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Truth be told; cheap attack by indian media on prestigious Muslim University !

No where in the article it is mentioned that the VC remarks were taken out of context. His were clearly sexist of nature,

The reports stem from controversial remarks made by Vice Chancellor (VC) Zameer Uddin Shah. The VC rejected a demand from students of the university's Women's College to use the central Maulana Azad Library, reportedly saying there would be "four times more boys" in the library if girls were allowed in. He added: "The issue is not of discipline, but of space. Our library is packed".

Infact he did say that there would be four times boys if girls are allowed. Space thing was just an added version he later thought of to rectify the mistake he did. But the bullet has already been shot.
Some Think tanks of this forum are so shameless. They feel proud telling everyone how even terrorists/separatist/maoists are among their fan base. Tells a lot about what kind of mindset they have.

I reversed the other one, even though it had sarcasm and insult towards the institution.

But i will grant it to you right here, because you deserve it more here.
That is an incredibly stupid remark. AMU is one of the leading universities, and has had a liberal outlook for decades. It is the target of every scumbag Hindutvavadi because its professors and its graduates, Hindus and Muslims, and every other confession in India, are among leading liberals in the country. There are no retarded mullahs, extremist radical Islamists or "other assorted scum" from AMU.

If you were within distance, I would gladly kick your sorry backside for you. Now pick it up and stay away from a thread dealing with issues that you obviously cannot understand.

So now you have resorted to personal attacks and defending the seat of muslim extremist thought and partition inducing and seperatist spewing madrassah...give yourself a neg rating for it.

You do realise why this extremist breeding ground was recently in the news do you? Or is it that this useless place is more important than Indian media or honor for women?.

I am not a Hindu - not everybody is out to malign your favourite naxals, jamaatis, or freaking mullah deobandi wahaabi SIMI, or IM spewing den called AMU without knowing what crap goes on in there under the guise of religious mumbo jumbo.
I reversed the other one, even though it had sarcasm and insult towards the institution.

But i will grant it to you right here, because you deserve it more here.
Fair enough!! I had to say that because he deserves it. He keeps on personally attacking everyone and I don't even care what he do but twisting my statement to say that i am telling a lie to defame the institutions was not acceptable at all.
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This place has been in the news for all the wrong reasons - lets hope the HRD minister and the NIA look into it and investigates what goes on inside.
Daft and dangerous: Muslim scholar's plan for a militia to fight global jihad - Firstpost

I'm not sure if the name Maulana Syed Salman Hussaini Nadvi will ring a bell in many places. My own first reaction when I heard it was “Nadvi, who?”

But apparently he is a big cheese in Islamic circles.An influential theologian and author of numerous scholarly tomes in Urdu and Arabic, Nadvi is Dean of the Faculty of Shariah at Darul Uloom Nadwa, Lucknow, whose reputation as a premier institution of Islamic teaching ranks in the same class as Darul Uloom, Deoband. He is also a member of the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board and Aligarh Muslim University’s court, its highest decision-making body.

So, what he says matters and carries weight. It is important to stress this because what he has done has shocked even conservative Muslims. Nadvi has written a long and passionate letter (in Arabic!) to the Saudi government offering to raise a militia of 500,000 Sunni Muslim Indian youth as his contribution to a "powerful global Islamic army" he has proposed in order to fight Shia militants in Iraq and "help Muslims in need" elsewhere. The army would become part of a Caliphate that he wants Saudis to set up for the Muslim ummah, the international Muslim community.

He also suggested that terrorists should not be referred to as terrorists as they were engaged in a “noble cause’’ and called for a “confederation’’ of all jihadi organisations so that they could transform themselves into a single “powerful global force”.

Earlier, Nadvi sent fawning greetings to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the notorious Sunni militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and self-appointed caliph of a sharia administration he has set up along Iraq- Syria border.

Nadvi is the only Asian theologian of to have rerecognized Bagdhadi’s “Caliphate’’. But it is his offer of raising an Indian Muslim militia to fight on foreign lands which has caused a stir even in the normally complacent Muslim quarters as it comes amid mounting concern over the increasing radicalisation of young Indian Muslims who had far defied the global Islamisation trend.

Reports that four educated middle class Mumbai Muslim boys (two engineering students, one medical student, and a call centre worker) have fled the country to join jihadisfighting a vicious sectarian war in Iraq and Syria have deepened concerns about home-grown Muslim extremism and put the entire community under the scanner.

It now seems so long ago when the then US President George W. Bush hailedManmohan Singh as the leader of the "most fascinating democracy in the world" pointing out that al-Qaeda hadn't been able to “recruit a single Indian Muslim”. And The Washington Post commented that India’s s "large and tolerant" Muslim population "may serve as an ally against Islamic militancy".
Suddenly, questions are being asked whether Indian Muslims are going the way of Pakistani youth. There are fears that what has started as a trickle with four Mumbai boys could turn into a “flood’’ if not nipped in the bud immediately. The Biju Janata Dal leader Jay Panda rightly reminded us of the Pakistani experience pointing out how “their youth got involved in jihadist activities, later on they came back and started hunting their own country’’.

Nadvi's action, not surprisingly played up by the Urdu press which has its own sectarian agenda, is certain to encourage extremist elements already engaged in brainwashing and radicalising Muslim youth. There is a view that Nadvi may have broken Indian laws against inciting terror and there have been calls for an investigation into his conduct and for him to be stripped of his Indian nationality.

“The worrying thing for me is that this is not just his view. There are many takers for this view. If he is promising to put together an army of five lakh Muslim youth from the Indian sub-continent, essentially India, as he has no influence anywhere else, is he just making a tall claim? Only proper investigation can reveal,’’ wrote Sultan Shahin editor of the progressiveNewAge Islam website which published the text of Nadvi’s letter, both in Arabic and in English translation.

He pointed out that what Nadvi effectively wanted was for Saudi Arabia to “organise a Khilafat for the Muslim Umma, the global Muslim community, which would have a world Islamic Army in which he would contribute five lakh Muslim youth from India’’.
Gender bias or 'biased' reporting?

Indian Muslim university students accuse media of misreporting ban on female students.

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Students at India's Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) are countering national headlines that women are banned from their main library.

The reports stem from controversial remarks made by Vice Chancellor (VC) Zameer Uddin Shah. The VC rejected a demand from students of the university's Women's College to use the central Maulana Azad Library, reportedly saying there would be "four times more boys" in the library if girls were allowed in. He added: "The issue is not of discipline, but of space. Our library is packed".

Shah's remarks sparked accusations of sexism from the media and government officials. He later claimed he was misquoted, and women were in fact allowed access to the library. Shah said only undergraduate students in the Women's College could not be accommodated due to "paucity of space". Students, including women, were also quick to respond to the accusations of gender discrimination, criticising the media for "biased" reporting.

At first, many online, including prominent television channels, politicians and journalists criticised the university for these alleged restrictions.

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If you are really interested to know if it is gender bias or bias reporting, then let me tell you that it is gender bias, and this issue is an old one at AMU, you can google for old reports on this issue, long before Modi became PM. And I think you should not also support the AMU authorities here unless you believe women have lesser right to education. I hope you do understand that there are several ways to deal with "Space problem", if there is any, like dividing all students in different groups and allocating them different times/days in library, apart from building a bigger library from UGC grants.

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I wonder what was the motive of indian media for such cheap attacks on Aligarh University?

The motive is to protect the equal rights of women without discrimination, as ensured in our constitution. And there are many women students who are also fighting for this right, PG students got their right by fighting only.
So now you have resorted to personal attacks and defending the seat of muslim extremist thought and partition inducing and seperatist spewing madrassah...give yourself a neg rating for it.

You do realise why this extremist breeding ground was recently in the news do you? Or is it that this useless place is more important than Indian media or honor for women?.

I am not a Hindu - not everybody is out to malign your favourite naxals, jamaatis, or freaking mullah deobandi wahaabi SIMI, or IM spewing den called AMU without knowing what crap goes on in there under the guise of religious mumbo jumbo.

Nobody called you a Hindu. That isn't a category to be ashamed of, either. The reference was to Hindutvavadis in general, not to you in particular, and Hindutvavadis include - going by the example of this forum - people who are not Hindus.

The AMU is more important than stupid and hysterical Indian media. Its VC made a horrible error and a sexist, biased judgement, and should be criticised for it, but not the institution. The institution is what people make of it, and people have made a noble and venerable seat of learning of it.

Naxals, Jamaatis and "freaking mullah deobandi wahaabi SIMI" have nothing to do with it except one thing; idiots like you should learn that Deoband is not Wahabi. Your choice of words shows your Islamophobia. It is not surprising to see you spouting venom against AMU; you wouldn't have noticed the post if it had related to something called the Aligarh University.
I am bad mouthing AMU. Are you out of your mind? Simi was founded in AMU and Jamia Milia Islamia. It is outlawed I hope you know that and when it got outlawed many of its member turned to Indian Mujahideen. This is a fact and I think in your dictionary only speaking facts is equivalent to bad mouthing. Don't just give negative rating if you can not digest truth old man!! Also it is none of your business to tell me what I can write here and what I can not and I know about the two universities more than you think you do.

@WebMaster - please tell me what in my post deserved a negative rating. This man has a habit of giving negative ratings to anyone who don't agree to him. I never bad mouthed AMU or JMI and can never think of doing that because many in family have taught at the two prestigious universities. But it is a fact SIMI was founded in AMU.

He is a known terrorist supporter. For him university which has banned jeans for women and public library is representative of liberalism. Also look his justification for reservations for Muslims in a central govt funded university. Apparently, the students of AMU could have flown a plane into WTC and he would have considered that a liberal act.

Hope the security agencies are keeping an eye at this guy's activities in Kashmir.
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He is a known terrorist supporter. For him university which has banned jeans for women and public library is representative of liberalism. Also look his justification for reservations for Muslims in a central govt funded university. Apparently, the students of AMU could have flown a plane into WTC and he would have considered that a liberal act.

Hope the security agencies are keeping an eye at this guy's activities in Kashmir.


I am hosted by one particular security agency, or, strictly speaking, a branch of a security agency, with which I had connections fifteen years ago, and my meetings with civilians are in public places.

Since you are blinded by your hatred of Muslims, you might not have noticed that reservations exist only for professional programmes, not for general education programmes.

And, no, in the hypothetical case that students of the AMU had flown a plane into the WTC buildings, I would not have considered that a liberal act. It would have been a terrorist act.

I note with disapprobation your continued slandering of an eminent institution, solely on the grounds that it has a distant affiliation with Islam.
"Muslim university"

Aligarh Muslim University is as much muslim as Islamic state of Syria and Levant is Islamic .

Muslim in AMU's name is a legacy of era gone by ( if you ask which era google why Sir Syed Amhed Khan founded it ) .

AMU is open to all like other national universities .


It used to be what you are saying it is, but in 2011 or 12, government declared it a Muslim University and allowed it to have 50% reservation for muslims.

That is an incredibly stupid remark. AMU is one of the leading universities, and has had a liberal outlook for decades. It is the target of every scumbag Hindutvavadi because its professors and its graduates, Hindus and Muslims, and every other confession in India, are among leading liberals in the country. There are no retarded mullahs, extremist radical Islamists or "other assorted scum" from AMU.

If you were within distance, I would gladly kick your sorry backside for you. Now pick it up and stay away from a thread dealing with issues that you obviously cannot understand.

Whatt are you babbling about?

I live in New Friends colony, Delhi , which is next to JMI, and from my personal experience i could tell that JMI is anything but liberal.

And JMI is AMUlite. SIMI was conceived in the unholy premise of AMU and JMI.

In creation of Pakistan,AMU led from front.

Or are you insinuating the meaning of "Liberal" as colloquial ie Fanatic Hindu hate rather than literal ie tolerance to every viewpoint.
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Daft and dangerous: Muslim scholar's plan for a militia to fight global jihad - Firstpost

I'm not sure if the name Maulana Syed Salman Hussaini Nadvi will ring a bell in many places. My own first reaction when I heard it was “Nadvi, who?”

But apparently he is a big cheese in Islamic circles.An influential theologian and author of numerous scholarly tomes in Urdu and Arabic, Nadvi is Dean of the Faculty of Shariah at Darul Uloom Nadwa, Lucknow, whose reputation as a premier institution of Islamic teaching ranks in the same class as Darul Uloom, Deoband. He is also a member of the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board and Aligarh Muslim University’s court, its highest decision-making body.

So, what he says matters and carries weight. It is important to stress this because what he has done has shocked even conservative Muslims. Nadvi has written a long and passionate letter (in Arabic!) to the Saudi government offering to raise a militia of 500,000 Sunni Muslim Indian youth as his contribution to a "powerful global Islamic army" he has proposed in order to fight Shia militants in Iraq and "help Muslims in need" elsewhere. The army would become part of a Caliphate that he wants Saudis to set up for the Muslim ummah, the international Muslim community.

He also suggested that terrorists should not be referred to as terrorists as they were engaged in a “noble cause’’ and called for a “confederation’’ of all jihadi organisations so that they could transform themselves into a single “powerful global force”.

Earlier, Nadvi sent fawning greetings to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the notorious Sunni militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and self-appointed caliph of a sharia administration he has set up along Iraq- Syria border.

Nadvi is the only Asian theologian of to have rerecognized Bagdhadi’s “Caliphate’’. But it is his offer of raising an Indian Muslim militia to fight on foreign lands which has caused a stir even in the normally complacent Muslim quarters as it comes amid mounting concern over the increasing radicalisation of young Indian Muslims who had far defied the global Islamisation trend.

Reports that four educated middle class Mumbai Muslim boys (two engineering students, one medical student, and a call centre worker) have fled the country to join jihadisfighting a vicious sectarian war in Iraq and Syria have deepened concerns about home-grown Muslim extremism and put the entire community under the scanner.

It now seems so long ago when the then US President George W. Bush hailedManmohan Singh as the leader of the "most fascinating democracy in the world" pointing out that al-Qaeda hadn't been able to “recruit a single Indian Muslim”. And The Washington Post commented that India’s s "large and tolerant" Muslim population "may serve as an ally against Islamic militancy".
Suddenly, questions are being asked whether Indian Muslims are going the way of Pakistani youth. There are fears that what has started as a trickle with four Mumbai boys could turn into a “flood’’ if not nipped in the bud immediately. The Biju Janata Dal leader Jay Panda rightly reminded us of the Pakistani experience pointing out how “their youth got involved in jihadist activities, later on they came back and started hunting their own country’’.

Nadvi's action, not surprisingly played up by the Urdu press which has its own sectarian agenda, is certain to encourage extremist elements already engaged in brainwashing and radicalising Muslim youth. There is a view that Nadvi may have broken Indian laws against inciting terror and there have been calls for an investigation into his conduct and for him to be stripped of his Indian nationality.

“The worrying thing for me is that this is not just his view. There are many takers for this view. If he is promising to put together an army of five lakh Muslim youth from the Indian sub-continent, essentially India, as he has no influence anywhere else, is he just making a tall claim? Only proper investigation can reveal,’’ wrote Sultan Shahin editor of the progressiveNewAge Islam website which published the text of Nadvi’s letter, both in Arabic and in English translation.

He pointed out that what Nadvi effectively wanted was for Saudi Arabia to “organise a Khilafat for the Muslim Umma, the global Muslim community, which would have a world Islamic Army in which he would contribute five lakh Muslim youth from India’’.

I think @Joe Shearer should respond to this, since he believes that AMU is fountainhead of liberalism.

From my PoV, dedicated muslim Universities promote feeling of otherness among Muslims and turn them into fifth column. Halal standards and Islamic finance divides economy on Muslim/Non-Muslim lines, Ghetto living severs personal contact, and now dedicated Islamic Universities cut muslims off from mainstream.

All ingredients of turning muslims into fifth column by their Azlaf masters is complete.

The reserved courses are in the post-grad professional courses - engineering, medicine, life sciences, that sort of thing. At undergrad level, everything is absolutely equal.

Which World do you live in?

Last UPA government declared AMU and JMI as Muslim Universities, and these Universities have constituted 50% muslim reservation across the board.

'Jamia a minority institution, can reserve 50 pc seats for Muslims' - Rediff.com News

Aligarh Muslim University: 50% quota for Muslims creates a storm, UPA govt in tight spot : EDUCATION - India Today

50% reservation for Muslims at AMU - The Times of India

Add to that 25% internal reservation and true extent of Muslim reservation comes out to be 75%.

post-grad professional courses

Older version.

Npow all courses are reserved.
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He is a known terrorist supporter. For him university which has banned jeans for women and public library is representative of liberalism. Also look his justification for reservations for Muslims in a central govt funded university. Apparently, the students of AMU could have flown a plane into WTC and he would have considered that a liberal act.

Hope the security agencies are keeping an eye at this guy's activities in Kashmir.
hik hik..Jeans/T shirts are banned in many other non Muslim educational institutions,including the government ones..So its not fair to blame any,just because you hate them..
Reservation-You are right,Reservation should be based on ones economic strata irrespective of caste/religion...Its made available to the economic backward sections of upper classes...
There is something major wrong with anyone who supports that Women should not be allowed to enter a Library. This is India, not Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, this will not be allowed.
man o man, again you take the name of Pakistan in derogatory manners, when the news is totally about India. Why can't you indians stop the spins and act as truthful humans.

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