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Too many mosques, legislation needed

the wishful thinking or day dreaming of seculars/liberals in this forum is just hilarious ---- you guyz have given me something to laugh on for the whole day----:rofl:
the wishful thinking or day dreaming of seculars/liberals in this forum is just hilarious ---- you guyz have given me something to laugh on for the whole day----:rofl:

What is the action plan you visualise that will make the issue something not to laugh about?

Should there be a proliferation of mosques as per the whims and fancies of anyone who wants to become a power centre?

You may like to refer to the issues raised by Muse.

Tell us if he is wrong and if so, how.

That would be a serious contribution to the debate rather than merely stating that it has made your day with a bellyful of laughter.
What's your point? Or did you just want some attention?
Sir what I am saying you can only have moral authority when you have studied Islam you self and are following Shairah completely than you ask Ulemas and check Masjids if you will promote Secularism and other kufr systems and a than you will try to check the mosques you will face a severe backlash
Sir what I am saying you can only have moral authority when you have studied Islam you self and are following Shairah completely than you ask Ulemas and check Masjids if you will promote Secularism and other kufr systems and a than you will try to check the mosques you will face a severe backlash

Moral authority belongs to those people who do not lie, cheat, steal, who are kind to other, who are tolerant, who do not adopt violence as the first means of reaction, who do not engage in hate speech and so many other regular nothing to do with religion but moralistic things. If morality is a corner stone of Islam, then Pakistan is the smallest minority of Muslims.
I think you have misunderstood the term "secular", it's meaning for us is ILMamiyat, whereas the Wahabi understanding of it is Ladeeniyat -- so secular refers to other sources of science than just religious sciences -- And if you begin going the route of Kufr andby definition kafir, then things will go south, really quickly - I would offer that perhaps it is this attitude that has lead to the atomization of Muslim sentiment and thought in Pakistan.
I think you have misunderstood the term "secular", it's meaning for us is ILMamiyat, whereas the Wahabi understanding of it is Ladeeniyat -- so secular refers to other sources of science than just religious sciences -- And if you begin going the route of Kufr andby definition kafir, then things will go south, really quickly - I would offer that perhaps it is this attitude that has lead to the atomization of Muslim sentiment and thought in Pakistan.
Sir don't try give me this funny meaning of Secularism of so called equal rights as Secularism didn't worked so called Secularists came up with this new funny translation which is actually a lie either you select Islam or you stand by Kufr their is not third option or a grey area
Why so many Masajid?

Mehru has pointed to the issue of land encroachment, basically theft -- however, an other issue which we may focus on and which to my understanding is more relevant, is the fact that Islam in Pakistan is evolving in a most curious manner -- there any number of Mullahs who have successfully attracted a following and before you know it, you have a new Masjid --The net effect it seems to me is that this serves to split, to separate in to ever smaller "denominations", if you will -- once we just all used to be Muslim, but now, the word Muslim is followed by sectarian and terms denoting differences on points of law and theology - just a damn shame -- but Mullahs seem determined to destroy the Islam of our forefathers and while they may be successful (and really we are to blame for allowing them to do that), I think we may be mindful that the pendulum will also swing the other way.

When one studies the manner in which the ulema taunted and pushed Kemal Pasha and to his ultimate response, one can understand that Mullah is not necessarily a thinker, he's a petty politician.

If the Mullah cannot control himself, then society has a obligation to safeguard those institutions that it must decide for itself, whether to save or not.

Its a generalized comment,branding all Mullahs as land thieving politically motivated thugs,and that may be true for some but not for all.We still have some very devoted and sincere Mullahs.
Building of too many masjids is not only due to Mullah but its the other way round..People with money consider building mosque as the quick route to heaven and an eternal investment,which is not wrong...
The bad part starts when too many mosques are built in small area and people get divided between them and one of the main purpose of mosque as a place of unity between muslims is killed...The blame is equally divided between the Mullah and the people..
like somebody in this forum already said that we have become lazy bums and want a mosque next to our house .
Also many people think that by donating large sums of money fron their illegitimate earnings to the mosque will purify their wealth,and thats a misconception...Haraam maal doesnt send you to heaven even if spent in mecca.
We had an incident here in Blackburn when somebody started building a mosque will lottery money...thinking that building a mosque will purify the rest of the millions they won in lottery..The construction was stopped by local scholars and peers.
So there can be many reasons for people building too many mosques not just sectarian..

Although i am not sure but i remember reading this in a religious book..probably hadith, that too many mosques near to each other create fitnah (conflict)
Moral authority belongs to those people who do not lie, cheat, steal, who are kind to other, who are tolerant, who do not adopt violence as the first means of reaction, who do not engage in hate speech and so many other regular nothing to do with religion but moralistic things. If morality is a corner stone of Islam, then Pakistan is the smallest minority of Muslims.

Sir Islam gives you moral authority and Islam is the best way of life because it was sent by ALLAH
Although i am not sure but i remember reading this in a religious book..probably hadith, that too many mosques near to each other create fitnah (conflict)

And this is exactly what we have said -- not because it was a hadith but because it is an obvious fact -- look how atomized we have become, from one to so so many -- and yet some speak of moral authority and best way of life - as if they had a clue what moral authority or the "best" way of life was about.

It is a tactic of those who have neither moral authority or intellectual ability, to appeal, in a rational discourse, to the super natural, as if it was a cheap commodity -- and that is why we are at where we are at.
you stand by Kufr their is not third option or a grey area

Today is net one more sad day in the evolution of this forum - Kufr and kafir are now our common discourse - happy days in Multan
I am in favor of legislation to be made- but not for restricting number of mosques- but to restrict whats been preached on the loud speakers-
I dont want to see a molvi instead talking about Islam cursing Musharraf or Zardari and Co ijn his Jummah prayer Khutba-
I dont want to see those cursing through loud speakers and when its time to pray- the loud speaker turned off for Salah-

In short- legislation has to be made- for the criteria for selecting Imam- He should be answerable to the authority for what happens inside a mosque-
Well, that means we will have to decide what is Islam and what is not - Pakistanis don't have the stomach for that and they don't have the will to confront the purveyors of new islam
When the whole Muslim world cannot come to a consensus of Shariah & Islam; when a true, just Islamic society has not been formed all over the Muslim world for centuries, I think it is important to have proper legislation in place that ensures violent ideologies do not spring that are against the state & its people.
Sir Islam gives you moral authority and Islam is the best way of life because it was sent by ALLAH

Only reciting the Kalima gives you moral authority? Even a prostitute in Heera Mandi calls herself Muslim, koi maanay ya na maanay.

So I guess the murders, thieves, liars, deceivers, traitors, wife beaters, rapists, honor killers, mistreating mother in laws, all can also claim Moral authority from their Islam, koi maanay ya na maanay.
Only reciting the Kalima gives you moral authority? Even a prostitute in Heera Mandi calls herself Muslim, koi maanay ya na maanay.

So I guess the murders, thieves, liars, deceivers, traitors, wife beaters, rapists, honor killers, mistreating mother in laws, all can also claim Moral authority from their Islam, koi maanay ya na maanay.

I wish Janubaba gave teeth to his views rather than giving bland pious platitudes which does not quite address the issue's core!

This is his trend in every post of his in every thread he has commented in!!

I don't know whether it was T Faz or Muse who wondered if it was all to draw attention to him!

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