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Trump blasts US as ‘a Nation in Decline’ in online rant over indictment

You mean like how the capitol was attacked and ransacked last time? No it won't be okay if you imprison Trump.
trump has 3 additional indictments coming his way, NO WAY OUT OF THEM now:

1. jan 6 Capitol attack- he will face his charge of defrauding the US and blocking official proceedings -2 felonies.

2. Georgia state elections interference- Georgia grand jury will indict him and he will be tried and need to face that jail sentence.

3. Defense documents found in Mar-A- Lago- he lied about the documents and claimed to have returned all docs, even his lawyer signed an affidavit to confirm that- he will face at least 2 or 3 charges from possessing 10s of highly secret govt docs the way he did.

Trump is DONE DONE DONE. if this man is able to run next year despite being a criminal in the justice system , my only conclusion is that being white in America is still pretty nice.
Again, I hope you are right. For my own very selfish reasons. But my own reasons can NEVER be based on sustaining the war-machine sitting in Washington. I'd rather live under a bridge than to have the 'prosperity' coming from killing innocent people anywhere. If you saw Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 911', you'd see there are plenty of people tied to the war machine who are quite content to blow up people by making weapons. I will NEVER be a part of them.

And wars are not needed for our prosperity anyway. America is very well blessed country with natural and human resources. There can be a great America inside a great World.

"War is the continuation of policy with other means", as Clausewitz said, and this principle has remained true in international geopolitics throughout human history, and shall remain so. US prosperity is not due to wars as the familiar refrain goes, rest assured; it comes from creativity.
trump has 3 additional indictments coming his way, NO WAY OUT OF THEM now:

1. jan 6 Capitol attack- he will face his charge of defrauding the US and blocking official proceedings -2 felonies.

2. Georgia state elections interference- Georgia grand jury will indict him and he will be tried and need to face that jail sentence.

3. Defense documents found in Mar-A- Lago- he lied about the documents and claimed to have returned all docs, even his lawyer signed an affidavit to confirm that- he will face at least 2 or 3 charges from possessing 10s of highly secret govt docs the way he did.

Trump is DONE DONE DONE. if this man is able to run next year despite being a criminal in the justice system , my only conclusion is that being white in America is still pretty nice.

America is going to burn if Trump is put behind bars. Trump supporters will never accept their guy thrown out of elections.
Trump is DONE DONE DONE. if this man is able to run next year despite being a criminal in the justice system , my only conclusion is that being white in America is still pretty nice.

If Trump was GW Bush, then Trump wouldn't be able to be even a contender, white or not. But Trump has tapped into some kind of 'soul' of America to garner 75 million votes in 2020 despite the many years of media onslaught against him. He has tapped into something in the American soul which I don't understand fully. Part of the soul is upon the sickness in Americans with the Washington elite. Part the intrinsic American isolationism. I don't know. But for an obvious charlatan, who lied/lies through his teeth, 75 million is a huge number. And, yes, I did vote for him but only as a lesser evil against the Democrats.

"War is the continuation of policy with other means", as Clausewitz said, and this principle has remained true in international geopolitics throughout human history, and shall remain so. US prosperity is not due to wars as the familiar refrain goes, rest assured; it comes from creativity.

Absolutely agree with the highlighted part. I live in a major college town, and I worked at a major university for 10 years, after getting two college degrees, and been living most of life surrounded by diversity and smart people. The conversations can be dizzying from Quantum Physics to Software engineering to Russian Studies, depending on who you talk to. Hahah!
He has tapped into something in the American soul which I don't understand fully. Part of the soul is upon the sickness in Americans with the Washington elite. Part the intrinsic American isolationism
It’s being tired with both parties and their elites. Creating wars and turmoil across the planet. American people are by nature simple.
The last 20 years has turned most of them off, actually disgusted them.
That is alien talk, buddy. The concept of 'due process' implies the person has to exercise emotional control, something most on PDF do not have.

That's okay. In fact, this can be a useful trait to be used productively where necessary. (Kinda like how USA gets Pakistan to do its bidding, in a way too.) :D

Absolutely agree with the highlighted part. I live in a major college town, and I worked at a major university for 10 years, after getting two college degrees, and been living most of life surrounded by diversity and smart people. The conversations can be dizzying from Quantum Physics to Software engineering to Russian Studies, depending on who you talk to. Hahah!

And yet look at all the crap posted on PDF ad nauseum by certain bots about how the USA is dead, or dying, and the USD is dead or dying, etc. etc. It is good, it does not affect anything real while keeping the losers satisfied at their defeats and losses. :D
This is what's going to be happening to Trump in a few days.





America is divided on political rhetoric, lets see how far trumps supporters willing to go to avoid his jail time, thing is that if he is jailed than in his supporters eyes his respect will be doubled as they will see him as a martyr who went to jail for standing up for them against the deep state, we have Q but lets not forget we still have 25 more Alphabets left.
Here, in the American South, where I live, Trump is a Demi God! The rage against the 'woke', the 'liberals', the 'inner city', is immense. The 'minorities' are looked suspiciously as anti-America or even 'racist'. Black people especially are looked at with anger in cities like Atlanta where they are perceived to vote as a block to make the recent Senate elections swing against a decent Republican black candidate versus a compromised black Democrat candidate.
The rage is building. Not quite to the 1850s level but the rage is building. I am personally not enraged by Trump's indictment even though around the fall of 2020 I saw Democrats as even worse than Republicans and voted for Trump, stunning everyone in my circle who had seen me for decades a blind liberal and Democrat supporter--and that goes as far as back as Bill Clinton in 1992!!

There really are Americans now who would support China/Russia/whatever via blogs/videos just to crush their political opponents and get whatever political mileage!!
Herschel walker was a decent republican? Now I've heard everything...
Herschel walker was a decent republican? Now I've heard everything...

I don't live in 'Hotlanta' myself but I have a WASP, very religious friend, who does a lot of charity there and I value his opinion a lot. He is disgusted that no matter how much he does for the minority there, they never change their ways and even his missionary office can be under threat. He said in the US Senate runoff elections the Republican guy was the decent guy but Democrats flooded GA with outside money to make their compromised candidate win the race. Race politics in big American cities is driving people away. I hope they don't come to my area. We don't want people who ruined their own regions and then go and ruin other places too. We in semi rural and small town areas are happy to be 'hillbillies' if they leave us alone.

As for Trump, fat chance he is actually going to the prison tomorrow. It is a 'white collar' crime. But my understanding is that Trump is already relishing the thought of becoming a 'martyr'. He will milk this!!
As for Trump, fat chance he is actually going to the prison tomorrow. It is a 'white collar' crime. But my understanding is that Trump is already relishing the thought of becoming a 'martyr'. He will milk this!!

Of course he should, and will. And due process will proceed no matter what, too.
Democrats using state machinery to disqualify Trump before the election because they know they don't stand a chance. None of their candidates will muster the popularity needed to defeat Trump.

I will gladly vote for Trump. He virtually ended the war. At the same time, he redirected to military to focus on near-peers like China instead of Afghans. Now the US military is changing its doctrines, weapons to fight a proper adversary instead of ragtag militia. It's increasing deployments and presence in the Pacific. Obama failed in all the above.

Trump cracked down on unfair Chinese trade practices, subsidies, IP theft and inflicted real punishment which Obama was too weak to do. Trump resisted Wall Street to enact these measures. Thanks to this, manufacturing started to return to US shores and MNC began process of diversifying manufacturing to other alternatives aside from China.

Trump crackdown on illegal immigration. There are too many here in the US. These illegal immigrants come here to give birth to kids and gain citizenship. They hide their income and pay virtually no income taxes while still getting food stamps, free tuition for kids, rental assistance, and other handouts. Meanwhile US citizens pay their taxes and usually don't get handouts like these illegals do.

He also cracked down on unfair legal immigration. He put quotas to ensure that Indians aren't the majority of immigrants coming here, which Kamala Harris (half Indian) wants to undo.

Foreign policy was excellent. US had newfound respect without waging war. Chinese were sucking up to Trump. Soleimani got blown up to bits because his boss was talking sh!t. NATO countries were being forced to pay their fair share instead of sitting on fence, buying oil from Russia, and have US protect them for free.
GOP is split between desantis and trump if trump is on the roster. that is then an automatic for the dem candidate if they can come up with a half decent biden speech or alternate.

biden won last time because he was not trump.
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