investigators are questioning four African-Americans after a Facebook Live video shows a group of people torturing a white mentally disabled man while someone yelled "F*** Trump!" and "F*** white people!"

Chicago police were made aware of the video Tuesday afternoon. A young African American woman streamed the video live on Facebook showing at least four people holding the young white man hostage.

"The video is reprehensible," said police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.

"It's sickening. You know it makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that," Police Supt. Eddie Johnson added.

Throughout the video, the victim is repeatedly kicked and hit, his scalp is cut, all while he is tied up with his mouth taped shut.

At one point, the victim is held at knife point and told to curse President-elect Donald Trump. The group also forces the victim to drink water from a toilet.

The suspects can be heard saying they want the video to go viral.

Detectives think the victim, who lives in the suburbs and appeared to be in his late teens or early 20s, met some acquaintances in northwest suburban Streamwood and they drove him to Chicago in a stolen vehicle, Guglielmi said.

The victim is then believed to have been held hostage and tortured in an apartment in the 3400 block of West Lexington on the West Side, Guglielmi said.

On Tuesday afternoon, police officers spotted the victim walking on a street on the West Side wearing shorts, Guglielmi said. Because it was unusual to see a man in shorts in the cold weather, the officers stopped to talk to the man, who appeared disoriented, and he was taken to a hospital to be treated for his injuries.

Toxicology tests were performed at the hospital to determine if the victim was under the influence of anything.

Police said the victim was a classmate of one of the suspects. He was held hostage for at least 24 hours and as long as 48 hours.

"It's quite a possibility that this is a kidnapping and that's certainly one of the charges we'll be seeking if it turns out to be that. But, he's traumatized by the incident and it's tough to communicate with him at this point," said Chicago Police Commander Kevin Duffin.

Community activist Andrew Holmes was made aware of the disturbing video, which he is calling a "hate crime."

Although President-elect Donald Trump was mentioned, Chicago Police do not believe the crime was politically motivated.

"I think some of it is just stupidity, people just ranting about something that they think might make a headline. I don't think that at this point we have anything concrete to really point us in that direction, but we'll keep investigating and we'll let the facts guide us on how this concludes," Supt. Johnson said.

Charges are expected to be filed in the next 24 hours.

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Didn't they try to cut off that mentally disabled man's scalp?

Sort of like what happened to the Native Americans, though in that case they cut off body parts like the scalp and the scrotum to make tobacco pouches.

Pretty weird symbolism.
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