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There is NO HONOR in Killing

Humble Pakistani


New Recruit

Apr 27, 2013
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Over 1200 females of all ages are killed in the name of honor every year in Pakistan. It is insane and totally crazy to think that one can safeguard their honor by taking a life. You do not only dishonor the one you kill but dishonor yourself and your family as well. What bothers me the most is that somehow honor killings are associated with religion.

I guess it seems that most honor killings occur in Muslim societies - Which may be correct but honor killings happens in India among Hindus and Christians as well. I guess what makes this act even more shameful is that the killers are acquitted in majority of cases on an Islamic blood money law. It is sad that it is happening in a religion that values life as a precious gift from the Lord.

We see people wearing the religion on their sleeves and foreheads, yet when a pregnant young helpless woman is beaten to death, with thirty or so onlookers, it is shameful that not one had the courage to step forward and help this dissolute woman. Doesn’t the Prophet (for whom we are willing to kill) has asked us to stand up against injustices and help the down trodden? Did we not disobey him and dishonor him by not standing up against this attack on a helpless woman?

It is time for Pakistani law makers to make sure they draft a law soon that will ensure harsh, strict and swift punishments for the offenders. It is also high time for the media to raise awareness among the masses about this honor killing. Its time we educate our populace about this crime, which has become part of our society.

Source:There is NO HONOR in Killing | The Pakistani Spectator
It is time for Pakistani law makers to make sure they draft a law soon that will ensure harsh, strict and swift punishments for the offenders. It is also high time for the media to raise awareness among the masses about this honor killing. Its time we educate our populace about this crime, which has become part of our society.

Pakistani society is shameless. It has become so addicted to corruption and law evasion that people don't want to change the system.

So a few hundred (probably thousand) women and kids get abused every year.

Who cares, as long as people can continue evading taxes, bribing their way to get things done, bribing their way to get out of trouble, etc., etc.?
honor killing is the worst crime.. how is there any fucking honor in killing anybody at all, especially your own blood ones?
Umm I'm 1000% agree here with Nisar Hassan
Ham na muslman hain na hi Insan. A bitter truth, we saw horrible crimes too see them even humanity start cry but we forget It in few hours and Waite what happen next.
Corrupt cultures and societies have to be quarantined otherwise they spread their virus all over the world.
You need set up harsh law to punish those bastards.
According to pakistani law the family of the victim can choose to forgive the murderer and he is acquitted.This law empowers honor killings and in family killings because they can arrange someone to to kill and later forgive the killer or kill and forgive themselves!
Where are the ‘Thakedars’ of religion? An adult Muslim is free to marry another adult Muslim of his/her choice. But not so in the land of the pure! Police stands by and watches defenceless pregnant women killed with bricks in front of hundreds of people!

But a nation obsessed with bigotry where Taliban butchers are called Shaheed by the leaders of Jamaat Islami and where young men are followed in the streets of Defence Society and shot dead but the killer goes free after paying blood money; what do you expect? I wonder if there are even greater depths that our society is capable of plunging into.

I am ashamed of belonging to a nation which fails to protect lives of even women & children. We call ourselves fortress of Islam but we are not even worthy of being called a nation of human beings, let alone being called a ‘Momin’ and follower of the man who was embodiment of compassion.

You will see that venom spitting mullah's who never tire of calling every one else 'Kafir' will never dare to speak against such an in human act. Only a few NGO's will raise any noise. But then NGO's are agents of the CIA, RAW & Mossaad.
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Over 1200 females of all ages are killed in the name of honor every year in Pakistan. It is insane and totally crazy to think that one can safeguard their honor by taking a life. You do not only dishonor the one you kill but dishonor yourself and your family as well. What bothers me the most is that somehow honor killings are associated with religion.

I guess it seems that most honor killings occur in Muslim societies - Which may be correct but honor killings happens in India among Hindus and Christians as well. I guess what makes this act even more shameful is that the killers are acquitted in majority of cases on an Islamic blood money law. It is sad that it is happening in a religion that values life as a precious gift from the Lord.

We see people wearing the religion on their sleeves and foreheads, yet when a pregnant young helpless woman is beaten to death, with thirty or so onlookers, it is shameful that not one had the courage to step forward and help this dissolute woman. Doesn’t the Prophet (for whom we are willing to kill) has asked us to stand up against injustices and help the down trodden? Did we not disobey him and dishonor him by not standing up against this attack on a helpless woman?

It is time for Pakistani law makers to make sure they draft a law soon that will ensure harsh, strict and swift punishments for the offenders. It is also high time for the media to raise awareness among the masses about this honor killing. Its time we educate our populace about this crime, which has become part of our society.

Source:There is NO HONOR in Killing | The Pakistani Spectator
dude, i would love to help a women in distress, but you know what would happen? they would just blame her and me for having an affair.........so ppl tend to avoid that
the law is really weird. It should be objective, not subjective.

why would the victim family play a role in deciding the sentence???

It is really nonsense.

According to pakistani law the family of the victim can choose to forgive the murderer and he is acquitted.This law empowers honor killings and in family killings because they can arrange someone to to kill and later forgive the killer or kill and forgive themselves!
This keeps getting better and better...(highlights below are mine)

Pakistan police call Farzana Parveen’s stoning a ‘routine murder’ | News.com.au

  • JUNE 01, 2014 12:43AM

Stoned to death ... Mohammad Iqbal holds up an image of his wife Farzana Parveen, who was beaten to death with bricks by her father and other family members. Source: AFP

PAKISTANI police have denied negligence over their failure to stop the bludgeoning to death of a woman outside a courthouse, describing it as a simple murder case despite a chorus of global condemnation.

Farzana Parveen died after she was set upon by more than two dozen attackers armed with bricks outside Lahore’s High Court on Tuesday, including numerous relatives, for marrying against her family’s wishes.

Police were present at the scene but did not stop the mob killing Parveen, who was three months pregnant.

Parveen’s father Mohammad Azeem was detained at the scene of the attack. Four others, including an uncle, two of her cousins, and a driver were arrested late on Thursday.

Senior officer Zulfiqar Hameed defended his men’s actions, saying one had snatched a gun from an attacker, but claimed the mob was too large for police to stop the killing. He also blamed foreign media for their “inaccurate” description of events.


Mourning ... Iqbal (C) prays alongside relatives for his wife. Source: AFP

“It is a routine murder case like other murder cases and has to be seen in the context of Pakistani society,” Hameed said.

“The foreign media is wrongly describing it as stoning without seeing the background of the two families, which is not good and which resulted in this incident,” he added.

Hameed also claimed Parveen’s husband Mohammad Iqbal had absconded from justice for four years after murdering his wife, and alleged that Parveen eloped with him despite already being married.

Iqbal — who on Thursday admitted he had strangled his first wife out of love for Parveen — had told AFP he wanted to see her attackers “killed with bricks”.

He was spared jail for his first wife’s murder because his sons persuaded her family to pardon him under Pakistan’s blood-money laws.


Condemnation ... Pakistani activists hold placards as they chant slogans during a protest against the killing of Parveen, who was three months pregnant. Source: AFP

These allow a victim’s family to forgive the murderer, which makes prosecuting so-called “honour” cases difficult as the killer is usually a relative.

Abduction allegations

In a further complication to the case, defence lawyer Mansoor Khan Afridi on Saturday claimed Iqbal had abducted Parveen two years ago, when she was already married to her cousin Mazhar Iqbal.

“Mohammad Iqbal developed illicit relations with Farzana and used to visit her when her husband Mazhar Iqbal was not at home,” Afridi said. “Later Iqbal kidnapped her.” The lawyer claimed Mohammad Iqbal then obtained another marriage certificate, a crime if Parveen was already married to another man, he said.

Afridi said that cases of abduction and unlawful marriage had already been registered with police.

A Pakistani court extended the custody of Parveen’s father on Saturday, giving police seven more days to investigate the crime, senior police official Omer Riaz Cheema said.


Murdered ... Iqbal sits in an ambulance next to the body of his wife on the day of the stoning attack. Source: AP

Parveen was at court to testify in Iqbal’s defence when she was killed, after he was accused by her relatives of kidnapping her and forcing her into marriage.

Hundreds of women are murdered by their relatives in Pakistan each year in the name of defending family “honour”.

But the brazen, brutal nature of Parveen’s killing, in broad daylight in the centre of Pakistan’s second largest city, has triggered outrage around the world.

Officers made the later arrests after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif demanded immediate action on the case.

Last year, 869 women died in so-called “honour killings”, according to the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.
I do not know what honour means, but there could be a great deal of good in killing. It's just an act, what's behind the act makes it good or bad.

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